Please Note: Links from within any of the following archived material may not work.
Starting with the December 2016 Parish Council meeting, approved PC meeting minutes will be available for viewing on this website via the Parish Council page. Minutes for any previous meetings can be inspected by arrangement by contacting the Parish Council Chairman or the Parish Clerk (contact details on Parish Council page).
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, 8th December 2016.
At their December meeting, topics covered by the Parish Council included: setting of the Parish Precept at an increase of 3.82% for 2017/2018; rights of way clearance; removal of a payphone on the A36 (according to BT this box had had no use in the past year); the council's objection to adding a footpath through Mean Wood to the definitive map, on the grounds that it is a permissive footpath rather than a public one; an invitation to villagers to meet their parish councillors and find out more about the council at the Annual Parish Meeting, scheduled for 16th March; and the fact that from now on meeeting minutes will not only be available for inspection by arrangement with the Parish Council chairman, as before, but will also be published on this website. For more information about the foregoing and some other items discussed, click here.
100+ CLUB ANNUAL SUPPER, 10th December 2016
Sue King writes: "A great time was had by all at the annual supper for the 100+ Club. This event raises funds to assist the running of our Memorial Centre. The profit raised this year was just over £700.
There are a number of thank-yous required to:
Breakaway club members, who delivered invitations; made food; helped set up the hall and clear away; and sold raffle tickets.
Memorial Trust trustees, who produced the invitations and tickets; organised and ran the bar; made food; organised the draws; helped set up and clear away; ran the PA system for the evening and organised the quiz.
Maddie Cooper (right), who gave a superb singing programme enjoyed by all—she sang for her supper, which was very generous of her.
The shop staff, who sold the tickets.
Keith Hobbs, who made posters,
And last but not least, thanks to 100+ club members who also contributed some food, and to members and other residents who bought tickets.
The Breakaway club was happy to take on the challenge to organise this event – which club would like to take on the task for 2017????
Offers at the Memorial Trust AGM please!"
[Which will be at 10.00 am on Saturday the 28th January, in the Cowesfield Room.]
Over the Christmas holiday period, all household waste and recycling collections bar one will be made on the normal Fridays . The only "displaced" collection is the first household waste collection after Christmas, which will be on Saturday December 31st. So December/January household waste collections will be made on December 2nd, 13th, and 31st; and on January 13th and 27th. Blue-top bin and black box recycling collections will be on December 9th and 23rd; and on January 6th and 20th. You can download a handy calendar showing collection days up to July 2017 from the Wiltshire Council website by clicking here, entering your postcode, and clicking on the "Download . . ." link towards the bottom of the page.
The next meeting of the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) will be in Alderbury Village Hall on Thursday 1st December, starting at 7.00 pm—however police will be on hand from 6.30 pm to chat about any local issues you might want to raise. Items on the agenda include the Rural Crime Partnership, Community Policing, funding for youth activities, the footpath project, health and wellbeing, and grants. For the full agenda and map showing how to get to the venue, click here.
Despite some horrible weather that evening, the "Rising Stars" musical show held in the church on the evening of 19th November did very well for the charitable causes supported, raising £280 for Children in Need, and for the upkeep of All Saints Church. For more about the event, and some photos, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, 3rd November 2016.
At their November meeting, the Parish Council as usual covered a number of topics, but unusually they were nearly all connected with roads. Apparently Wiltshire Council will not be selecting the A27 for their Freight Assessment and Priority Mechanism (whatever that means–not sure if it's good or bad); and, to cut a long story short, we won't be getting a 20mph speed limit on the A27 through the village centre. However the existing 20mph limit along Common Rd is eligible as a Community Speedwatch Area. Finally on the roads theme, the meeting notes also include instructions on how to report highway issues. Other news includes the council recommending refusal of the current Brickworth Quarry planning application; and information about the Parish Steward scheme, and rights of way clearance. For more information, click here.

The 2016 display, kindly staged by Pains Fireworks behind the Parish Lantern on November 12th, lived up to its billing and was indeed truly spectacular. Rain had been threatened but happily it stayed dry, as on so many previous display nights, and what many thought was the best display ever was enjoyed by what could well have been the most spectators ever. Kudos to the school PTA and other helpers, too, for a well-organised and well-marshalled event, which raised over £6000 for Whiteparish School. There's more information, plus some photographs, on the PTA's Facebook page.
The above photo is the least bad of a bunch of exposures that the website photographer managed to mess up on the night, but perhaps it manages to give an impression of the display. If anyone has a reasonably sharp selection of photos taken of the 2016 display that they'd like included as a gallery on the website–because we don't–please get in touch!
As the festive season approaches, and most of us do at least some present shopping online, we need to be on the alert for new tricks from the ever-busy internet scammers. We received a couple of examples today. They looked at first sight like the normal "Your Amazon order has despatched . . ." notifications, except that (a) instead of the subject line including a description of what you ordered, it includes a reference number, and (b) there's an attachment (sometimes a zip file, sometimes a docm file). If you receive one of these emails, just delete it–and on no account open the attachment, which will almost certainly contain some kind of "malware". For more details of this particular variety of scam, click here.
The organisers have asked us to feature this interesting-sounding event, which of course we're happy to do.

FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR: Don't forget your tickets!

The annual fireworks display will be on Saturday 12th November behind the Parish Lantern, with gates opening at 6.00 pm and the display itself–which really does live up to the "spectacular" in the title–starting at 7.00 pm. The event is organised by the Whiteparish School PTA for the benefit of the school, but kindly sponsored and staged by Pains Fireworks. You can save money by buying tickets in advance from the village shop, where they are available until noon on display day. The cost is £6.00 for each adult, £4.00 for a child, but family tickets for two adults and two children (or one adult and three children) can be had for £16.00. If you buy at the gate, each adult ticket costs £7.00, each child ticket costs £5.00; please note that no family tickets are available at the gate. Refreshments will be available, including mulled wine. The organisers ask that you please do not bring sparklers to the display.
If you are able to help and make the event run smoothly, please contact Claire Allen through the PTA Facebook page (, where you can also find any late updates) or via the school office.
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, 22nd September 2016.
Topics covered at this meeting included a visit by PC Matt Holland and PCSO Tina Roylance to brief councillors on changes in local policing responsibilities, a New Forest Draft Local Plan consultation (ends 28th November 2016), parking outside schools, possible conservation projects within the village, and the need to sign up for a free permit if you wish to take material to a household recycling centre in a van or large trailer. For more information, click here.
Each year Wiltshire County Council reviews how much reduction in Council Tax is given to people of working age. At the moment the council are running a consultation relating to changes to their current scheme, which will apply from 1 April 2017. If you would like to take part, you can click here to find out more, and then go on to complete what they claim is a five-minute survey. Some kudos to Wilts Council, then, for having at least some form of consultation; however the survey may not have been widely publicised. We only got to hear about it because—apparently by virtue of running the website—we are members of a "Community Area Network", whatever that means. On the face of it, limiting participation in this way doesn't seem a very democratic way, and possibly not a very efficient way, of gathering a good and representative spread of opinion . . . The survey will be available at the above link until the 19th November 2016.
Two further documents relating to the Parish Council accounts for 2015/16 have ben added to the collection of such documents already available for inspection on the website. They are the "Notice of Conclusion of Audit" and the "External Auditor Certiicate & Report", which can be viewed on the Parish Council page by clicking here.
Topics covered at this meeting included the reintroduction of the Parish Steward Scheme, parking on Common Rd, the registration of the Parish Lantern by Wiltshire Council as an "Asset of Community Value", and overgrowing vegetation near footpaths and pavements. For more information, click here.
The Garden Club page now includes a list of cup winners and a report of chairwoman Karon Dyson's speech at the Garden & Hobbies Show on the 20th August. Following surprisingly promptly after the event itself, there is now also a set of photos of the show in the website's galleries section. (Thanks as ever to Keith Hobbs for providing them.) Keith wrote: "It was an excellent show . . . the flowers and veg were surprisingly good particularly when considering the weather we had in recent months – cold followed by heat and then torrential rain. The prizes were presented by Colin Iles, the recently retired chairman of the club."
We understand that there were as many as 370 entries across all classes—the highest figure since 2004—and it certainly felt busier at the show that afternoon in the Memorial Hall than in some recent years. To go to the Garden Club page, click here. To see the photo gallery of the show, click here.
The 2016 Garden and Hobbies Show will be on Saturday 20th August 2016, opening at 2.30 pm. All villagers, their families, and friends are invited to enter the show, which is run by the Garden Club for the benefit of the village, and to keep the tradition alive. (First records give a date of 1896 as the first show.) The club would really like to see a greater number of entries in all categories but particularly from children, who can win cash prizes!
Please take the time to look at the Schedule and see what you could enter this year.
The Schedule can be found in the August Issue of Steeple & Street magazine. However, if you don't have acccess to a copy, you can download a reproduction of the schedule by clicking here.
Apologies to anyone who tried to find the list of forthcoming events for August 2016 (under the heading of News and Events) in the last couple of weeks. We did update the page, but, er, forgot to upload it to the server. We'll try not to do it again . . .
NEW PHOTO GALLERY: Garden Club Barbecue
The latest photo gallery in the website's growing collection has a few shots taken at this year's Garden Club summer barbecue, kindly provided by Ilona Hocking. To see them, click here.
The 14th July Meeting of the Memorial Trust seems to have covered some interesting topics, including the way the trust itself operates. To streamline their activities, it was proposed that individual working groups be formed within the trust which would have responsibility for (a) the grounds (basically all outside areas), (b) car parking, (c) Memorial Centre management, (d) Fundraising events, and (e) the 100+ Club. Just a few of the other topics covered included booking and payment for use of the MUGA, proposed charges for pitch hire in 2016/2017, and ways of marketing the Memorial Hall more effectively as a venue for weddings etc. To read the minutes in full, click here.
The Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB), which holds meetings roughly at two-monthly intervals at various locations around the bottom half of the county, will be holding one in Whiteparish's Memorial Hall on Thursday 28th July, at 7.00 pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend, and you can read the agenda by clicking here.
Many of us will remamber the old Salisbury District Council (SDC), which was abolished in 2009. For all its faults, the SDC did offer a certain level of local democracy which was completely swept away with the SDC's demise. As compensation, we got the area boards (though to be fair they were never represented as being exact replacements for the previous council). But this fairly rare visit to Whiteparish gives us an opportunity to learn more about SWAB, what it gets up to, and what it can offer us.
At their meeting on 7th July 2016, parish councillors expressed their thanks to residents for keeping the village smart, which had resulted in Whiteparish being judged second Best-Kept village in South Wilts this year. The council agreed to pay for souvenir bookmarks which were given to primary school children to mark the Queen's 90th Birthday, and also agreed that rugby posts could be installed on the Memorial Ground. Other topics covered included action for Romsey Rd potholes, and the procedure for reporting highway issues. For more detail, click here for the meeting notes.
On Thursday, 28th July, Whiteparish All Saints Church choir will return to Salisbury Cathedral to sing evensong. The service is at 5.30pm and lasts about 40 minutes. As before, in March, the choir has answered something of an SOS from the cathedral administrators, who have again been let down by the late cancellation of a week-long visit from a visiting choir; their own choir by then being on holiday.
The music to be sung during the service will be as follows:
- Responses by Ayleward
- Psalm 138
- Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis to a setting for three voices in G by Charles Wood
- The anthem "Awake, put on thy strength" by Michael Wise (the one-time Salisbury Cathedral organist who died in 1687, in the cathedral close, after being hit over the head by the bill-hook of a night-watchman who got into a quarrel with him!).
We've added a new photo gallery for the annual Whiteparish Village Fete which was held on the 18th June this year. As in previous years, we couldn"t cover all the stalls and/or activities on the field, but hopefully the photos will convey a flavour of what was going on. This year we've included captions; if we got any facts wrong (especially about the vehicles or agricultural machinery), please let us know and we'll correct them. The 2016 Fete gallery can be seen by clicking here. To see a menu of all galleries, click here. More about the fete to follow soon.
On the 20th July, between 3.00pm and 7.30pm, Raymond Brown Aggregates (RBA) are mounting a planning exhibition in the Memorial Hall about extensions to the Brickworth Sand Quarry. For some minimal information on a flyer about the event, click here. For further information or questions about the event, RBA invite phone calls on 023 8027 3750.

The Community First Responder (CFR) group in Whiteparish remains active and privileged in providing cover for the village and supporting local groups with First Aid training, awareness sessions and cover at local events. The group meets monthly to refresh training and if any user groups would like us to attend any of their meetings please get in touch. As well as the regular training the group also attends an annual Study Day when CFRs from across Wiltshire come together. This year's Study Day took place in June in West Lavington which saw 60 Wiltshire CFRs hear from the Stroke society, Dementia charity and speakers from the Ambulance service. The highlight of the day was seeing the Wiltshire Air Ambulance land and the advanced paramedic crew join the meeting to highlight the valuable resource that this and the five other air ambulances across the South West provide to communities such as ours. The Wiltshire Air Ambulance is funded entirely donations and more information is on their website.
For more photos of the day, click here.
Jackie Hawker (884 127)
Galleries of Queen's Birthday-related and Fete-week-related photos seem to be flooding in at the moment. There's one from the Village Picnic held on Sunday 12th June in preparation, and meanwhile we've received a load of nice photos from Keith Hobbs taken at the Breakaway Club's celebration Tea Party held in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 15th June. To view them, featuring as fine a collection of titfers and fascinators (see any good dictionary) as you're ever likely to find in one room on a Wednesday in Whiteparish, click here!
If you'd like to take part in the scarecrow-judging competition—and Sultry Suzy Scarecrow, left, thinks you definitely should—but you're wondering how on earth you'll find the time to check out all the entries round the village and choose a favourite before the closing date (Friday 12th), the website can help! We have a new photo gallery showing all the scarecrows that had been entered in the competition by last week, with a few extra ones. So if you've not handed in your choice of best scarecrow at the shop yet, you can still view all the entries without having to leave your armchair. And in case you haven't collected your entry form from the shop, there's still time. You can view the scarecrow photos by clicking here. (And if you need to check how the competition works, click here to see the competition poster.) Good Luck !
To judge by Keith Hobbs' photos of this outing, Garden Club members picked a perfect day for their trip! Keith's photos are in a new gallery on the website, which you can see by clicking here.
By all accounts the picnic was a great success, and the many villagers who enjoyed it hardly got wet at all ! Some photos to follow soon.
At the Parish Council's 25th May meeting, existing councillors welcomed Mrs Julie Bell as a new co-opted member, with responsibilities for school liaison and planning; Trevor King and Mike Hayday were re-elected to their roles as Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, and other councillors were assigned various roles. Other topics covered included approval of the past financial year's accounts and the re-intoduction of the Parish Steward Scheme regarding maintenance work. We are also reminded that if you want to have the council discuss any particular topic, the Parish Clerk must receive your request to have the topic put on the meeting agenda at least seven days before the meeting.
For the full meeting notes, click here. To go to the Parish Council page, where you can find the current list of councillors and their responsibilities, links to the accounts mentioned above, and links to parish council notes going back over the last 11 years (and counting), click here.
The next meeting of the South Wilts Area Board will be held at the Trafalgar School, Downton, starting at the slightly earlier time of 6.45 pm on Thursday 26th May. Apparently there will be a "Busy agenda with a focus on our Area Board themes (older people, footpaths and conservation) and 13 grants to be determined." To see the full agenda, which includes links to further detail about work on these themes, including the grant submissions, click here. It looks as if there may still be some money in the 2016/7 kitty for further grants, even if all the grant applications currently being considered are approved. So if any Whiteparish organisations need funding during the current financial year for specific projects, it may be worth looking up the rules for submitting grant applications. The agenda has a link under item 13 that can take you to this information.
Topics covered at the Parish Council's 21st April meeting included a mooted footpath by the village shop, a change of volunteer co-ordinator for the South Wiltshire Paths Group (and a call for volunteers to do footpath maintenance); and news of a current vacancy for a parish councillor. For more information about these and other items covered, click here.
Why the question mark? Because the May 12, 2016 edition () of the Salisbury Journal carries the front page headline "Council denies plan to cut buses", and reports Councillor Philip Whitehead, Wiltshire Council cabinet member for transport, maintaining that "The scenarios depicted in [the recent] consultation were not proposed cuts. They were there to seek impact assessments".
The Journal went on to report Councillor Whitephead as saying that Wiltshire Council is "probably the only authority in the UK this year which is not making cuts to the buses and there are no plans to cut the buses." But as the Journal points out, he made no mention of plans after the election in May next year. The Journal had quite a lot on this story—very important, to pensioners, in rural areas of the county—some of which is at this link.
According to the two most recent crime reports forwarded by PC Clissold, the overall trend in March and April was down. In March, six of the 13 local communities covered had no crimes in the categories that find their way into these reports, with Whiteparish suffering more than our fair share with three: an illegal immigrant found and arrested, and thefts of a pair of ferrets and a bird scarer. (Autobiographical aside: At least one half of the website staff isn't very keen on ferrets, since the day when he left our back door ajar and one of these wee beasties from a nearby farm trit-trotted across the kitchen and, unprovoked, sank its fangs into his big toe . . . )
In April, Whiteparish just had one incident recorded, a theft; but Winterslow suffered 11 instances of windows smashed—ten of them on a single day and all of those inflicted by golf balls! As the report says: "You may well have seen the Community message and the press release in relation to the number of damages that occurred overnight in the village of Winterslow. These incidents are still under investigation by the neighbourhood policing team." For more details, click here for the report of March crimes; click here for April.
Currently on sale in the village shop are the few remaining copies of what Whiteparish's "Banyan Club" maintain is the final edition of Roof and Alley. Physically, this fine publication looks very like a local village magazine with a similar title, but that's where any resemblance ends! You could say it's a final distillation of the wit and wisdom of this eminent group of beer samplers, sages, philosophers, and put-the-world-to-rightsers. The club's origins are lost in the mists of time but rumoured to have been in the Fountain Inn (rip) in a previous century. But let's hope that even though Whiteparish is now down to one pub (hopefully only temporarily), some of the Banyaners are still managing to make it up the hill to the Parish Lantern to keep the club spirit alive.
Roof and Alley contains a typical Banyaner mix of musings, poems, jokes, reminiscences, and impenetrable references to people you've probably never heard of! It costs just £2.00, and all profits go to Naomi House.
If you're interested in what the Whiteparish Memorial Charitable Trust get up to, the minutes of their 14th April meeting give a pretty good impression of the breadth of their responsibilities, covering everything from mole control to the "gravity bowl bearing" (whatever that is) in the MUGA needing attention, and a host of other matters. You can see the minutes by clicking here.
The Trust's next meeting will be in the
Cowesfield Room at 8:00 pm on the 26th May. Members of the public welcome.
Whiteparish has again been entered into the annually run Best Kept Village Competition, organised by the Wiltshire branch of the CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England). Judging will take place in early summer, but we don't yet know exactly when (and perhaps it will be a secret until the day of the inspection?).
According to the CPRE Wiltshire website, "Judging is based on a written submission and a site visit focuses primarily on communal buildings and public areas such as village greens, footpaths, car parks, noticeboards, bus shelters etc. The judges will be looking for evidence of a vibrant village which puts time and effort into its Clubs and Organisations and keeps litter and general untidiness to a minimum." So please help by keeping the village tidy, and pick up any litter you can. Last year Whiteparish came third in the Large Villages category. Let's try to do even better in 2016!
Wiltshire Council Trading Standards team have issued a warning about fake tree surgeons who are reportedly scamming county residents. Householders should be on their guard against cold calling by rogue traders who claim they have spotted diseqsed trees which need felling. The standards team say that in the cases investigated, there was no evidence that the trees in question were diseased. For more information, click here
Preparations for this year's Fete and associated events seem to be coming together pretty well, with many stalls, entertainments, and other attractions already "signed up". At the end-March meeting of the committee, we learned that £850-worth of sponsorship had already been promised–a really good start. If you are interested in being a sponsor, or in having space at the fete to showcase your products or services, please contact Sue Welling on 01794 885765. All profits from the Fete, Bands Night, and other events go to help All Saints School and All Saints Church.
There is some as-yet fairly skimpy information about these events on the website's Fete Page, which we will add to over the next few weeks as arrangements are confirmed.
Just to let you know that as from early April the services calendar on the website's All Saints Church page has been restored to health and is working again. Not because of anything we did, but presumably the hosting company changed a setting somewhere in the web server, and bingo! (Strange, because they'd said they couldn't do anything about the fault. Guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.)
We received a new variation on the email phishing scam today; it's simple but because of its apparent authenticity it just might fool the unwary. What's different about this one is that everything about it looks as if it could be kosher. The salutation gives a correct name (yours), with correct middle initial; your home address, quoted in the middle of the email, is spot on. The company name, on whose behalf the sender claims to be acting, is that of a genuine UK company (but presumably picked at random by the naughty software that put the email together). To see the format of the email, with personal info redacted, click here
UPDATE: If you get an email like this, or a variation, don't be fooled, and whatever you do don't click on the link in the middle of the email! Doing so will link to a "ransomware" program called Maktub, which can encrypt your files and demand a ransom for decrypting them. According to the story featured on the BBC website today (8th April 2016), "It's incredibly fast and by the time the warning message had appeared on the screen it had already encrypted everything of value on the hard drive - it happens in seconds," Mr Brandt told the BBC.
This is a nasty one. The usual rules apply: if an email arrives from a source you don't recognise, and especially if it includes a link, be deeply suspicious and don't click the link—the email's probably a scam.
HISTORY GROUP AGM (plus "historical recipes"!)
The Annual General Meeting of the Whiteparish History and Environmental Association (to use its full name) will take place in the Memorial Centre's Cowesfield Room on
Thursday 28 April 2016, starting at 7.30 pm.
Proceedings will include proposals for committee members for 2016—17. All current committee members are prepared to continue but new volunteers would
be most welcome to ensure that we continue to provide an interesting
The speaker at the AGM will be Sue Jones, exploring some "Historical
Recipes" including Wiltshire Buttermilk Cake and Devizes Cheesecakes.
There will be demonstrations and, we are assured, tastings. Members free and guests £3.00.
Membership for 2016-17 will be £12.50 per person.
For any further information, please contact David Pantling on 884537.
At their meeting on 16th March, the Breakaway Club's speaker was Tony Phillips, who gave what sounds like a very interesting talk about the regimental badges cut into the chalk hillside at Fovant. For a summary of Tony's talk, and/or more about the club, click here.
The 14th of March 2016 saw the 2016 Annual Parish Meeting and a regular Parich Council meeting held back-to-back in the Cowesfield Room of the Memorial Centre. During the well-attended Annual Parish Meeting, with 21 members of the public present, plus County Councillor Richard Britton, the main topics of discussion were parking and traffic hazards in The Street, and possible celebrations of the Queens 90th birthday in June. For a fairly full account of the points raised, click here.
During the regular Parish Council meeting that followed, the main topics discussed were thanks to Councillor Colin Bray who was retiring after 17 years service on the Council, the Queen's birthday again, and a proposal to ask for John Glen MP's support for a 20mph speed limit along The Street. For the meeting notes, click here.
It seems that the latest monthly crime report (for February) present a deceptively quiet picture! As PC Clissold writes in the accompanying email:
"Apologies for the lateness, but better late than never. A large number of missing persons and domestic reports mean that the actual crime bulletin looks a little thinner than normal." To see the report for Whiteparish and 12 other nearby communities, click here.
Apologies if you have tried to go to the All Saints Church page recently to check the forthcoming services and times, only to see an error message where the calendar feature used to be. The server company who host the website tell us that they have stopped supporting the kind of database that the calendar feature looks up (thanks, guys . . . ). We should have the feature working again soon. Meanwhile, the services are of course listed in Steeple & Street, or you can also find them on the Clarendon (Clergy) Team's website by clicking here and selecting the appropriate tab at the bottom of the page.
Whiteparishioners living near the village centre will probably know about this already, but others may not, so . . .
A notice recently appeared in one of the King's Head's windows, dated 29th February 2016, from Kingshead Whiteparish (LLP), of 3 Hopgardens. It sets out possible ways forward for the KH, and will be of interest to anyone who'd like to se the old place open and serving the village again—especially now that the Fountain has closed. The notice is a bit big to put on the the home page in its entirety, but you can view the content by clicking here. Keep your fingers crossed . . .
Please note that the date for the the Memorial Trust Management Committee's March meeting, previously published as being Tuesday 8th March 2016, has been changed to Thursday 10th March, at 7.30 pm in the Cowesfield Room.
Amongst the topics covered during the most recent Parish Council meeting were: the latest planning application in relation to Brickworth Quarry; a Wilts Council Highways engineers report about The Street; the March road closures in Dean Lane and Moor Lane; the County Council's Bus Service Consultation; input from PC Clissold about inconsiderate parking; and the need for more volunteers to help with footpath clearing and "kissing gates". For more about these, click here to see the meeting notes.
It's good to see that the Salisbury Journal has taken up the cudgels on behalf of rural areas like ours that may lose their bus services or suffer serious cuts to them after the County Council's current "Consultation" on the subject (see earlier story). The 11th February issue introduced the subject with a powerful front page story and editorial under the "Journal Comment" heading. The 18th February issue followed up with news stories on pages 4 and 5, some lively and trenchant comments (all negative) on the Letters pages (p 28). One correspondent made a particularly interesting point: that people taking part in the consultation should read the questions very carefully. She wrote "Beware of the consultation questionnaire. The multiple choice answers are skewed in order to give an answer Wiltshire Council wants to hear rather than what your need for a bus service is." That's only one person's take, but it doesn't sound like bad advice! The same Journal issue also announced the launch of an online petition. (Please note that the petition is not the same as the Council's Consultation exercise!) If you want to go straight to the petition, click here.
There is a link to the County Council's Consultation survey in our earlier story, down the page.
According to the most recent local crime bulletin, the first month of 2016 was another relatively quiet month in our immediate area. Only 8 of the 13 villages and communities that are covered reported any crimes (in the qualifying categories). Whiteparish wasn't one of them, though, with two burglaries. For more details, click here.
The Whiteparish Memorial Charitable Trust (to give its full name) held its AGM on 23 January, 2016; with 16 members of the public present. This meeting was important not just because it was the AGM of the body responsible for the Memorial Ground and Memorial Centre, but also because two long-serving trustees (Geoff Mortimer and chairman Sid Roberts) were retiring. You can read the meeting report by clicking here, but we thought it would nice to include the brief summary of outgoing chairman Sid Roberts' final report here as well:
"The Chairman delivered the final report of his term . He recounted his 36 year involvement in the old Memorial Hall Trust and the current trust. He spoke of the long and expensive process of combining the two Trusts and the crucial role played by Shelia Campbell and the Parish Council.
He told of the process of raising funds and the thanks due to Shelia Campbell and Linda Palmer in dealing the paperwork required. He gave the example of the £50,000 sourced from the Football Foundation where the returned forms weighed 3½ kg.
The Centre has now been open for 2 years and is at present generating sufficient funds to cover the basic running costs. The building has more daytime capacity than is currently booked, but that is an
issue faced by all village halls.
The Trustees have been able to keep the fees at a low level, to the benefit of user
groups. But they need more support from regular users, both in the way the hall is used and in providing feedback and suggesting solutions.
He asked all regular user village organisations to send a representative along to Trust meetings
which are held every 6 weeks or so.
He ended by giving thanks to all the Trustees he has worked with, in particular
Geoff Mortimer, who is also retiring at this time, and gave particular thanks to Mr and Mrs Twine,
without whom it would be impossible to run the hall."
At their meeting on 12th January, 2016, the Parish Council heard about, or discussed: The Parish Precept, a safety survey of The Street, an application to de-register some common land, a county-council survey regarding subsidised bus services, and plans to clean up the village in preparation for the Queen's 90th Birthday celebrations this coming spring. There are also to be some road closures in March affecting Dean Lane and Moor Lane. For more details, click here.
The Passenger Transport Unit of Wiltshire Council are currently conducting a survey of attitudes to subsidised bus services, and the "consultation period" ends on the 4th April (2016) at 4.00 pm. Although they claim that no decisions have been made, there is a clear intention for at least some services that are currently the subject of a local-government subsidy to suffer a reduction or removal of the subsidy, with the inevitable consequence of a reduction or removal of some services, and possibly of some routes.
The Transport Unit are asking for input whether you are a bus user or not, so if you are concerned about the future of bus services in the county, and in particular in our rural area, please complete the survey. Introductory information is at this web address; while the survey itself can be found by clicking here. Without wishing to be controversial, one imagines that some of our esteemed leaders in County HQ might find it quite difficult to imagine themselves as OAPs, with no transport of their own, living out in the rural areas that make up the vast majority of the county, and facing the prospect of their one lifeline being chopped. So the survey is an opportunity to give Trowbridge a hint.
To judge from the most recent local crime bulletin, December 2015 was a relatively quiet month in our immediate area. Across all of the 13 villages and communities that are covered, a total of only 16 crimes (in the qualifying categories) were reported. Seven of these were criminal damage to vehicles. Whiteparish almost made it right through the month with "no reported incidents", but what would otherwise have been a clean sheet was spoiled by a single burglary on New Year's Eve . . . For more details, click here.
The Salisbury branch of ageUK are again looking for voluntary advisers and helpers in our area. For more information, see their poster by click here.
The Annual Christmas Party of the 100+ Club was held in the Memorial Centre on Saturday 12th December and was the usual happy mix of good food, wine and beer, friendly people, and Ian's wide ranging and brainteasing quizzes. This year, we enjoyed a delightful extra—entertainment by local artist Ed Hailwood, who kept feet and fingers tapping with his renderings of songs by Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. Ed performed before and during supper, and then, after our meal, we were encouraged to sing along to some old favourites. After this, there were the eagerly awaited monthly and Big Christmas draws for 100+ Club members (click here for results), plus the raffle and the results of Ian's brainteasers. Thanks are due to all who contributed, including Ed Hailwood, all who provided delicious food, raffle prizes, and who helped with the setting up and clearing up.
The event raised £436 towards the operating costs of the Memorial Centre.
Gill Bray
For a mini-gallery of some random snaps taken at the party, click here.
If you're a close follower of the website (well, we can but hope!), you may recall a recent article here about Sergeant "Lofty" Whittle, RAF, who was killed in action over Belgium in a Fairey Battle aircraft in 1940, and who is featured in Whiteparish's Memorial Book .
M. Pierre Michiels, a member of a historical research team operating in the area where Sgt Whittle's plane crashed, has sent a photo of the plaque (see left) which his team plan to install near the crash site in the village of Bercheux, as a tribute. He writes: "The plaque has just been delivered and our intention is to proceed to its unveilling on next May 2016. It will be placed in the little garden at the entrance of the Primary School of Bercheux because it is a very symbolic place and because the aircraft bellylanded 300 yards behind the school.
As you know, out of the 3 crew members, Lofty was the only one to die that day near the village of Bercheux. So we wish to contact any of his relatives to invite them to attend the creremonies."
So, to repeat our earlier request, if anyone knows of any relatives of either Sgt Whittle or of his late widow, the former Phyllis Burden of Yew Tree Farm, please get in touch and we can give you M. Michiels' contact details.
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, 3rd December 2015.
In their last meeting of 2015, Whiteparish Parish Councillors were pleased to receive (on behalf of the village) certificates and a cheque for £60 won by Whiteparish in 2015's Best Kept Village competition from Dr Peter Claydon, who was represnting the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE). There were also twelve planning applications to consider. Residents are reminded that they are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings, where there is time set aside at the beginning of each meeting for members of the public to raise any village matter, including planning applications. Councillors also heard the results of the recent Metro Count traffic survey. Wilts Council have completed the survey as it relates to speeding, but are still analysing the data about types of vehicles using The Street. For more information about these topics in the meeting notes, click here.
Eddy Hailwood has asked us to mention that he has started a new Facebook page "Whiteparish Music". As Eddy says in his introductory text there:"Hi all music lovers in the Whiteparish area. My name is Ed Hailwood and I am responsible for organising the music for the June 18th 2016 Whiteparish Fete. I also wish to get things going musically in the village. Please contact me if you wish to be involved. You can be anyone from a Pro to a person with no previous experience. This is for music of all genres. Anything from Classical to Rock. Are you a singer, guitarist pianist--whatever your musical interest I want to hear from you."
And you can message Eddy from that same Facebook page. It'll be interesting to see how this initiative develops.
The South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) have asked us to publicise a special event focusing on dementia that they are hosting in Alderbury Village Hall on 26 January 2016. The introduction to their press release reads:
"Southern Wiltshire has the second highest rates of recorded dementia in Wiltshire and as a result of this the Area Board has made it its theme for 2015/16.
The aim of the event is to bring like-minded people together to look at practical ways communities can support people with dementia. One way you can help is to become a Dementia Friend. Dementia Friends is about learning more about dementia and the small ways you can help. From telling friends about the Dementia Friends programme to visiting someone you know living with dementia, every action counts. To become a Dementia Friend all you need to do is attend a 1 hour information session."
And the release goes on to ask: why not make it your New Year's Resolution to book a place on one of the Alderbury sessions?
To learn more about the event, click here.
Whiteparish residents living geographically closer to Sherfield English than to Whiteparish (and there are quite a few of us) will probably know by now (but some others may not) that the Sherfield village store closed down very recently (though the sub-post office on the same premises is still currently operating). It was nice to have a village shop within walking distance, even if it wasn't in "our" village. But presumably the closure–though a very sad loss for Sherfield–may help ease the situation for the Whiteparish Village Store that we reported on a few weeks ago.
The November 2015 summary of crime reports from PC Henry Clissold shows a mixed month for our area, with seven of the 13 communities covered showing "No reported incidents", but four or five incidents in most of the remaining villages. Whiteparish had five: two for drugs offences, two for criminal damage involving vehicles, and one a theft of dogs from secure kennels. (The grapevine says there have been a rash of attempted dog thefts in the area over recent weeks.) For more details of the crimes summarised, click here.
The Memorial Centre now has its own "website within a website", with a home page plus further pages about: what's inside the centre (with a plan, photos, and a panorama of the main hall); how to hire a room or the hall; a list of activities; a map to help people find the centre (mostly for non-residents); and some of the history of the project. We hope all this will be interesting and useful, and it's now been available on the website for a few weeks, accessible from the main menu under Amenities -> Memorial Centre or by clicking here. Something that's new as of now (early December 2015), is the ability to view an online calendar of existing bookings (accessible via the Hiring page), which should be particularly useful when you're planning a meeting or function and want to know what dates/times are free. It's not an online booking system as such, because the master booking record is still held on paper, but the online calendar will usually reflect the current bookings recorded on the paper system.
The Memorial Centre mini-site replaces a lot of information that was previously scattered around the rest of the website in a not-very-organised way, much of which was out of date. This is part of the first stage of a much larger effort to clean up, reorganize, redesign, and generally modernise the whole Community Website; which will continue well into 2016, and possibly beyond.
We recently received the following email enquiry from M. Pierre Michiels, of Neufchateau, southern Belgium:
" . . . I'm a member of a local historical research team.
We wish to pay tribute to the sacrifice of the forgotten ones, the RAF airmen that died in the first days of WW2, trying to slow down the rush of german panzers through the Ardennes on their way to Sedan and Dunkirk.
We are focusing on Fairey Battle light bomber crews that have died from May 10th to May 12th, 1940 in the region of "Central Ardennes" (from the German border up to the French city of Sedan).
All 5 crash sites have been definitely identified thanks to photographic documents, local witnesses reports and metal detector investigations.
Last May, the first ceremonies were led in the region of the City of Bouillon as remembrance services and plaques unveillings were organised. 300 people attended with relatives, RAF representatives and local Authorities. local TV broadcast was made.
We are now focusing on Sgt E.J.M. Whittle's aircraft, that crashed 20 miles more in the north, near the village of Bercheux.
After so many years, Villagers still take care of his grave. We wish to pay tribute to his bravery by unveilling a similar plaque at the crashsite.
We are searching [for] ANY information on Sgt Whittle and his relatives that would wish to attend a future ceremony. Would you be so kind as to help us?"
We sent M Michiels the text of a page in the Whiteparish Memorial Book (which commemorates all Whiteparish residents who died fighting in the two world wars) that deals with Sgt Whittle (to see the text, click here). Although born and bred in Lambeth, Edward "Lofty" Whittle joined the RAF and while stationed at Boscombe Down he was married in All Saints Church to Phyllis Burden of Yew Tree Farm in Parkwater Road, Whiteparish and presumably they then lived in Whiteparish together. If you know, or know of, any relatives of either Sgt Whittle or his widow (who died in 1987), or can help M. Michiels with any other information, please let us know (, and we will forward any news to him.
Rescheduled end-of-year collections will be as follows:
Blue-top Bin Recycling (plastic bottles, card, etc) and Black Box Recycling: Monday 28th December 2015, and Saturday 9th January 2016.
Black Bin (Household Waste): Monday 4th January 2016.
After the above dates, collections revert to alternate Fridays, as before.
Now that we're all ordering more things online than ever before, the Christmas season gives the internet's bad guys even more opportunities to defraud us. Suppose you're expecting delivery of a Christmas package you bought on the web, and you have to unexpectedly leave the house during the delivery slot. Later that day an email headed "UKMail 988271023 tracking information" (or similar) tells you a package could not be delivered because no-one was home, and includes an attachment which (the email claims) gives details of how and where you can retrieve the package. You might naturally associate the missed delivery with the email, and open the attached MS Word document.
DON'T ! It's probably a scam. Opening the attachment will run a macro (little program) that will install malware on your computer. Only open an attachment if you are expecting one, and if you absolutely trust the sender.
Yesterday we received an email exactly like the one described above. How did we know it was a scam (after all, there IS a company called UK Mail)? Three main reasons: (a) we weren't expecting a package—though we could have been; (b) there are several email addresses associated with the Whiteparish website, and identically the same email was sent to each of them; and (c) we've learned to be suspicious of everything that arrives in our inboxes. These days you just have to be, and even more so at this season, alas. There will be many more scams out there, on the same lines as the one just described.
The latest local crime reports bulletin (for October 2015) from PC Henry Clissold shows a quiet month overall for the local communities featured, with six villages showing "No reported incidents". However, unfortunately Whiteparish was not among them, and our village actually had more crimes listed than any other, with three cases of criminal damage, plus a theft of timber and a burglary. (For more details, click here.)
PC Clissold also wrote "As some of you may be aware Guy has moved stations, he is still working for Wiltshire Police but at a station nearer to his home, this means that a replacement is now with us. PCSO Tina Roylance has finished her training and is now based at Alderbury police station with the team. I am sure you will make her feel welcome as she gets to know the area."
30 years ago there were four of them. From east to west, we had the Parish Lantern (formerly the New Inn), the White Hart, the King's Head, and the Fountain Inn. Don't know if that was the most that Whiteparish ever had, but back in 1985 the village we'd just moved to definitely didn't seem short of watering holes! In fact, though it may seem like sacrilege to say so, four was probably too many.
Anyway, that was sorted out after a few years when the White Hart was sold for housing. Three seemed a good number, perhaps the "Goldilocks number", and things stayed that way until very recently, when the dear old Kings Head closed its doors as a pub for perhaps the last time, in the spring of 2014. Down to two—not really enough, one thought, though plenty of larger villages seem to manage with just one pub nowadays, or even (perish the thought) none.
Where's all this going? Well, we're not sure.
But very recently the sale seems finally to have gone through of one of the two remaining working pubs (the one with an "F" in its name). We live in uncertain times, folks. And that's not always a good thing . . .
A slightly worrying report in the November 2015 edition of Steeple & Street reveals that there has been a recent slow decline in the monthly turnover of our much-valued Village Store, to the point where it has just started making a loss. The management team warns that "If this decline accelerates, the continuation of the shop cannot be guaranteed." However, they are taking steps to halt the decline and hope that these will make a difference.
They are very interested in learning what people want from the store, and what would make them want to use the shop more regularly. To this end there is a questionnaire online which you can access by clicking here. Please help the team by completing it, either online or in paper form (which will be circulated shortly). As the report says: "Remember: USE IT OR LOSE IT!".
At the Parish Council meeting on 15th October, councillors heard that Whiteparish had done well in the 2015 Best Kept Village competition, coming 3rd in our category in the County Round. To quote from the meeting notes: "Judges enjoyed the scarecrows set out all around the village during the District Round and the churchyard was most beautifully kept. They thought we were fortunate to have such a magnificent Memorial Centre and playing fields and the surgery was in a delightful location. The school was neat and tidy and everyone they met was helpful and friendly. Many congratulations Whiteparish!".
Other topics discussed included: our stretch of the A27 remaining on the Freight Assessment and Priority Mechanism (FAPM) list of the Wilts Council Community Area Transport Group; Wilts Council's Community Emergency Plan; damage to the recently installed high kerbs at the Miles Lane/A27 junction; Rights of Way; and the fact that a "metro count" has been requested for The Street. (A quick google suggests that this last is a traffic survey and analysis system, possibly using kit from a firm called MetroCount.) To see the full notes, click here.
At their meeting on 20th October, the Memorial Trustees discussed the problem of lighting in the Memorial Centre car park, and considered opinions from villagers who were present or who had made passed comments to the trustees earlier. The majority view was that the proposed level of lighting offered poor value given the limited lighting that would result, which would also add to light pollution. It was therefore agreed not to proceed with additional lighting at this time.
However it was pointed out that the main issue for hall users was the uneven-ness and poor state of the car park surface, and that in view of the limited funds available to the Trust perhaps this should take precedence. The Trustees therefore agreed to set up a working party to explore short and long term solutions to the issues raised, and understood to keep villagers informed. The Trustees also reminded the public that they are invited to attend Memorial Trust meetings.

. . . well, they ran out of chairs, anyway! On 27th October 2015 Dr Chris Gotham spoke on two main topics—Diabetes and trends in GP practice—to a large and appreciative audience of Whiteparish Surgery patients and others (88 in all) in the Memorial Hall, and took part in a question and answer session afterwards. All whom we spoke to afterwards felt it had been thoroughly worthwhile. The Whiteparish Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG), who organised the evening, hope that this will be the first in a series of events about medical and related matters over the coming months. We understand that there may be a video available of the event in due course on the Whiteparish Surgery web site.

Mike Thorne sent us this nice photo of the impressive rainbow that could be seen from various places round Whiteparish late on Saturday afternoon. Mike writes "the attached photo . . . [was] taken from our house in Nunns Park on Saturday 24th Oct at about 17.30. The rainbow was the most intense i’ve ever seen, with several layers of colour banding inside the bow. It’s framed by the autumn leaves on some local trees, and contains some houses in The Triangle."
The Whiteparish Patient Participation Group (PPG) invites all Whiteparish Surgery patients to a public patients' meeting in the Memorial Hall on Tuesday 27th October, from 7.30 to 8.45 pm (tea/coffee and biscuits available from 7.00 pm) to hear Dr Chris Gotham talk about "Diabetes Awareness and the Changing Face of General Practice".
The PPG hopes that a large number of patients will attend this inaugural event, and that this will be the first of a series of meetings aimed at keeping patients well informed on health and Practice issues. They look forward to seeing you there!
Another in our occasional series of things to beware of in your email inbox! We received today a remarkably authentic-looking email message from Ocado, about a delivery scheduled for this afternoon. How did we know it wasn't genuine? Only because we're not Ocado customers. Increasingly, these phoney emails are modelled very closely on real communications from well-known companies, and are very convincing. The object is to get you to download the attached file, which is usually an MS Word or Excel document described as an invoice or receipt. If your operating system is Windows, opening the phoney file will install malware on your PC, typically a keylogger to try to steal bank details, etc.
The best advice, as always, is NEVER to download attachments that you weren't expecting, even if the accompanying email seems to have come from a familiar source. The internet's full of bad people. From a quick Google search, it seems the fake delivery notification we received today, or rather the MS Word attachment that came with it, contained a macro that would have installed a keylogger program called Dridex on our PC. (For more information about Dridex, click here.)
Three items in the October 15, 2015 edition of the "Salisbury Journal" caught the eye as affecting our part of South Wilts, or the county as a whole:
(1) Apparently Wiltshire County Council have decided that they can't afford to maintain 24 public toilets around the county, and is looking to offload them to parish councils or other local groups or failing that to close them. The toilets in question are scattered round the county, but they include some in Amesbury, Downton, and Salisbury. Could be important for Whiteparishioners visiting those nearby places when out shopping or socially! So if you want to comment, visit and tell the council what you think. (For the full story, see Journal page 2.)
(2) In a half-page story on page 5, the Journal features interesting quotes from Dr Rachel Clapton of Whiteparish Surgery, in her role as Communications Director of the Wessex Primary Healthcare Alliance (WPHCA), which represents 25 South Wilts GP practices and cares for more than 200,000 patients (including most of us, presumably).
(3) Finally in this little round-up, in an editorial on page 2, titled "Complaints against police rise as staff numbers fall", the Journal takes a dim view of the trend that the title alludes to, and of certain statements by Police Commissioner Angus Macpherson.
We were very pleased recently to be asked to add a page about the Whiteparish Youth Group (WYG) to the website, which you can view by clicking here.
If you represent any Whiteparish club or organisation that isn't currently featured on the site—please get in touch and we'd be delighted to add a page for you too. Like the Youth Group, your organisation may already be using social media (Facebook, Twitter, whatever) to communicate with members, and that's obviously fine; but the Community Website can play a part too. As well as being useful to those living here (hopefully), it gives the outside world an idea of who we folk of Whiteparish are, what facilities we have here, and what we get up to (within reason!), in our village.
The most recent visitor stats show that in one week the web server served
3236 sessions in responding to website visitors. Even after we discount the 953 of those that were initiated by robots (!), that still leaves well over two thousand visits in a single week. And a proportion of those visitors would quite possibly have been people thinking of moving here, and probably wanting to know—amongst other things—about the clubs and other organisations here, and whether Whiteparish seemed like an active and lively place.
Just a thought . . . .
Wiltshire Council have announced the schedule for Whiteparish's Mobile Libary Service that will apply after the 27th October 2015. Starting on the 7th November, the service will call at Ashmore Close on Saturdays, at four-weekly intervals, between 11.45 am and 12.15 pm. Starting on the 19th November, the service will also visit the village on Thursdays, at four-weekly intervals: stopping at Ashmore Close between 10.35 and 11.05 am, and at Whiteparish School in Common Rd between 11.10 am and 12.10 pm.
For your convenience, we've included a table showing the schedule up to 7th April 2016 on the website; to view, click here.
Some users of the Memorial Centre have complained about the lack of lighting in the car parking area. The Memorial Trust are concerned that a suggested solution that would be acceptable to the County Ecologist would be both (a) expensive, and (b) possibly not bright enough, meaning that car-park users might still have to use torches to light their way to the Memorial Centre for night-time events. All interested villagers are therefore invited to attend the Trust meeting in the Cowesfield Room at 7.30 pm on the 29th October, to make their views known. For the full version of the Trust's notice on this subject (the above is only a very brief summary), see the Oct 2015 issue of Steeple & Street or click here.
The date for this year's Whiteparish Fireworks Display has been set for the 14th of November, and the venue is to be behind the Parish Lantern. The proceeds from this event go to support Whiteparish All Saints School. It is organised by the school PTA, and kindly staged and sponsored by local firm Pains Fireworks; more details to follow. It's always a really spectacular display— so don't miss it!
The next meeting of the Southern Wilts Area Board (SWAB) will focus on dementia, but other items on the agenda are activities for young people, the future of the footpath project, a report from the Police & Crime Commissioner's office, Community hubs, Community Area Transport Group, and Community grants. To find out more, you can click here, where there's a link to the full agenda (however, at the time of writing, it wasn't working). The meeting just referred to will be at the Trafalgar School, starting at 7.00 pm (refreshments available from 6.30 pm). If you're interested in dementia, or any of the other topics mentioned, or just curious about what the Area Board gets up to, why not go along?
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, 3rd September 2015
According to the notes of this PC meeting, eight members of the public attended to express concern about the speed and weights of traffic using The Street. Other topics covered were forthcoming new schedules for the mobile libary service, the work of local volunteers on South Wiltshire paths, co-option of a new Councillor (Mr John Herrett), and the Community Area grants that the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) can make available to local voluntary groups etc for suitable projects; SWAB say that these awards can really make a difference in helping communities get schemes and projects started. For more details of the meeting, click here. If you're interested in grants or other aspects of what SWAB does, there's a SWAB meeting in Downton on 1st October (see above item).
The Garden Club's Flower & Hobbies Show was staged this year on 22nd August in the Memorial Hall, and was enjoyed both by competitors and by non-competitors who had just come along to admire the high standard of the entries on display. Keith Hobbs was kind enough to give us a selection of photos taken at the event, and we've put together a new gallery which you can view by clicking here.
With the most recent crime reports bulletin, PC Henry Clissold writes: "More trouble this month, with a spate of damage to vehicles; enquiries are ongoing with the hope of a good result shortly." And indeed around our neighbouring communities there were 13 separate cases of damage to vehicles, in most cases smashed windows with nothing taken. In Whiteparish no vehicle damage was reported, but a whole car, and a generator, were stolen. For more details, click here.
New Forest National Park Authority are organizing an autumn Walking Festival, 2015, comprising a wide variety of walks to be held within the New Forest area in the last two weeks of October. To find out more about the festival, click here. To download lists of walks by category and date, click here.
If you're interested in some late summer/autumn cycling locally, with like-minded people, there are a wide variety of both guided and social rides featured on the sky|ride website, as part of a scheme endorsed by Wiltshire council and involving British Cycling and (one imagines) largely subsidised by sky. The rides cover a range of difficulty and distances. To take a look, click here, decide whether you're interested in guided rides or social ones, and enter your postcode or the area you're interested in pedalling in.
LOCAL CRIME REPORTS, June and July 2015.
PC Henry Clissold (Community Beat Manager for Alderbury and Laverstock) has been recovering after a minor operation, but by June he was back to office duties and hoped to be out and about soon. In the meantime, Henry has forwarded the local crime reports for June and July, which show quite a flurry of crime in June, particularly in Laverstock and Old Sarum, and to a lesser extent in Whiteparish (where someone thought it would be clever to pull one of the competition scarecrows apart and scatter the contents all over the road . . .); but thankfully July was much quieter, with no reported incidents in Whiteparish and not many anywhere else. It's worth remembering, though, that not all categories of incidents are listed in these reports, and apparently in June there was a higher than usual rate of "domestic" incidents—one of the incident types that don't appear.
To see the June report, click here; for the July report, click here.
As we noted at the time, this year's village fete seemed to be quite well attended, with more people staying right to the end than in some previous years, and we wondered if the profits (which are shared between All Saints Church and School) might be a new record. Were they ever?! The fete and related events raised a remarkable £8,500, not just a record but a whole £2500 or so more than in 2014. Congratulations again to all who played a part in making the 2015 fete such a success. One imagines that the next fete committee will be doing some careful analysis to try to figure out what things went especially well in 2015, to try to carry this great result forward.
Talking of which, the first meeting of the 2016 Fete committee will be held as soon as Tuesday 6th October, at 7.30 pm in the Parish Lantern. If you're interested in helping to make 2016's fete even more successful than this year's (though that may be a bit of a challenge), do please come to the meeting.
In the report of the 9th July Parish Council meeting comes the good news that Whiteparish has come first in the South Wiltshire Large Village section of this year's Best Kept Village competition. Winning villages in each category now go forward to be judged in the County Round. So congratulations to everyone who has contributed to keeping our village clean and tidy.
Other topics covered during the same PC meeting include Mr Neil Sutherland being co-opted onto the council; a vacancy for another councillor; new opening times for the county's recycling centres; and different ways of reporting "highway issues". To read more about these, and other items discussed, click here.
Richard Tulloch has asked us to pass on some information about a special service this coming weekend, as follows:
. . . This Sunday (the 26th) at 8pm, the service of compline will be held in All Saints Church. The Revd Jane Dunlop will be officiating and the music will be sung by the church's choir.
The music is largely plainsong, and this reflects the service's origins, as the last office (or service) of the day in many monasteries, many centuries ago. However, the plainsong will be contrasted on Sunday with full polyphonic singing, in three or four parts, by the choir at three points in the service. The purpose of the service is to allow members of the congregation to reflect on their day and prepare for a peaceful night, secure in God's love."
The Whiteparish History Group's latest winter programme of evening talks—held roughly monthly in the Memorial Centre—looks just as interesting as in recent years, and you might want to put some (or all) of them in your diary. First up in the new season will be a talk by Ross Dunsworth on Whiteparish's Anglo-Saxon period, at 7.30 pm on September 17th. More details of the programme are on the History Group page, which you can see by clicking here. After quite a few years of sterling service in the role, Jenny Harrison has stood down as "Chair" and is replaced by David Pantling. Similarly Ches Carpenter has decided to stand down as Secretary, but as yet no replacement has been found for Ches.
Thanks to the sterling efforts of the Fete Committee and many other volunteers, this year's fete was very enjoyable, and yet another in a long succession of mostly rainless fetes over recent years. Neil Stace—Great British Sewing Bee finalist and former Whiteparish resident—returned to be our enthusiastic and entertaining fete-opener and prize-giver, and to join in the festivities and say hallo to old friends. With plenty of stalls and activities to keep people entertained, attendance seemed well up with previous years too, and we're looking forward to finding out how much the "Whiteparish Week" events raised in total for All Saints Church and School. Could 2015 be another record year?
One part of the programme that was a little disappointing was the very low turnout for the pre-opening procession, which this year was reduced to just a handful of participants. Their costumes were excellent—and good fun—but one wonders if this year we might perhaps have seen the last of the fete processions. Let's hope not.
Any drama had occurred on the preceding evening when, apart from the unexpected arrival of the helicopters (see next story), it looked at one point as if the expected delivery of booked Portaloos wasn't going to happen! However, happily they did turn up, and the Friday night Hog Roast and and Bands Night went off smoothly, though the weather was a tad damp.
We've added a selection of fete photos to the galleries section of the website. which you can see by clicking here.
. . . is what someone asked, reasonably enough, as the first of TWO helicopters landed on the Memorial Ground on the Friday evening before fete day, just as the "Wacky Olympics" were drawing to a close before giving way to the Hog Roast and Bands Night! Well, no, it wasn't part of the show—the medical staff at Whiteparish Surgery had an emergency on their hands. A patient needed to be flown to hospital, and the second helicopter had flown in a volunteer consultant anaesthetist who had to treat the patient before their flight.
After hearing an explanation of what was happening, the early arrivals for the Bands Night were very cooperative and stayed back as the patient was loaded onto one helicopter and the anaesthetist back on to the other, so that the two aircraft could take off again safely. Later it was suggested that perhaps it would be a good idea to take up a collection on fete day for the three charities that had been involved in the exercise (Great Western Air Ambulance, Wiltshire Air Ambulance, and SWIFT Medics).
Well the most important thing about the whole exercise was of course the patient, and we're glad to be able to report that they are well, and back at home. But another good result is that thanks to the generosity of fete-goers the next day, the whip-round raised a very worthwhile £145.52 to share between the three charities.
According to the latest bulletin from our Neighbourhood Policing Team, there were a fair sprinkling of burglaries, and instances of criminal damage (including one in Whiteparish) during May, but three of our neighbouring villages had no crimes reported (in the categories that appear in these bulletins, anyeay). For more detail, click here.
Bands performing at the Hog Roast and Bands Night, Friday 12th June, will be as follows:
6.30 pm: Missing Monkeys
7.00 pm: Frenzied and the Diligent
7.40 pm: Maddie Cooper
8.10 pm: Big Fret
9.00 pm: Lucy Gilbert
9.30 pm: May Contain Nuts
11.00 pm: CLOSE
NOTE: Acts and timings are subject to change.
Whiteparish's population of scarecrows continued to grow; up to over sixty, we hear. Could have reached seventy or even eighty, but it depends on how you count the groups. Anyway, the closing date for entering the competition to choose your favourite scarecrow is now past, and Keith Hobbs has been prowling the Whiteparish highways and byways, seeking out scarecrows to photograph. We've put over fifty of Keith's scarecrow pictures in a gallery on the website, which you can view by clicking here or via the Galleries link in the "Village" menu. Some of the image files are quite big, so please allowa few seconds for the gallery to load.
Because this gallery is the first we've built using some new software, it's not fully integrated into the website yet, so once you've finished looking at the gallery you'll have to click on the "previous" tab or use your browser's history to get back to this page. We'll sort these things out, and hope to add any scarecrows currently missing, as soon as possible.
Over the last few days, Whiteparish's population seems to have gone up dramatically—by over fifty newcomers: lounging around, involved in petty crime, even playing cricket on the verges of our busy roads. Scruffy dressers, too, some of them. Well in case you didn't realize, they're all part of what has already turned out to be a very successful idea from this year's fete committee.
Yes, other villages around these parts may have done something similar, but Whiteparish's version is off to a flying start, and at the time of writing 58 households had committed to joining in by making and displaying their entries in the Scarecrow Competition and Trail, which enters them in the competition for Best Scarecrow (with "mystery prize"). Unfortunately the closing date for new scarecrows has now past, but there's a second part to this event. From the 3rd of June you can buy a map of the Scarecrow Trail from the Village Shop or School, check out the scarecrows, and vote for your favourite. Voting slips will be entered into a prize draw. For a bit more information, you can view or download the Scarecrow Competition and Trail poster by clicking here.
Under the constitution of the Memorial Trust the Parish Council is responsible for appointing three Trustees, who can be either Parish Councillors or members of the public. A vacancy has arisen due to the resignation of a Parish-Council-nominated Trustee, and the Council wishes to appoint a member of the public as a Trustee to fill this vacancy.
If you are interested in becoming a Trustee, please contact the Parish Clerk at maria.pennington456 @ (note: the foregoing address is not a link, copy and paste it into your email program and delete the spaces).
Are you interested in serving the community? There are two vacancies on the Parish Council, which will be filled by co-option at the next Parish Council meeting, on July 9th, 2015. For more information please contact the clerk, Maria Pennington, on 01722 711 858.
The 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Centre on 20th May. Amongst the the items covered at the meeting were the election of Chair and Vice Chair (Trevor King and Mike Hayday, respectively) and of councillors as representatives and committee members (details to follow); the existence of two vacancies on the Parish Council (see separate story); and forthcoming the halving of the Wiltshire Council Mobile Library service, meaning that visits to Whiteparish will be reduced from fortnightly to four-weekly. (However, there will be a "consultation" with users.) For more details of these and other topics covered, click here..
It was good to see from Festival Secretary John Hall's report of the April 11th to 18th Festival in Steeple and Street that the event as a whole had raised £2,300 for maintaining the church and churchyard, which as John said was a splendid result. We were only able to attend one of the concerts—Will Pickvance's "Anatomy of the Piano"—which we thought was terrific; so much so that we were inspired to write a brief report of our own for the website. You can see it, along with a (not very good) photo, by clicking here.
New British Legion Page. We were very pleased to be asked to add a new page (with corresponding menu entries) for the Whiteparish Branch of the Royal British Legion. You can see contact information and some background about the Royal British Legion by clicking here.
World Wars Memorial/Remembrance Book. We have also added a page about the "Whiteparish Book of Remembrance to the Fallen of the Great Wars" that a team of volunteers recently compiled to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of WW1. For a little more background about the book (which we understand may eventually go on display in All Saints Church), click here. To go straight to view a pdf file of the book's inside pages, click here.
Apologies to anyone who has tried to access the website's page for All Saints Church recently (in particular the monthly diary of services), and has been greeted with an error message instead. This has arisen because's hosting company recently upgraded their servers, causing some glitches here and there on the website. The problem with the church page has been the most stubborn, but we're working on it with the hosting company and hopefully it will soon be fixed. (It was actually working yesterday, but has since broken again. Grrr.)
A new poster notice to do with fibre broadband was stuck on the green BT box outside Courtens recently, and on further investigation we were delighted to find that we could actually order it now, from our chosen supplier. Many of us down in this corner of the Whiteparish exchange area will be quite a distance from the green box, but hopefully most of us could see a worthwhile improvement in broadband speeds by ordering a fibre package.
Are there any other pockets of the Whiteparish exchange area that are still waiting to be able to order fibre? We'd be very interested to know.
The Get Wiltshire Walking! campaign, sponsored by Wiltshire Council and part of the nationwide Walking for Health initiative, provides free walking groups led by trained walk leaders operating from over 20 locations around the county. According to the information we were sent, walks may be "starter walks" lasting around 30 minutes, "fit walks" lasting around 45 minutes and designed to get heart and lungs working harder, and "standard walks" which last around an hour and a quarter. Most of those listed seem to be standard walks.
Unfortunately nearly all the starting points for the walks are located north of Salisbury (from Amesbury upwards), but there is one in our neck of the woods (starting at the Borough Cafe in Downton), and and of course there are many independent walking groups, such as Salisnury and District Walking for Health. For a leaflet in pdf format about the Get Wiltshire Walking! scheme, including contact details for some independent walking groups, click here. For information about free training as a walk leader, click here.
The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 24th March 2015, in the Memorial Centre, followed by a regular Parish Council meeting. At the Annual Parish meeting, points raised by the 15 members of the public present included rubbish on the A36, a 20 mph speed limit on part of Common Road, possibly unnecessary road markings on Parkwater Rd, access to Mean Wood, and artwork design for the skate ramp. For details, click here.
Topics covered at the normal Parish Council meeting included a vacancy on the Parish Council (contact the parish clerk or a councillor if interested), the Miles Lane/A27 junction, the Parish Council boundary fence, the skate ramp, the Best Kept Village competition, rights of way, and dog mess (again). For details, click here.
According to the lastest reports from the Neighbourhood Policing Team, March was a quiet month for Whiteparish crimewise, with just one theft listed. However, PC Henry Clissold also writes: "New PCSO in Training
Our new PCSO Guy Hamel has started with the team and is currently under tutorship, I am sure he will be seen around the villages in the coming weeks, please make him feel welcome."
For more details, of local crime in March, click here.
Just a reminder about the week-long Music Festival being held between the 11th and 18th of April, in Whiteparish's All Saints Church, in aid of church funds. The events kick off on Saturday 11th April with a "Come and Sing" rehearsal and performance of Puccini's "Messa di Gloria", directed by Michael Keeley. On Tuesday 14th All Saints Church Choir perform music by Thomas Tallis and Thomas Ravenscroft, followed on Thursday by the Farrant Singers performing choral classics. Finally, on Saturday Will Pickvance (the chap on the left) brings his Edinburgh Fringe show "Anatomy of the Piano" to Whiteparish. All performances very reasonably priced; for more details, click here.
A couple of recent announcements from this SWAB-run email newsletter:
Local Youth Network for Whiteparish cluster of villages
Got an idea for a youth project? Want support setting up a group? Got nothing to do and want to let us know what you want?
It is also an opportunity to be part of a working group to help support what is needed for youth within your community,
as well as:
• A chance to generate ideas, visions and people to move forward with positive youth activities in your area
• An opportunity to learn about Area Board funding and grants available.
To see the whole newsletter, click here.
Do you need funding for your group?
Our challenge is to make a positive change in Wiltshire and Swindon by helping local groups make life better for their communities. We want to help you to support those who need it most. For more information and to see the whole newsletter, click here.
Recently we received a press release from the Age-UK office in Salisbury about a new push for volunteer home visitors. Although the release doesn't make it obvious, they tell us that volunteers can be matched to areas, so if you wanted to join the scheme and concentrate on visiting in and around the Whiteparish area, that is presumably possible. For more information, you can see the press release by clicking here.
Among the topics discussed at the 24th February Parish Council meeting were the following:
A 20 mph speed restriction along part of Common Rd, which is now to go ahead.
The poor condition of Miles Lane.
A temporary closure of Dean Lane between its junctions with The Green, and bridleway 33, to enable Wessex Water to work on the carriageway. This closure is expected to last for one day.
For more information about these and other matters discussed, including a telephone number for enquiries about the Dean Lane closure, click here.
For the second month running, according to the regular bulletin from the Neighbourhood Policing Team, Whiteparish had more reported crimes (three this time) than any of our twelve neighbouring communities, eight of which had no reported incidents (in the categories of crime included in these bulletins). So a very quiet month in general, but not for us! For more details, click here.
Following the success of previous events over the last few years, the 2015 Whiteparish Music Festival will include four separate concerts to be staged in All Saints Church during April. These will be:
Saturday 11th April: “Come and Sing” Puccini's Messa di Gloria, directed by Michael Keeley.
Tuesday 14th April: “A Tale of Two Thomases”—music by Thomas Tallis and Thomas Ravenscroft, sung by the All Saints Church Choir
Thursday 16th April: “Nunc Dimittis, choral classics from around Europe”, sung by The Farrant Singers.
Saturday 18th April: “Anatomy of the Piano”, Will Pickvance performs his Edinburgh Fringe Show.
For full details, including times and where you can get tickets, click here.
Area Boards like the Southern Wilts Area Board (SWAB) have been operating in Wilts for over five years, and Wiltshire Council would like to know what you think of them (even if you've never attended one), and other related facilities such as the online-issues system and the Our Community Matters website and newsletters. To fill in the Council's online survey, click here. But hurry, because the survey closes on 9th March 2015.
For a round-up from "Little Owl" of what our local Brownies got up to during 2014, click here!
Residents living in the heart of Whiteparish have had the opportunity to connect to so-called "Superfast" broadband since the middle of 2014. However some who are further away from the village exchange haven't, and if you're among them (like us) you may be wondering if we've been forgotten. We're glad to be able to report that for people living in the village outskirts on or around the A27 in the Romsey direction there's hope. We contacted Wiltshire Online recently and got the following reply:
"Thank you for your query. Your premise is served by Cabinet 1 from the Whiteparish exchange which is in the progress of being upgraded as part of this project. Unfortunately we are having issues with getting a power connection to the new fibre cabinet. Ordinarily the power would be brought from a suitable power supply through an underground duct however, in the case of your cabinet the power is having to be brought via an mixture of both underground and overhead power. In addition we are also having to connect to a high voltage cable which will require us to shut down the power to the area. Unfortunately all these issues mean that we are reliant on the power company providing us with a specialist resource who is able to undertake the required works.
As yet I don’t have a date for when the work can be undertaken; may I suggest contacting me again in 4-6 weeks for an update?"
So it looks as if there's light at the end of the tunnel for premises connected to Cabinet 1, though just how super the "superfast" will be if you're an appreciable distance from the cabinet remains to be seen. We'll try to remember to check on progress in a few weeks. Meanwhile, are there any other areas served by the Whiteparish Exchange where superfast is still not orderable? We'd be interested to hear from you. (To find out which cabinet you are connected to, click here.)
Katrina Fleet of Wiltshire Police writes to ask us to publicise a new service, as follows:
"You can now sign up for free messages - by email, text or voicemail - about policing and crime matters relating to your area and interests by joining Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging. Wiltshire Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon, Angus Macpherson, are committed to involving communities in the prevention and reduction of crime and anti-social behaviour. Working alongside Neighbourhood Watch, Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging aims to improve the flow of information between communities and the police.
PCC Angus Macpherson, who is commissioning this new initiative, said: “The whole of Wiltshire is now covered by Swindon and Wiltshire Community Messaging, bringing the public into contact with the police and Neighbourhood Watch.
“I now look forward to working with other partners in Wiltshire and Swindon to extend the excellent services provided by Wiltshire Police and to build on the title ‘Community’ Messaging.”
Wiltshire Police Chief Constable Pat Geenty said: “Community Messaging enables us to reach out to all the people that may not use social media and other channels. It provides the public with messages in a format that suits them and keeps them up to date with police matters in their local area.”
People signed up will be able to receive messages about policing and crime matters in their area, such as community policing news and events, appeals for information and crime prevention advice. They will also be able to reply to messages, feeding back information to their local neighbourhood officers to help them in policing their local area.
To find out more and to sign up visit or speak to your local police officer.
Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging will NOT be monitored 24 hours a day. People should always call 999 in an emergency or 101 in a non-emergency."
PC Henry Clissold, our local Community Beat Officer, adds: "As a team we would love you to sign up to this new initiative which provides us a great opportunity to get messages and information out to our areas in a timely fashion."
In the usual smörgåsbord of interesting items appearing on the "our Community Matters" website for southern Wiltshire recently are two Easter courses for children, to be run fairly locally. These are
"Shine"—aimed at helping children aged seven to eleven to lose weight, held at Manor Fields Primary School in Salisbury, (click here for more details); and
"Sloggerz"—cricket courses for eight-to-14-year olds, male or female, held at Bishop Wordsworth's School, (click here for more details).
For the current issue of Our Community Matters, click here.
In the first month of the new year, Whiteparish had more reported crimes (four) than any of our neighbouring communities, including thefts of heating oil and a trailer, and burglary of a garage. A quiet month for West Dean, the Grimsteads, and Pitton though, with no reported incidents. For more information, click here.
The developers Hive Energy are holding a second presentation on Wednesday 25th February about the proposed Solar Farm at Witherington Farm, just off the A36 on the outskirts of Whaddon. At the meeting, interested local residents will have the opportunity to ask questions and see images of the proposed development. This meeting will be in Alderbury Village Hall, starting at 7.30 pm, with doors opening at 7.00 pm. You can see more on Hive Energy's website by clicking here.
At their meeting held on the 20th January 2015, the Council invited villagers to come and meet their Parish Councillors and find out what the Parish Council does at the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 24th March at 7.30pm in the Memorial Centre.
Everyone is welcome. Although the meeting is chaired by the Parish Council Chairman, it is just what the name suggests: a meeting of the parish. If you have any concerns or wish to raise a particular matter of local concern, then why not come to this meeting and have your say, and find out what else is hsppening in the parish?
Other topics covered included a possible change of status for the Post Office, from a branch to one of the new "local branches" Dog mess (again), and opportunities for volunteering to improve public paths in South Wilts. For moare about what was covered at the meeting, click here.
Wiltshire Council have distributed the following announcement:
"On 20th January 2015, Wiltshire Council adopted the Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan Document (the Plan). The Core Strategy sets out the vision, objectives, spatial development strategy and overarching policies that will guide development in Wiltshire to 2026.
The Plan was the subject of an independent examination conducted by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. The Inspector’s Report was published in December 2014 and the adopted Plan incorporates the main modifications recommended by the Inspector in his Report.
Any person aggrieved by the Plan may make an application under Section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 to the High Court on the grounds that the document is not within the appropriate powers or that a procedural requirement has not been complied with. Any such application must be made by no later than six weeks from the date of adoption, 20 January 2015.
Details of where you can view the Plan and associated documents (including the Inspector’s Report, Adoption Statement, Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report and SA Adoption Statement, and Habitats Regulations Assessment) are set out in the Adoption Statement attached." (Viewable by clicking here.)
According to the local crime reports for December 2014, provided as usual by our local Neighbourhood Policing Team, December was, perhaps surprisingly, a fairly quiet month locally—everywhere except Whiteparish! With most of our neighbouring communities experiencing no crimes or one (in the crime categories covered by these reports), we had five, including two incidents involving stolen chainsaws and one instance of security camera theft! For more information, click here.
At their meeting on 11th December 2014, the Parish Council were pleased to receive certificates and a cheque from Dr Peter Claydon, representing the CPRE (Council for the Preservation of Rural England) for placing well in the Best Kept Village 2014 competition. The council commended villagers for taking great pride in Whiteparish. Other topics covered included the co-option onto the council of Dr Andy Eynon; the Parish Precept; speed indicator signs; overhanging vegetation and residents' responsibilities with respect to it; bus service changes; the telephone kiosk, and nomination of three councillors to serve on the Whiteparish Memorial Trust. For more information, click here.
Please note that there will be no Friday collections on Boxing Day (26th December). Instead, after Christmas the first plastic bottle and card recycling collection, and the first black box collection, will take place on Tuesday 30th December, with the next collection (both recycling and black box) on Monday 12th January. The first household waste collection will take place on Tuesday 6th January 2015, with the next waste collection on Saturday 17th January. After that we're back to the usual pattern of alternating Friday collections, with the first being recycling and black box collections on Friday 23rd January.
Sadly, the people who send out spsm emails in the hope of installing "malware" on our computers are already trying their luck with Christmas and/or charity themes. We received a fairly convincing email on 18 December (and several subsequently) with the subject line "Card Receipt", purporting to come from a Tracey Smith of Aquaid, with logos from Aquaid, The African Trust, and Christian Aid across the bottom, and including an MS Word attachment that the email described as an invoice. It's not, it carries a virus. If you get one of these emails, just delete it; don't try to open the attachment.
It seems quite likely that there will be more of these during the Christmas season, not necessarily with the same details but following a similar pattern. The best advice, as always, is never to open an attachment from somebody you don't know, and that you're not expecting. Many people think that a Word document can't do any harm, but it certainly can; the spammers can use Word's macro language to do evil things! Always, if in doubt, delete!
Two events on one December weekend did very well, both in terms of the funds raised, and the fun they provided for supporters. On Saturday 13th December, the 100+ Club's Christmas party raised nearly £600 towards running the new Memorial Centre; and on the following evening the Pop Quiz in the Parish Lantern raised £245 for the Youth Club. Well done to all concerned!
Following burglaries of elderly residents in North Wilts, Detective Constable Antony King from Central CID provides the following advice.
“I would urge residents with elderly neighbours to be extra vigilant during the Christmas period and to report suspicious behaviour to the police. It may be that this offender is targeting elderly people and may have visited previously as a bogus caller. News of these crimes can be very frightening to our elderly community but with the right preventative action and support from neighbours and family, we can prevent this happening.
We all can be the best of neighbours and help any elderly or vulnerable people in our community to secure their premises at night and not to open their doors unless they are expecting a visitor. Remind your relatives and friends not to let strangers into their properties.
By adhering to the following advice, you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim of burglary or bogus callers:
- Always keep your door shut and locked.
- If someone comes to your door and you aren’t expecting a caller it is important that you check who it is by using a spy-hole or look through a window. Do not open the door to anyone you don’t know or are not expecting.
- Official visitors will always arrange an appointment with you beforehand – if no appointment has been made, don’t open the door.
- Do not keep large amounts of cash at home – it is much safer in a bank or building society.
Always keep purses and wallets hidden away, out of sight.
- Never keep pin numbers with credit or debit cards.
- Never agree to have work carried out by someone who is just passing, or believe such people when they claim that repairs need to be made. If you think work might need to be done get quotes from three companies and ask friends and neighbours for recommendations.
- If you see anything suspicious or think a bogus caller may have called at your door, report it to police immediately by calling 999."
The latest local crime reports forwarded by the Alderbury and Laverstock Neighbourhood Policing Team show a fairly quiet month for Whiteparish, with just two crimes listed, but a rash of mostly vehicle-related crime in Winterslow. For the full report, click here.
SOLAR PARK IN DOWNTON PARISH: 28th November Meeting.
Although we don't usually include stories about happenings in neighbouring parishes, this one might be a justified exception because the proposed solar park would be located close to the parish boundary, possibly within sight of some Whiteparish properties. A "Public Consultation Event preview" is being staged between 3.00 pm and 7.00 pm on 28th November 2014, in Downton Memorial Hall. For more information, click here. For a FAQs document, click here.
The South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) will be holding their next meeting on Thursday 4th December in our new Memorial Centre, starting at 7.00 pm, with refreshments available from 6.30 pm. We are invited to "come along and take part in discussions on the local economy". The meeting will include presentations from the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, the Salisbury BID Manager, and the Enterprise Network Manager; plus opportunities to chat with representatives from police, fire, and parish council, and to hear updates on youth, transport, and local community projects.
The Area Boards and Wiltshire Online are now inviting bids for funding to help people make the most of the internet and computers across the county. This could involve installing broadband into village halls, purchsing laptops or tablet computers for use by local people, improving your IT training facilities, creating IT hubs or providing assistive technology for people with disabilities. Applications for capital equipment are welcome.
You will simply have to demonstrate that your project will help more people to get access to the internet and computing, gain skills or help them get more from IT technology to help them in their everyday life. To learn more about the grants scheme, click here. To start an application, click here.
Wiltshire Council is currently consulting with residents, parish and town councils, and other interest groups on its new Car Parking Strategy, as it relates to various areas within the county. We guess that for most Whiteparish residents the car parking strategy relating to Salisbury would be of most interest, though respondents are not limited to commenting on a single area.
The consultation runs until the 16th January 2015. To comment on parking in Salisbury, click here. If you want to comment on parking in any other areas of Wilts, click here to select them.
On Friday 28th November, a discussion will be held in "Qusestion Time" format in Devizes Town Hall, at 10.30 am, with representatives on the panel from Carers' Trust, Wiltshire Council, Citizens Advice, Healthwatch Wiltshire, and local solicitors. Questions have to be submitted in advance by email. For more information, click here.
In a recent addition to the Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre (WSHC) Blog, Assistant County Archaeologist Clare King describes some recent excavations of Roman structures in South Wilts. Unfortunately at this stage WSHC are being coy about the precise location of these digs, until the sites have been formally "written up"—so they might be somewhere fairly near Whiteparish, or they might not. Anyway, to see this interesting blog, with photos, click here..
It seems that our public phone kiosk (at the junction of Common Road and The Street) is on a BT list of proposed public payphone removals. However, there is the opportunity for the Parish Council (or a registered charity) to "adopt" it, and take over the maintenance costs. This will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting, at 7.30 pm on the 11th December in the Mamorial Centre. If you have any comments, please email the Parish Clerk, Maria Pennington, on maria.pennington456 @ (leave out the spaces around the "@"). For more details of this and other items discussed by the PC at their meeting on 16th October 2014, click here.
Basically they are down, which is always good news. Of the 13 communities covered in the monthly bulletins supplied by the local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), six—including Whiteparish—reported no crimes (though we have to remember that not all categories of crimes are included). For more details, click here.
PC Henry Clissold has forwarded the following advice from our Neighbourhood Policing Team in relation to Halloween and Bonfire Night/Fireworks celebrations:
"Local NPT officers will be making additional evening patrols over the week-long period around Halloween and Bonfire night. In recent years we have seen a reduction in reports of anti-social behaviour during this period which suggests that local parents and young people are celebrating these events in an appropriate and responsible manner.
However, this period can be a stressful and nervous time for some local residents worried about ‘trick or treat’ visits and loud noise from Fireworks. Parents should ensure that any celebrations are supervised and respect the privacy of those not wishing to take part.
As in previous years, local Police will be distributing Halloween posters which can be displayed by those not wishing to be visited. These posters will be available in local shops/Post offices in the run up to Halloween. You can request a poster from your local NPT (click here for contact details) if you are unable to collect one locally."
The annual pop quiz will be hald at the Parish Lantern on Sunday 14th December (start time to be announced). Proceeds are in aid of our excellent Youth Club. Test Yourselves on music from the 70s to the current day!
Don't forget to put your clocks back at around midnight on this coming Saturday night—or at 2.00 am on Sunday morning, if you insist on accuracy about these things!
During the week of the 13th October, public sector workers throughout England were taking part in a campaign to alert the government about their pay and conditions. This involved some public sector workers—including a number in the NHS—initially going on strike for four hours, and subsequently working to rule.
Throughout that week, the Whiteparish First Responders (all of whom work), somehow rearranged their busy lives to provide cover for a large part of every day including late into the evenings, and 3 nights, making a total of 104 hours of cover. However, fortunately there were no emergencies for us to attend!
Jackie Hawker, Secretary (01794 884 127)
The Southern Wilts Area Board will be holding a meeting at Trafalgar School, Downton, between 6.00pm and 7.00pm on Monday 13th October. For an agenda, click here.
However, for an hour before the meeting (5.00pm to 6.00pm) and an hour afterwards (7.00pm to 8.00pm) you can visit stands and displays about 19 different organisations or topics. These are: Adult Social Care, Age UK Wiltshire, Alzheimers Society, Carers Support Wiltshire, CCG Stand, Community First/Good Neighbours, Downton Friendship Club, Downton Leisure Centre, Downton Pharmacy, Healthwatch Wiltshire, Leisure-Active, Public Health - Health Checks, Public Health - Health Promotion, Public Health - Health Trainers, Ramblers, South Wilts Paths Group, Wilton Stroke Forum, Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living, Wiltshire Online.
We have been asked to publicise an initiative by Vodafone, and supported by local MP John Glen, aimed at improving Vodafone's coverage in rural areas; it goes under the name of the Vodafone Open Sure Signal Programme. (Even if you're not a Vodafone user yourself, if you have a friend or relative who lives in Whiteparish and complains about their Vodafone coverage, please mention this article to them.)
Here's a brief description from Vodafone:
"In rural and remote locations across the UK, the economic case for traditional networks can be
challenging. This may be due to the geography of the area or difficulties with siting masts in
places such as national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty.
Vodafone Rural Open Sure Signal programme uses ‘femtocell’ technology to provide a Vodafone
3G signal in areas where traditional mobile coverage has been unable to reach.
About the size of a domestic broadband box and in a range of colours (white/grey/brown), the
units use existing broadband services to deliver the mobile signal needed to provide 3G
coverage, where before there was little or none. The units can be installed on any number of
buildings including village halls, pubs, shops and homes across the community to ensure
widespread mobile coverage . ,
We are encouraging communities to nominate a Village Champion to lead the application
process and ensure that the community has a number of things in place before submitting their
application form. These include ensuring the community has at least a 4MB broadband
connection, which is essential as Rural Open Sure Signal units work from a broadband
connection, to identifying 5-10 properties across the community, often on buildings on a hill or
in a ‘community hub’, on which to site our boxes."
To see more information about the programme, you can download two Vodafone documents (a briefing and a sample application pack) by clicking here and clicking here, respectively.
Chris Dudley, who moved into the village quite recently, has kindly volunteered to be a contact point for people who are interested in this programme. So if you are a local Vodafone user and think you would like to contribute to getting the programme for Whiteparish, please click here to email Chris and indicate your interest. But reply quickly, because the village's application has to be with Vodafone by 14 October this year.
In the notes from the Parish Council meeting on the 4th September, 2014, came the news that "Whiteparish has come 2nd in its category in the County Round of this year’s Best Kept Village Competition, sponsored by Hills. The Council would like to thank all the villagers for their support and hard work in making Whiteparish such a lovely area. The judges commented that the new Memorial Centre was a great improvement on the old pavilion and the recreation ground was generally well kept. Villager’s gardens were well tended and it was noted that the area around the pubs and shop were all very clean and tidy and there was no litter. We look forward to displaying ‘your’ certificate for second place in the County Round when it arrives!"
Other topics covered included a vacancy on the Parish Council, requests for volunteers for path clearing and work on The Copse, and news that there there had unfortunately been no volunteers for Neighbourhood Watch or to help with the Parish Weather Response Plan. For fuller details of these and other matters discussed, click here.
At long last it seems that the infrastructure is in place to enable at least some Whiteparish residents to order fibre broadband packages from their internet providers. Evidence? Today (16/09/14) we heard from a villager who lives in Romsey Rd, maybe a half-mile from the exchange but pretty close to the nearest "green box", that his current provider had checked his landline for suitability and offered him a superfast broadband package. If you too are on the Whiteparish exchange and have been able to order a superfast package, we'd be really interested to know (roughly) where you live and what download speeds you expect to get; do please let us know.
This is good news but leaves some folk (especially those living still further out, like us) in the dark about when they too will be able to order superfast—and how "superfastness" might still be left at the end of a long stretch of copper wire!

The photo shows the ambulance in question, members of the Whiteparish Community First Responders (back row) and the Year 5 pupils they were visiting at All Saints School on 16th July. For more information, and some more pictures, click here.
AUGUST 2014 CRIME REPORTS; and some good advice
The most recent reports from our Neighbourhood Policing Team suggests another quiet month on the local crime front, with just one crime listed in Whiteparish. However the report also includes some excellent advice on protecting outbuildings, as follows.
"Outbuilding security:
Outbuildings are being targeted more frequently by burglars. Here are some tips to ensure that the buildings are as secure as possible.
Structure. Are there loose slats or patches of rot on your shed or outer building? Consider getting these repaired as quickly as possible and think about reinforcing them from the inside.
Visibility. Are tools and other desirable items visible from the outside of the outbuilding? Bear in mind that these tools could be used to gain access to other areas of your property.
Insurance. Keep a note of all serial numbers and any distinguishing features of the items within your outbuildings. This is important for identification should your items be located. Does your insurance cover the contents of your outbuilding?
Alarms/Lighting. Consider looking for alarms and lighting to illuminate your property."
To read the detailed report, click here.
There are currently (8th September 2014) some very convincing-looking emails being distributed which purport to be from BH Live Tickets, with an attachment which the email claims contains e-tickets for pantomime performances at Bournemouth's Pavilion Theatre. These have nothing to do with the existing online leisure outfit, They are phoney and sent out by scammers. If you receive one, then unless you are actually expecting tickets from bhlive for the performances named, just delete it; and definitely don't open the zip file attachment.
Recently (late August 2014) there's been a lot of BT activity around the village's green cabinets, presumably and hopefully in aid of the promised "superfast" broadband; but unfortunately no word from BT yet about the latter being orderable. However, we've heard from several villagers in the past couple of weeks that their broadband speed has gone dramatically DOWN. A Highlands Way resident reports download speeds down from around 6 megabits/second (Mbps) to half that; Someone from the western end of the village reports "superslow" broadband download with download speeds in the 1.2 to 1.8 Mbps range and occasionally as low as 0.3 Mbps, and similarly poor performance next door.
Someone (no doubt tongue-in-cheek) mooted the possibility that this was a cunning ploy by BT to make superfast broadband seem even more superfast when residents finally start getting it installed! That's an interesting if cynical theory (!), but it seems more likely that getting the necessary superfast infrastructure installed at the exchange and cabinets is causing some temporary disruption to the current ADSL gear.
A very warm thank-you to all who helped at this event, especially Denise and John, Pat, Michael and Pat, Margaret, Sue, Dawn, Anita, Sid and Rita and to all those who so generously contributed their delicious cakes and jams, their lovingly crafted sewn goods and the great array of veg. It was a pity more people didn't turn up to support the event, but we made £455 towards maintenance and new equipment for our Memorial Centre and it was a very friendly occasion.
Gill Bray
As we enjoy the remains of our summer, our thoughts turn to the months to come.
The Memorial Hall is not, as yet, being utilised to its full capacity. Now is the time for some community minded villagers to get together to run activities in the hall which, together with it's modern kitchen, can be rented for just £10 an hour. Perhaps an art class or table tennis, arts and crafts, a men's club, a whist or bridge club. Some of these activities would be especially suited to meeting in the mornings or afternoons, as some folk are not keen on turning out at night.
All it needs is a few people willing to donate an hour or two of their time to make it happen. So don't just sit there wondering what to do. Give me a ring on 884882 and we can get things moving.
Colin Bray
The monthly summary of reported crimes for Whiteparish and neighbouring areas in July 2014, forwarded by PC Henry Clissold show a single crime in Whiteparish for July 2014 and another relatively quiet month elsewhere in the area, with Winterslow having the most (three) crimes listed in the categories that are included in these reports. PC Clissold also records goodbye and good wishes to "invaluable asset" PCSO Steph Dutton, who is leaving the Alderbury team for pastures new. To see the July summary, click here.
(From the report of the July 2014 Parish Council meeting): Congratulations! Whiteparish has come 1st in its category in the first round of this year’s Best Kept Village Competition. Comments from the judges include “The private gardens in the village were generally well cared for and there was very little sign of litter there or in the public spaces” and “Judges were impressed by the feel of the village, the community activities for all ages, and the generally high standard of care and congratulate all those who help to make Whiteparish such an attractive place”.
At the Parish Council meeting on 10th July 2014, topics covered included the councillor vacancy arising from Mrs Anne Baker's resignation; financial assistance to two local organisations; and the village's good early results in the 2014 Best Kept Village competition (see separate story above). For the meeting notes, containing more information on these and other items discussed, click here.
In addition, three other documents provide extra information, some of which relates to items discussed at the meeting, which you can view or download by clicking on the following links:
Garden Waste Kerbside Collections
Weather Response Plan
Neighbourhood Watch.
The latest monthly crime figures for Whiteparish and neighbouring areas, forwarded by PC Henry Clissold show no crime in Whiteparish for June 2014 (or at least, none in the categories that are included in these reports). Looks like a relatively quiet month elsewhere n the area, too, with Landford getting the worst of it. To see the June summary, click here.
According to the Wiltshire Online website, Whiteparish has now moved from "Surveying Now" status to "Installing Now", in terms of getting our upgrade to so-called "superfast" broadband. Has anyone in the village actually reached the stage of being able to order the new technology for their home? Or still better, being able to use it? Do please let us know—especially if you think you are, or were, the first!
A date for your diaries: Saturday 23rd August, when the Garden Club will be organising this year's Flower & Hobbies Show in the Memorial Centre. For those who have mislaid their July edition of Steeple & Street or who don't subscribe to it, you can view the schedule (classes) for the show by clicking here.
2014 FETE, 21st June
Our annual Fete was yet again blessed with fine weather (can't remember the last time we had a rainy one). Visitors seemed well up with other recent years, and everyone was having a good time. The photo shows Mrs Marjorie Andrews, 98 years young, presenting a fancy-dress prize to Martha Ball (towards the other end of the age spectrum) in the Pre-school and Owls category. Despite being almost as old as the Fete's theme of 100 years, Mrs Andrews was remarkably spry, declaring the fete open and presenting the fancy-dress prizes. And she clearly enjoyed meeting the prizewinners. For more photos, click here.
Unfortunately other commitments prevented us photographing as wide a spread of subjects at the fete as we would have liked. If anyone else took quite a few shots of different situations there, and can help fill in the gaps, please do get in touch. Ditto if you managed to photograph all the perfomers at the Bands Night the previous evening—especially if you can name all the acts. Finally, if anyone knows the make and model of the motorbike on the left of the BMW, one of us would like to know!
We have added a new photo gallery to the website, showing the official opening of the Memorial Centre and visit by HRH Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, on 3rd June 2014. Thanks go to Stuart McWilliam for providing the photos. To see the gallery, click here.
Here are some requests for help and/or contributions for the fete:
For the Country Kitchen:
"The Fete signs are up, so it is time once again for all cake bakers to use their culinary skills. Whiteparish folk—let us show The Great British Bake Off what we can do and celebrate with at least 100 cakes on June 21st! Please bring your contributions to the marquee on the morning of the Fete. Thank you."
For the Bottle Stall
Please bring bottles for the fete to the school, or drop off with Jane Legat at Alderstone House, Dean Lane, not later than 5.00pm on Thursday 19th June.
Books and DVDs Wanted
Please bring any books and/or DVDs for the fete to the school, from Monday 16th June; or deliver to the Memorial Centre from 9.00am on the morning of the Fete.
Selling Draw Tickets
If you can help, please contact Jane Legat on 884600, or email her at this address.
PC Henry Clissold, our assigned Community Beat Manager, writes as follows: "I am currently on recuperation duties following some minor surgery to my hand. Rest assured that I am keeping an eye on things from the relative safety of the office until I am allowed out again. There appears to be a rise in the number of shed breaks over the last month; as the weather improves thieves know that all the lovely garden machinery you own will be out and being used so may not be as well hidden and secured as during the Winter months. DON’T make it easy for them!"
For the monthly list of selected local crime reports issued by the Southern Wiltshire Policing Team, covering May 2014, click here.

Accompanied by Memorial Trust chairman Sid Roberts, HRH Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, unveils the commemorative plaque with a practised hand (and some panache)
Though our new Memorial Centre has been in use since early in the year, any project as important as this one was should have an official opening ceremony, too, and on 3rd June the trustees were very pleased to welcome Prince Richard to "do the honours", accompanied by Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton, Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire.
The guests arrived by car from Wilton, and after being greeted by the trustees they toured the centre, met representatives of many village organisations, and enjoyed some refreshments. Last item on the agenda was for HRH to unveil the plaque and officially declare the hall to be open, after a short and entertaining speech. Then Prince Richard's party were whisked away by helicopter, to much excitement from the children on the Memorial Ground.
There will be more pictures, and probably some more words, on the website very soon.
At their meeting on the 21st May, 2014, parish councillors elected Trevor King as Chairman, and Mike Hayday as Vice Chairman; and councillors were elected to various other roles within the Parish Council and the community. Details are available on the Parish Council page; to see them, click here.
Other topics covered included what happens (or rather doesn"t) when groups apply for financial aid but don't send a representative who is able to discuss the application to the relevant Parish Council meeting, the need to cut back overhanging vegetation, dog mess, and and how to report potholes etc now that the old "Clarence" contact number is being phased out. For fuller details of these and other matters discussed, click here.
The final details of the fete and other happenings during "Whiteparish Week" are now available on the website. For a printable MS Word document to keep as a reminder, click here. To see the same information on the Fete page, click here.
As most of us will know already, the theme of the 2014 fete is "100 years ago". The fete committee are very pleased that a "true" Whiteparish person of a remarkable age will be opening the fete on the 21st June. This special guest is Marjorie Andrews, formerly of Cottage Farm, who at 98 years is almost as old as the fete theme and apparently is really excited about her role on the day! To read a little more about Marjorie, click here.
Now that the Memorial Centre building work is complete, and the landscaping very nearly so, the trustees of the Memorial Trust are pleased to announce that the Centre will be officially opened on 3rd June 2014 at 3.30 pm by HRH Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who will be accompanied by the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire: Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton.
Everyone is invited to the Memorial Ground to watch Prince Richard unveil a plaque to commemorate the opening. Nominated represntatives of user groups will be able to meet the Prince as he tours the building. Please come along and help the trustees to mark the event!
On Tuesday 29th April, the Whiteparish First Responders were delighted to welcome 24 villagers to our Defibrillator Demonstration and Open Evening in the Memorial Centre’s Cowesfield Room. The evening was well received, and we hope to make this an annual event, but if you would be interested in attending another evening in 6 months time instead, please get in touch with Jackie Hawker, on 01794 884127.
For a full report, with photos, click here.
The latest set of crime reports suggest that April was a relatively quiet month in the localities covered, unless you lived in Landford which suffered a spate of burglaries. Just one burglary in Whiteparish (though of course any crime is distressing for the household involved). Also, we always have to remember that the reports list only a selection of crimes in the month concerned, and certain categories of crime are not included. For details, click here.
At the Parish Council meeting on the 3rd April 2014, among the topics discussed were a change of litter policy from Wiltshire Council, whereby apparently it's now acceptable to put dog waste in ordinary litter bins; and an advisory, also from Wilts Council, that on 27th May Newton Lane is scheduled to be closed between the A36 and the junciron with Hop Gardens for various kinds of road works to be carried out. For more on these, and other topics discussed, click here.
There will be no change to normal recyling and waste collection arrangements on account of the Easter Bank Holiday. Plastic bottles and cardboard + black bin recyling collections will take place on Good Friday (18th April); and household waste and garden waste coollections (where applicable) on Friday 25th April.
Here are some notes from the Fete Committee meeting on 3rd April:
The competitions for this year’s fete are on the theme of "100 years ago", to be staged as usual in the church, are as follows:
Key stage 1 |
Picture or collage |
Key stage 2 |
Model |
Key stage 3 |
Poem |
Senior school |
A letter to or from the trenches |
The entries will need to be displayed by 4pm on Friday 20 June please, ready to be judged that evening.
Please check in Steeple & Street for details of the bottle stall collection.
The date of the next meeting is 15 May – 7.15pm in the Parish Lantern.
The most recent set of crime reports for Whiteparish and 12 other neighbouring areas suggests that March 2014 was a fairly quiet month, with just 12 selected incidents listed. There was just one incident (drug possession) listed for Whiteparish, while once again Old Sarum seemx to have suffered most. According to the report:: "A worrying spate of garage breaks in the Old Sarum area need to be treated as a timely reminder for residents of all areas to look at the security of their garages and sheds. Are they locked? Are expensive items on show? Is property post coded? Take the time to do these things now before it is too late."
For details, click here.
Wilts County Council Planners are looking for comments/representations about the proposed scope of the above Development Plan Document (DPD), for which the six-week consultation period ends on Monday 5th May 2014. They are also asking landowners to notify them of any land that can be considered for site proposals. More information is available on the council's website, so for more detail, click here. (For other planning-policy-related documents on the Council site, click here.)
Apparently, according to a Powerpoint chart shown by a BT representative at the 27th March SWAB meeting referenced below, BT's Superfast Broadband is still on track for installation in Whiteparish this summer. This will be of the fibre-to-the-cabinet and copper-to-the-premises variety. (The necessary cabinets are yet to be installed.) When we get any more details we'll put them on the website. If anyone else gets any new news (or even new rumours or speculation), please let us know. At the moment the big unknown—certainly for those of us living some distance from the exchange—is how distance from the cabinet may affect (ie reduce) performance, compared with the improved speeds seen by people fortunate enough to live near a cabinet.
The village is very lucky to have a Community Public Access Defibrillator at the Parish Lantern, and so it makes sense to show everyone what the defibrillator looks like, and how very easy it is to use. The Whiteparish First Responders invite everyone in the village to a demonstration and training session in the Memorial Centre at 7.30 pm on 29th April 2014. For more details, click here.
As many will probably already know, the Kings Head seems to be under threat of closure again. If you would be sad to see this happen, please sign the petition opposing closure in the village shop or the pub.
[A Personal View: Since the Kings Head re-opened last autumn, we have called in several times for a meal or a drink, and been impressed by the way that after a relatively short time in charge (but loads of work), Mark and Michelle turned the old place around—with decent food, a much nicer atmosphere, customer numbers increasing, and plans for improvements in the garden. We understand that recently they've been turning a profit.
But unfortunately Mark & Michelle will be leaving soon, and rumour has it that the KH may be closed altogether in the near future. If it was the perfectly good business that it seemed to have become—well run, and back on the up-and-up—closure would be both regrettable and hard to understand. D & J H]
On 6th March 2014 the Parish Council met in the Memorial Centre for two meetings: the Annual Parish Meeting and a regular council meeting. At the Annual Parish Meeting, there were five members of the public present, and the council handed out a PC Annual Review. Members of the public had questions about potholes, warning signs, and whether the Parish Council could help with saving village pubs. To see the Parish Meeting Notes, click here.
At the regular PC meeting that followed, topics discussed included the newly completed surfacing work on Common Road, the Best Kept Village competition, missing road signs on Newton Lane, and the Community Speedwatch initiative. For more details, click here.
The next meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB), starting at 7 pm on Thursday 27 March 2014, will be held in Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls Village Hall. Apparently the board, who always welcome members of the public to these meeetings, will be discussing what they call "Big Issues", which will include Superfast Broadband in the area, and Sainsbury's Salisbury Gateway proposal. For a sight of the agenda, click here.
The Fete Committee write as follows:
Great news ! there was a good turnout for the committee meeting on 13 March.
We do still need folk to come forward to go on rotas for various tasks—from helping with teas, to setting up and clearing away. If you think you can help (the more names we have, the less time you need to give), then please get in touch.
There has been a great response to the request for sponsorship and prizes—again, if you think you can help, please let us know. The less money we have to spend in hiring marquees etc, the more we can give to the church and school.
A reminder: the theme for this fete is "100 years ago". Put your thinking caps on for ideas for the children’s fancy dress competition. Details of that and other competitions to be staged in the church will be announced later.
Sophie Sharpe is the chair of the committee and can be contacted through the school.
The most recent set of crime reports for Whiteparish and 12 other neighbouring areas lists a total of 23 selected incidents during the month of February 2014. As many as eight of these were in Old Sarum, while Whiteparish suffered just one: an unsuccessful burglary. (Remember that some categories of incidents, including violence and/or reports of domestic disputes, are not included in these monthly bulletins.)
For details, click here. (We guess that the "bales of hale" nicked in the first Laverstock crime were probably of hay, though the original has a nicer ring to it.)
The March 20 meeting of the History Group, with a talk by Peter Saunders on "Salisbury’s Medieval Water Courses and their Legacy", will be at 7.30 pm in the King's Head function room. The April 17 meeting will combine the AGM with a talk by Diana Goetz on "The Life and Times of Thomas Hardy", and will be at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Centre.
The current version of the "Our Community Matters" website for southern Wiltshire (an initiative that arose from the county Area Boards scheme) includes a number of interesting articles and features. Perhaps the most significant is a list of 10 priority subjects (such as stronger communities, housing, etc) identified during a recent Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB) meeting in Downton. SWAB's next step will be to place these subjects in priority order at their meeting scheduled to be held in the Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls Village Hall on 27 March, starting at 7.00 pm.
For more details, click here to go to the "Our Community Matters" website.
Please note that from 1st March 2014 the Surgery will be closed between 1.00 pm and 2.15 pm each day. This is to enable the doctors and staff to complete administrative tasks and to hold meetings. However, the telephone lines will remain open (01794884269).
PC Henry Clissold has sent us the most recent crime bulletin, covering January 2014. (Apparently there was a glitch in sending out one or two reports previous to that, hence a gap in the reports on the website. If we get any missing ones we'll upload them.) Once again, January seems to have been a fairly quiet month in the area overall. There were no reported incidents in eight out of the 13 local areas covered by these reports, but there were three for Whiteparish. For details, click here.
It seems that more helpers/supporters are still needed for this year's fete. The committee write as follows:
"It's been said before and no doubt will be again, that if a good village fete is to be held this summer more people need to come forward to “own” some of the jobs.
The next committee meeting will be on [Thursday] 13 March at 7.15pm in the Kings Head. Please do come along and register your support. You will not be required to turn up at every meeting, but the existing members need to know what help is out there in order to plan the event.
The school and the church benefit hugely from funds that are raised and hopefully village residents think it an event worth saving.
John Dunlop (Church)
Sophie Sharpe, Andrew Perry and Natalie Gross (school )
Sue King (village)"
The History Group meeting on Thursday 20th February 2014, starting at 7.30 pm, will be held in the Function Room of the King's Head, where Peter Preen will be giving a talk on "The Life and Achievements of T.E. Lawrence". For the subjects of other meetings in the first half of 2014, and reports of past meetings, click here to go to the History Group page.
At what sounds like a rather roads-dominated meeting on 16 January, topics discussed by the Parish Council included upcoming resurfacing plans (necessitating a temporary closure of Green Close for a day or so in March), car parking problems in Common Road, winter damage to our minor roads, Community Speed Watch, and some financial assistance to the Badminton Club. For more details, click here. The next meeting, at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Centre on Thursday 6th March, will be the Annual Parish Meeting, followed by a routine Parish Council meeting. If you want to raise any village matter but can't be present at the meeting in person, please inform any councillor, or the clerk—contact details can be found by clicking here.
Just a late reminder that the next meeting of the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) is scheduled for 7.00 pm on 30th January, in Alderbury Village Hall. For a sight of the agenda, click here.
As mentioned in the next item, the Memorial Trust held their AGM on 25th January, and for the benefit of anyone who was not able to attend and would like some idea of the interior rooms and amenities, we took some photos. These include shots of not only the areas that were open for viewing on the day, but also the changing rooms and associated amenities. However, not all areas were covered.
To see the photos in the website's Galleries section, click here.
On Saturday 25 January, Trustees of the memorial Trust held the AGM - the very first meeting in the new Memorial Centre. Besides the Trustees there were 48 members of the public and after having a look round the new building, the AGM started with the Chairman's report.
Sid Roberts, Chairman described the past year's activity - which mainly related to the construction of the building. He also took the opportunity to thank many people who had contributed to the project over the years - some living and some no longer with us.
Sid finished by encouraging people to use the new building - a facility of which the whole village can be proud.
Linda Palmer, Treasurer, then presented the Accounts for the past financial year. Again the key items of expenditure related to the construction project. Linda advised the meeting that once all the bills have been settled, Trustees will prepare a summary of income and costs for the whole project - that will be circulated across the village, as Trustees have
done with previous communications. [To see the regular progress reports that the Trustees have issued in the last year or so, click here. ]
Members of the public were invited to ask questions and many took the opportunity to ask about specific aspects of the project and about how the building will be operated going forward. The new caretaker was introduced — Sid Twine — and people had the opportunity to chat to Sid after meeting.
Trustees are holding an 'open afternoon' on Sunday 2 February 2 till 4pm so that anyone can come and look round the building. Trustees will be on hand to provide tea and biscuits and answer any questions.
2014 FETE.
Fortunately, two more kind folk joined the committee at the last meeting!
So it now seems possible to organise both the Friday Bands night and the Saturday fete.
It was decided the theme for this year should be "100 YEARS AGO".
This will give quite a broad range of choices for the intended fancy dress competition. Details of the competitions which are displayed in Church will be confirmed at a later date – so watch for the updates in future magazines and on the village website.
Members of the committee will be attending the Trust AGM to see how best to use the new hall and surrounding space for the fete layout.
If you feel you can help in any way, but are not able to regularly attend committee meetings, please contact any of the following:
Sophie Sharpe, Natalie Gross and Andrew Perry (school)
John Dunlop (Church)
Sue King (Village)
The next meeting will be in The Kings Head on Feb 6 at 7.15pm
Unfortunately several problems caused by contractors and suppliers not turning up on time, or bringing the wrong kit, etc, meant that the new Centre wasn't quite ready for handover to the trustees before Christmas 2013, as had been hoped. However it is now hoped that the building and the outside areas will be ready for handover by 24th January, just in time for the Trust AGM to be held in the Centre at 10.00am on Saturday 25 January. The trustees say: "Do come along; you'll be able to take a quick look around the new building, although the trustees will be offering that opportunity again at the end of January.
Trustees are very conscious of the disruption in the Memorial Ground car park and around the area in general. We would like to thank the whole village for their patience and tolerance during the construction. We hope that you will agree: the building will have been worth the hassle."
Meanwhile, if you can't wait for the 24th and haven't had the chance to look for yourselves, we've added a few extra photos to the website gallery of external views of the construction of the new centre. They take the record up to early January. To see them, click here.
The History Group meeting on Thursday 16th January 2014, starting at 7.30 pm, will be held in the Function Room of the King's Head, where David Pantling will be giving a talk on "Bridges in the Old City of London". For the subjects of other meetings in the first half of 2014, and reports of past meetings, click here to go to the History Group page.
Angus Macpherson, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Wiltshire and Swindon, is consulting on the police and crime element of council tax for 2014-15.
The Commissioner is considering an increase in the police and crime element of council tax of £3.15 a year for the average home (band D property). This to help reduce the impact of significant central government grant reductions on policing and crime services in Wiltshire and Swindon.
Commissioner McPherson explains the need for an increase in a little more detail in a press release, which you can read by clicking here. The consultation period runs from 6 January to Monday the 3rd of February, 2014. During that period, the Commissioner and members of his staff will be attending Area Boards around the county to discuss the proposed increase with members of the public. You can also give your views via the Commissioner's website: click here.
At their 12th December meeting, topics covered by the Parish Council included the Neighbourhood Plan, Dog Fouling, the aspiration to extend Doves Lane, the Parish Precept, and continued discussions on HGVs using our minor roads and lanes. For more information on these, click here.
The following are the early-January collection dates as rescheduled due to the Christmas and New Year holidays:
Monday 6th January: Household waste.
Saturday 11th January: Plastic, cardboard, and Black Box recyeling.
Friday 17th January: Household waste; Garden waste (for those receiving this service); note this is the first garden waste collection in January.
From 17th January onwards, collections are back on the usual schedule of alternate Fridays.
At their 14th November meeting, topics covered by the Parish Council included horses being ridden on pavements (they shouldn't be), Speed Indication Displays (SIDs), signage for the new Memorial Centre, the use of Newton Lane, Miles Lane, and Dean Lane by HGVs. For more information on these, click here.
PC Henry Clissold writes: "Please note [this] press release from colleagues in Salisbury which gives some useful crime prevention advice relating to break-ins to sheds, garages and outbuildings. Our local villages haven’t been targeted quite so heavily (as yet) but I thought it would be a useful reminder to review your security arrangements." To see the press release, click here.
The Whiteparish Saturday and Sunday teams are doing well at the moment, both having won six league matches out of 10 at the time of writing. After an uneven start to the season, the Sunday side in particular are really on a roll, recently winning six matches in succession. If you want to support Whiteparish FC in the run-up to Christmas, the Saturday side are playing at home (on the Memorial Ground) against Stockton and Codford Reserves on the 7th December and a Morrison Cup match against South Newton & Wishford on 14th December; kick-off at 1.30 pm for both matches. (Both of the Sunday team's fixtures during the same period are away matches.)
Councillor Jane Scott OBE, Leader of Wiltshire Council, will be attending the next South Wiltshire Area Board meeting at Downton Memorial Hall (on 5 December, starting at 7.00 pm), to speak and answer questions. (Bearing in mind the largely critical comments that have appeared recently in the local press about pay and/or allowance rises for councillors and top Wilts council officials, that could be an interesting session.) For more about the agenda, click here.
If you'd like to subscribe to be kept up-to-date with the local community news and events involving South Wilts, Salisbury, or other areas of Wiltshire, click here.
The 2013 Fireworks Display was not only a terrific show, it raised a magnificent £6150, of which £500 went as a donation to the new Memorial Centre, and the rest to All Saints School. The Fireworks Display is the biggest fundraiser that the School PTA are involved in during the year, and the PTA Fireworks Committee say "The school will make good use of the money raised [which] will help towards contributions to school trips, pay for IT equipment, books, classroom equipment, and many other things to enhance the children's school experience . . . a huge thank you to everyone for making this event the success it is, and we look forward to seeing you at the display next year."

Nice to see the lights on again
With some other village landmarks disappearing for ever, we were pleased to notice one evening recently that the King's Head was lit up and back in business;
now hopefully reprieved from the threat of redevelopment. In an email, Rob Phillips (part-owner) expressed the hope that those who had mourned [what had seemed to be] the pub's passing would now like to drop by to check out the improvements and spend some time and money there! Well, if Whiteparish could once have supported four (even five) pubs, we should be able to go back to supporting three, shouldn't we? Welcome back to "The King's"!
Well, the spectacular 2013 Annual Fireworks display on Saturday 9th November, staged through the generosity of Messrs Pains Fireworks, must have at least rivalled the best of past years, and possibly surpassed them. The temporary venue behind the Parish Lantern was a revelation—a natural amphitheatre which meant that everyone had a good view, however far back they were. Excellent organisation and stewarding by the Whiteparish School PTA (the school benefits from the takings), seasonal catering (hot dogs and hot drinks including mulled wine) all contributed to a really enjoyable show. It seemed very well attended, too, and we hope to publish figures for attendance and funds raised soon. In the meantime, you can see a short video clip of the very end of the show by clicking here.
A relatively quiet month for crimes in Whiteparish, with just two thefts reported. But it seems the light-fingered fraternity were concentrating their efforts elsewhere, with a total of 13 incidents reported in Landford and Laverstock. For more details, click here.
As most Whiteparish folk will probably know by now, Whiteparish is in the second batch of mostly rural communities in Wiltshire to be scheduled for so-called "superfast" broadband (see earlier story further down the page by clicking here).
However the relevant press release distributed on 23 September was not very specific about some aspects of this, notably timings and coverage, and we've tried to get some clarification from the BT press office.
BT refer to the launch of superfast broadband in a community as "rollout", which for Whiteparish is scheduled for summer 2014. Rollout here will apparently mean "installing one or possibly two fibre cabinets and the associated cabling work etc to connect up (we have to run fibre cable from the exchange to the new roadside cabinet)". This didn't seem a lot of cabinets, bearing in mind the widely spread area served by the Whiteparish exchange, so we asked whether, with the coming of fibre, superfast broadband would be orderable for all households who currently have a Whiteparish landline. The answer was "The overwhelming majority will be able to get high speed fibre. However, we will have a much better idea once all the planning and survey work is underway. I think the message to your readers is to keep in touch with [their] service providers and the GWB website for further info".
So that's as much as we know right now, and it probably isn't worth badgering BT for more detailed info at the moment. Guess we'll have to be patient! However, if anyone gets any later and/or more authoritative news about these points or any other aspects of fibre broadband here, please let us know and we'll be pleased to share it via the website.
ANNUAL FIREWORKS, 9th November 2013 .
Don't forget to add the evening of 9th November to your diary, and to get your tickets (available from the village shop) in good time. For details (cribbed from one of those very tickets), see panel above.
Items discussed at the Parish Council's meeting on 3rd October 2013 included community speed watch, CATG funding, overhanging vegetation, and CLARENCE reporting. For more information, click here.
After being away from the office with an injury for a few weeks, PC Henry Clissold writes to reassure us that he is now "back and fighting fit.", and to caution us that "We have an exciting month ahead of us with Halloween and Fireworks nights fast approaching. Please be a good neighbour and keep an eye on each other to ensure that both of these dates pass off without incident."
He also attached the latest local crime bulletin, which seems to have been a fairly quiet month in the area overall, though there were two workshop burglaries in Whiteparish. For details, click here.

Another "old friend" has gone, to join the pavilion. The Village Hall was finally demolished on the 7th October 2013, having served the village well for something like 85 years since it was first built with a legacy from Lord Melchet in 1928. (Two new 4-bedroomed family houses are to be built on the site.) Many thanks to Mike Thorne for contributing the photo of the JCB starting to munch through the far end. To quote Mike: "It sounded as if the the digger was eating giant cornflakes, and it made very short work of reducing the old wooden building to matchwood". Many thanks too to Mel Oakley for contributing three photos taken while the digger was completing its work later on the same day.
So quite sad, really, but the construction of the new Memorial Centre will soon be finished, to replace both the hall and the pavilion. We've added a mini-gallery including the photos from Mike and Mel, and two or three other "before and after" shots, which you can see by clicking here.
If Wilts Council know your email address, you may already have received a "Personal Invitation" from Council Leader Jane Scott, to take part in an online survey aimed at getting the views of Wiltshire residents on a number of topics. It apparently takes only about 15 minutes, and covers our local area, council spending, lifestyle, community safety, environment, local health priorities, and an "about you" section. If you haven't completed the survey yet, you can go to the relevant page on the Council website by clicking here. The survey closes at the end of October.
Please note that the talk by Don Cross, scheduled for 21st November 2013, has been replaced by a talk from John Levesley on "New Forest Airfields at War". Time (7.30 pm) and venue (All Saints School) are unchanged. To see the whole winter programme, click here to go to the history society page.
We have received an email from a Will Stevens, asking if anyone here knows anything about the Bennett family who lived in Whiteparish for a while in the late Victorian period: in particular John Bennett and Ann Bennett who were buried in All Saints churchyard in 1884 and 1888 respectively. To see Will's email in full, click here. To see the Bennetts' gravestone, click here.
If you can help Will with his enquiry, his email address is willgrstevens @ (delete spaces around the @.)
It's been a very good start to the season for Whiteparish's Saturday team. Playing in the Salisbury & District (Saturday) League Division 1, they've already notched up three wins out of four, to put them third in the table.
The Sunday team, playing in the Salisbury & District (Sunday) League Division 2, are not doing quite so well with one win so far, but there's plenty of season left. Sunday 6th October they'll be playing a local derby on the Memorial Ground against Alderbury; so if you're free at around 10.30 am, why not turn up and support them ?

Just a little photographic update to the picture a couple of stories down: By the third week in September, the new Memorial Centre roof was covered, and mostly tiled. This should let the contractors working on the interior walls, floors, fittings etc really crack on—without being dripped on!
A press release just received from the so-called "superfast broadband partnership" (of BT, Wiltshire Council, and South Gloucestershire Council) brings the great news that Whiteparish is one of the next six communities in the Wilts/South Gloucs area to be "in plan" for installation of fibre broadband. Don't know at the moment just how we got to be included, but well done to any villagers who registered their interest via the BT website. It can't have done any harm, and may well have helped.
To see the text of the press release, click here. You will see that the according to the release, Whiteparish households will be able to order the faster broadand as from summer 2014. It's not clear at the moment if this means they'll just be taking orders, or if it will actually be possible to get connected as from then. (Have asked the press office for more details on this.)
As promised, we've added a photo gallery of this year's show to the website. All the photos were kindly sent in by Keith Hobbs, who has captured some nice "people shots" as well as giving a good impression of the quality of the exhibits. It's interesting to see the effect of the diffused and kind of wraparound light that you get when photographing in a polytunnel (kindly provided by Messrs Courtens in this year of making do without the Village Hall). To see the gallery, click here.

As you can see, the new Memorial Centre construction is progressing well, with the main walls all completed up to roof level, the roof timbers in place, and the under-roof insulation about to be added. This is one of the many photos currently in the website's photo gallery, showing progress since last year. To see the gallery, click here.
For information about a 4-day period of possible traffic restrictions in Common Rd (and presumably parking restriction at the Surgery), see panel above.
. . . to Whiteparish Cricket Club First XI who amassed the points needed to gain promotion to County Division 4 for next season, in their final league match this season against Parley on 31 August. (Unfortunately losing their unbeaten record for this season in the process, but who cares?!) We understand this takes Whiteparish into their highest-level league ever, certainly in the recent past. Roll on cricket at County League level next year, on the new pitch and with the equally new changing facilities in the Memorial Centre! To read more about this milestone for the Cricket Club, click here to go to the club's own always entertaining website.
For some icing on the cake, Whiteparish beat Sherfield English in the annual inter-village cricket match for the Doug Dugard Memorial Shield a couple of weeks beforehand.
The Whiteparish Garden Club's annual show was held on Saturday 24th August, opening at 2.30 pm, at Courtens Garden Centre, who had kindly agreed to host the 2013 show while we are short of a village hall. Bearing in mind the unusual circumstances, entries and attendance held up pretty well, and we hope to have the usual photo gallery prepared fairly soon. In the meantime, you can view the schedule by clicking here.
Topics covered at the 15th August 2013 meeting of the Parish Council included a Whiteparish Neighbourhood Plan; a search for volunteers for Community Speed Watch; Community Area Transport Group grants, Wiltshire Council's CLARENCE scheme, and a temporary closure of Moor Lane, starting on 23 September. To learn more about any of these, click here to see the meeting notes.
The Whiteparish History Group's programme for September 2013 to May 2014 is now available on the History Group page, with the usual well-balanced mixture of topics related to our immediate area, our region, and more general subjects. To check it out, click here.
There could be all kinds of answers to that question, but one of them is a promise of "superfast broadband" (or SFB, for short). It was recently announced in the local media that both Alderbury and Downton have been selected by BT for priority installation of SFB. So where is Whiteparish in the SFB stakes? Well, not quite as bad as we used to be, but still not good. A BT website shows we've just crawled up from the bottom category of NC, or "Not currently in rollout plans", to tne next-to bottom category of UE, or "Under Evaluation, Exchange upgrade being evaluated as part of a government-funded programme", along with 1044 other communities nationwide. The last-but-one of five status categories.
One doesn't know exactly what this means. Are BT deciding whether to do anything at all for Whiteparish? Or deciding what level of upgrade we might get, with the possibility of getting some inferior technology solution that's a bit better than what we've got now, but nothing like so good as the really neat stuff our neighbours have been promised?! But if you are interested in Whiteparish getting the fastest practicable broadband (even if you personally are not especially fussed about it), then going to the relevant BT website to register your interest could help. If you haven't already done this, please do it now by clicking here and following the "Register your interest" link.
We've added a new photo gallery in the Galleries section, which mostly shows progress on the new Memorial Centre since construction got properly under way in early spring 2013. We hope to add to this over the next few months. This is the first photo gallery we've produced using a new software package (see next story). To see it, click here.
Until now we've been using some home-brewed software for photo galleries on the website, but the limitations of this have been increasingly obvious recently and we are moving to something a bit more capable: a package called Highslide, which is free for use in noncommercial websites. One big advantage is that it adjusts the image size to the window it's being displayed on, so hopefully galleries produced from now on will be more usable on tablets and smartphones. We've noticed one or two snags with it, but overall it seems much better than what we had before. If you notice any serious disadvantages, please let us know.
The first new-look gallery features the construction of the new Memorial Centre. To see it, click here.
From Tom Bray: "The next [Southern Wilts] Area Board meeting will take place on Thursday 1st August at Alderbury Village Hall starting at 7pm. We have 2 major agenda items. Our local highways team will be coming along to talk about the new way of working in the area. We will also debate the themes that the Area Board will focus on during 2013/14. The Board will also decide on funding applications from a new boxing club starting up at Downton’s Trafalgar School, a new play park in Odstock and assistance for the Memorial Hall’s new boiler."
To see the agenda and reports, click here. To check out the "Our Community Matters" website, dealing with happenings in the Southern Wilts area, click here.
Despite a slightly dodgy weather forecast, and being held in the much smaller arena of All Saints School (necessitated by the ongoing Memorial Centre building work making the Memorial Ground unavailable), the 2013 Fete and associated events raised a magnificent £5600 for All Saints Church and School, outdoing the amount raised by the same events in 2012. Well done to everybody concerned!
Unfortunately the website staff had to be elsewhere on fete day, so we weren't able to take any fete photos for the website. Keith Hobbs has helped us out in recent years by contributing a lot of the photos in previous fete galleries, but Keith also had to miss the fete this year. So, does anyone have some fete photos they could let us use? Or photos taken at other Whiteparish Week events? If so, please get in touch!
July's Parish Council meeting, held in All Saints Church, included news of a "pseudo footpath" under consideration, to run from the Memorial Ground car park to the school; also the fact that in the future Whiteparish-related planning applications will be considered by the whole Parish Council, and the possibility of more frequent council meetings. For more on these and the other topics discussed, click here.
PC Henry Clissold wrote on 19th July: "Within the last 24 hours we have had two burglaries in our area, these have been during the day whilst the houses are unoccupied. Can I take this rather unfortunate opportunity to remind people to keep their homes secure. Make sure those windows are secured closed, it is better top come home to a hot stuffy house than a burgled house.
Burglars will be opportunistic and in this hot weather they know that windows are left partially open and a lot of first floor windows are left completely insecure, please don’t make it easy for them."
For the monthly report of local crimes that occurred during June 2013, also forwarded by PC Clissold, click here. (The text of the report mentions crimes "from 1st to 30th May", but we think that should actually read June.)
We recently received the following "thank you" to the Whiteparish folk concerned, from Mr Steve Old:
"On the evening of Friday 28th June 2013 my daughter and I were involved in a minor Road Traffic Accident whilst driving towards Romsey along Romsey Road Whiteparish, no one was hurt but the cars involved were damaged and barely drivable. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the residents and passers-by who showed concern and offered assistance to us. It made a bad situation bearable to know that there were so many kind and caring people around that we could have called upon if required. The offered use of mobile phones that could get a signal, land line for longer calls to insurers and recovery firms were accepted and meant we got home a lot earlier than we thought we would.
Could you kindly publish this online or in print on my behalf? I did not take the names of the people involved but they will know who they are.
Many Thanks. Steve Old"
To view this newsletter from the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB), click here.
On 7th June the PCC for Wiltshire and Swindon, Angus Macpherson launched a £1 million Innovation Fund.
The Commissioner is looking to fund community and voluntary initiatives throughout Wiltshire and Swindon which will help towards achieving his six main priorities as set out in his Police and Crime Plan.
Mr Macpherson said: "I am really excited about launching this £1 million Innovation Fund and making this money available to projects on the ground that can make a real difference to communities."
The Commissioner's six main priorities, working with communities and partners, are to:
- Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
- rotect the most vulnerable in society
- Put victims and witnesses first
- Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
- Drive up standards of customer service
- Ensure unfailing and timely response to calls for assistance
Mr Macpherson added: "This fund is about supporting innovative new ideas which will make a lasting difference to community safety and I'm particularly interested in projects that help to break cycles of crime and anti-social behaviour, including supporting repeat offenders."
For more information and contact details, you can see the rest of the press release by clicking here.
May saw reported crimes locally well up from April's 53 reported incidents, with Whiteparish "top scorer", unfortunately. Considering the list as a whole, PC Clissold writes: " . . . you will see that reported incidents were 74 which is an increase from last month; there were 36 reported crimes. Our non crime incidents were 38 this month which makes pretty similar reading to previous months. There have been some great results this last month including three suspected burglars arrested [in Whiteparish] with some stolen property still in their possession, this was only possible after eagle eyed villagers called us and a quick response from colleagues meant we got a good result."
To see the May summary, click here.
The 6th June meeting of the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) will be held at Morgans Vale and Woodfalls Village Hall, starting at 7.00 pm. The agenda will include election of a Chairman and Vice Chairman, presentation of reports, a discussion of what the Area Board should be concentrating on (this is the item allotted most time on the agenda), and consideration of applications for Community Area Grants. To see the official notice of the meeting, including links to the full agenda, which in turn has links to a number of other interesting-sounding documents, click here.
We hear that three individuals were spotted recently behaving suspiciously in the Common Road area, and police arrived in good time to detain them for questioning. And in the same week, a staddle stone was removed from a garden in the East of the parish. Perhaps these incidents will find their way in to the next official crime report.
The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 9th May 2013 in the Village Hall. Among other business, Trevor King and Peter Kidman were elected Chair and Vice Chair respectively, two councillors were co-opted onto the council, the possibility of more frequent meetings was discussed, and it was agreed to support Wiltshire Council in the matter of upgrading the path at Doves Lane to improve access to the school. For more details of the meeting, click here. An updated list of council members and their responsibilities will be available on the Parish Council page shortly.
PC Henry Clissold has forwarded a warning from Hampshire trading standards about dodgy driveway merchants very recently operating close to our area. This was actually happening around Totton, but they could easily move their operations up the road, and the warning contains some good advice:
"Rogue Traders are currently cold calling/leaflet dropping in the Totton and surrounding area of Hampshire offering to block-pave driveways. They are starting work without consent and not providing any paperwork to identify who they are, where they operate from and details of your right to a cooling off period. Trading Standards would advise consumers not to agree to work that is instigated as a result of a cold call or via a leaflet drop. Consumers should obtain at least 3 written quotes from reputable businesses or trader. Traders who agree work at the home of an individual or at a place other than their usual business premises are required by law to provide consumers with a Notice of Right to Cancel, which gives consumers a 7 day cooling off period. Work should not commence until this period has ended, unless written agreement is obtained from that consumer beforehand."
For further information or advice, contact Wiltshire Council Trading Standards office in Trowbridge, or the Citizens' Advice consumer helpline on 08454-040506.
Due to a slight glitch in the website's editorial dept (ahem) a couple of months' worth of local crime reports didn't get added to the site when received from PC Henry Clissold; so we're putting that right. In February 2013 there were no reported incidents in Whiteparish, which makes a pleasant change, and it seems to have been a quiet month in several of the neighbouring parishes, too. However for the sake of completeness we've included the report, which you can see by clicking here. In March, unfortunately, things were back to normal with Whiteparish "equal first" with Laverstock with six reported crimes, including three burglaries. April saw us with more reported incidents (five) than any of our neighbours, including thefts of scrap and oil. For March's report, click here; For April's, click here.
To help protect yourself against being the victim in one of these incident reports, see also next story, with advice from a Crime Prevention Officer on protecting your shed and its contents.
With brighter days and warmer weather, thoughts turn to the garden and all that needs to be done outside. Garden sheds are particularly vulnerable to thefts, as their structure can be flimsy. Protecting your garden equipment can also increase the security of your home as garden tools can be used to gain access to your property. A good closed shackle padlock, with an alarm if it will be heard, is a good starting point, but it must be secured to a good quality hasp, fitted with a back plate and with the screw heads disabled. Back plates should also be fitted to the door hinges and any brackets, and their screw heads disabled. If your shed has a window, fit some wire mesh on the inside or board it over if it is not necessary. Marking your tools to make them identifiable as yours with bright paint or scratching your postcode on them will make them less desirable to steal. Any equipment with a serial number should be registered with Chaining large items together makes them difficult to remove. If possible, more expensive items should be stored within a locked garage or inside the home.
Wiltshire Council Environmental Services have organised a Bat Walk ("looking and listening for bats; bat detectors will be provided") to take place in The Copse, Highlands Way, at 8.45pm on Friday 24th May. The cost will be £2 for adults, and £1 for children and concessions; under-fives are free. Those attending should have appropriate clothing and footwear. Please note that booking is essential, and you can book or find out more by contacting: Wiltshire Council, Environment Services, Rights of Way & Countryside, County Hall, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JD, by post (presumably) or telephone (01225 718647) or email ( Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Councillors John le Quesne and Malcolm Adams are stepping down from the Parish Council in early May 2013 by not seeking re-election. For Councillor le Quesne it marks the end of 18 years service, some as Vice Chairman. As noted at the Parish Council meeting on 18th April, Cllr le Quesne’s wealth of knowledge serving the Parish Council and the community has been very much appreciated. Both councillors were thanked for their input and support.
Consequently, there are two vacancies on the Parish Council which will be filled by co-option. If you are interested, please contact the Parish Clerk. For her contact details, and a summary of other topics covered at the 18th April meeting, click here to see the meeting notes.
Change of AGM Date: Please note that the Parish Council AGM, originally scheduled for 23 May 2013, will now be held on 9th May, in the Village Hall. Also that from then on, until the new Memorial Centre is built, Parish Council meetings will be held in All Saints Church.
Richard Britton and Tom Bray of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB) have put together a question-and-answer briefing paper about the new medical Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). If you want to find out more about this important recent development in the structure of the NHS, this briefing paper might be a good place to start: click here.
The inaugural Whiteparish Music Festival, including three separate concerts held in All Saints Church during early April, was evidently a great success both in terms of the quality of the music presented and the funds raised, which amounted to over £2000 to help with church running costs. For a fuller account, click here.
On May 2nd 2013 there will be local elections for Wiltshire Council and Parish/Town Councils.
If you are interested, please have a look at the Elections page on the Wiltshire Council
website: click here.
Tom Bray of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB) has written to invite applications for grants for community projects in Whiteparish. According to Tom you can now apply to SWAB "in a few clicks", using their new online system. To view Tom's email, which includes links to further information on this and other SWAB programmes, click here.
The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 7th March 2013, and you can read the meeting notes by clicking here.. It was immediately followed by a regular Parish Council meeting: click here for the notes.

AND THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION? At the time of writing (end-March 2013) we don't know when or even IF Whiteparish will be included in the much-trumpeted rollout of fibre connections (or faster ones, anyway) for rural exchanges in Wilts and Gloucestershire. Whiteparish is among a big cluster of phone exchanges in south Wilts and neighbouring areas of Hampshire (including Romsey, to which our exchange is connected via a "spur"), that are in BT's “NC” category, meaning “Not Currently in Rollout Plans”.
If your house is more than about half a mile from the Whiteparish exchange, you're probably already dissatisified with download speeds, and not being able to watch video clips etc without having to wait during buffering delays. Even if your broadband speeds seem fast enough for your current needs, they soon won't be.
We don't want Whiteparish to be left behind, or left out altogether, once BT get their act together. They need to know that there's a lot of demand here for up-to-date broadband speeds. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE click here to go to the relevant BT web page, where you can find out the latest situation by entering your Whiteparish postcode. And then folllow the links on the page to REGISTER YOUR INTEREST. As BT say, "If we get enough demand in your area it might mean that we can add
it to the rollout plans.": Registering your interest costs nothing and doesn't carry any obligation, but it just might help Whiteparish to start to catch up with the high broadband speeds that are already commonplace in some parts of the country.
. . . officially at 2.00 am on Sunday 31st March, so don't forget to put your clocks forward an hour on Saturday night !
Guess this counts as a non-story (!) but although it's a four-day bank holiday weekend, Easter this year apparently has no effect on the Friday collections, which will take place on the scheduled Fridays throughout March and April.
Following the merger of the old Memorial Ground Trust and Village Hall Trust, and the consequent creation of the new Memorial Trust, the Memorial Trust now has its own page on the website, accessible via the "Organisations" submenu or by clicking here.
ALL SAINTS SCHOOL VISITS THE MEMORIAL CENTRE SITE. On Tuesday March 5th, the youngest class at Whiteparish All Saints Primary School visited the Memorial Ground to see the site of the new Memorial Centre, where they were joined by some interested grown-ups (including Memorial Trust members and Parish Councillors) for a few photos to be taken by Salisbury Journal photographer Tom Gregory . Work was soon to recommence at the site after a day or two's delay (due to a problem with the digger), and a couple of days later the work of demolishing the remainder of the old pavilion had been completed, and the rubble all removed.
Tom Gregory's photo appeared on the front page of the 7th March 2013 issue of the Journal. For some other pictures of the visit, click here.
Just a reminder: If you'd like to make a donation towards the cost of the new Memorial Centre, click here for an explanation of why donations are needed, and a printable donation form. More information about the project can be found on the Memorial Centre page: click here.
A new website has been launched, apparently under the auspices of (or with connections to, anyway) the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB), called the "Southern Wiltshire Our Community Matters blogsite". It seems to be intended for sharing information about matters of interest throughout the SWAB area, and includes an interactive notice board. To take a look, click here.
Claire Woods of Wiltshire Police has written on behalf of Angus McPherson, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon, requesting views on his draft Police and Crime Plan. Unfortunately there's not much time left, because the closing date for comments is Sunday 10th March. (Our fault—Claire's first email about this somehow disappeared from our mailbox.) Anyway, to quote Mr McPherson, the plan: "is an important document and I strongly encourage people to log on to [our website] to read the draft plan and leave comments." To go to the plan, click here.

. . . . At least, that's how many villagers must feel (including us) to see the old pavilion on the Memorial Ground coming down, to make way for the new Memorial Centre. Photo was taken on Saturday 23rd February 2013, so presumably the building will have been completely dismantled by early the next week.
The Galleries section of the website now includes photos of the Pepperbox Players' recent brilliant staging of "Treasure Island", taken during the Friday 1st February performance. We hope to have more to say about this thoroughly enjoyable evening soon, but in the meantime if you'd like to see the photos (of the last panto to be staged in the old Village Hall), click here. There are also some cast photos on the News and Events page.
This year we've also provided a page where you can display the panto photos in an extra-large format, for people with big computer screens. You can go to this page by clicking here; or you can try out both pages to find which format is best for your screen. (There's a link towards the top of each page to let you switch to displaying photos in the other format.)
Activity days are planned over the next few months for local volunteers to help with footpath improvements in several surrounding villages: Winterslow, Downton, Alderbury, the Grimsteads, and West Dean. (There's no mention of Whiteparish in the info we've seen so far, but perhaps we'll be added to the programme later?) Anyway, to find out more, click here, or call Tom Bray on 01722 434252.
Accompanying the latest crime reports, PC Clissold of our local Neighbourhood Policing Team writes: "A quick glance [at the reports for January] will reveal further reductions from last month, this month does show some criminal damages in the Alderbury area, having looked at the incidents they do not appear to be linked from the investigations carried out.
Please do continue to report suspicious vehicles seen around our villages, help us build a picture to crack down on these individuals.
The snow didn’t cause us too many problems, the only advice I try to pass to motorists to have a safe journey during the ice and snow is anticipate, anticipate, & anticipate!"
For the December crime reports, click here. For January's reports, click here.
For the latest newsletter from Wiltshire Police's Rural Crime Team, with some interesting advice, commentary, and statistics for recent rural crimes in the county, and some year-on-year comparisons between 2011 and 2012, click here.
The last scheduled meeting of the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) before the elections in May will be held in Winterslow Village Hall on 31st January, at 7.00 pm, so it will be a good chance to catch up on the progress of the Area Board and hear about important issues in Southern Wiltshire. For the full agenda on the Wiltshire Council website, click here. For the latest SWAB newsletter, click here.
Villagers are invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30 pm on Thursday 7th March in the Village Hall. The public of Whiteparish are welcome to raise any village matter at this meeting. If you are unable to attend but wish to raise any village matter, please inform the Parish Clerk or any councillor.
For notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 17th January 2013, click here.
The Memorial Trust AGM and a follow-on meeting were held on January 19th in the Village Hall. For a report of the proceedings, including the make-up of the trust and the officers elected, click here.
The next meeting will be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday January 31st, in All Saints Church; members of the public are welcome to attend.
The History Society have scheduled a talk that should be of particular local interest for their 21st February meeting (7.30 pm in the King's Head), where Dr Cindy Wood will be speaking about The Royal Palace of Clarendon Park—a Recent History. Non-members £3 on the night. For notes on the History Society's page about some other talks presented during the past year or two, click here.
At the 6th December meeting of the Parish Council, Peter Kidman was co-opted as a new councillor. Other items discussed included problems with Common Road, Dean Lane, and ongoing improvements to Miles Lane. For more information on these and other topics covered, click here. For an updated list of councillors, see the Parish Council page.
As a result of the 2012/2013 Christmas and New Year holidays, waste and recycling collections are rescheduled as follows:
Household waste (black wheelie bin): Monday January 7th; then back to normal fortnightly Friday collections as from Friday 18th January.
Black box recycling and blue-top wheelie-bin recycling: Monday 31st December; Saturday 12th January; then back to normal fortnightly Fridays as from Friday 25th January.
Garden waste collections (if applicable): No January collection until Friday 18th January; then back to normal Friday fortnightly collections.
PC Henry Clissold has sent the latest monthly crime reports (another quiet month, happily), and writes: "As you will see another good month for the area, the number of reported crimes has fallen again although there is a slight rise in the number of incidents attended.
Some news that may not have reached everyone yet, Sgt Dean Garvin has been successful in his promotion to substantive sergeant and has moved on to a new position in Salisbury Custody department, He has been our sergeant for two years and will be missed greatly and I am sure you will echo my thanks to him for his time with us. He will be replaced in January by Sergeant Dave Lennane who will take the reins of Alderbury and Wilton stations, I will ensure Sgt Lennane joins us at some Parish Council meetings and coffee mornings so you will get a chance to meet him."
To see the November reports, click here.
The report of the 8th November Parish Council meeting includes two items relating to the new Memorial Centre: the election of three trustees for the Whiteparish Memorial Charity; and the Council's planned application for a loan clearance from the Public Works Loan Board, just in case there is a funding shortfall. For more on these and other topics covered, click here.
FASTER BROADBAND (sometime, maybe . . .)
As you may have read elsewhere, Wiltshire has joined with South Gloucestershire in a joint initiative to introduce faster broadband technologies, and on 9th November 2012 the two authorities announced that British Telecom has been chosen as the preferred bidder in "one of the country's most advanced broadband developments". The rollout of the new technology under this programme is due to be completed by 2015. What still seems uncertain is which communities will get what kinds of improvements (if any), and when, within that timeframe.
From a telephone enquiry to Wiltshire Online, it seems that BT will be largely responsible for formulating initial plans about who gets what, and that they will be giving a first indication of the results of their deliberations during the first quarter of 2013. According to the Wiltshire Online website, "The aim is for a minimum of 85% of premises across the GWB area (90% in each local authority area of Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire and Swindon) being able to access superfast broadband, over 24Mbps, by 2015 and all other premises to have a minimum access line speed of 2Mbps."
So will we in Whiteparish be among the lucky 90%? Looks like we won't know until early next year. But if you're keen that we get 24+Mbps broadband here as part of the rollout, it wouldn't do any harm to contact Wilts Council or BT from time to time to enquire how plans are progressing. We don't want BT to be able to claim they'd had no indication of interest from Whiteparish, and to use that as an excuse for leaving us behind !
This year's display, held on the Memorial Ground as usual, made a creditable £5400 or so for Whiteparish All Saints School. For more about this, and some photos, click here.
The South Wilts Area Board are once again looking for applications for small funding grants from groups or projects working with young people in the area. The next deadline for applications for this "Youth Money" (their phrase) is 3rd December (but a little confusingly the latest SWAB newsletter also mentions a deadline for applications on 7th January—this may be for a different kind of grant?). Anyway, you could probably find out more by going to the next SWAB meeting, at Coombe Bissett Village Hall, 7 pm, on the 29th November. To see the current SWAB newsletter, which has more about this, plus footpaths and kissing gates, and volunteer awards,
click here.
It seems October was another quiet month for crime in Whiteparish and our neighbouring areas, at least as far as the crime categories that appear on our Neighbourhood Policing Team's latest report are concerned. (Certain categories of crime, such as domestic violence, are not included in these lists.) Some of the items stolen make sad, puzzling reading, though: a weather vane, an ornamental cat, horse jumps? Do the thieves take this stuff for their own use, or to sell at car boots or down at the pub? And if it's the former, what satisfaction can there be in displaying an ornamental cat that you've nicked? Oh well, for the full report, click here.
The Forestry Commission have written to the Parish Council with advice about how to identify ash die-back disease (chalara), and what to do about it. The main symptoms are: dead branches; blackening of leaves which often hang on the tree; and discoloured stems, often in a diamond-shape, where a leaf was attached.
If you see these symptoms, please double-check them at the website (; and report them to the helpline: 08459 335577.
To help stop the disease spreading: before visiting other places, clean mud and leaves from
footwear, pushchairs, bikes, cars, dogs and horses; and do not remove leaves, plants or wood from this area.
DODGY EMAILS Pretending to come from Vodafone.
There is currently a rash of infected emails being distributed which appear to come from Vodafone, with the subject line "you have received a new message", and starting with the text "You have received a picture message from mobile number +44[some numbers]. To save this picture, please save attached file."
DON'T try to save the attached zip file, or open it. It contains a malicious .exe file (for details from the Cisco website, click here). Spammers are getting very clever at creating plausible-looking "malware" that looks as if it came from a reputable source, and can find its way past spam filters. The only safe approach to dealing with unexpected emails containing attachments is "if in doubt, delete". If you're not sure, paste a line or two of text from the suspicious email into google. More often than not that will bring up a load of hits confirming that the email is spam, a hoax, or malware.
We've added a photo gallery showing entries in most of the classes in the 2012 Flower & Hobbies Show. Sorry about the delay in getting this onto the website, but hopefully better late than never . . . To see them, click here.
HALLOWEEN PRECAUTIONS. Wiltshire Police have sent out a package of information concerning %quot;dos and donts" for enjoying Halloween safely. For the full text of the accompanying press release, click here. For a poster like the thumbnail on the left, to place near your front door if you don't want to be "trick-or-treated", click here. And for a poster suitable for shops, click here.
Happily things seem to have been quieter on the crime front in our area during September 2012, compared to the previous month, which must have been a relief to our neighbours in Alderbury and Laverstock. Four reported crimes in Whiteparish, though. For the full report from our Neighbourhood Policing team, click here.
At their 27th September 2012 meeting, one item covered by the Parish Council was that the bidding process for the Village Hall site had been carried out and a bidder selected; the sale was in the process of being finalised. For the full notes, click here.
Proposed changes to the Wiltshire Core Strategy Submission Document will be available for viewing via the Wilts Council website until the 1st November 2012. If you want to view and/or comment on these, you can register on the Consultation Portal: click here.
According to the local crime reports for August 2012, received from our local Neighbourhood Policing Team, Alderbury and Laverstock were worst hit, with two burglaries and a case of criminal damage in Whiteparish. For the full report, click here.

Answer: it's just being moved a wee bit closer to the MUGA area, and rotated by 90 degrees, to allow room for the new Memorial Centre. Work started on 10th September, and by the 13th, the new area had already been grass-seeded. For some more photos,
click here.
Hannah Barclay of Wiltshire Police has written with new information about the police telephone number we should ring for non-emergencies: 101. This replaces the old 0845 408 7000 number which will cease operation as from the end of September 2012. In a non-emergency, you should dial 101 if:
- You want to report a crime/issue that does not require an immediate emergency response
- You or someone else are not in immediate danger
- You would like to speak to your local police officer
- You want to provide information about a crime.
However it is important to emphasise that 999 is still the number when you want to contact the police in an emergency. To read the police press release on the subject, which gives more information about what constitutes an emergency, and some background about the change,
click here. For a mini-poster in pdf format that you might like to print and keep or put by your phone (), click here. Alternatively, for a small reminder-type picture you might like to stick on the wall near your phone, click here.
We've added some "people photos" taken at this year's Garden Club Flower & Hobbies Show, most of them kindly contributed by Keith Hobbs, to the Galleries section of the website. To see them, click here. Some shots of this year's exhibits will be joining them soon (sorry about the delay).
Whiteparish FC now have their own website, which you can find by clicking here.
At the 16th August meeting of the Parish Council, councillors heard a presentation from Julie Stubbs of the New Forest Land Advice Service, which covered the Blackwater River and its tributaries and the problems caused by invasive Himalayan Balsam, as well as a Community Wildlife Project for which Whiteparish villagers would be welcomed as volunteers. Other topics covered at the meeting included a proposed new Right of Way from the A27 to Clay St, a possible loan to help with financing the Memorial Centre, and a Red Gateway (presumably not a real gate, but a road safety measure?) to be installed on the A27 at the "Romsey End" of the village. For more information, click here.
. . well, not exactly giving it away, perhaps, but the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) are looking for local projects that would be eligible for some of the £20,000 of funding they apparently have available at the moment. They also have a small fund available for helping projects concerning younger people, and this will be one of the subjects to be discussed at the next SWAB meeting, which will be at 7.00 pm on 27 September, 2012, in Pitton Village Hall. To find out more about what SWAB are up to, you can read their latest newsletter, including various links, by clicking here.
Although the Whiteparish Community First Responders had a relatively quieter period in July 2012, by the middle of August they had already attended 60% more emergencies than in the whole of August last year! They ask villagers to remember that if you call an ambulance and either a First Responder arrives, or the ambulance authority directs you to the Public Access defibrillator on the wall of the Parish Lantern pub, AN AMBULANCE IS ALREADY EN ROUTE. For more, click here.
Gill Bray writes to say "Well done, Whiteparish! I am very pleased to announce that the ‘Homemade/Homegrown sale’ on 4th August, raised the amazing sum of £861.97, which has now been handed over to the Memorial Centre fund. A really big thank you to all who made or grew things to sell, to those who helped on the day and before (too many to mention but you all know who you are), and especially to all who came to buy and enjoy a friendly occasion."
The Whiteparish History Group have what looks like a very interesting programme of talks etc at their monthly meetings from September this year to April 2013, with the usual well-chosen mix of subjects concerning our immediate area, our region, and more general topics. First up is a talk on September 20th (7.30 pm in the Kings Head) by Lt Commander Brian Witts MBE, about Whale Island in Portsmouth Harbour and its importance in the development of the Royal Navy from the 19th century to the present day. The full programme through to next spring is on the History Group page; to see it, click here.
The New Memorial Centre project has gained a "Wessex Watermark" award and a contribution of £450 from Wessex Water, for work on safeguarding the pond. The photo shows Parish Council Chairman Trevor King receiving the cheque and certificate from Sophie Crew, Area Scientist, from Wessex Water.
However, Trevor was by no means the only villager present. For another photo of the presentation showing (almost) all those who were there, and for a brief project update, click here.
A very quiet month in our area, evidently, with the crime list half the usual length, and just a single burglaary in Whiteparish, with happily nothing stolen. For more detail, click here (note that some crime categories are excluded from these bulletins).
This event on August 4th, one of a series of fundraisers for the new Memorial Centre, was well supported both by villagers contributing crafts and preserves and by those who came to buy. But best of all, the event has already raised at least £734 (a small part of this being gift aided, with some more still to come). A really good result.
The Garden Club's annual summer show will be on Saturday 25th August in the Village Hall, with exhibits open for viewing from 2.30 pm. At the time of writing there's still plenty of time to get something ready to show. Entries will be accepted on the morning of show day; though to save time, you can collect entry cards between 6.00 and 7.00 pm on the previous evening from the Village Hall.
For the handicraft, art, and children's section categories, click here.
DAVID EAST DAY: Sunday August 19th.
Whiteparish Sports Clubs will be remembering the much-missed David East, also Doug Dugard, on Sunday, August 19th, with two specially arranged sporting fixtures. At 12 noon, there will be a soccer match between Whiteparish FC and Whiteparish Sunday FC, for the David East Trophy. This will be followed at 3.00 pm by a cricket match between Whiteparish CC and Sherfield English CC, for the Doug Dugard Shield. In this period when the cricket season is starting to wind down a bit (alas) and the soccer season hasn't got fully under way (and the Olympics are over), this sounds like an excellent day of local sporting entertainment!
Sadly, Dr Martin Essigman has announced that he will be leaving his work as a GP and partner at Whiteparish Surgery this autumn to increase his involvement in the training of doctors. He writes in Steeple & Street: "It has been a privilege for me to be allowed to look after you and I have enjoyed the many encounters and consultaitons. I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to work in such a friendly and supportive environment and it is going to be very hard to say good-bue to you all."
We have received an email from Wiltshire Council saying that the above-mentioned plan will be available for viewing and comment from early August 2012 to the end of December 2012. But to do so you have to be a registered "consultee". For more info, click here.
The WCC email said that information in it (in the email, that is) was confidential and should not be disseminated. However this warning seems a bit silly because there's nothing in the email that one couldn't find out by going to the "Consultation Portal" on the WCC website and registering there—so we've ignored it.
The next meeting of the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) will be on 26th July at 7.00 pm in Alderbury Village Hall. The main theme will be "The next steps to improving our rights of way . . . ", as well as presentations and/or discussions on involving volunteers in improving residents' digital literacy, community grants, community safety, and a chance to have your say about local issues. For the full agenda, click here to go to the relevant SWAB web pages.
Don't miss the sale of home-grown and home-made products in the Village Hall, starting at 10.30 am on August 4th. There's more information on the event poster, which you can view/download by clicking here. All proceeds go towards the new Memorial Hall.
If you would like to contribute some produce or handicrafts to the Sale, you can bring them to the hall on the morning of 4th August from about 9.00 am, or leave them with Colin & Gill Bray, or Colin or Gill could collect if necessary. If you have any questions about the event, phone Gill on 884882.
We have been asked by Claire Woods from Wiltshire Police to publicise a public online chat scheduled for Monday 23 July 2012. On that day, Chief Constable Pat Geenty, Deputy Chief Constable Mike Veale and Police Authority Chairman Chris Hoare will be logged on from 7pm to 8pm to answer your questions.
At the last chat, topics raised included anti-social behaviour, traffic highways agency officers, Royal Military Police assisting Wiltshire Police as well as recruitment and career opportunities within the police service. For more information, including details of how the chat will be run and what type of questions will be approved, click here to visit the wiltshire police web site.
The Charity Commission has sent a notice to the Whiteparish Village Hall and Memorial Ground Trusts about the the "scheme" (a legal document) for the new Whiteparish Memorial Trust that it is proposed should be formed by the merging of the two first-named charities. The notice gives details of how to access the scheme document on their website, where there is also a form for comments. To view or download the Charity Commission notice in pdf format, click here.
This year's fete, held on 16th June, took place in unpromising circumstances. Although it was mid-June, it was cold, weather forecasts on preceding days had threatened downpours, and even the forecast on the morning of fete day suggested we'd be lucky to escape at least some rain. And on top of that, the Hog Roast and Bands Night on the previous evening, always a heavy fund-raiser, had clashed with one of England's Euro 2012 matches. So it was very gratifying to have so many people turn up to these events despite these unpromising omens. We gather that the Whiteparish Week events together raised over £4000, with maybe some more still to come. A very good effort in the circumstances. (As it happened, the rain did arrive on fete day, but not until right at the end !)
For some photos of the fete, click here.
The Whiteparish Community First Responders (CFRs) have been very busy recently, attending a host of medical emergencies in and around the village. In addition, they were delighted to see a community public access defibrillator (cPAD) for the village installed outside the Parish Lantern, which was officially commissioned on 21st June. For photos of the commissioning, and other CFR news, click here.
At their June meeting, the Parish Council saw a presentation by Steve Ibbetson of Wiltshire Council Environmental Services. And it seems they are looking at the possible installation of more "kissing gates" on footpaths around the village. (In case you're hazy about what these are, Wikipedia says: a type of gate which allows people to pass through, but not livestock.) For more information on the topics covered, click here to see the meeting notes.
Happy actual birthday, we mean, because it was his "noughth" birthday, having been born, just within the parish boundary, early on June 27th. The photo was taken in a neighbour's field on the same afternoon, and he's already trotting round happily with Mum. Don"t know what his real name is, or will be, but he is spotty.
Only a couple of reportable crimes in Whiteparish in the latest bulletin from PC Clissold. Something of an epidemic of shed thefts elsewhere in the area, though, and a smashed window in the Alderbury Police Station (a bit foolhardy, one would have thought!). For more detail, click here (note that some crime categories are excluded from these bulletins).
We have been asked to include the following text on the website:
An information site about the election of the first ever Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire has been launched.
The Wiltshire Police Authority's website now includes details about the role and responsibilities of the forthcoming Police and Crime Commissioner and how they will be scrutinised. The site also includes a timeline highlighting key dates in the transition from Wiltshire Police Authority to the Police and Crime Commissioner, details about the election, a news section and links to useful documents and other websites for potential candidates. To visit the site, click here.
Much like the existing police authority, the Police and Crime Commissioner will be responsible for overseeing Wiltshire Police on behalf of all residents in the Force area. They will represent people living across Wiltshire and Swindon.
Elections for Police and Crime Commissioners take place on Thursday 15 November 2012. There will then be a formal seven day transition period before the commissioner takes office on Thursday 22 November.
The Wiltshire Police area Police and Crime Commissioner will replace Wiltshire Police Authority, the group of 17 councillors and independent members who currently oversee Wiltshire Police.
The Consultation Period for Wiltshire Council's proposed waste site allocations ends on 19th July 2012. If you want to see supporting documents, and/or register in order to make representations about the "soundness" of the proposals, you can see the relevant Consultation Portal page on the Wilts Council website by clicking here.
According to the Parish Council 2012 AGM notes, Whiteparish has again been entered into this competition. And judging is imminent ! So take special care to try to keep the village spruced up and tidy !
At the Parish Council's AGM for 2012, the Chair (Trevor King) and Vice Chair (John Le Quesne) were re-elected to their roles, and councillors were re-elected to various roles within the Parish Council. Among several other topics covered there was also a discussion, raised by a villager attending the meeting, about safety concerns re children walking or being driven to All Saints School, and about the condition of Common Road. For more information, click here to see the meeting notes.
To help commemorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the Clarendon Team churches organized for a Beacon to be lit on Dean Hill on the evening of 4th June (by kind permission of David and Juliet Seal). This well-attended event was a lot of fun, and was co-ordinated with the lighting of similar beacons all over the country. For some photos, click here.
Despite the not-very-promising dull, damp, and cool weather, there was quite a good turn-out for the "Celebration, Praise, and Picnic" at Whiteparish All Satins School on 3rd June. There's a smashing group photo of the event, taken by Roger Elliott, in the June 7th edition of the Salisbury Journal, and a few somewhat less professional snaps that you can see by clicking here.
A small upturn in the local crime figures for May, compared with the previous month, according to the latest list received from PC Clissold. Only a couple in Whiteparish, though. For more detail, click here (note that some crime categories are excluded from these bulletins).
This very enjoyable concert, in the Village Hall on Saturday 19th May, raised a magnificent £1403.55 towards the new Memorial Centre ! ! So a big thank you for everyone involved: performers (the Millstream Orchestra, with All Saints' Church Choir and Music Group), organisers, and audience. There are some photos on the website, which you can see by clicking here. You can also get a flavour of the evening from a video clip of Whiteparish's rendering of "Land of Hope and Glory", by clicking here. (Sorry about the poor quality of the sound—we're currently trying to sort this out.)
Happily, April 2012 seems to have been a pretty quiet month in the local area. According to the latest bulletin from PC Clissold, there was nothing significant to report in Whiteparish or in many of the other neighbourhood areas covered; perhaps the cold weather kept the bad guys at home? Anyway, for more detail, click here (note that some crime categories are excluded from these bulletins).
For the highlights of the recent meeting of the Memorial Ground Trust, held on 30th April 2012, click here.
The 4th of May saw the first focus group working for the Memorial Centre project hold their first meeting. For more information, and some photos of the good folk taking part (kindly sent to us by Linda Palmer), click here.

During the visit of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to Salisbury, on 1st May, the royal couple toured a number of community area displays laid on in the Cathedral Close, and the Duke met some of the Whiteparish First Responders in the Southern Wiltshire Community Area section. Later the royal party left the Cathedral Close (see photo) via the High Street on their way to the station, with enthusiastic crowds lining the whole route.
Protocol prevented the First Responders taking any photos of the Duke of Edinburgh visiting their display, but for some other shots taken on the day, see the First Responders' page by clicking here.
MEMORIAL CENTRE/DRAFT CONTRACTOR CRITERIA. The two local trusts (Memorial Ground Trust and Village Hall Trust) who have joined forces to work on the Memorial Centre project, held their first joint meeting on April 4th. (For a diagram showing the structure and "staffing" of the working groups for the new project, click here.) To go to the Memorial Centre page on the website, click here.
Local businesses who might be interested in tendering for the work are encouraged to look at the draft list of criteria that has been drawn up for selecting contractors who will be invited to tender; click here for more details.
NEW YOUTH GROUP OPENS. The new Whiteparish Youth Group opened its doors for the first time on official opening day: 13th April 2012. You may well have seen the nice photo of the event that appeared in the Salisbury Journal and the Romsey Advertiser in the following week, but Suzanne Rendell has kindly sent us two more photos taken on the opening evening. To see the photos, and a little more about the Youth Group, click here.
BROWNIES HAVE FUN PAINTING EASTER EGGS. We've added a new mini-gallery of photos showing the 1st Landford Brownies at Easter 2012 who hung their delicately painted eggs on a tree. They each painted an egg with colourful nail polishes, and Russell Sach came along to photograph them all. (Thanks to Russell for taking them, and to Chris Ellis for sending them.) To see the photos, click here.
OPENING NIGHT FOR NEW YOUTH GROUP. Whiteparish's new Youth Group will be having an opening night in the Villlage Hall on Friday 13th April, from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm, for Year 7-to-10s who live in the village to see the club and "join up to join in". Annual membership is just £10. Current Whiteparish Year 6s are also invited to come along, enjoy the evening, and sign up for their start date in July.
REPORT OF MEMORIAL CENTRE PUBLIC MEETING, 20 MARCH. Linda Palmer has kindly sent a fuller report of the recent Public Meeting in the Village Hall. To see it/download it as a pdf file, click here. (Yes, we have a link to the same thing in the panel above, but we didn't want anyone to miss it !)
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) was held in the Village Hall on 1st March, immediately followed by a regular Parish Council meeting. As usual a number of topics were discussed at both meetings but two items that caught the eye were these. (1) The Fete Committee are really short both of committee members and volunteers. They need more support, so if you're interersted in helping please get in touch with the committee. And (2) no person or organisation had come forward with regard to possible Jubilee celebrations in the village, so at the time of the APM nothing had been planned. For the full notes from the APM, click here. For the full notes from the regular PC meeting that followed, click here.
MEMORIAL GROUND AWARD FROM SPORT ENGLAND. Sue King writes that Sport England announced officially on 21 March that Whiteparish has been awarded a legacy status for the Memorial ground as part of the Diamond Jubillee celebrations and the MGT have got £35880 for the new cricket square—this includes one years' maintenance money. Sheila Campbell has quotes which make her confident that, together with some R2 money, we have enough for the new square. Great news - particularly in the same week as the vote for the new centre!
AND, ALAS, SOME MEMORIAL GROUND VANDALISM. A sad point from the report of the 19th March meeting of the Memorial Ground Trust (MGT): "Trustees were very sad to discover the Air skier equipment has been damaged beyond repair. PLEASE LET SHEILA CAMPBELL KNOW IF YOU SEE ANYTHING UNTOWARD ON THE GROUND – HELP US TO KEEP OUR EQUIPMENT SAFE FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF ALL. The items we provide cost hundreds of pounds and this mindless vandalism saddened us all." For the rest of the meeting highlights, click here.
Tennis Coaching on the MUGA.
Tennis coaching starts again after Easter on the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area, on the Memorial Ground). Early booking is essential. First sessions are on Sat 21 April at 2pm and 3pm and will continue until July with a break at half term.
To book contact James Kirkpatrick on 07748 483639 or; or contact Sheila Campbell on 01794 884837 or
James will also do private adult or childrens’ coaching if you contact him.
MUGA membership is still available in various packages. Annual membership can be as little as £30. For info click here or visit the shop.
The MUGA is available free of charge for one evening per week for an adult tennis club. If you are interested let Sheila Campbell know which nights you are available.
The Memorial Ground Trust is always interested in new ideas for the use of the grounds or equipment – contact Sheila Campbell if you have any thoughts.
SUCCESSFUL SWAB MEETING. Tom Bray of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board has written to say that the
Community Planning Event held in Downton on 6th March went well, with a "fantastic turnout" of 70 people. For more information about the subjects discussed and the actions identified,
click here. The next SWAB meeting will be at Morgan's Vale Village Hall at 7.00pm on 5th April.
Apparently SWAB works closely with the Charities Information Bureau, whose website you can see by clicking here. The Bureau can help with advice on other, non-SWAB, sources of funding for local projects. So if you're trying to drum up funding for a local project, it might be worthwhile getting in touch with them.
PANTO PHOTO GALLERY NOW ON WEBSITE. There's a full set of photos of "Red Riding Hood" in the website's Galleries section now, taken at the Friday evening show. To see them, click here. There's at least one shot from every scene, and at least one shot for each combination of cast members within a scene. We're also hoping to add a few "out-takes" to the site soon.
LATER START TIME FOR 19 MARCH MGT MEETING. Please note that the regular meeting of the Memorial Ground Trust (MGT) on the evening of Monday 19th March in the Fountain Inn will start at 8.30 pm, not at 7.30 pm as previously stated.

Red Riding Hood (Izzy Ashworth) and Robin Hood (Mike Coulished) join the rest of the cast onstage at the end of the show
2012's panto from the Pepperbox Players was great fun, as usual. There was a very enthusiastic audience for the Friday performance on 10th February (which we went to)—and we're sure the Saturday shows were just as well received. Strong performances from all concerned, whether "old stagers" or relatively new to the company (and it was nice to see Jimmy Goodland back on the boards). Our apologies for the delay in getting a set of photos up on the website's galleries section. We're working on them, and hope to have them on the site "real soon now" (ahem . . .) (Actually, in case you miss the follow-up paragraph above, the photos are now on the website, and you can see them by clicking here.)
RASH OF LOCAL THEFTS FROM VEHICLES. PC Henry Clissold writes to warn us that within 72 hours, very recently, there were six separate thefts or attempted thefts from motor vehicles in the Southern Wiltshire NPT area. A number of these
involved the theft of handbags or sat-navs left in plain sight in the
He asks that we please
follow this simple timely advice:
- Don't leave anything on display, even an old coat or plastic bag
can be tempting for a thief.
- Don't leave property in your glove box, leave it empty and open.
- Remove your stereo if possible.
- Lock the doors and windows of your car no matter where or how
long you are leaving it for.
Don't make it easy for
the thieves!!!
SWAB COMMUNITY PLANNING EVENT.. The Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB) is hosting a special Community Planning Event on 6 March 2012 (7pm) at Downton's Trafalgar School where statistics about the area will be discussed. Interested residents are urged to come along and take part in the debate about how the area board should tackle these issues. This really important special event will present interesting Statistics about the area for consideration alongside our Community Plan 2010—15.
The initial presentation, from Maggie Rae, Director for Public Health and Public Protection, will cover Health and wellbeing, Economy, Children and young people, Community safety, Housing, Transport, Environment, and Resilient communities. This will be followed by the debate, with the meeting scheduled to close soon after 8.50 pm.
If you want to attend, you need to notify the organisers; either email Tom Bray by clicking here, or use the short online booking form. To view the Joint Strategic Assessment for our area, which contains many of the statistics that will emerge during Maggie Rae's presentation,
click here.
Finally, for an interesting Google map showing the locations of SWAB grants made since 2009,
click here.
FIRST RESPONDER NEWS. Latest news from the Whiteparish Community First Responder group includes the fact that they attended as many as 101 incidents during the past year, news of the proposed community access defibrillator, and photos from a trip to the Air Ambulance facility at Devizes. For the full report, click here.
WHITEPARISH ALL SAINTS' CHURCHYARD. The PCC wishes to give notice that work will be carried out to the North
East area of the graveyard during the early part of 2012 to level and re-
seed a number of graves.
A few of the existing headstones are tilting and need to be made safe
as they could be a hazard to those who visit or tend graves.
This exercise will also enable the area to be kept mowed and tidy,
especially if they are not visited and cared for regularly.
If you have any concerns or require further information, please contact
Ros Claydon Tel: 884 500 or Jane Legat Tel: 884 600.
WHITEPARISH MULTI USE GAMES AREA (MUGA). We are lucky to have such a wonderful resource in the village. Do come and use it. Application forms for membership are available on this website (click here to go to the MUGA page, where there's a link for downloading the form); and in the village shop.
Annual membership lasts for a year from receiving your membership card. If you have any questions about membership or other comments about the memorial ground, contact
EXTRA MEMORIAL GROUND TRUST MEETING. The Memorial Ground Trust are holding an extra meeting at 7.30 pm in the Fountain Inn on 13th February, to discuss the documents etc for the proposed merger of the Village Hall and Memorial Ground Trust charities. For the agenda, click here.
MEMORIAL CENTRE PLANNING APPLICATION. The amended planning application for the new Memorial Centre is currently with the Wiltshire Council planning dept. The public consultation period for this application ends on 23rd February 2012, with a decision expected before 13 March. Villagers who wish to view the application or to submit comments on it can do so online on the Wiltshire Council website by clicking here.
BROWNIES ACTIVITIES. To judge from the past year's review just received from "Little Owl", our local Brownies had another very full and interesting programme in 2011. To read all about it, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. The Parish Council meeting held on 19th January 2012 covered gritting of the A27/Common Road junction, progress on the mooted new youth club, a rights-of-way survey (see also next item) and more. For details, click here.
The next Parish Council meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting, to be held at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall as usual on 1st March.
FOOTPATHS MAP. We are pleased to have recently added a very useful rights-of-way map, provided by the Parish Council, to the website. This shows footpaths, byways, bridle-ways, etc within the parish, plus some of the footpaths etc of other adjoining parishes where they run near our parish boundary. To go to the new footpaths page, where there are download links for the map, click here.
Hopefully the map will be interesting to villagers wanting to get better acquainted with "deepest Whiteparish" and anyone else interested in exploring the village and surroundings.
NEXT SWAB MEETING. The next meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board will be held at 7.00 pm on Thursday 2nd February in Winterslow Village Hall. There are several interesting items on the agenda, including "What should the Area Board be doing in 2012/2013", Fortnightly Waste Collections, and the allocation of SIDs (Speed Indicator Devices for temporary installation in villages). For the full agenda, and instructions for getting to the venue, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. It seems the Parish Council are considering adopting a telephone box! For more on this and the other topics discussed at the 8th December 2011 meeting, click here.
WASTE & RECYCLING COLLECTIONS DURING CHRISTMAS PERIOD. For household waste and recycling bins, only one collection date has been rescheduled over the Christmas/New Year period: the collections that would "normally" have happened on Friday 30th December will be made on Saturday 31st December. Similarly there is just one rescheduling for garden waste: the collection that would otherwise have happened on Wednesday 28th December will be made on Thursday 29th December. (If you're lucky enough to live where your garden waste is collected, that is !)
LOCAL CRIME IN NOVEMBER. To judge from the latest bulletin from the local Neighbourhood Policing Team, November 2011 was a relatively quiet month for crime in Whiteparish. (Though we have to remember that not all categories of crimes are listed in these regular reports.) Plenty going on elsewhere, though, including three successive thefts of fuel from aircraft at Old Sarum aerodrome (haven't seen that category before), and a Royal Mail postbox and a wheelie bin nicked in Landford (??) To see the full report, click here.
MEMORIAL GROUND TRUST NEWS. For the highlights report of the MGT meeting held on 21st November, and for the hire fees and membership fees applicable from 1st February 2012, click here.
SWAB NEWS. The December meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board will be at held in Trafalgar School, Downton, at 7.00 pm on Thursday 15th December 2011. Among the items being discussed is an application from the Whiteparish Community First Responders (CFRs) for funding assistance for a publicly accessible defibrillator for the village. Out of interest, applications from Whiteparish seem to have been very rare. SWAB have prepared an interesting google map showing the locations of projects where funding help has been granted, and although there are apparently loads of approved projects in Alderbury, Landford, and Downton (and quite a few elsewhere), Whiteparish has had just two. So if you are involved with a community project that needs funding, it might be worthwhile to try applying to SWAB. To see the map, click here.
To see the agenda for the December 15th SWAB meeting, which includes links to various supporting documents, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. To see notes from the meeting held on 10th November 2011, when quite a range of topics were discussed including a proposal from the Whiteparish First Responders (CFRs) for a public access defribillator for the village, plans for setting up a youth club, and a "red gateway" on the A27, click here.
LOCAL CRIME IN OCTOBER. Two burglaries in Whiteparish last month, unfortunately, plus what seems to be the most recent in a series of thefts here of copper wiring from transformer poles. To see the full list from the Alderbury & Laverstock Policing Team, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. Malcolm Adams is a new co-opted member of the Parish Council, with responsibilities for Environment and Transport. For a full list of Councillors, their responsibilities, and Parish Council meeting dates until the end of 2012, click here to see the Parish Council page. For notes from the September meeting, click here.
PUMPKIN AND HALLOWEEN FANCY DRESS PHOTOS. Many thanks again to Keith Hobbs for the nice photos of the Garden Club's annual Pumpkin and Halloween Fancy Dress Competitions, held on October 27th, which we've added to the website Galleries section. To see them, click here.
2011 FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR. The Annual Fireworks Display (sponsored and staged by Pains Fireworks for the benefit of All Saints School) will be held on Saturday 12th November on the Memorial Ground (reserve date for bad weather: Friday 18th). Gates open at 6.15 pm, and the display itself starts at 7.00 pm. Advance tickets will be available from the School Office and the Village Shop until 12.00 on the day of the display: adult £3.50, children 4—16 £2.50, under 4s free, family tickets (2 adults + 2 children or 1 adult + 3 children) £10.00. On the night an adult ticket is £5.00, children £3.00 each; no family tickets will be available on the gates.
There will be a barbecue, refreshments, tea, coffee, beer and mulled wine on sale, sith fairgound rides for younger children. It's always a terrific show so do try to come and support the school! However, for insurance reasons the organisers (All Saints Primary School PTA) ask that you don't bring sparklers to this event. And remember the fireworks code: keep all pets indoors. If there are any updates to the arrangements, they will be included on the PTA's Facebook page which you can access by clicking here.
COMMENDATION FOR WENDY. Unfortunately, Wendy Hedley has been forced by ill health to retire from her position as coordinator of Whiteparish Community First Responders. On 12th October, Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust Locality Director, Paul Birkett-Wendes and Community Response Manager Julia Doel presented Wendy with a Commendation from the Service’s Chief Officer. All members of Whiteparish Responders were present at the ceremony, along with Wendy's daughter Lara and son-in-law Lee.
For larger pictures and the text of the commendation, click here.
COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS. Whiteparish Community First Responders (CFR) Group are looking into the possibility of using donated funds to install a community access defibrillator at a central point in the village. For more on this and the rest of the September news from the CFRs, click here.
Wiltshire Police has changed its non-emergency number to 101. The 101 number is being introduced nationally in phases and on 19 September it was launched across forces in the South West, including Wiltshire. Although 999 is a well recognised number to report emergencies, the 2010 British Crime Survey found that only half of the public knew which number to call if they wanted to speak to their local police about policing, non-urgent crime and anti-social behaviour. For more on the background to this change, click here.
LOCAL CRIME. The September 2011 Crime list from the Alderbury and Laverstock police team (covering crimes in August), shows more crimes listed for Whiteparish than for any of the other local communities, which is an unwelcome change. For more details, click here. (Sorry that some of the information in the bulletin is a bit out of date now; we're trying to catch up after a holiday.)
SWAB NEWS. The October meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board will be at held in Pitton Village Hall at 7.00 pm on Thursday 6th October 2011, when Concillor Jane Scott, OBE, the Leader oof Wiltshire Council, will be giving a short presentation and then taking questions. To see more on this and other items covered in the latest SWAB Newsletter, click here. (The link will take you to the new SWAB online discussion forum, which also includes the newsletter.)
DOGS ON THE MEMORIAL GROUND—AND WHAT THEY LEAVE BEHIND. The Memorial Ground Trustees are concerned that some dog-owners are ignoring the notices warning that dogs are not allowed on the Memorial Ground (see longer message above and/or on the MGT page), and the trustees emphasise the health and safety implications. For other Memorial Ground news noted from the trustees' 12th September meeting, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. The Parish Council Notes for the meeting on 18th August 2011 contain several items of interest, including the latest state of play in trying to get the surface of Dean Lane improved. For more on this, and othet items covered, click here.
FLOWER & HOBBIES SHOW. As already mentioned, we hope to be able to publish a list of prizewinners soon, but in the meantime there's a selection of photos in the Galleries section. To see them, click here.
RESCHEDULED WASTE COLLECTION. The Household Waste Collection that would normally have taken place on Friday 2nd September is rescheduled to Saturday 3rd September due to the August Bank Holiday.
FLOWER & HOBBIES SHOW. The annual Flower aand Hobbies Show organised by the Garden Club took place on Saturday 27th August, and seemed to be pretty well-attended. A list of prizewinners, and some photos, will be added to the website soon.
NEXT LOCAL SWAB MEETING The August 25th meeting of the South Wilts Area Board (SWAB) will be held in Alderbury Village Hall at 7.00 pm. Among the items discussed will be the new recycling collection arrangements that will start in March 2012, and a presentation from Wiltshire Council's Cabinet Member for Public Health and Protection Services, Cllr Keith Humphries.
Also on the subject of SWAB, they are currently conducting a survey about Area Board activities. If you'd like to contribute to this, the survey closes on Friday 12th August, and you can complete it by clicking here.
FINAL THOUGHTS ON THE 2011 FETE. This year’s committee held the usual “round up “ meeting to take stock of the events. We were extremely pleased to be able to agree two very large cheques be issued to the school and the church for £4,400 each. This leaves a small working balance for next year’s committee to pay deposits in the autumn for the loos etc.
We are very conscious that generous sponsorship helps us cover our major expenses and letters have gone to those donors, not all of whom live in our village. It was particularly nice to see some different things this year and our grateful thanks go to two local small businesses, El Visage (Karen Gunning) for the nail decorating and Oakley Build and Design (Trevor Oakley) who procured the dunk tank at his own expense and generously donated the proceeds.
Comments were received about there not being a tractor heading the fancy dress procession this year. This was because The New Forest Plonkers expressed a wish not to ride around the village. However we acknowledge that the general feeling is that people feel safer when a tractor leads the way, so some arrangement will no doubt be made to include the use of one next summer.
Please put a note in your diaries that the next village fete will be on 16 June, 2012 and the autumn inaugural fete meeting will be on Thursday 6 October.
Sue King
JULY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. The notes from the Parish Council meeting held on 7th July include the good news about the first round of the "Best-Kept Village" competition (see elsewhere) and the fact that there is currently a vacancy for a parish councillor. For the full notes, click here.
MORE ON THE 2011 FETE. Sue King of the Fete Committee has written to say that this year the Fete and other Whiteparish Week activities raised a magnificent £8800 to be shared between the church and the school!! Well done to all involved! For the whole of Sue's report, including a breakdown prepared by treasurer Langdon Nichols, click here.
MEMORIAL GROUND TRUST AGM. The MGT's Annual General Meeting, followed by a regular business meeting, was held on 20th June 2011. For the meeting notes, which include the names of officers and trustees for the coming year, click here.
WHITEPARISH WEEK HORSE SHOW. Now that the Horse Show hosted by Brympton Riding Stables is becoming a regular feature of Whiteparish Week, it was disappointing this year that rain prevented it being held on Sunday 12th June as originally scheduled. Never mind, it was put back a week and quite a good turnout enjoyed the rescheduled event on Sunday 19th June, 2011. There was even some sunshine ! For some pictures, click here.
FETE AND CARNIVAL. For the nth year running, the sun shone on fete day, though unfortunately some of the other Whiteparish Week events were affected by rain. We hope to have more material about the fete and other events in due course, but in the meantime, to see photos of the fete, click here. And for some excellent photos of some of the participants in the carnival parade, by Salisbury Journal chief photographer Roger Elliott, see p22 of the June 16th issue of the Journal.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM FIRST RESPONDERS. In the report of their Open Evenings (23 May, 2011), the Whiteparish First Responder Group ask all residents as follows: "Please ensure that house name and numbers are visible from the road, and that all foliage is cut back so it can be seen clearly. Precious minutes can be saved if the team and ambulance crews can find the house quickly, which may mean the difference between life and death." For more about the Open Evening, click here.
LOCAL CRIMES DURING MAY. The local crime reports for May 2011 from the neighbourhood policing team show most of the crime hereabouts to have been in Landford and Laverstock, with Whiteparish getting off fairly lightly. For details, click here.
MGT AGM SCHEDULED FOR 20th June. The 2011 Annual General Meeting of the Memorial Ground Trust will be held in the Pavilion at 8.00 pm on Monday 20th June, immediately followed by a special meeting to elect officers for the coming year and to conduct the business of the trust. To see the AGM notice and agenda, click here.
FIRST RESPONDERS. The Whiteparish Community First Responders have been chosen as one of the three groups for the Green token scheme at Waitrose, Romsey, during June 2011; so if you're a Waitrose customer, please drop your token into the First Responders "bin" this month. Any funds raised will go towards the 24/7 defibrillator access scheme for Whiteparish, and we understand that you can use tokens from the Salisbury Waitrose in the Romsey branch.. We now have a First Responder page on the website, which we'll hopefully add to over the next few months: click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. The report of the 26th May Parish Council meeting includes an updated list of Parish Councillor responsibilities, so if you want to know which Parish Councillor(s) to contact about particular problems, or anything else discussed at the meeting, click here. Not everybody knows this, but the Parish Council page also has links to a collection of PC meeting reports going back to 2005—to access these, click here.
WHITEPARISH WEEK EVENTS PROGRAMME. For anyone who didn't get or see the programme provided with the June issue of Steeple & Street, the same info is available on the website's Fete page by clicking here. If you want a print-friendly (pdf) version, click here.
MUGA AND MEMORIAL GROUND HIRE. Please note that the Memorial Ground Trust have revised the hire fees for the Memorial Ground and for the Multi-User Games Area (MUGA) within it. For details, click here.
SWAB NEWS. The latest bi-monthly newsletter from the South Wiltshire Area Board includes some results from a survey about which issues local residents feel are important, and which of them SWAB should be concentrating on. There are also reminders about applying for community awards, and several other stories. The May newsletter hasn't found its way onto Wiltshire Council's website yet, but you can read it by clicking here.
JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT . . . to complete the Wiltshire Council survey for Rural Broadband users (that's us). The last day for completing and submitting this important online survey is 3rd June. For details, see the panel further down the page.
IT'S VERY NEARLY FETE TIME AGAIN. The Fete Committee and stallholders had their final meeting on May 5th, and everyone's getting ready for the Fete on June 11th and the other scheduled events during Whiteparish Week. Don't forget to mark your diary, and let's hope for good weather ! The committee have put together a sort of Q&A for volunteers, donors, and people who want to take part in the various activities, which you can view by clicking here.
MGT COMMITTEE MEETING, 16 MAY 2011. For the highlights of the most recent meeting of the Memorial Ground Trust, held in their "summer venue" of the Pavilion, click here.
LOCAL CRIME IN APRIL. The summary of crimes in local villages recently received from PC Henry Clissold shows quite an outbreak of vandalism in our near neighbours Alderbury and Clarendon, but happily a fairly quiet month in Whiteparish which included two instances of bicycle pump theft (why ? !). For the whole list, click here, but remember that some categories of crimes involving issues of confidentiality are intentionally omitted from these summaries.
ROYAL WEDDING TEA PARTY. On the afternoon of 29th April, to mark the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, 153 children plus some grown-ups enjoyed a celebration tea party on the Memorial Ground, and received souvenir mugs. Sue King, one of the volunteer organisers, describes it as "A wonderful afternoon". For more on this, click here. For a small gallery of photos, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. Among the items in the notes of the latest Parich Council meeting (14th April 2011) are the appointment of a new co-opted councillor, a reminder that Whiteparish has been entered into the 2011 Best Kept Village competition (so please do your bit and help keep the village tidy and well groomed!), and news of tennis coaching, to start on 21st May. For more on these and the other subjects discussed, click here.
MORE ABOUT BROADBAND. Sorry, we do keep banging on about this, but getting faster broadband in Whiteparish is so important for the village . . . Here's a notice from Wiltshire Council about the questionnaire they're running as an early part of their scheme to improve broadband performance in rural areas like ours. Please use the link below and complete the questionnaire, if you haven't already done so. Whiteparish needs to tell the council loud and clear that we don't want our village left behind!
Superfast broadband in Wiltshire
Wiltshire Council is spearheading a drive to bring superfast broadband to communities across the county.
The council is investing £16 million so more residents and businesses can have access to super fast broadband. The council is also bidding for a government grant and additional funding from the telecoms industry with the hope of generating more than £30m towards getting Wiltshire ahead in the digital revolution.
The council has set a target of giving 85% of premises access to super fast broadband by 2015 – and that target could possibly rise to 95%.
Supporting superfast broadband access is only one part of the council’s wider plans to get the county online. Being online is becoming increasingly important and the council will invest in educating people and small businesses to help them get the most out of the internet. The council will also help encourage more elderly people to use online services which will help give them greater independence. It will increase the number of its services that can be accessed online and look to develop its website so more people can pay bills and make enquiries online – increasing access and saving taxpayers’ money.
To make sure the council targets its investment to the areas which need it most, people across the county are being asked to fill in a survey. All the information gathered will help the council as it works with the telecoms industry to improve access to broadband across Wiltshire. Separate surveys aimed at businesses and residents are available online at:
Click here to go to survey.
The survey can also be obtained by calling 0300 456 0100. The survey will run from April 26 to June 3. Your help in completing the survey or publicising it to local residents and businesses would be very much appreciated.
Thank you for your help.
Paul Mountford
Policy Officer
Policy and Communications
Wiltshire Council
Tel 01225 718431
MORE ON THE CUP FINAL (see last item). Whiteparish won 3-1 !
WHITEPARISH IN CUP FINAL. Well, not THAT Cup Final, but A Cup Final . . . On Good Friday, Whiteparish Football Club play Alderbury in the final of the Norman Court Cup, at Downton, so Good Luck to our local team ! Kick-off is at 11.00 am. Why not go along and support them?
BROADBAND NEWS: An Important Questionnaire. According to the Salisbury Journal, 14th April 2011, Wiltshire Council is aiming to invest £10 million in projects which, with extra funding from government grants and industry, should make superfast broadband available to up to 95% of premises in the county by 2015. For more information on the Wiltshire Council website, click here. From 26th April, there will be an internet questionnaire on that same link—please complete the questionnaire and help to reinforce the need for faster broadband in Whiteparish.
SWAB NEWS. The Southern Wiltshire Area Board have invited residents to participate in an online survey about how they should spend about £40,000 that's available for projects in this area. The deadline is midnight on April 24th, so if you want to take part, click here, soon! The next SWAB meeting in these parts is on Wednesday 20th April, at Winterslow Village Hall, with a 6.30 pm start. The meeting is billed as being about "Big Society and Localism". For more details, click here.
LOCAL CRIMES IN MARCH 2011. According to the latest list of local crimes from PC Clissold, there was only one reported crime in Whiteparish during March, though there seems to have been a bit of an outbreak in Alderbury. For more details, including some information about merging of the two local police teams based at Alderbury, click here. A police surgery is scheduled for 20th April 2011 at Whiteparish Village Store.
BANK HOLIDAY WASTE & RECYCLING ARRANGEMENTS On Good Friday (22nd April), the waste and recycling collections will take place as normal. After that, collections that would otherwise have happened on Fridays are rescheduled as follows:
Friday 29th April (royal wedding): collection rescheduled to Saturday 30th April.
Friday 6th May: collection rescheduled to Saturday 7th May.
Friday 3rd June: collection rescheduled to Saturday 4th June.
ALTAR GUILD NEEDLEWORK DISPLAYED. At a Thanksgiving Service during March, some beautiful examples of the work of the Altar Guild were displayed in All Saints Church as tribute to the late Mrs Edna Fenwick, who had masterminded the production of most of the items shown. Dawn and Langdon Nichols forwarded us some photos, taken by Dr Peter Claydon, so thanks to all concerned. To view the photos, click here.
ROYAL WEDDING PARTY UPDATE. Plans are coming together nicely for the Royal Wedding Party, planned to be held on the Memorial Ground at 3.30pm on Friday 29 April.
This will be free to anyone in the village who would like to join in – young and old alike. The Parish Council, the Village Hall committee and the Memorial Ground Trust are supporting the event.
Several kind folk have been in touch with offers of providing the food needed and I’m sure there will be enough hands around at the time to help serve!
If you would like to dress up on the day, then please do so to add to the fun – but remember we shall only be in the Village hall if it’s raining – so thermals might be needed!
There might be a prize for the best outfit and the prettiest wedding hat!
The children whose names were supplied by 25 March will be presented with a memento of the day.
If you have offered help, you will be contacted before the event. If you would still like to offer, then please contact:
Sue King – Secretary to the Memorial Ground Trus, 884374t
MEMORIAL GROUND TRUST MEETING, 21 MARCH 2011. For notes of the meeting, click here
FETE DATE NOT FAR OFF NOW . . . In just a couple of months (and a bit) it"ll be Whiteparish Week again, culminating in the Fete on 11th June. The notes from the March meeting of the Fete Committee, have important info about how to book a craft/sales table; also pleas for gazebos, and for all stallholders to come to the next meeting on 5th May. For more details, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL: Annual Parish Meeting. The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 3rd March in the Village Hall, where each councillor gave an overview of the past year's activities on their area of responsibility. For notes of this meeting, click here. The Annual Parish Meeting was immediately followed by a regular Parish Council meeting; for the notes of the regular meeting, click here.
VISITING OWLS. Many thanks to Keith Hobbs for sending us some photos of Chrissie Harper's talk to the Garden Club's February meeting, all about owls (with some real ones on hand—literally !). To view Keith's photos, click here.
ROYAL WEDDING 2011. The Memorial Ground Trustees invite the use of this village facility to hold a tea party and games on Friday 29 April at 3.30pm to celebrate the Royal wedding. The Village hall will be the alternative venue should the weather be inclement.
The Parish Council have offered to support this occasion, which will likely translate into a memento for each child attending.
A decision will be made after 25 March as to whether this event takes place, dependent on the number of people showing an interest.
Please put your child’s name in the book in the village shop or let the school know. I should also be grateful to receive names from anyone who would be prepared to help with offers of sandwiches, cakes etc. This could be a village event to remember !!!!
Sue King – Secretary to the Memorial Ground Trust; 884374
2011 PANTO PHOTOS. "The Canterbury Tales", presented on February 10th—12th by the Pepperbox Players, was the usual hilarious romp from our talented local troupe! We went on the Friday, and everyone in the close-to-packed Village Hall had a great time. For a bit more info and the list of cast members, click here. For some photos in the website's Galleries section, click here.
2010 PUMPKIN-FEST PICS. Photos of the Garden Club's Halloween Pumpkin and Fancy Dress Competition, from 28th October 2010, have just reached the galleries section. Many thanks to Keith Hobbs for supplying them. (And apologies for the delay; they apparently dropped into a hole in cyberspace, back in November, somewhere on their way to the website . . . To view them, click here.
2011 FETE—MORE VOLUNTEERS (AND TUG-OF-WAR-ERS) NEEDED. The fete committee are urgently seeking some volunteers to run or help with some of the planned activities for the fete itself and the preceding Friday night Hog Roast etc. If you'd like to help run the bar or be a marshal on the Friday night, or sell ice cream, or enter a team in a Tug of War competition, do get in touch with the committee. For more about this, and the notes of the most recent committee meeting, click here!
MGT NOTES; NEW HIRE CHARGES. The notes from the January 31st Meeting of the Memorial Ground Trust are now available on the MGT page, where you can also find the hire charges for Memorial Ground (and MUGA) facilities for the 2011/12 financial year. For details, click here.
POLICE NEWS AND CRIME REPORTS. The latest Neighbourhood Policing Newsletter forwarded to us by PC Henry Clissold includes items on FlyTipping and apparent success in combatting antisocial behaviour in Alderbury. Perhaps there's some connection between that and the fact that in the January crime list included in the same newsletter, Alderbury had no reported crimes whereas unfortunately Whiteparish suffered several thefts from vehicles and premises and one case of criminal damage. For more on these, click here, but note that some categories of crimes (crimes of violence or domestic disputes, for example), are omitted from these local lists for confidentiality reasons.
Don't miss the Pepperbox Players' latest production "The Canterbury Tales", running at the village hall between Thursday 10th Feb and Saturday 12th Feb (when there's a 2.30 pm matinee as well as the 7.30 pm evening performance). Tickets were selling fast, but if you hurry there might be some left—available from the Village Shop or on the night (if not sold out) for £5 per adult, £3 for children and concessions. (Many thanks to Simon Walworth for the photo above, taken at a dress rehearsal.)
3rd FEBRUARY: SWAB MEETING. The next meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB) will be held at 7.00 pm on Thursday 3rd February 2011, in Winterslow Village Hall (so fairly local for us), and all residents are invited. Included in the agenda are:
- Parish Councils' Emergency Planning - Community Resilience
- Face to Face - Customer Access to Council Services
- Partner Updates – including a Police Authority update, Youth Service update
- Local Issues
- Street Light Switch Off Proposal
- Usual items including Community Issues, Updates from Partners and Parish Councils, and Community Area Grants.
For the full agenda, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. Following the sad news of the death of that very active and hard-working Councillor Dave Boakes, there is a vacancy on the Parish Council. For a combined report of the Parish Council meetings of 16th December 2010 and 20th January 2011, click here.
BROWNIE NEWS. "Little Owl" has sent a very interesting account of the local Brownie Troop's activities during 2010—it sounds like they had an exciting and very varied programme. For details, click here.
CRIME OVER CHRISTMAS. The latest list of crimes for our locality shows several burglaries in Whiteparish (and in neighbouring Landford) during the Christmas 2010 period, though nothing was reported for West Dean or the Grimsteads. If you want to know more about police priorities in our area, need crime prevention advice, or would like to raise any other concerns, the local police hold regular Police Surgeries/Consultations in nearby villages. For dates and places, and the rest of the latest crime bulletin; click here.
FASTER BROADBAND FOR WHITEPARISH CAMPAIGN. A huge thank-you to all those who surfed to BT's "race to infinity" website as we approached the end of last year, and registered their interest in getting faster broadband from the Whiteparish Exchange. According to BT's stated rules, if we could get about 550 votes (75% of the number of subscribers here), BT would get in touch with the village to discuss ways of improving broadband performance.
Well, the number of votes cast wasn't anywhere near that, unfortunately, but bearing in mind that not many people knew about the BT "race" until it was publicised locally, and leaflets were only distributed round the village over the Xmas holiday when a lot of people were away, the 160 or so votes wasn't too bad a result. (Don't know the exact total, but vote 156 was cast at 4.20 pm on New Year's Eve!) Hopefully it will have been enough to convince BT that there is quite a bit of interest here in improved broadband, even if the votes were short of the percentage they stipulated (which many commentators believe was much too difficult a hurdle for most small rural exchanges to jump).
We plan to include a new Broadband section in the website soon, to summarise the technologies that BT is supposed to be using to upgrade internet connections in most of the UK, and to consider the possibliities for Whiteparish, and what next steps the village might take to try to move things along.
MORE ON THE NOVEMBER FIREWORKS. We've heard that through a lot of hard work on the part of All Saints School PTA and other volunteers, and in particular through the generosity of Pains Fireworks for staging the show, last November's display and associated attractions netted a magnificent £5,076.87 for school funds. Congratulations to all concerned !
PTA QUIZ. 16 teams gathered in the Village Hall on the evening of Saturday 11th December for an evening of good-humoured but competitive general-knowledge quizzery, organized by the All Saints School PTA, as a fund-raiser for the school. Winners were the oddly named "Beat the Bishops" (or something like that). For more, click here. For some photos, click here.
WEBSITE USAGE. Villagers and other readers might be interested to know a little about the numbers of people visiting this website. In an average week, there are maybe 1400 or 1500 so-called "sessions" with the site, but not all of these are human visitors! Typically five or six hundred of them are robots, which trawl the worldwide web gathering statistics and other information for a whole host of purposes. Once we discount the robots, we are left with typical figures of seven or eight hundred human visitors in a week.
Those are average figures, and there can be big variations. For example, for some reason, the third week in December 2010 was a bonanza one with about 1500 human visitors, as far as we can tell.
What areas of the site get the most visitors? By far the most popular seem to be the pages about tithe data derived from the 1842 tithe map. We guess that these must be people from outside the village whose family trees include ancestors from the village, but we have no way of knowing for sure what visitors' motivations were. After these pages, other well-visited areas are the home page (not surprisingly), news and events, the school, church services, and the businesses list.
WILTSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY Consultation. Clare Woods, Internal Communications Officer at the Wiltshire Police Authority, writes as follows to tell us about " . . . a consultation taking place by Wiltshire Police Authority about future plans of policing in Wiltshire, in line with the requirement to save up to £15 million over the next four years due to cuts in funding.
We are asking members of the public to read about these plans and to give their views via a short questionnaire, accessible via the Wiltshire Police Authority website homepage Please note, the questionnaire will close on 9 February 2011.
We would very much appreciate your support in this important consultation exercise about the future of policing in Wiltshire."
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AND CRIME BULLETINS The December 2010 issue of the Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin contains some useful information about keeping children safe (from sex offenders) and about Wiltshire Police's Christmas drink and drug drive campaign for 2010. For more on these, click here. For the summary of local crimes during November (seemed pretty quiet), click here.
Reports from MEMORIAL GROUND TRUST and 2011 FETE COMMITTEE. For the report of the Memorial Ground Trust meeting held on 22 November 2010, click here. For the report of the 2nd December 2010 meeting of the 2011 Fete Steering Committee, click here.
CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR WASTE & RECYCLING . The waste and recycling collections for the village will take place on Christmas Eve (Friday 24th December) and New Year's Eve (Friday 31st December). None of the collections are rescheduled this year.
2010 FIREWORKS. We unfortunately had to miss this year's show, but we gather that it truly was "spectacular" and enjoyed by all. More news of attendance, takings, etc to come, but in the meantime for some photos (kindly contributed by Robert Hill), click here.
MEMORIAL CENTRE "SLOT" AT PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS. In the report of the Parish Council's 4th November meeting, the council announced that from now on the new Memorial Centre will be discussed towards the beginning of each council meeting. The council want to encourage members of the public to attend and will be pleased to listen to their opinions. For more on this, and the other topics discussed at the same meeting, click here.
PCSO BILL PARR . PC Henry Clissold writes to share the news that Police Community Support Officer Bill Parr, who has worked with him as a valued member of the police team at Alderbury for several years now, is moving on. For more on this, and forthcoming local Police Surgeries, and the latest Crime Report summary covering the month of October 2010, click here.
ANNUAL FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR. The annual Fireworks Display, staged by courtesy of Messrs Pains Fireworks, and in aid of All Saints School and PTA, is scheduled for Saturday 13th November (with a reserve date of Friday 19th in case of unsuitable weather). Gates open at 6.15 pm on the Memorial Ground, and the Display itself starts at 7.00 pm. There will be a barbecue, refreshments, beer and mulled wine on sale, with fairground rides for younger children. Tickets can be bought from the school office, or from the village shop until 12.00 on the day of the display. Advance ticket prices are £3.50 per adult; £2.50 per child ((4 to 16); family tickets (2 adults, 2 children) £10.00); children under 4 are free. On the night, adults are £5.00 each; children are £3.00; but there will be no family tickets on sale at the gate.
It's always truly a "SPECTACULAR" display—don't miss it!
JUNIOR SWAB . . . The South West Area Board is working on piloting a children's board. In SWAB's latest newsletter, Chairman Richard Britton writes: "At our last Area Board I was able to report on the progress being made towards establishing a Youth Area Board. I am proud that the Southern Wiltshire Area Board is pioneering this proposal to involve our young people in the affairs of the Community Area – especially in view of the large number of important schools in our ‘patch’. On behalf of the Board I would like to pay tribute to the work of our Community Area Manager in pushing this idea forward. Tom, together with Emma Procter, has arranged for a workshop for 46 children between the ages of 4 and 16 to be held on 5 November in order to explore what sort of issues they would want to raise at an Area Board. We hope to hold the first formal Youth Area Board on 14 February but have yet to decide on its content and format. Hopefully we shall get a steer on this from the workshop event. This is a really important development which, if successful, can be rolled out across the County."
To view the whole newsletter, which contains a lot of useful information and links, click here.
HORSEWATCH. PC Henry Clissold has forwarded us the latest Horsewatch bulletin from the Wiltshire Police Rural Crimes unit, which includes info about the National Equestrian Crime Database (NECD), and how to get a reduced subscription to it (this reduction is only available until October 30th, unfortunately). To view, click here.
FETE ALREADY? OK, we're heading for the depths of winter—but it's not too soon to be thinking about next summer, and in particular about the Fete and the other events that will make up Whiteparish Week for 2011. The first steering meeting was held in the Fountain Inn on 25 October, and the new committee are hoping to get more "names to attach to jobs", and volunteer marshals to help on Bands Night. For the committee's first report, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY. For more details of the vacancy arising from Peter Mallinson's resignation from the Parish Council, and other matters discussed at the meeting on 30th September, click here.
LOCAL CRIME UP IN SEPTEMBER 2010. Unfortunately crime seems to be on the rise again in Whiteparish, to judge by the latest list forwarded by PC Clissold. For the listing of crimes here and in neighbouring villages, together with a schedule of local police surgeries where you can discuss police priorities and get crime prevention advice, click here.
SWAB MEETING IN PITTON, 14 OCTOBER 2010 Whiteparish residents are invited to the next meeting of the South West Area Board, which will be held in Pitton Village Hall at 7.00 pm on Thursday 14 October 2010 (light refreshments available from 6.30 pm). For a full agenda, click here.
TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES IN WEST DEAN IN NOVEMBER Between 2345 hrs on Wednesday 10th November and 0515 hrs on Thursday 11th November, and again for the same hours on the following night, a stretch of the C323 will be closed in the centre of West Dean. The section concerned is from the junction between Moody's Hill/Rectory Hill and East Dean Rd, extending about 130 metres north-east towards the level crossing. This is to allow essential track maintenance at the level crossing site. To see the closure notice, click here.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH BULLETIN & LOCAL CRIME REPORTS FOR AUGUST. The latest bulletin from the Alderbury police team includes some interesting stats about crime county-wide, and about county residents' perceptions of those crimes, together with the welcome news that crime in the year to March 2010 had fallen, for the second successive year, by 7%. For more details, click here for the bulletin; click here for the local crimes list.
MINERALS EXTRACTION SITES: DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS EXTENDED. The latest date for comments on Wiltshire Council's Minerals Site Options Report has been extended to October 31st 2010, and the Whiteparish Preservation Group are concerned that as many residents as possible send in their views. A useful leaflet on how you can have your say was distributed with the October edition of Steeple and Street, listing a lot of problems that the Preservation Group had found with the proposals outlined in the options document. For more information, or a copy of the Preservation Group's leaflet, or assistance, contact the group chairman: Ivor Ellis, on 884868, or email him at ivor.ellis[at symbol]
2010 FLOWER & HOBBIES SHOW PHOTOS. Keith Hobbs has kindly sent us a very nice set of photos taken at the show (held on Saturday 28th August). To view them, click here.
2010 FLOWER & HOBBIES SHOW RESULTS. To find out who won the cups, shields, and medals at this year's show,
click here.
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. The Parish Council meeting on 12th August covered the usual wide range of topics, including speeding in the village, sand extraction, and vandalism of the pond rails. For more on these and other items discussed, click here.
HISTORY GROUP PROGRAMME FOR 2010/2011. Looks like the Whiteparish History Group, who meet on the third Thursday every month from September to April (in the Kings Head at 7.30 pm) have another cracking programme of talks lined up for the coming few months, on topics ranging from the History of Punch & Judy to the Admiralty Depot at Dean. For the full programme on the History Group page, click here.
AREA BOARD MEETING at ALDERBURY. Sorry folks, we've been away for a few days, so am a bit late putting this on the site. Still, in case you'd like to attend even at this short notice, there's a meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board at 7.00 pm on Thursday 19th August, at 7.00 pm, in Alderbury Village Hall. Light refreshments will be available from 6.30 pm. Agenda items include:
- Neighbourhood Policing Team Update
- Update on Parish Plans and the Role for the Area Board
- Caring Villages - Voluntary and Community Sector support in our area
- Library Service Review
- Waste Consultation
- Community Asset Transfer
- Local Issues
- Community Grants including Performance Reward Grants.
For a fuller version of the agenda, click here.
"PARISH NEWSLETTER". This doesn’t refer to our parish newsletter, but to a newsletter put out by Wiltshire Council covering topics they think will be of interest to local parish councils—and website visitors may find it of interest, too. To see a sample copy, click here. To see other newsletters in the same series, on the Wiltshire council website,
click here.
2010 FETE UPDATE. Thanks to this year's very successful events during Fete week, All Saints Church and the Village School benefited to the tune of £3250 each, leaving enough in the kitty to pay deposits etc needed for next year. Well done and "Thank You" to all who supported the 2010 events.
FLOWER & HOBBIES SHOW SOON. The Garden Club's 2010 Flower & Hobbies Show will be on Saturday 28th August in the Village Hall. The show itself opens at 2.30 pm, but the club will be accepting exhibits between 8.30 am and 10.45 am on show day. Entry forms will be available at the Village Hall on the previous evening (Friday 27th) between 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm. For handicraft, art, and children's classes, click here.
LOCAL CRIME REPORTS FOR JULY. The latest crime summary from the Alderbury police team suggest it was a relatively quiet month locally, with only one crime listed for Whiteparish. (Though that's not much consolation, of course, for anyone unlucky enough to be a victim.) For more details, click here.
August Bank Holiday: WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTIONS Due to the Bank Holiday on Monday 30th August, the waste and recycling collections that would normally have taken place on Friday 3rd September will be made on Saturday 4th September.
8th JULY PC NOTES. The Parish Council Notes for their 8th July 2010 meeting contain (as ever) several interesting pieces of news, including a Village Tidy-Up Day planned for 14th August, and a plea for land suitable for allotments in the village. There's more about both these items in the notice above, but for the full meeting notes document, click here.
MEMORIAL GROUND TRUST AGM. The MGT AGM was held in the King's Head on 12 July. For notes of the meeting, and for meeting dates for the 12-month to the next AGM, click here.
COMMENTS REQUESTED ON NEW COMMUNITY PLAN. Tom Bray, the Southern Wiltshire Community Area Manager, writes as follows: Dear All,
I write to introduce you to the Southern Wiltshire Draft Community Plan for 2010 - 2015 (attached). A steering group made up of people from across the community area have put this together. We would like to hear your views on the document by no later that 10 September 2010. As always, if you have any questions please get in touch.
Kind regards, Tom
To view the draft plan, click here. To visit the Southern Area Board Web Page, with more info, click here. (Tom's email address, for comments or questions, is at the top of the draft plan.)
BURGLARY PREVENTION, AND DISTRACTION BURGLARIES. The June 2010 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin from PC Henry Clissold includes advice about how to help prevent burglaries and so-called "distraction burglaries". It seems that these bulletins are going to be produced on a three-monthly basis from now on, but that local crime summaries will continue to be made available monthly. So, for the June Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, click here. For the June Crime Summary, click here. And for the July Crime Summary, click here!
2010 WHITEPARISH WEEK. This year the two new events (a Quiz Night and a Horse Show) were both evidently very successful, as were the Band Night/Hog Roast and other events in the week leading up to Saturday's Carnival and Fete. For many years now we've been really lucky with the weather for the Fete, and Saturday 19th June 2010 extended this run by another year, being dry and occasionally sunny. However, a strong and not especially warm breeze may have kept some visitors away (it wasn't exactly "flaming June"). Takings on some attractions were apparently a little down on 2009; but thanks to some cost savings this year, the overall profit for All Saints School and Church is estimated to be similar to last year. As always, everyone who came seemed to enjoy it. For a report from the Fete Committee, including a breakdown of takings from the treasurer, and prizewinners for the various events, click here. For some photographs, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL AGM. The Parish Council AGM was held on 20th May, and included a report from Vice Chair John LeQuesne on his findings regarding a "Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan" document received from Wiltshire Council. To read more on this and the other items discussed, as well as notes from the special meeting held on 5th May, click here.
MEMORIAL GROUND NEWS. At the Memorial Ground Trust meeting held on 18th May 2010, members voted in favour of supporting the proposed new community building. For more on this, and the other items discussed, click here.
The Annual General Meeting of the trust will be held on Monday 12 July 2010, in the pavilion. Members of the public are welcome to attend, and the meeting will begin at 8.00 pm.
TAMPERED CREDIT CARD SCAM. The May 2010 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin from PC Henry Clissold includes advice about a recent spate of credit card fraud in the county, involving cards whose magnetic strips have been tampered with. Also, Wiltshire Police have come out well in a recent comprehansive quality assessment by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary, being rated as excellent at reducing crime, good at policing, and offering value for money to the public. For details of these and other stories, click here. For the summary of local crime in our area during April 2010, click here.
Late May Bank Holiday: WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTIONS Due to the Bank Holiday on Monday May 31st, the waste and recycling collections that would normally have taken place on Friday 4th June will be made on Saturday 5th June.
PETERSFINGER PARK & RIDE. The new Park and Ride facility at Petersfinger will open on Tuesday 1st June, and will be free for the first five days. After this, all-day parking and use of the buses to and from Salisbury city centre will cost £2.50. However, anyone who parks there and cycles into the city can park for free.
More information about the Petersfinger P & R will eventually be available at, though at the time of writing it's not there yet. In the meantime, to see timetable and other information, click here; for a promotional leaflet, click here; and for info on cycle training courses to be held in Salisbury, aimed at helping adults who lack confidence or don't have basic riding skills, click here!
GENERAL ELECTION. Just in case you hadn't noticed, there's an election scheduled for Thursday 6th May! Our polling station will be the Village Hall, as usual, which will be open for voting between 7.00 am and 10.00 pm. Don't forget to vote!
Whiteparish Football Club: Final league positions for 2009/2010. Both the Saturday and Sunday teams finished 5th in their respective divisions: the Salisbury & District Football League Division 1 (Saturday); and the Salisbury & District Football League Division 1 (Sunday). Stats for the season were as follows:
Team |
p |
w |
d |
l |
f |
a |
gd |
pts |
Saturday Team |
20 |
10 |
2 |
8 |
60 |
49 |
11 |
32 |
Sunday Team |
12 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
35 |
46 |
-11 |
12 |
To see full results for the season (or most of them, anyway), click here.
Goodbye to Anita as Parish Clerk. At the 15th April 2010 Parish Council Meeting, Mrs Anita Boakes received hearty thanks and a gift and flowers from from the Councillors for her work as Parish Clerk over the last 10 years. (The Chairman noted that Parish Council funds were not used for this.) Anita's replacement is Niccola Cooper, whose contact details are in the latest Parish Council Notes, along with summaries of the other topics discussed. For details, click here.
QUIZ NIGHT FOR FETE WEEK. This year Whiteparish Week (leading up to the Fete) will include a Quiz Night starting at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 15th June, in the Village Hall. For more details of this, and other news from the 2010 Fete Committee, click here.
MOST CRIME DOWN IN OUR AREA. The April 2010 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin from PC Henry Clissold includes the welcome news that overall crime figures in the South Wiltshire Community Area (includes us) are down by 13.8%, although both domestic burglaries and pedal cycle thefts have increased. For details, click here.
MEMORIAL GROUND HIRE CHARGES. The Memorial Ground Trust page includes notes from the two most recent meetings of the management committee, including the 2010 charges for hiring the MUGA and the main ground. For details, click here.
2010 FETE ART COMPETITION OPEN TO ADULTS. For the latest news from the fete committee, click here.
Parish Council Supports Village Shop Plannning Application. At the extra meeting held on 16th February, the PC voted to support planning application S/2010/53 for a new shop and post office premises, etc. The latest Parish Council notes also include news of the appointment of a new Parish Clerk, a request for ideas for a Parish Council logo, and the possibility of creating a car park opposite the school. For more on these and other items discussed, click here.
EASTER & EARLY MAY BANK HOLIDAY COLLECTIONS. The waste and recycling collection arrangements for the forthcoming bank holidays will be as follows. The same arrangements apply to normal household waste, plastic, card, and garden waste (where applicable), and to black boxes.
Black Boxes? |
Changes due to Easter |
Friday 2 April (Good Friday) |
No Change | |
Friday 9 April |
Saturday 10 April | Yes |
Changes for Early May Bank Holiday |
Friday 7 May |
Saturday 8 May | Yes |
Stats About Our Area. Two interesting documents have been brought to our attention, each containing statistical info about how we in the South Wilts area compare to other areas of the county.
One was compiled in support of a health-oriented strategic needs assessment, showing how we stack up against the other areas in terms of age groups/gender, "deprivation", life expectancy, teenage pregnancy rates, etc etc. It seems we have the highest alcohol consumption, but the lowest percentage of smokers. It also shows up some surprises about other areas: for example, why should Mere have the longest life expectancy for males, but the shortest for females? Probably best not to speculate ! To see the whole document, click here.
The other document, Southern Wiltshire Area Profile, contains more general stats about population, vehicle ownership, crime, benefit claimants, and education, and can be viewed by clicking here.
The March 2010 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin. The latest bulletin from PC Henry Clissold reminds us that on icy mornings (and we haven't seen the last of them yet) the whole swept area of your windscreen must be clear of ice, or you are committing an offence. There is also news of illegal deer shooting close to us, in Hamptworth, and the usual local crime summary. For more detail, click here.
Fete Planning Progress. For the latest on planning for this year's village fete, click here.
Rural Broadband Survey. If, like us, you're two miles of motheaten copper wire away from the Whiteparish Exchange and you get rock-bottom broadband speeds—or if you're closer to the exchange but still think your broadband speed is unsatisfactory—it may be in your interests to take part in a rural broadband survey being conducted by Wilts Council. The closing date for taking part is 31st March, but it only takes two or three minutes so why not click here and do it straight away?! Unfortunately the survey doesn't seem to cater for people who can't get broadband at all, but one way round it might be to enter upload and download speeds of zero, or whatever your dialup connection can manage.
SW Community Area Small Grants. The South Wilts Community Area Grant Scheme board has introduced a final opportunity to bid for small grants before the end ot this financial year, because they still have £3,531 to disburse. However, applications may not be considered unless they are received by 12 noon on 23 February. If you want to find out more about the scheme, click here. Other Area Board-related links that may be of interest are their Just a Minute newsletter and the SWAB website home page.

Uh oh—looks like Aladdin's for the chop . . . .
. . . but of course he wasn't really. Just one of the scenes from the Pepperbox Players' terrific staging of their 2010 pantomime Aladdin in the Village Hall on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of February. For more about the panto, click here. For lots of photos, click here.
The February 2010 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, from PC Henry Clissold includes some useful tips on safeguarding vehicles against opportunist thieves, and the monthly crime reports from hereabouts. For more detail, click here.
Brownie Newz. "Little Owl" has sent us the latest activity report from the local Brownie troop, covering happenings in 2009 and looking ahead to some events being planned. For details, click here.
Parish Council Meeting Report, 21st January 2010. The latest Parish Council report includes two invitations to villagers: the Council are asking for villagers' views before end-Feb on a proposal that 30 mph stickers are obtained for fixing to wheelie bins within the 30 mph limit; also villagers are encouraged to attend the 4th March annual Parish Meeting where electors can raise any village matter. For more on these and other items covered, including a warning about unlicensed hawkers (hmm...), click here.
Memorial Ground Trust. For notes from the MGT Management Meeting held on 18 January 2010, click here.
The January 2010 Farmwatch Bulletin, from the local police Rural Crimes Team, reviews recent rural and farming-related crime in the area—it seems a spate of thefts of Landrover Defenders continued beyond the Christmas period. The bulletin also includes advice on various ways of marking equipment to help protect against theft, or facilitate recovery after theft. For more details, click here.
IT MUST (really) BE WINTER . . .

We don't often get much snow here nowadays, but last winter and this one have been exceptions, with another reasonable snowfall on 5th/6th Jan this year. Nothing like the 40cm originally forecast, but enough to provide a lot of fun, and maybe there's more to come. In the photos: two snowmen that caught our eye in Cowesfield, and some serious snowball-rolling on the Memorial Ground.
The January 2010 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, forwarded by PC Henry Clissold, provides some tips on security marking your new presents ! For more details, click here.
Parish Council Meeting Report, 10th December 2009. The latest Parish Council report includes news of a new co-opted member of the council (Mrs Anne Baker), and action the council is taking about the A27 being flooded recently at Brickworth and in Cowesfield. The Southern Wilts Community Area Youth Development Co-ordinator will be attending the next meeting on 21 January, and the council encourages young people to come to the meeting and give their views on what's needed in Whiteparish. For more on these, and the other topics discussed, click here.
Agenda for SWAB Meeting on 17th December. The agenda for the South Wilts Area Board meeting to be held in Whiteparish Village Hall on 17 December includes the following items for discussion:
- Disposal of Wiltshire Council Assets - Coombe Bissett Chalk Pit
- Community Plan Steering Group and Issues Update
- Getting your opinions on Wiltshire Council’s spending in 2010/11
- Youth Provision and Involvement
- Spotlight Session: Wiltshire Police Presentation
In this important presentation Inspector David McMullin will explain some operational and organisational aspects of policing in south Wiltshire.
- Community Area Grants.
If you're interested in any of these, or if you just want to find out more about SWAB, doors open at 6.30 pm, and the meeting starts at 7.00.
The December 2009 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, forwarded by PC Henry Clissold mentions the suspicion that horses and ponies in the district are being earmarked (with a small plait in their manes) for possible theft later. (The Salisbury Journal has covered the same story.) The bulletin summarises some precautions that owners can take to guard against theft of horses and ponies. Happily the regular reports of crimes in the area don't include any in Whiteparish, but there is quite an outbreak not far away in Laverstock/Ford. On a similar theme, PC Clissold has forwarded a bulletin from the Wiltshire Rural Crime Team which gives some interesting insights into the rural team's current activities and priorities county-wide. For the Neighbourhood Watch bulletin, click here. For the Farm Watch/Rural Crimes bulletin, click here.
Refuse/Recycling collection for 2009/2010 Christmas and New Year Holiday. The arrangements are slightly more complicated than for previous bank holidays, with collections rescheduled as follows. (Note: most if not all households in Whiteparish are due one black-box collection during the period, which has been set for 4 January. The other rescheduled black box dates shown are for the benefit of any households on a different collection rota. )
Collections that would otherwise be "due" on: |
Black box collections: |
Collections for refuse, garden waste and plastic and cardboard recycling: |
Fri 25 December |
Mon 28 December |
Tue 29 December |
Fri 1 January |
Mon 4 January |
Tue 5 January |
Fri 8 January |
Sat 9 January |
Mon 11 January |
Fri 15 January |
As Normal |
Sat 16 January |
Then back to normal. The above dates are copied from the WCC website; for more information, including recycling of Christmas trees, wrapping paper, etc, click here.
Memorial Ground Trust. For notes from the MGT Management Meeting held on 23 November 2009, in the Pavilion, click here.
Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB) to meet in Whiteparish. The next meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB for short)—see also earlier item on the same subject, down the page—is scheduled for 17th December 2009, and will take place in Whiteparish Village Hall. Doors open at 6.30 pm for a 7.00 pm start. So if you want to find out more about this new local government initiative, or if you have points to raise, make a note in your diary. To see the SWAB home page, click here. If you're still a bit vague about the role of area boards, you won't be alone! But Councillor Richard Britton, the chairman of SWAB, is aware of this problem and recently distributed a message on the subject, basically indicating that the board themselves are still feeling their way. To see Councillor Britton's message, click here.
The October 2009 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, forwarded by PC Henry Clissold includes news of attacks on cats in Alderbury, a useful summary of the restrictions on using by-ways, and the regular reports of crimes both in Whiteparish and neighbouring parishes. For details, click here.
Parish Council Meeting Report, 22nd October 2009. The latest Parish Council report includes news of the affordable houses project in Newton Lane, which will apparently be finished ahead of schedule. All the houses have been allocated, and will be going to people with strong Whiteparish connections. For more on this, and the other topics discussed, click here.
2010 Fete and Carnival. The date for next year's Fete has been set for Saturday 19th June, with the theme of "Storytime", and as usual there will be other activities during the preceding week—more news of these later. For more information, including names and contact numbers of the organising committee, click here.
2009 Fireworks Display. This year's display, in aid of Whiteparish All Saints Primary School and kindly sponsored by Pains Fireworks, will be held on Saturday 14th November on the Memorial Ground, as usual. Gates open at 6.15 pm, and the display itself starts at 7.00 pm. There will be refreshments (including a barbecue) and drinks available; and fairground rides for younger children. If you buy your tickets in advance from the village shop or school office, they are £3.50 per adult, £2.50 per child (4—16) and under-fours are free, or a family ticket is £10. If you pay at the gate, it's £5 per adult and £3.00 per child. (In the event of wet weather, the alternate date is Friday 20th November.)
Goodbye to Steve Worpole It seemed like the end of an era when we heard that Steve Worpole was leaving the village. In his 20 years or so as landlord of the Fountain, Steve made many friends locally, and we were glad to catch him at the Kings Head on a recent Friday evening, shortly before he upped sticks. He's bought a 50-ft narrowboat and is embarking on what he calls his belated "Gap Year", starting at Northampton on the canal system and heading north. He hasn't got any firm plans, except that he hopes to meet up in Chester for a meal with a friend who's travelling, also by canal, from Ely, setting off at about the same time. Seems there's a good curry restaurant in Chester . . .
Steve was a very good friend and supporter of Whiteparish School for a long time, and a good sport. We remember once coming across him trudging back from a school fete towards the Fountain, many years ago, covered with the evil-smelling concoction he'd just been gunked with to raise school funds. Many in the village will miss him, and we wish him well in his travels and for the future.
FLOWER SHOW AND HARVEST FESTIVAL PHOTOS. Two new flower-related photo galleries have been added to the website: one for the Flower and Hobbies Show at the end of August '09 (click here) and the other for some photos of the beautiful flower arrangements prepared by members of the Altar Guild for this year's Harvest Festival(click here). Many thanks to Dawn and Langdon Nichols for sending the latter—and apologies for the delay in getting them onto the website. (Have been a bit busy with other stuff.)
The October 2009 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, forwarded by PC Henry Clissold includes news of a spate of thefts in Whiteparish during September, a telephone scam to look out for, and organisational changes at Alderbury Police Station. For details, click here.
Parish Council Meeting Report, 17th September 2009. The latest Parish Council report includes items on the new Community Building, Trickey's Paddock, and the welcome news that the Whiteparish First Responders Group have been granted £1000 for the purchase of a new kit, including a defibrillator. For more on these, and the other topics discussed, click here.
Memorial Ground Trust Management Committee. To see notes from the September Meeting, click here.
10 SEPTEMBER NEWSFLASH: RECENT HOUSE THEFTS LOCALLY. PC Henry Clissold writes: "Within the last 72 hours the Alderbury & Laverstock area has been hit by two dwelling burglaries; on both occasions the occupants have been away.
Can I please urge all residents to check properties that are currently vacant while residents are away, and keep an extra cautious eye on them.
I can think of nothing worse than returning from holiday to a burgled
house, let's prevent this happening to anyone else. Many thanks for your cooperation, please tell everyone!!!"
For more local policing news, to see the latest Neighbourhood Watch bulletin, click here.
VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT: What is it? What's Happening? For anyone who has seen or heard references to a Whiteparish Village Design Statement, or noticed that some Parish Councillors have "VDS" in their list of responsibilities on the Parish Council page, and wondered what it's all about, here's how you can find out. The Steering Group for the Whiteparish VDS have started their own website, with information about how the Whiteparish VDS will be compiled, who's on the Steering Group, and how to join in an online discussion about it. All residents of the parish of Whiteparish are welcome to contribute. To find out more, you can go to the Steering Group website by clicking here.
On the other hand, if you only want a rough idea of what a VDS is, and what it's intended to achieve, there's also a token page on the subject on this website; click here.
Parish Council Meeting Report, 6th August 2009. The latest Parish Council report includes items on Parish Clerk Anita Boakes' plan to retire in 2010 and the need for a replacement, the good news that "Preliminary reports on bat and newt surveys show there will not be a problem with bats or newts" (which is bound to be good news re the proposed new community building . . . ), and the latest on Tricky's Paddock. For more on these, and the other topics discussed, click here.
Refuse/Recycling collection for August 31 '09 Bank Holiday. Collection as normal on Friday 28th August, but the collections that would otherwise take place on the following Friday (4th September) will be made on Saturday 5th September. Then back to normal.
New way of involving local people in council decisions . We recently received information about the launch of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board (SWAB for short)—one of 18 area boards that have been set up throughout Wiltshire. Apparently their purpose is to ensure that Wiltshire Council involves local people in decisions and to bring together the key partners operating in the area to ensure the right sort of services are being delivered to suit local communities. SWAB covers the "Southern Wiltshire Community area", which includes not just Whiteparish but the parishes of Alderbury,
Britford, Clarendon Park, Coombe Bissett, Downton, Firsdown, Grimstead,
Landford, Laverstock, Ford and Old Sarum, Odstock, Pitton and Farley, Redlynch,
West Dean, and Winterslow. The board is made up of elected councillors; parish councils; a cabinet member from Wiltshire Council; senior reps from the police, fire and rescue; NHS; and ideally community groups and businesses. Because this is potentially an important new layer in the local government picture, we've set up a new page in the "Amenities" section of the website. To read more and find some links, click here.
Flower & Hobbies Show Coming Soon. The Whiteparish Garden Club's annual Flower and Hobbies Show will be on August 29th, in the Village Hall, and the club are looking forward to welcoming exhibitors. For more information, including the Handicraft and Art classes on the schedule, click here.
Ever thought about being a Special Constable? As described in the August 2009 Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin from PC Henry Clissold, Wiltshire police are currently seeking recruits to join the Special Constabulary. For more details of this, and local crimes in our area (unfortunately including some in Whiteparish last month), click here.
Two Forthcoming Meetings about Tricky's Paddock. Parish Clerk Anita Boakes asked us to include the following notice about two planning-related meetings to take place in August 2009.
This notice is to advise that planning application S/2009/0892, the second application for a gypsy site on Tricky’s Paddock, has been called in to be determined by the Southern Wiltshire Planning Committee by our Wiltshire Unitary Authority Councillor, Richard Britton. This planning application may be on the agenda for the meeting planned for either 6th August or 27th August 2009. This meeting will be held at 6 pm in the City Hall, Salisbury. As soon as the meeting date is known, a notice will be placed on the village notice board opposite the shop.
If you are concerned about this application, it would be very helpful to attend the above meeting to express your views.
A reminder that the date for the appeal hearing on the first planning application (S/2008/708) for a gypsy mobile home on Tricky’s Paddock has been set for 26th August 2009. The public may attend but if you wish to speak, you must make sure to register your intention with the administrative officer/secretary at the start of the enquiry. Material planning considerations only will be considered. A representative from the Parish Council will be attending. The meeting will be held in Whiteparish Village Hall and start at
10 am.
Potholes, Community Building, and Temporary Closure of Newton Lane. These were among the matters raised during the "public statement/question time" section of the Parish Council meeting on 25th June 2009. For more about these, and other topics discussed during the remainder of the meeting, click here.
Police Warning about Crime that can Follow Handbag Thefts. In the latest Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, PC Henry Clissold includes a warning of a recent kind of scam; for details of this, and local crimes in our area (though happily none listed for Whiteparish last month), click here.
NOTE FROM PARISH COUNCIL It has come to the notice of your Parish Council that Wiltshire Council is shortly to publish documents relating to the Local Development Framework Core Strategy and the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment.
At this moment in time, the Parish Council has no knowledge of either document’s contents.
Since publication about these matters last year caused concern in the village, please be assured that as and when the Parish Council receive information updates, you will be kept fully informed.
Trevor King Parish Council Chairman
2009 Fete Raises Over £7000! Sue King writes with good news from the Fete Committee: "I am very pleased to report, on behalf of this year's committee, that the grand sum of £7000 will be shared between the school and the church !!!" For the full report (and a rather less pleasing piece of news about the 2009 event), click here.
 2009 HogRoast/Bands Night and Fete as enjoyable as ever. Thanks to a lot of hard work by all those who helped (much of it "behind the scenes"), 2009's Bands Night on 12th June, and the Fete and Carnival the following day, were great fun, with attendances seeming to be at least at the same level as previous years. Funds raised are shared between All Saints Church and School, and we will publish the final figures when we have them. In the meantime, you can find more about both events by clicking here, and photographs of the Carnival and Fete by clicking here
Police Concern about Recent Whiteparish Crime Incidents. In the latest Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, PC Henry Clissold writes of his concern about worrying incidents at a Whiteparish location, including theft, criminal damage, and harassment, and asks for any information that may help the officers investigating these offences. The bulletin also summarises other recent crime in Whiteparish and nearby villages. For more information, click here.
Name for Affordable Houses Project. As reported in the minutes of the 2009 Parish Council AGM (see below), the council has thanked all those who suggested names for the development. The one chosen is "Witchell Way", to honour the memory of the late Joan Witchell, who did so much for our community both in her nursing role and in many other ways.
Parish Council AGM, 7th May 2009. Chairman Trevor King and Vice-Chairman John Le Quesne were re-elected unopposed, and representatives on Parish Council committees and outside bodies were elected. For a full report of the AGM and the regular meeting agenda which followed, click here. The current council, with new committee roles and contact information, can be found on the Parish Council page by clicking here.
Refuse/Recycling collection for Late May Bank Holiday. Collection as normal on Friday 22nd May, but the collections that would otherwise take place on the following Friday (29th May) will be made on Saturday 30th May. Then back to normal.
Police Newsflash. PC Henry Clissold has written to warn of suspicious behaviour observed very recently in a neighbouring village: " . . . (on) 13th May into 14th May a young male was seen in the Alderbury village dressed in dark clothing attempting to gain access to a house, this attempt was unsuccessful, no damage was caused and no items stolen. Can I please reiterate the need for security minded vigilance. This attempt failed as the property and all vehicles on the drive were secured." PC Clissold has also sent the latest Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin which includes April 09 figures for some categories of crime in the locality, which you can read by clicking here.
SUNDAY FOOTIE SIDE TOP BY A MILE. Whiteparish's Sunday Football team were decisive winners of Division 2 of the Salisbury and District Sunday League, a more-than-comfortable 13 points clear of runners-up West Harnham. Congratulations to them. For the results for Saturday and Sunday sides, click here.
Refuse/Recycling collection for Spring Bank Holiday. Collection as normal on Friday 1st May, but the collections that would otherwise take place on the following Friday (8th May) will be made on Saturday 9th May. Then back to normal.
Police Advice for for householders. Now that the spring weather is here, the Wilts Police want have sent us some good advice on making your house and belongings safer from theft by taking a few simple precautions. For details, click here.
CONGRATULATIONS . . . to Whiteparish's Sunday Football team, who are storming home in Division 2 of the Salisbury and District Sunday League. As of the end of March, they had 12 wins from 12 league matches and, with a lead of 9 points over nearest rivals West Harnham and just two league matches to go, they must be set to top the division. They have two home matches left on the Memorial Ground on 12th and 26th April—why not turn out and support them? For the (almost) complete results to date for both the Saturday and Sunday sides, click here.
EASTER BANK HOLIDAY: Refuse & Recycling Arrangements. Friday collections will take place as normal on Good Friday (10th April). However, the collection that would normally have been made on Friday 17th will actually be done on Saturday 18th April. Then back to normal.
Spring Is Here !
Clocks go forward at midnight on Saturday 28th March, and it's officially Spring (even if it doesn't feel much like it). So here are a couple of seasonal photos to brighten up the page: a foal (little girl) about a week old, snapped in a neighbour's field in mid-March, and the usual wonderful display of daffodils in All Saints churchyard at around the same time.
Parish Council. The Annual Parish Meeting was hald on the 19th March 2009, immediately followed by the regular Parish Council meeting. For reports of both, click here.
Also, as reported under in the Salisbury Journal (March 19, 2009), Parish Council chairman Trevor King was cleared of any misconduct after a lengthy investigation by Salisbury District Council's standard's committee into allegations that he had abused his position. Mr King was reported as commenting: "It has been a very unpleasant experience and I am obviously very pleased with the outcome. I have been a parish councillor for 20 years and this just makes me more determined than ever to carry on." For the full story on the Journal's website, click here.
Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin, Feb 2009. PC Henry Clissold has sent an interesting recent bulletin, covering neighbourhood policing priorities, local crime reports by parish, and an alert about a spate of burglaries in South Wiltshire, with advice on some measures you can take to protect property. For more information, click here.

"VAMPIRE" a Great Success. The photo shows just some of the very happy cast (not to mention the equally happy audience!) at the finale of the Pepperbox Players'
2009 panto: "The Vampire Bites Back". For more, click here. For more photos, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL ELECTION. The results of the election held on Thursday 12th February to fill the three vacancies on the Parish Council were as follows.
Candidate |
Number of Votes |
FRANCIS, Hugh Anthony |
207 (elected) |
213 (elected) |
214 (elected) |
TAYLOR-BLAKE, Timothy Owen |
188 |
344 ballot papers were issued with one rejected. With an electorate of 1167, the turnout was therefore 29.48%.
Notice from Wiltshire Council. The Parish Council has received a notice of consultation by Wiltshire Council (the new unitary authority) on the first stage of its Local Development Framework (LDF). Mrs Anita Boakes (Parish Clerk) explains: "It is only a scoping report (ie. stating which topics are being included rather than deciding anything)." The public are not being invited to comment at this stage but the notice is available via the website to keep villagers aware of what is happening. If people do have comments at this stage, they can be made to the Parish Clerk. For more information, click here.
PARISH COUNCIL. The SDC elections team have issued a list of candidates for the election of three Whiteparish parish councillors, which is to be held on 12 February —to view it, click here. To view the the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 11th December 2008, click here.
Police Advice for dogowners. Following a request from the Parish Council, PC Henry Clissold has written with some of the legal implications of dog-walking. For details, click here.
WHITEPARISH MEMORIAL CENTRE Planning Comments Update. Dave Boakes, Project Team Chairman, has sent us the confirmed addresses and reference number for comments about the planning application referred to just below. Note that the closing date for public comments is 12th February 2009. For the other details, click here (the new details are appended under the original notice).
Police Advice for AFTER Christmas! PC Henry Clissold and PCSO Bill Parr have written with some good suggestions for looking after all those presents we received a week or two back. For details, click here.
WHITEPARISH MEMORIAL CENTRE. Dave Boakes, Project Team Chairman, writes: "The project to develop a final proposal to build a replacement village hall and sports pavilion combined on the Memorial Ground is reaching a critical stage. Probably by the end of January 2009, there will be two planning applications under review by Salisbury District Council. These will be for the new building itself and for outline building development on the old hall site, the sale of which will be vital to adequate funding for the new centre.
If these two applications are approved by SDC, and when a full business plan for the Centre has been finalised, it is planned to hold a village meeting to seek agreement from the residents to continue the project to completion."
For the full text of Dave's notice, with information about sending in comments, click here.
RETIREMENT OF MRS CAROL KITE. As most villagers will probably know, Mrs Carol Kite, the Headmistress of All Saints School, retired at the end of the Autumn term, 2008. Mrs Kite has led the school through a period when it flourished as perhaps never before—one of many highlights being an extraordinarily good Ofsted report in 2005, when the inspectors' report heaped praise on the school and the way it was run. One of the ways that Mrs Kite's retirement was marked was a "Posh Frocks and Sparkles" party in the Village Hall on 17th December, where everyone attending had a ball. For some photos, click here.
CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR RECYCLING. Three collections are rescheduled during and immediately after the holiday period. The collections that would otherwise have been on Friday 26th December and Friday 2nd January are both rescheduled to the following Mondays (29th December and 5th January, respectively). The collection that would otherwise have been on Friday 9th January is rescheduled to Saturday 10th January. Then back to normal!
CONGRATULATIONS . . . To the Whiteparish Sunday Football Team, who went 11 league matches up to the end of November 2008 without a single loss (with just one draw), and twice knocked in 9 goals!
PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES. Following the resignations of three Parish Councillors recently, there are now vacancies on the council. For the official notice issued by the SDC Electoral Services Team about filling these vacancies via an election (if required), click here. Note: any requests for an election must be sent to the returning officer by 11 December 2008; see the Notice for more details.
Police Advice for Christmas. PC Henry Clissold has written to pass on two useful documents with suggestions for protecting ourselves against crime at this time of year. For details, click here.
Annual Fireworks Display in aid of All Saints School. This year the display, provided through the generosity of local firm Pains Fireworks, took place on the evening of Saturday 15th November, on the Memorial Ground. The drizzle that had threatened us cleared away before the display started, so everyone had a good view in mild and fairly clear weather. It looked as if attendance was at least as good as usual, and the display, as ever, was spectacular. For photos of this year's "fiery flowers in the sky", click here.
PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN REINSTATED. At a PC meeting on 6th November, Trevor King was re-elected as PC chairman, after being dramatically ousted from that position only weeks beforehand. Subsequently councillors Ian Scaife, Stuart McWilliam, and Bob Twiddy resigned. For a report in the Salisbury Journal, click here. For the PC notes of the meeting in question, covering this matter and other topics, click here.
SHOCK OUSTING OF PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN. As reported in the Salisbury Journal (Oct 9 2008), Trevor King, the long-serving chairman of Whiteparish Parish Council, stood down from that position after a vote of no confidence (proposed by Councillor Richard Clewer) during a packed and vociferous Parish Council meeting in the Village Hall on 2nd October. The no-confidence vote was passed by five to three, with one abstention. It was apparently triggered by a letter concerning a planning application which had been sent to certain villagers, but which some councillors had not known about. For more details of the Journal report, click here.
Mrs Boakes has asked us to point out that in the Journal report it is not entirely clear that the letter asking for support for the planning application for the affordable housing was sent only to residents who had expressed a need for that type of house and not all residents of Whiteparish - between 25 and 30 letters. Also at the end of the Whiteparish piece, it is stated that the planning application would now be considered by the "full council". This is incorrect - it will be considered by the Southern Area Committee of SDC.
For the regular notes covering the 2 October Parish Council meeting, click here.
On 18/19 October 2008, a hard-copy leaflet was distributed to Whiteparish households, with a summary of the background to the most recent SDC proposals for housing in the area, and some suggestions for villagers who want to write to SDC with their own reactions to the SDC proposals. To view/download the text of this leaflet, click here.
PTA Wine, Beer, and Music Evening. This event in late September raised over £600 for the PTA and was obviously enjoyed by the many who attended. For more details, and a YouTube clip, click here.
Mini Songsters sing like angels for the Stars Appeal. A total of £417.00 was raised recently by the Mini Songsters towards the proposed new Children’s Centre at Salisbury District Hospital, who are keen for local children, schools and children’s services to get behind the Stars Appeal to raise £1,000,000 for this much needed facility. The Mini Songsters of Whiteparish and Alderbury sang to an audience at Whiteparish All Saints Church for a full hour without a break. The engaging performance encompassed a variety of well-known classic songs to include solo’s from some members.
The Mini Songsters was started by Patricia Boyle in 1983 and is now in its third generation and comprises Patricia’s grandson Harry Keeley, Alex Brown, Eloise Bishop, Georgia Higgins, Poppy Sivyour, Ellie Nicholas, Isabelle Brown and Louis Townsend. (The Mini Songsters sing every Saturday between 9am and 10am in a relaxed environment in Alderbury and the group welcomes newcomers. For more information, please phone Patricia Boyle 01722 710570.)
Stay Out Stranger (SOS) initiative Following what was reported as the brutal death of a pensioner in Landford in September, PC Henry Clissold has sent us a press release about the SOS campaign, which aims to stamp out doorstep crime. SOS promotes steps that househlders can take to avoid becoming victims of a so-called "distraction burglary". For the full text of the press release, click here.
Update on Memorial Centre Project The Project Team have sent us an update on progress: the project is still very much alive, with a meeting with SDC planners to take place in early September, but some aspects of the project have proved difficult and time-consuming. For the full text of the update, click here.
2008 Flower & Hobbies Show The annual Flower & Hobbies Show, organised by the Garden Club, took place on 23rd August, with the prizes being presented this year by Dr Rosemary Parry of the Whiteparish Surgery. For some photos, click here.. For the prizewinners and the garden club's own report of ths show, click here.
Ladies/Girls Football. We had a cry for help from Debbie Adlam, the Ladies/Girls Coordinator at Alderbury FC, to say that they are short of players for the coming season and desperately need a manager. They currently train once a week at Junction Road, Alderbury, on Thursday evenings. If anyone is interested (until Whiteparish starts its own ladies' team, of course), contact Debbie on 07900926002 or email her at
New Police Website. PC Henry Clissold tells us a new, much improved, website has launched for the Wiltshire Police Force, with some new multimedia facilities and many other features. For more information, click here.
2008 Village Carnival & Fete, Saturday 14th June. Well, the threatened showers didn't happen, and under warm sunny skies the Fete seemed a great success, very well attended, with everyone enjoying themselves. Early reports suggest that this year's fete raised just as much for the village church and school as last year's record-breaking event, possibly exceeding it. For more, click here. For photos, click here.

Grand Opening of the "MUGA" on Wednesday 11th June. In the photo Andrew Lax does the honours with the scissors, watched by children of Whiteparish All Saints School, parents, Nigel Peterson (right, chairman of the Memorial Ground Committee) and—is that someone in a flying suit? Hmm, intriguing. For more, click here.
Thefts of Heating Oil in Salisbury Area. PC Henry Clissold has sent us a police bulletin about the increasing rate of oil thefts from domestic tanks recently, as oil prices rise and with an average oil tank costing £1000 to fill. For the whole bulletin, click here.
Parish Council—Annual General Meeting report. For the minutes of what was evidently a well-attended (and rather long) PC AGM on 29th May, click here.
Parish Council Plea to dog owners. The Parish Council have been receiving a lot of complaints recently about dogs fouling local pavements and footpaths, and the problems that can be caused by loose dogs. They have arranged for free "poo bags" to be available from the village shop, and they appeal to all dog owners to keep their pets under proper control. For details, click here.
Police Disco Initiative! PC Henry Clissold has passed on news about Blues nZuz, an "exciting new initiative that has been launched by
Wiltshire Police. A disco is held once every month, and all young people
between the ages of 11 and 16 are invited. The scheme has been running
for over a year in the north of the county and the Salisbury event has
been running since January 2008". For details, click here.
PC Responses to Recent SDC Planning Consultation Documents For details, and links for downloading documents, click here.
Crime: and how to prevent it PC Henry Clissold has written with some recent local crime figures and some sound advice from Salisbury Crime Reduction Officers. For details, click here.
Arrangements for Bank Holiday Refuse and Recycling Collections In the week following the May Bank Holiday, the collections that would normally happen on Friday 9th May will take place as Saturday 10th May. In the week following the Spring Bank Holiday, the collections that would normally happen on Friday 30th May will take place on Saturday 31st May. For more information about Bank Holiday collections and other aspects of local recycling, click here.
Parish Council Vacancy. The long-standing vacancy on the Parish Council has now been filled—Bob Twiddy has now rejoined the council. For reports of meetings or for parish council contact information, click here.
Just a detail from . . . the beautiful banner that children of Whiteparish All Saints School put together for Easter 2008. For more about the project and the dedication ceremony, also some larger photos showing the whole of the banner, click here.
Brownies Activities We've received a very nice report from "Little Owl" about Brownie activities last year—sounds like they had a really full and interesting programme. For more, click here.
The Pompeii Panto ! This year's not-to-be-missed show from the Pepperbox Players was "The Pompeii Panto", staged on the evenings of Thursday 7th, Friday 8th, and Saturday 9th Feb, with a matinee on Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately we were unable to go this year, but we hear it was the usual hilarious success ! We've asked our "usual channels" to see if they have any photos of this year's production, but meanwhile, if you took any, and they're sharp, and you'd like to see them on the website, do get in touch.
Can anyone help . . . with identifying the family in the photo, which was taken in 1907 at Newton Corner? For more info and a larger photo, click here. This is all part of a new feature in the Galleries section called "Then and Now", where we hope to show historical photos or drawings of parts of the village, and compare them with how the same buildings etc look now. Many thanks to Lucinda Gray for sending in the first pair of pictures, of Newton Corner.
More Aerial Photos. We have some more aerial shots of the village, this time taken from a hot-air balloon in September 2007, so they're a little more up to date than the two other sets already on the website. To view them, click here.

Annual Fireworks Display Guess how much this wonderful display, staged through the generosity of Pains Fireworks, raised for the village school this year! (Tiny clue in the photo.) For more information, click here.
"Slum Survivor" Challenge. Did you wonder what the tents were doing in the churchyard at the end of October? They were being used by a group of 14 young people from Whiteparish and Winterslow, taking part in a project aimed at raising awareness of the living conditions that many people in the world have to endure. To read more, and for some photos, click here.
Garden Club's Annnual Pumpkin Show and Halloween Fancy Dress Evening. For more about this well-attended event, with a list of prizewinners, click here.
Police News PC Henry Clissold has written with a warning about lottery fraud. For more information, click here.. Also, our replacement PCSO is joining him soon, and he hopes to be able to share his/her identity and start date with us in the near future.
Parish Council Meeting The minutes of the 13th Sept meeting include a brief summary of a WCC-proposed Minerals Site for our area. The PC strongly object to this proposal, and the Preservation Group are hoping to include a suggested letter of objection in Steeple & Street. For more details, click here.
Police News PC Henry Clissold reported that crime has been reduced locally by 21%, and that our PCSO Jon Trounson was leaving the Alderbury Station. Also, if you've lost a bike recently, it just might be at Alderbury! For more details, click here.
Garden Club Annual Show This year's Garden Club Annual Flower and Hobbies Show was held on a sunny Saturday 25th August in the Village Hall. Pictured is PC Henry Clissold, our local Community Beat Manager, awarding the prizes. For more details, including all the class winners, click here. For photographs, click here
Staddle Stone Thefts PC Henry Clissold has written to warn villagers of a spate of staddle stone thefts recently in the locality. For more details, click here.
 A Camel in "The Street"? It was all part of the fun at the 2007 Annual Carnival, held on June 16th. Despite an unpromising weather forecast and downpours as close as Cowesfield, the rain held off (miraculously) and a good crowd had a good time. Lots of attractions, and Therese the (very well-behaved) Camel was definitely the star of the show. The events made over £7000 for the village school and the church—a new record. For more about the fete, click here. For Fete photographs, click here.
Recycling in Whiteparish: The SDC Waste Minimisation Officer has arranged that cans, glass, paper and cardboard can be disposed of at the Whiteparish Service Station at Brickworth Corner.
Whiteparish First Responders Group Open Evening: First Responders are a voluntary group that aim to provide emergency medical assistance even before professional ambulance resources arrive. The Whiteparish First Responders held an open evening 8.00 pm on Thursday 10th May in the Methodist Chapel, for anyone who is interested in joining, or helping, or just in finding out more about the group. For more details, click here.
Parish Council AGM: This was held on Thursday 10th May in the Village Hall--for a summary, see the relevant Parish Council Notes .
Alice in Wonderland: The Pepperbox Players' 2007 production was, we reckon, definitely one of the best pantos they've staged in a proud history of good 'uns. We went to the last night, and laughed till it hurt. For a fuller report click here. For some photos and more details of the players, the plot (plot?) etc, click here.
MU Branch is no more. Sadly, because of dwindling membership, the long-established Whiteparish Branch of the Mothers Union has decided to close, and held their last meeting in December 2006. However, there are still Mothers Union branches in nearby Alderbury, West Dean, and Redlynch; and existing (or potential) members are encouraged to join one of these.
Memorial Centre project. The website now has a page for the Memorial Centre project; for details of what's happening, click here.
What's this chap doing up in the scaffolding? Must be something to do with the Parish Photo taken on 10th December. For more, and another picture, click here.
Representing the CPRE, Dr Peter Claydon recently presented the Parish Council with two certificates for Whiteparish's high placing in the Best-Kept Wiltshire Village competition for 2006. For more details, see the report of the 2nd November '06 meeting, available on the
Parish Council page. .
You can also read about recent progress on Low-Cost Housing for Whiteparish in the same report.

The annual Pains' Fireworks Display went off with the usual bang (well, quite a lot of them, actually) on the 11th November and was thoroughly enjoyed by what looked like a very good turnout of appreciative Whiteparishioners.. For more details, click here.
Always an autumn feature in the village, The Garden Club's Pumpkin Competition for 2006 was held on 26th October. For more, and a link to some more photos, click here. For a full write-up and the results, click here to go to the Garden Club page. |
The Garden Club's very successful 2006 Flowers and Hobbies Show took place on August 26th. For some pictures, see the website's Galleries section; for a list of prizewinners, click here. On July 27th the Garden Club held what seems to have been a very enjoyable annual barbecue. For some pictures, click here.
"Oh what a lovely fete we had . . . " on a beautiful afternoon on June 17th, preceded by a very enjoyable Hog Roast the previous evening. The two events together raised a magnificent £5150.59, to be shared between All Saints Church and All Saints Primary School. For a summing up and “thank you” from Sue King on behalf of the organisers, click here. For a few impressions about the day, click here. For Fete photographs, click here. And for Hog Roast photographs, click here.
We've got some more aerial photos on the website. This batch were taken in 2004, and show something of the countryside around the vllage. To see them, click here.
Local Brownies: The local Brownies organisation is looking for more adult helpers. For more details, click here. For more about Brownies and other youth groups in the area, look under "Organisations" in the main menu.
Community Building Village Meeting: This well-supported meeting was held on 17th March to hear views and hold a vote on whether to support the attempt to develop a project for a single community building. The motion was carried by a large majority. For more details, click here.
Pantomime Photos! Pepperbox Players staged their latest production "Panto at the OK Corral" in early February. Click here
for some great photos (many thanks to Simon Walworth for supplying them) and some programme notes.
Date-rape drugs: For a warning
from our Community Beat Officer PC Darren Willis about the dangers of so-called "date rape" drugs, click here.
Now on the website: aerial photos of Whiteparish.
To see them, click
here. We've also taken the opportunity
of grouping all the photo pages in one place. You can get to them via the "Village" menu,
above, or by clicking here.
The Parish Council received two certificates for Whiteparish being named joint runner-up in Best-Kept Wiltshire Village competition,
2005. For more details, see the report of the 1 December 05 meeting, available on the
Parish Council page. .
The Whiteparish History Group's fascinating story of "100 Years of an English Village" is now available on CD. For more info,
click here. All Saints Primary School received an excellent OFSTED report.
For more, click here.
Forthcoming News and Events:
Click here for our Forthcoming News and Events list, or see the diary
sections for individual organisations. To suggest an event to be featured on the website, email us at