A big thank you to everyone (if I try to name individuals I will miss someone out) – whether you were a helper, a supplier, a sponsor, or just turned up on the day—it couldn’t have happened without you.
Our Treasurer still has to finalise the accounts , but we are confident that the total profit for the weekend will be £4000—and we are praying that the sum of £5000 will be made. The final figure will be included on the website when we know it, and in the next issue of Steeple and Street. [The final figure, which of course emerged after Sue wrote these notes, was a magnificent £5150.59!!]
We were blessed with beautiful weather which always makes such a difference.
The Friday evening Hog roast event was a super social occasion. It was so nice to see lots of young folk enjoying themselves – very brave of the bands to perform – Simon Cowell – watch out!
Your fete committee will be holding a post mortem – just like they do on the Football – and we welcome any comments. Please get in touch if there is anything you think should be noted for next year.
Sue King - 884374
Each year, many individuals and organisations in Whiteparish work together to stage the village's summer Carnival, Fete, and associated events. Profits go to benefit All Saints' Church and All Saints' Primary School. The 2006 Carnival and Fete will be held on Saturday 17th June.
The theme of this year's procession will be MUSIC. This should give the schoolchildren (and others taking part) plenty of scope—for writing songs, making instruments, and dressing up.
After the success of the Friday Night Hog Roast last year, the committee have decided to include the event again this year on the 16th June. It will include music from local talent (any volunteers?), and this year there will also be hot dogs and burgers on sale.
12 noon |
Anyone in procession to meet at Fountain car park |
12.15 |
Costume judging |
12.30 |
Procession |
1.00 |
Grand opening at Memorial Ground |
1.30 |
Gym display in arena and football begins on the pitch |
2.00 |
First round of Tug of War in the arena |
2.30 |
Gun Run competition in the arena |
3.00 |
Maypole dancing display |
3.30 |
Kids’ football competition on the pitch |
4.00 |
Football final on the pitch |
4.15 |
Tug of War final |
4.30 |
Prizegiving by the Pavilion |
Listen to the tannoy for any changes in the programme. |
Please read on to see how you can JOIN IN …
- There will be someone calling (if they haven’t already done so ) to sell you some raffle tickets – please buy some! Sarah has organised some great prizes.
- We need bottles for the bottle stall – please give generously – if you put your name and tel. number on a label on any bottle you give, your name will be entered in a draw to win a £20 note! Bottles can be collected on request or given to George Knapman, Jane Lax or handed in at school.
- We need “children” from 0 – 80 years to dress up and swell the procession which kicks off the fun. The procession will start at the Fountain car park, where judging will take place, then proceed up Dean Lane, then along past the Triangle and back to the Memorial Ground. Please arrive at 12 noon, judging will be at 12.15 and the procession will start at 12.30pm. If you are dressing up remember the theme is “ Music”. If you are planning to cheer them round, please line the route and have your money ready to throw in their buckets!
- There are competitions for anyone of primary school age living in the village to enter. The classes are divided into Preschool, KS1 and KS2. Entries should be taken to Whiteparish school by Thursday 15 June and will be displayed in the Church for Fete day. All entries should be clearly marked with name and age. The competitions are for a musical instrument made in any medium and of any size; a painting on the subject of “carnival music“ and a song to a tune of your choice with a minimum of two verses.
- If you could help in the refreshment tent, even if only for half an hour, please let Joanne Orr know so that your name can go on the rota.
- There will be lots of food and drink on sale, so have lunch and tea at the fete if possible!
- Check out the timetable on your fete programme and keep an eye on the board/listen to Phil’s announcements – there will be lots going on in the way of sports competitions – the children will need your encouragement and you won’t want to miss anything!
- Do join us for the Hog roast the night before – no need for tickets – the bands will be starting play at around 6.30pm – food and drink available from then – no need for the children to miss out!!!!
- There’s always a lot of clearing up to do – if you are a real hero and would like to help – all offers gratefully received!
- Help us to equal the attendance of the Cuckoo Fair! Whiteparish can win!
Sue King |
There’s lots going on behind the scenes! All the necessary boring things really – like booking the portaloos; making sure we have the correct insurances and licenses; booking the marquees in case it dares to rain. A bit more fun is arranging things for the procession; booking the Morris Dancers and deciding what extras to have on the field – we hope one of them will be the Vintage car display which is an old favourite.
Lots of letters requesting sponsorship to help offset our enormous expenses have been sent out, and we are very grateful that almost by return of post, our friends at Golden Acres, Pains Fireworks and Nicholas Zorab responded positively! Please do show our grateful thanks by supporting their businesses whenever you can. (We are fervently hoping some of the others will come up trumps too!)
Our “person to open the fete “ says he’s looking forward to “dropping in “ – another helpful clue!
Dawn Nicholls and Marian Swanson have very kindly volunteered to be in charge of the Country Kitchen marquee – to the uninitiated, that’s where you will find all the home baked goodies for sale.
Many thanks to them. Please do offer your services if you would like to help at all – it doesn’t need to be for the whole afternoon, but the more offers we have, the easier it will be to organise the rotas. There are also jobs to be done beforehand – eg collecting bottles for the bottle stall.
Sue King
Members of the committee, and their contact details, are as follows. To email, you will need to replace the characters "[at sign]" in the email address with "@" (don't include the quotes).
Name |
Role |
Telephone |
Email |
Phil Lazarus |
Secretary |
884504 |
phil.lazarus[at sign]tesco.net |
Joanne Orr |
Food Organiser |
885960 |
neil_orr[at sign]bankofscotland.co.uk |
Jane Lax |
Chair |
884434 |
jane[at sign]abbotstone.co.uk |
Lynn Walworth |
Sponsorship & craft
tent liaison |
01725 513738 |
lcwalworth[at sign]aol.com |
Sue King |
Publicity |
884374 |
tking[at sign]whiteparish.fsbusiness.co.uk |
Jane Dunlop |
Treasurer |
884793 |
fjdunlop[at sign]hotmail.com |
Neil Stace |
Games (tug-of-war, etc) |
884394 |
neilstace[at sign]rabbitcottage.fsnet.co.uk |
Chris Crew |
Bar etc on Hog
Roast night |
884387 |
crewsome[at sign]hotmail.co.uk |
In addition, the Grand Draw will be organised by Sarah Skeates. |