Each year, many individuals and organisations in Whiteparish work together to stage the annual Village Fete and several other associated events. Profits go to benefit All Saints' Church and All Saints' Primary School.
(Please note: This page is still being developed while arrangements for the fete and other events are finalised, and contents may be subject to change.)
For 2016, and bearing in mind that this year brings the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations, the Fete Theme is: Kings and Queens/Royal Dynasties, which explains the categories for the Children's Competition (see below).
Key Stage 1: Design a birthday card for the Queen, or do a Portrait of a Monarch.
Key Stage 2: "If I were King or Queen": written composition.
£10 for first prize, £5 for second prize, in each category. Entries will be "staged" in All Saints Church on Friday 17th June, and the prizes will be awarded on Fete Day.
28th May to 5th June |
SCARECROW COMPETITION entry registration dates. Scarecrows need to have been "made and displayed" before they can be registered. See competition poster for more information.
7th June onwards |
VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE SCARECROW. Maps and voting forms will be available from the School and the Village Shop (£1.00). No need to visit all the scarecrows "in person"—you can make your choice from home if you like, by visiting our online 2016 scarecrow photo gallery. Results of the competition will be announced at the Fete.
Wed 15th June |
ROUNDERS & PICNIC. At the Memorial Ground, 4 pm to 6 pm.
Fri 17th June, 6 to 7 pm |
FAMILY WACKY OLYMPICS! at the Memorial Ground |
Fri 17th June, 6 to 11 pm |
HOG ROAST & BANDS NIGHT at the Memorial Ground
with BBQ & Bar. Performers will include Big Fret, Merlin, Maddy Cooper, Missing Monkeys, Lucy Gilbert, and headliners May Contain Nuts (final list to follow)
FETE DAY, Saturday 18th June
1.00 pm
GRAND OPENING by Patricia Boyle, Spire FM 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award winner |
1.30 pm
Music from Hursley Swing Band |
Demonstration by Whiteparish First Responders |
Miss Melanie |
Dancing by New Forest School of Dance |
4.00 pm
£100 1st prize; a Child's Sit-On Tractor; and many more fantastic prizes including further cash prizes.
(On display in All Saints Church): Children's competition entries, floral displays, and work by local artists.
Classic Cars & Tractors |
Art Exhibition |
Country Kitchen |
Afternoon Teas |
Barbecue |
Bottle Stall |
Pimms |
Beer Tent |
Splat the Rat |
Skittles |
Hand-made Cards |
Sarah's Stamp Shack |
Wood Carving |
Bouncy Castle |
Pottery Painting |
Book Stall |
Dance Displays |
Tombola and much, much more . . . |
FETE ENTRANCE FEE: 50p per person (over 16) «»
(Don't forget to vote for your favourite Scarecrow by Friday!)
To enquire about booking space at the fete to showcase your products or services–or to find out about being a sponsor–contact Sue Welling on 01794 885765. «»
To enquire about helping on the day or before, please contact Jane Legat (janelegat@btinternet.com)
Hamilton Parker Buckingham for their invaluable help in planning and staging this special day. Also to all our other sponsors including Ace Liftaway, HWM Group, Lancer Property Asset Management Ltd, Personnel Placements, Pains Fireworks, PCMR Limited, R. D. Avery Limited, Romsey Woodburners, Templeton Walker. Also to all those who are contributing prizes for the Grand Draw (too many to name here); the Whiteparish First Responders, and all who will have helped in any way in planning, setting up, or running the fete and associated events.