Help support and maintain important village amenities—and be in with a chance of winning cash prizes every month!
Whiteparish 100+ Club is a private society that exists to support the maintenance, upkeep and improvement of Whiteparish Memorial Centre and the adjacent playing field, children’s play area, MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area – astroturf) and car park; and to help raise funds in support of this.
The Club typically provides a net income of around £2000 each year; but with the play area alone needing refurbishment and repairs costing £7500 in 2017 we are always looking for new members.
The main activity of the Club is its monthly draw which has a prize fund of up to £100 with a first prize of £30. There is also a special draw just before Christmas with prizes of £300. This draw is made at the Club’s Christmas social event.
Membership of the Club starts at just £15 a year and provides the member with a numbered ticket in each of the 13 draws. You can have additional tickets at £15 each. The membership year starts in June but you can join anytime and pay pro-rata.
Click the following links for the full Club Rules and the Draw Rules.
Joining the Club
If you are not a member and would like to join then please contact Richard Burr or Mike Hayday–details below, or pick up a leaflet from the Village Shop.
Renewing Your Membership
If you are already a member and are one of the 50+ percent who completed a standing order then you don't need to do anything. Your standing order should go through on 15 June and your number(s) will continue for another year. If you would like an additional number(s) then please contact Richard below.
If you are a member not paying by standing order then you will receive a renewal invitation letter during the middle of May–please follow the instructions in the letter. If you have not received a letter or lost it then please contact Richard/Mike below. If we have your email address then the letter will be emailed to you–PLEASE GIVE US YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IF YOU'VE NOT DONE SO and remember to tell us if your email or home address changes.
Finally, if all else fails then come and see us at our table at the Village Fete and we’ll get your membership up and running.
Our contact details
Richard Burr: richardjburr@gmail.com telephone 01794 884002, or
Mike Hayday: mike.hayday@btinternet.com telephone 01794 884110.
November 2023: 100+ Club monthly prize draw
Prize |
Amount |
Ticket |
Name |
1st |
£40 |
272 |
Pam Smith |
2nd |
£20 |
200 |
Miss L Balston |
3rd |
£10 |
267 |
Linda Palmer |
3rd |
£10 |
18 |
Lisa King |
3rd |
£10 |
170 |
Anita Boakes |
3rd |
£10 |
101 |
John Fielding |
3rd |
£10 |
56 |
Ilona Hocking |
Special Draw 2023
Prize |
Amount |
Ticket |
Name |
1st |
£100 |
33 |
Mr & Mrs Wissett-Warner |
2nd |
£60 |
126 |
Diana Borwick |
3rd |
£30 |
106 |
Mr & Mrs Simmonds |
3rd |
£30 |
15 |
Graham Dear |
5th |
£20 |
187 |
Pam Whitlock |
5th |
£20 |
190 |
Mr & Mrs Slader |
5th |
£20 |
25 |
Gillian Ramsdale |
5th |
£20 |
99 |
Margaret Hargreaves |
GRAND 2023 PRIZE DRAW, SUPPER, AND QUIZ NIGHT; Saturday 25th February, 7:30 pm
Our main prize draw of the year, with a £100 jackpot, will be drawn at the Quiz Night, in the Memorial Centre, where we will enjoy a fun quiz with a supper to follow.
- Teams of up to 6 people per table.
- Make up your own "family and friends" team if you would like a fun night out as spring approaches!!
- All village clubs, societies and pub teams are invited to send a team.
- The proceeds will be used to help maintain and improve the Memorial Centre, Playground and Playing Field.
- Bar with wine, beer and soft drinks.
- We will also have a raffle on the night.
- Tickets £10 per person, including a hot supper.
- All welcome; you don't need to be a 100-Plus Club member to take part.
To book your team in, please contact Maggie Davis at madmagsdavis@msn.com. Please Note: Teams need to be registered in advance of the event (you cannot turn up and pay on the night.) The deadline for entries and payment is Wednesday 22 February 2023 at the latest—this is to ensure that we can provide suppers for everyone on the night.
The Memorial Trust trustees thank all who attended the Grand Prize Draw Supper and Quiz night on Saturday February 26th 2022.
The evening was a great success thanks to the enthusiastic participation of all of the teams, with a very substantial £1483.95 for the Memorial Trust being raised, which will greatly assist in helping us to maintain and improve the Centre, Children’s Play Area, MUGA and sports pitches.
Congratulations to the winners of the Quiz—The Tom Young Fan Club—who narrowly beat the Moonrakers by just one point. Below are the full results.
Mike Hayday: mike.hayday@btinternet.com, telephone 01794 884110
Team Name |
Points |
Tom Young Fan Club |
151 |
Moonrakers |
150 |
Young Whiteparish Worriers |
149 |
Mish Mash |
149 |
Dean Hill Demons |
148 |
147 |
Simple Minds |
141 |
The Ivy League |
136 |
Why Bother |
135 |
Climbing Ivy |
134 |
Not so Great Expectations |
132 |
The Daf-O-Dills |
131 |
128 |
Hoof Hearted |
128 |
50+ Club |
126 |
Barn Stormers |
121 |
Last Place |
95 |
Dear 100+ Club Members and Whiteparish Villagers
It has been traditional for many years for the 100+ Club to hold a Christmas Party in December and this is when the special Christmas draw is held with its £100 top prize.
Whilst the event has always been open to all villagers, it has tended to be attended only by club members. In recent years the number of people attending the party has steadily fallen even though overall membership numbers have broadly held up. The Trustees have begun to wonder how interest might be increased, otherwise the event will die.
One thought we had was to change the date to late January so that there is no competition from all the other social events taking place before Christmas including our own Winter Ball. Another idea was to make it mainly a quiz night with a bar but not with so much food. Quiz teams could include those from village clubs and organisations such as Garden Club, History Group, W.I., Breakaway, Out & About, the Church, the pubs, the shop, the surgery etc etc.
Would these sorts of changes make you want to come?
But you may have much better ideas for what makes a popular village social evening. Now is your chance to shape the changes we make to the event. Please email your thoughts including new ideas to us at the addresses below.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Our contact details:
Richard Burr, richardjburr@gmail.com, telephone 01794 884002
Mike Hayday: mike.hayday@btinternet.com, telephone 01794 884110
100+ Club Christmas Celebration (2019) |
The 2019 100+ Club Christmas party went with its usual swing, with
some 50 people enjoying quizzes, lots of excellent hot food
provided by the trustees and their helpers, and, of course,
the Christmas draw—as well as the December draw—and a raffle with lots of
interesting prizes. So, similar ingredients as in previous recent years, but why change a winning recipe?!
Whilst this is, in part, a fund-raiser for the
Memorial Centre maintenance, it is also a really good fun evening
in the run-up to Christmas, and it would be great if even more people
came along to help us celebrate the start of the festive season because not everyone realizes that the evening is open to all—it’s not just for members of the 100+ club.
The Memorial Trustees would like to thank everyone who renewed their Club membership in 2017 for
another year and those who joined for the first time. Unfortunately Club membership is significantly
down this year compared to recent years – 213 compared to 228 last year. This equates to £225 less
in membership fees.
The Club has traditionally maintained the prize fund at between 40-44% of total fees with the
remaining money going to the Memorial Trust to support the upkeep of the playground, playing
field, MUGA and Memorial Centre.
Maintaining this ratio required the monthly draw fund to reduce to £90 from £100 last year and
£300 for the Christmas draw instead of £320. You will see this reflected in the first draw results.
The Memorial Trustees will be formally approving this change at the next Trust meeting on 5
September when it is also intended to change the club Rules to make this prize fund ratio of 40-44%
a formal practice rather than simply a traditional one. This is a regular meeting and open as usual
for any villager to attend and express their views.
It is not too late to re-join this year or to join as a new member and support this important local
charity. You can do so at a reduced pro-rata fee depending on how many draws remain for this year.
If you need a renewal/application form contact Richard Burr at richardjburr@gmail.com or
telephone 884002. contact Richard Burr by email at richardjburr@gmail.com or telephone 01794 884002.