Memorial Ground Trust |
Contact: Sue King, tel 884374 |
Adult football, including changing rooms and showers |
£50 per fixture |
Under 18s football, including changing rooms and showers |
£50 per fixture |
Adult cricket, full day Saturday or Sunday with use of Cowesfield Room, changing rooms and showers |
£105 per fixture |
Adult cricket, midweek, 4 hours, with use of changing rooms and showers |
£60 per fixture |
Under 16s cricket, full day Saturday or Sunday with use of Cowesfield Room, changing rooms and showers |
£50 per fixture |
Under 16s cricket, midweek, 4 hours, with use of changing rooms and showers |
£60 per fixture |
We are aware that some people are still walking their dogs on the ground, even though it is common knowledge and signposted that dogs are not allowed.
Dog mess is a known health hazard and we as Trustees work very hard to comply with all safety regulations, particularly where children might be involved.
Please do not bring your dogs on to the ground, and encourage others to obey the rules.
We are very proud of this excellent village amenity and will discuss what steps to take if this practice continues.
- The Trustees were pleased to hear the tennis coaching was well attended. The coach hopes to arrange future sessions.
- The Trustees agreed to support the Practice Manager’s request to install bicycle stands in the car park.
- The Trustees appointed Bernie Higgins to join the committee.
- Monthly inspections of the ground and play area are now taking place.
- Two Trustees were approved to join representatives from the Village Hall committee to discuss possible amalgamation of the Trusts in future.
- There is still work to be completed by SSE before the overhead lines are removed across the ground. Any reseeding to the trenched area will carried out if needed at a later date. SSE loaned and delivered the safety barriers free of charge while the trenching was being done as part of their scheme to help community projects.
- Future hire charges will be the main agenda item in November; residents are welcome to send their thoughts to any Trustee prior to the meeting on 21 November.
- The Chairman’s report spoke of efforts to reduce expenditure and improve income for the Trust. New initiatives such as introducing adult fitness equipment and tennis coaching have been introduced this year.
- Thanks were expressed to all volunteers who support the Trust. Particular thanks were given to two retiring trustees, Darryl Parsons and Marcus Reynolds.
- Officers elected for the coming year are:
Chairman, Sheila Campbell; Vice–chair, John Le Quesne; Treasurer, Linda Palmer; Secretary, Sue King. Other Trustees are Leo Randall, Tim Drew, Geoff Dear and Richard Rendall.
- Saturday morning tennis coaching has begun and there is still space for more players at 11.30am on the MUGA. A trial for a new Tennis club is to begin on a Sunday evening (see separate advert)
- Investigations are ongoing with a view to offering multi sport activities in the summer holidays.
- Trustees are to attend a meeting with the solicitor appointed to look into the merging of the Village Hall and the Memorial Ground Trust charities.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MGT MEETING, Pavilion, 16 May 2011 |
- The surgery had raised the issue of vehicles speeding in the car park on Cricket practice evening. The Cricket Club rep will remind everyone of the safety issues.
- The new key system for the gates is in place with the appropriate signage.
- A replacement picnic bench for the children’s play area has been ordered.
- All agreed the Royal Wedding celebrations had been a great success
- Tennis coaching is to begin during May and investigations are ongoing as to other multi sports activities, which could be available during school holidays.
- A decision was made to reduce fees for over 60s, which will come into, effect on 1 June
- All recommendations on the insurance provider’s list have been actioned
- The Football club rep was congratulated on the team’s success in winning the Norman Court cup.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MGT MEETING, Fountain Inn, 21 March 2011 |
- Master keys and padlocks have been purchased for the gates to the ground and the MUGA. The new system will be publicised and implemented from 1 May.
- The Chairman gave a breakdown of recent minor works done in the pavilion and on the ground. Trustees continue to work through the Insurance Company’s recommendations.
- The plans for the Royal Wedding party on the Memorial Ground have been met with enthusiasm by the village.
- The Trustees were very pleased and encouraged by the response to their questionnaire issued to parents and children at the school.
- In response to the above the Chairman is investigating tennis coaching . This is likely to start after Easter, between 11 – 1.30 on Saturdays.
- Initial discussions took place with regarding changes to the Memorial Ground Charity, should the proposed new Memorial Centre go ahead.
- Tributes were paid to Dave East who had recently died. He was a stalwart supporter of the Memorial Ground Trust.
- The MGT is hoping to engage a solicitor to investigate the implications on its charity status if the new Memorial Centre goes ahead. This information will be needed for the Village meeting later in the year.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MGT MEETING, Fountain Inn, 31 January 2011 |
- The Chairman paid a glowing tribute to Dave Boakes who had recently died. Two minutes silence was held as a mark of respect. Mrs Linda Palmer was welcomed as the new Parish Council representative.
- Trustees welcomed a presentation from representatives of Premier League Sports Coaching Ltd. Trustees are exploring the possibility of offering school holiday sporting activities. One of the Trustees is to attend a half term event operated by this Company and report back for further consideration at the next meeting.
- Chairman reported that R2 money would pay for the recently erected storage shed.
- New keys for the main gates are to be purchased and emergency contact lists are to be displayed.
- A quote for repairs to the pavilion windows was accepted after a vote.
- Trustees agreed the Memorial Ground would be a fitting venue to hold a tea for village children to celebrate the Royal Wedding in April. A Trustee is to pursue the idea.
- The report from the Insurers was discussed at length and various tasks allocated.
- The recent inspection of the Cricket Square report was discussed.
- Hire charges for the next financial year were agreed after much debate.
The date of the summer AGM has been rearranged to 20 June. The next meeting will be on 21 March at 8pm in the Fountain Inn.
There has been careful debate at recent Trust meetings to set the hire charges for the next financial year. Everyone will realise that interest rates continue to remain low, while expenditure continues to increase.
The new fees are as follows:
Daily hire of the ground - £120
Half day hire - £60
Tennis court hire - £8 per hour for adults, under 16s £4 per hour
Netball players – as above
Use of MUGA by anyone from outside the village will be £25 per hour
Cricket and Football clubs will be charged £16 per match.
All fees are to be paid in advance.
- Thanks to the Landlord at the Fountain Inn who is saving Trustees from freezing in the Pavilion for the winter meetings !
- The Parish Council has agreed to pay for the cost of grass cutting for a further year.
- A new shed is to be erected this week to store the special brush etc for the MUGA
- A bid has been placed with the Area board in the hope to get help to renew the soft safety covering needed for the childrens play area.
- An article is to be placed in the village magazine and on the web site hoping to encourage the formation of a tennis club
- The Trustees began the task of deciding hire charges for 2011 – 2012
- The Chairman welcomed an unusually large number of members of the public to the meeting.
- It is hoped that Wiltshire Council will discuss the planning application for the proposed new community building on 28 October. David Boakes, the Project Chairman, answered questions.
- The MGT Chairman is to ask the Parish Council if it will bear the cost of grass cutting again next year.
- Neil Stace has agreed to follow up outstanding membership subscriptions for the MUGA.
- Wiltshire Council has been asked if R2 money can be spent on purchasing a new shed to store the MUGA brush.
- Malcolm Adams kindly restored the seat given in memory of Mrs Morris and returned it to the children’s play area. It will be chained and padlocked to the rear fence.
- An insurance report is awaited to see how much of the soft safety covering needs to be replaced in the children’s play area.
- Marketing ideas for the ground were discussed. A questionnaire is to be given to parents with children at the school.
- October 9th was agreed as clean up day for the car park
- Next meeting will be in the Fountain Inn on 22 November at 8pm
- The Chairman , Sheila Campbell reported on a very busy year and thanked the many volunteers who help support the Trust. There are concerns about the Trust’s financial position because of the severe drop in interest rates. Every effort is being made to reduce our costs and to increase our income. She encouraged everyone to come up with ideas to increase the use of the MUGA, which is a huge asset to the village.
- There was no change to the nominated representatives to the Trust.
- David Hawker is kindly preparing a web page for the MUGA to go on his village web site.
- The Doctors are to be asked to remove the shed that was erected without planning consent.
- New play equipment has recently been erected on the children’s play area and the soft safety matting is soon to be replaced.
- The proposed community building is still causing the Cricket Club concern.
- The Trustees discussed the replacement of the soft safety covering in the children’s play area and are investigating how best to pay for it.
- Letters are being issued to all users about the revised hire charges for the coming year.
- The Memorial Ground Trustees voted in favour of supporting the planning application for the proposed new community building. A letter of support for the application will be sent to the planning office.
- The Parish Council will be asked to support the spending of R2 money on some keep fit equipment suitable for all ages to use.
- Everyone was tasked with encouraging more use of the ground and the facilities we offer.
- The Memorial Ground Trustees voted in favour of transferring the endowment money to an account, which pays a higher rate of interest. The Trustees are also investigating, with the Parish Council, the possibility of changing their insurance provider to procure a more attractive fee.
NOTES FROM MEETING 15 March 2010 |
- The Surgery are investigating fire regulations and will then decide where to reposition the refuse shed and apply for planning permission.
- Quotes are being obtained for replacing the soft safety covering under the childrens’ play equipment.
- There is now a First Aid kit and accident book in a marked cupboard in the pavilion to comply with Health and Safety requirements.
- Continued focus is being given to the Trust’s financial situation. A grant has been applied for from the Area board.
- The Parish Council has approved spending R2 money on renewing the slide and the hexagonal frame.
- Proposed drawings for the Community building were shown to the Trustees ; the Project group hope a planning application will be made shortly.
The Trustees held a special meeting on 22 February to discuss its financial situation and set the charges for the next financial year.
The Trust is suffering from a severe drop in income because of the poor interest rates experienced in the current financial climate. This situation looks unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future.
The Treasurer had prepared some figures which showed the Trust as likely to have expenditure of around £6000. This is without the cost of grass cutting which at present is paid for by the Parish Council. The biggest expense which cannot be done without is for insurance and safety inspections.
Income at present is around £1000 pa.
The revised fees are necessary to deal with some of the shortfall, but all Trustees were tasked with trying to raise some extra income.
We have a splendid facility in the form of the MUGA, but unfortunately this is not used as extensively as we had hoped. It is available for one off bookings such as for birthday parties and of course for regular family use.
If you think you can help us raise some extra income then please let us know !
NOTES FROM MEETING 18 January 2010 |
- Discussions are continuing with the Surgery with regards to the shed and planning matters.
- The MGT are to send an official response to the Village Design Statement group, following their presentation to the Trustees.
- Trustees are continuing to make repairs / improvements recommended by their insurers.
- The missing seat, given in memory of Mrs Morris, has been located. A village resident has kindly undertaken to repair it before it is returned to the ground.
- Health and Safety issues in the pavilion are being addressed.
- Quotes had been received for the grounds maintenance work. A recommendation is being made to the Parish Council who will award the contract.
- The financial position of the Trust was discussed. An extra meeting has been arranged for 22 February to finalise the all important hire charges for the coming year.
NOTES FROM MEETING 23 November 2009 |
- An interesting presentation was received from the Village Design statement representatives.
- Decisions were made to ask the Parish Council to purchase a brush for the MUGA; storage facilities for it and new football nets with the available R2 money.
- Expenditure was agreed to bring the pavilion wiring up to the required specification to obtain the electrical safety certificate.
- Tenders are to be invited for the next contract for Grounds maintenance.
- Repairs to equipment as indicated by the Insurance inspection are being addressed.
- Thanks were expressed to the volunteers who had cleared the car park recently of brambles etc.
- There were good reports from both the football and cricket teams.