[To jump to other (non-Covid-related, or at least not wholly Covid-related) news, click here.]
The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus (a new type of coronavirus) in the UK in early spring of 2020, and the government's plans to try to mitigate its effects, inevitably caused a lot of village activities planned for the following few weeks and months to be curtailed, deferred, or cancelled altogether. Hopefully the affected period won't extend to years, but that remains to be seen. In the meantime, we will try to keep a "broad-brush" summary of the main effects here on the website's home page, and in the course of time we will hope to update the website's inner pages (club programmes, etc) as necessary to record detailed changes caused by the virus, which has now been recognised as a global pandemic.
The terms COVID-19 and coronavirus are often used interchangeably in the media, but they are not really the same kind of thing, as these definitions from the New Scientist website explain.
For the latest Government rules and guidance on how we can all help to control the virus, click here.
For guidance from the NHS on how to check if you or your child has coronavirus (Covid-19) symptoms, click here.
Hot off the [electronic] press! Perhaps anticipating a panic-driven shortage of face coverings after publicising its new requirement that anyone visiting a shop should wear one, on 15th July 2020 the Government put new instructions online for making your own face covering! To see them, click here.
Wiltshire Council to broadcast a live public COVID-19 update on Tuesday 3 November, 5pm
Wiltshire residents are invited to join the council for a live public COVID-19 update on Tuesday 3 November at 5pm.
The online broadcast will feature Wiltshire Council Leader, Cllr Philip Whitehead, Terence Herbert, Chief Executive of Wiltshire Council and Kate Blackburn, Director of Public Health for Wiltshire.
They will be providing an update on the latest number of positive cases and the rate of COVID-19 cases in Wiltshire, and the arrangements in place to mitigate the spread of the virus. There will also be details on how schools, care homes and council services are responding to the situation and planning for the coming weeks.
We want to hear from you.
You can submit your questions about COVID-19 and the local response in advance by emailing no later than 5pm on Sunday 1 November.
The live briefing will be broadcast via Microsoft Teams and you should use
this link to access the broadcast.
For Full Details on the live public COVID-19 update,
click here.
In their online
"Wiltshire News" pages, Wiltshire Council provide links to various county-level services and sources of information on recommended (and/or compulsory) ways of coping with the threat of Coronavirus/Covid-19.

Also in "Wiltshire News", most issues now include a table of COVID-19 stats for the preceding seven days. We have put some of these together to give an indication of how the number of new cases has moved over longer periods. The first example shows new cases between the end of Novermber 2020 and the second week in March 2021. Looks like the bulge over Christmas and New Year may not have been as bad as many feared, and was followed by an even bigger fall in new cases as we edged towards early Spring. Well done, everyone!
The next chart (not to the same scale) shows how the number of new cases per seven-day period altered between where the previous chart left off until mid-July 2021. The two charts overlap by seven days.
1. The numbers of cases in these charts were human-copied from the relevant issues of "Wiltshire News" e-bulletins published by Wilts Council, where until very recently the numbers were embedded within image files. We have done our best to reproduce the numbers accurately but some transcription errors might have crept in, and any such errors are down to us.
2. There are occasional minor discrepancies between one week’s figure and a reference back to that same week’s figure when comparing two weeks in the following e-bulletin. These might be down to the council adjusting or refining figures, for various reasons(?).
3. Apologies for the variable quality and inconsistencies in style of these charts. (Excel=not a strong point!)
The third chart (also not to the same scale) shows how the number of new cases per seven-day period altered between where the previous chart left off until mid-November 2021. The second and third charts overlap by two weeks. The figure of 4529 recorded for the week ending 18 October 2021 was at that time the highest number of COVID infections recorded in Wiltshire for a single week since we started tracking these stats.
The fourth chart (also not necessarily to the same scale as the others) shows how the number of new cases per seven-day period altered from where the third chart left off until mid-to-late February 2022. The third and fourth charts overlap by two weeks. The figure of 6799 recorded for the week ending 14 January 2022 was a new highest number of COVID infections recorded in Wiltshire for a single week since we started tracking these stats.
Following the shock of the spreading of COVID-19 infections in spring 2020, by mid-August life was beginning in small ways to return to something a little closer to what it used to be, and our local organisations (clubs, committees, sports teams, etc) were looking forward to resuming regular meetings and other activities, using local facilities that in some cases had only very recently become available again (albeit with some restrictions). Wiltshire Council published a useful "toolkit" which aimed to assist such groups to "return to the community" by providing Things-to-Do lists and links to where further guidance could be found. To see/download the toolkit in pdf format,
click here.
The Government have a beta section within their "Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK" website which provides an overview and more detailed information on a number of topics related to COVID-19 within an area identified by postcode. At the time of writing (mid November 2020) the beta code bundles the postcode that you specify with quite a lot of other postcodes surrounding it, but perhaps later it may be possible to narrow down its searches to a smaller area. For example, clicking this link displays data that you would see by specifying the postcode of the Whiteparish Memorial Centre, but the data shown actually relates to Whadddon, Whiteparish, and Winterslow (and presumably all points in between). So you may find this feature interesting, but it will probably be even more useful when its search area can be defined more closely.
The Memorial Centre Trustees regret that due to Wiltshire's updated Tier level (now up to Tier 3) they have beem obliged to close the Memorial Centre again until we get back to Tier 2 or similar. All gatherings or groups of people inside are now banned until further notice.
The Memorial Centre Trustees are pleased to confirm that the Centre will reopen from Wednesday 2nd December for bookings which comply with the Tier 2 rules - essentially activities which allow people to remain 2 meters apart. Socialising events such as parties are not yet allowed.
The MUGA will re-open for tennis and bookings for football are also being taken.
Please Note: Apologies for the fact that this section of the website has become quite a confusing mess, due to the number of COVID-related restrictions that have been imposed, removed, re-imposed, added to, removed again, etc. It all needs re-organising to make more sense—and will be—but this may take a little while.
DH 30 Nov 2020
The Playing Field and Childrens Play Area will remain open but the MUGA (Multi-Use Gamest Area) and Skatepark has had to be closed.
Memorial Ground
The recreation ground (Memorial Ground), as a whole remains open subject to the social distancing measures required.
The Children’s Play Area is open but please take special care when using the playground and the play equipment during the Covid-19 period. This play area is not supervised and equipment is not regularly cleaned, so please wipe down surfaces before using and use hand sanitiser frequently. Only one child is allowed on each piece of equipment at any one time. Wash your hands and your children’s hands with soap and water when you get home. Observe all relevant government regulations. Details of social distancing regulations currently in force can be found at or via the above QR code.
Please contact the Memorial Trust on if you have any questions.
The Whiteparish Memorial Charitable Trust (Registered Charity No. 282528)
Note: At the time of writing, the renewed closure of the Memorial Centre, restrictions on use of the Memorial Ground, and national restrictions on travel and social distancing will presumably once more have serious effects on the activity programmes of many—if not all—of our village clubs and other organisations. Any activity diaries included in this website for individual village organisations may therefore need to be considered as out of date or possibly suspended until further notice. Will clubs and other organisations please keep us informed about any new plans.
School Closure
Whiteparish All Saints’ CE Primary School is the only school within Whiteparish itself, and we understand that any new arrangements will be detailed on the school’s own website very soon now. The government advises that although in general all schools will be closed after Friday 20th March 2020 for an indefinite period, the children of certain key categories of workers (such as frontline health and social care providers) may continue to be schooled on school premises so that their parents are able to keep important services running, rather than look after children at home.
For government guidance on personnel who may still be able to send children to school during the pandemic, click here. For the latest news from the school, see the school website (link above).
STOP PRESS: We understand that the school will be open as from Wednesday 3rd June for Reception, Year 1, and Year 6 children, along with the key worker and vulnerable children who have been able to attend all along. That’s good news!
County Library and Leisure Centre Closures
Following government advice and to help stop the transmission of COVID-19, Wiltshire Council took the decision in March 2020 to close all its libraries and leisure centres until further notice. At that time, Cllr Philip Whitehead, Leader of Wiltshire Council, said: "All Wiltshire Council leisure centres and libraries are closed indefinitely to protect the health of the public and our staff during this time. This includes the leisure centres managed on behalf of the council by Places Leisure." The Mobile Library service will also be suspended until further notice.
By autumn 2020 a programe of re-opening these facilities was nearing completion. But the new lockdown that has since been announced (starting 5th November 2020) will or may presumably have some effect. We’ll include the latest advice when we have it.
All Saints’ Church
On the 25th March 2020, it was announced that church services were to be cancelled until further notice. It had been hoped that the church could be kept open during the day, but following advice from the Bishop of Salisbury, Rev Jane Dunlop wrote to church members as follows:
". . . I have put a notice on the Church door that says that the Church has to be closed because of COVID-19. I am very sorry to have to do this, especially at a time when people find much solace in going to Church to pray, when they have to deal with difficult and dark times in their lives. But If you are in need of prayer, please do not hesitate to phone me on 884793 or email me on"
UPDATE on 13 June 2020: Rev Jane was able to write to church members that " . . . there are green shoots on the horizon. One of these is that the Church can now open for private prayer. We are hoping to open from Monday 15th June and are working towards that by putting in place the required safety measures.
The hours you will be able to come into Church to pray are 10am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday and 9am to 6pm on Sunday. . . .
Funerals are also being allowed to be held in Church, but with limited numbers only. We are still not allowed to hold weddings in Church although there have been indications made that this may be allowed from 4th July along with other services."
UPDATE from Church of England website on 23 June 2020: "Places of worship in England will be allowed to reopen on the 4 July, after the latest easing of lockdown restrictions was announced earlier today.
Churches were previously permitted to open for private prayer, but regular church services will now be allowed, as long as appropriate social distancing measures are applied. Weddings can also take place again, although numbers will be restricted to a maximum of 30."
Churchwarden Jane Legat sends the following news about services in July 2020 (in case you miss the posters that are already in place in the village):
All Saints’ Church is OPEN for WORSHIP on:
July 12th at 9.30am
July 19th at 11am
July 26th at 9.30am
For the text of a letter from Rev Jane setting out the measures that she and the PCC have put in place to make the re-opened church as safe as possible, plus some guidelines, click here.
And for the text of a follow-up letter from Rev Jane looking back on the first service held in All Saints Church for 16 weeks (on the 12th July 2020), click here.
King’s Head and Parish Lantern
We were delighted to be able to record that after three-plus months of closure due to the initial Covid-19 lockdown, both of Whiteparish’s lovely pubs reopened on the 4th of July. But unfortunately the second lockdown, starting on 5th November 2020. means that for a limited period, at least, they have had to close again. For details of any other services that they may plan to offer in the meantime, check their facebook pages.
Local Support During the Coronavirus Crisis
The C19 Support Group is a loosely affiliated group working alongside the Surgery and the Church to coordinate what support we can to others in our community during the
coronavirus crisis. It is coordinated by Maria Pennington (Parish Clerk), John Herrett and
Mike Hayday (Parish Councillors) and David Guild, with support from Revd. Jane Dunlop, Zoe
Clewer, Jane Legat (All Saints' Church) and backed up by many other volunteers.
Maria has been working very closely with Hilary Jenkins at the surgery setting up the
prescription distribution for Whiteparish and outlying villages.
Leaflets have been distributed giving contact details for volunteers offering support during
the coronavirus crisis. The e-mail address of the group is any
requests for assistance may be sent to this address and will be assigned to an appropriate
Supporting Each Other leaflet. This useful leaflet (full title:
Supporting Each Other in Whiteparish through the Coronavirus Crisis) can be viewed, downloaded, or printed via the above link. It provides contact information, web addresses, etc for a host of local services or sources of help for getting through these trying times. We suggest you keep it somewhere where you can easily refer to it.
Another useful document, which can be viewed, downloaded, or printed via the following liink, is
Safer and Supportive Salisbury, which is put together by a local (Salisbury-based) networking group who aim to "deliver small practical projects that make a positive difference". It, too, provides contact information, web addresses, etc for a host of local services or sources of help, not just within Salisbury but also much further afield.
At frequent (but sometimes irregular) intervals, mostly about once a week, Wiltshire Council distributes an email bulletin titled "Wiltshire News", and sometimes subtitled "COVID-19", containing the council’s latest news and advice on coronavirus (COVID-19), as well as some more general material on other subjects. (Sometimes similar bulletins, also concentrating on coronavirus and originated by the council, are distributed outside the usual weekly framework, but under different titles.)
For the benefit of households or individuals who don’t already receive the bulletins, the following links display those that have been released since 25th March 2020 (in newest-first order). If getting info about these and related topics regularly would be useful to you, you can subscribe directly via a link towards the top of any of the e-bulletins.
For each of the links listed below, we’ve summarised the items in the referenced e-bulletin that deal in any way with Coronavirus/Covid-19 (and a few that don’t) so that you can decide whether or not there are items in any particular bulletin that might be relevant to you.
NOTE: There seems to be a coding error in the WILTSHIRE NEWS e-bulletins, especially if you view them in your browser. At the top of the e-bulletin you may see a link with which to display a list of links to past issues. But if you click on it, the displayed list doesn’t contain links to issues of WILTSHIRE NEWS, as you would expect, but to a similar series of e-bulletins—also prepared by Wiltshire Council but aimed specifically at businesses, and titled BUSINESS NEWS. We’ve submitted a comment pointing out this problem.
1 June 2022:
Wilts Council looks forward to forthcoming Jubilee weekend; Waste collections in some areas may be delayed because of contractor staff shortages, but bins should be put out on the normal day and contents will be collected as soon as possible; Special offer of three-month membership at council leisure centres for just £70; Domestic abuse helpline will be open over forthcoming Bank Holiday; Leisure Recruitment Fair—kickstart your career in county leisure services; Protecting wildlife during Salisbury River Park Construction; Collect free water-based paint at Amesbury and Salisbury Household Recycling Centres; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map.
20 May 2022:
Have your say on proposed changes to parking charges; Support in place for Ukrainian nationals, with second chance to view the webinar; Also, some frequently asked questions about the Homes for Ukraine scheme; Pool-Pods installed at some of our swimming pools to improve accessibility for disabled customers; How to get involved in the processes of the council’s Overview and Scrutiny system; North Wessex Downs Walking Festival (11 to 26 June); A303 Stonehenge Project; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map.
13 May 2022:
Birmingham 2022 Queen's Baton Relay to visit Devizes on 5 July 2022; Another update on the £150 energy rebate payments; Latest update (via webinar) on Ukraine support in Wiltshire; Wiltshire Leisure Services are recruiting for staff to fit a wide ranges of roles; Information on the county Dog Walker Scheme; Solar Together Wiltshire scheme is now live for residents to register their interest; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map.
6 May 2022:
Residents are warned that despite a planned strike by enforcement officers, all parking restrictions remain in place across the county on Saturday 7 May; Public webinar to be conducted on 16 May re the latest on Ukraine support in Wiltshire; Get fit for three months at one of the county’s 20 leisure centres for just £99; Find out more about fostering during Foster Care Fortnight (Monday 9 May to Saturday 21 May; Wild about Wiltshire is our new approach to grass cutting which improves biodiversity and encourages bees and other pollinators to thrive; Solar Together Wiltshire—join the group buying scheme to help cut carbon emissions and save on energy bills; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map.
29 April 2022:
The council continues to pay the £150 energy rebate to residents who pay their council tax by direct debit; Those who don’t pay by DD will get a letter next month about how to claim the rebate; Waste & recycling collections are working as usual this bank holiday; Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council, gives a short update in VLOG format on what was discussed at the council cabinet meeting earlier in the week; Wiltshire’s rich history to be celebrated in May, which is "Local and Community History Month"; Celebrating Wiltshire’s sporting future via Sports Scholarship grants of £500—ten of which have been awarded to young athletes who meet the criteria; Careers event at Salisbury Arts Centre helps young people in care consider next steps; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map.
22 April 2022:
The council thanks everyone who has supported the people of Ukraine throughout this incredibly challenging time—280 Wilts households have so far been matched with Ukrainian refugees; Westbury incinerator planning application deferred; Link to a dedicated webpage about HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations; The council are advertising again for new taxi drivers to help fulfil SEND and social care contracts; 22 April being Earth Day, we are asked to consider making greener choices, and insulating our homes, with a link to information about the council’s commitment to the "Warm and Safe Wiltshire" initiative provided to more information; We are asked to play our part to support health and care services by getting advice online from or from a local pharmacist; Reminder about "This Girl Can" classes; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map.
14 April 2022:
Waste and recycling collections running as normal over the Easter holidays, links to check waste and recycling days and your nearest recycling centre; 19 April is National Offer Day for primary school applications. with link for accessing the "Patient Portal" for more information your energy rebate quicker by paying your council tax by direct debit. Link provided to more information; Energy rebate payments are now starting to be paid to households; Future High Streets Fund Salisbury: time is running out to have your say on three "transformational projects" (closing date 19 April);
Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map.
8 April 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersNot so much a news item as a "lack of" news item: For most of two years most issues of "Wiltshire News" have included case-number data for the county for the previous week, but sadly it seems the council no longer want to provide this info; at least not in the convenient and simple form we have seen hitherto. It may be available elsewhere.
Other news items:
Staff absences recently have delayed some Waste collections. Please leave bins out to await being emptied as soon as possible; Get your energy rebate quicker by paying your council tax by direct debit. Link provided to more information; "This girl can" exercise classes launching in council leisure centres; COVID-19 vaccines now available for 5- to 11-year olds; New taxi drivers needed in the county; NHS to continue to use Salisbury City Hall for the next six months; Central Government want feedback on new proposad changes to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) system in England; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map.
1 April 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 6,641 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 29 March 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 140,095. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire increased from 1175.8 last week to 1375.2 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 880 ( data as of 28 March 2022 at 4.20 pm). With local case rates still high, we can all play our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a face covering in indoor crowded spaces, practicing good hand and respiratory hygiene and continuing to stay at home when we are unwell to limit the transmission of all infectious diseases.
The Government has removed some previous COVID-19-related restrictions and introduced new guidance, as set out in its
Living with COVID-19 plan.
Other news items:
Pay your council tax by direct debit and receive energy rebate quicker; Wiltshire plans to welcome Ukrainian refugees; Waste collection calendar unavailable this weekend, due to maintenance work on the council website; Changes to parking across Wiltshire; Receive help towards Easter childcare costs; New campaign to recruit more Shared Lives carers; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
25 March 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 5,909 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 22 March 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 133,731. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire increased from 674.9 last week to 1172.3 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 780 ( data as of 21 March 2022 at 4 pm). A second COVID-19 booster is now available to over 75s and care home residents.
Other news items:
Intensive swimming lessons available during Easter holidays at Council leisure centres; Play your part to support local health and care services at this time when local NHS teams are [once more] dealing with rising rates of COVID-19 and emergency departments are extremely busy—only call 999 in a life-threatening emergency; Wiltshire Business and Sports Gala Dinner raises more than £45,000 for local sports stars; Nominate someone for a BBC Make a Difference Award; Future High Streets Fund, Salisbury: further details of public exhibitions where you can meet members of the team, at Salisbury Guildhall and further pop-up events, and an online survey; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
18 March 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 3,401 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 15 March 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 127,217. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire increased from 381.7 last week to 674.7 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 502.4 ( data as of 14 March 2022 at 5.30 pm).
Other news items:
A reminder: whether fully vaccinated or not, you no longer need to take any COVID-19 tests or fill in a passenger locator form when travelling to the UK from abroad (more information available
online); Update re recycling collections resuming from 21 March; Great deal for students on leisure memberships this Easter; Got a housing issue you need advice or answers about? Calling or emailing the council is the quickest way to get it; Safety risk on the closed B4069 at Lyneham Banks—stay away!; Update on on the future of Salisbury City Hall (currently still being used by the NHS); Celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s historic Platinum Jubilee; Public webinar on 21 March 2022 to gather feedback on Salisbury’s "Future High Streets" projects; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
17 March 2022: Update on disruption to waste services: Recycling collections to resume from 21 March.
16 March 2022: Update on disruption to waste services: recycling collections suspension extended; Please continue to put out your household and garden waste bins out on your normal collection days.
11 March 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 1,921 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 7 March 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 122,524. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire decreased from 455.1 last week to 381.1 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 313.4 ( data as of 7 March 2022 at 4.00 pm).
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Continuing to wear face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Other news items:
Recycling collections suspended until 21 March, with link to FAQs; Wilts Council are encouraging residents to pay their ocuncil tax by direct debit, with links to more information; Your views needed on proposals to improve Salisbury!; New cycling and walking facility between Hilperton and Melksham; Foster carers needed in the Calne area; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
8 March 2022:
Important waste industrial action update: temporary suspension of recycling services, due to strike action which is scheduled to last until 18 March.
4 March 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 2,293 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 28 February 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 120,164. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire decreased from 656.1 last week to 454.9 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 353.3 ( data as of 28 February at 4.00 pm).
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Continuing to wear face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second, and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Vaccination Centre at Bath Racecourse will be closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but open between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on all other days.
Other news items:
The Council thank Wiltshire residents for their support shown to the pople of Ukraine, with links provided to an appeal and a new Ukraine support page on the Council website; Residents are asked to put waste, recycling and garden waste bins out as normal ahead of planned industrial action from 7 March; "Grab a jab" at the COVID-19 pop-up vaccination clinc being held at the Longfield Community Centre, Trowbridge, on Saturday 12 March; International Women’s Day 2022: #BreakTheBias; The Council have announced that 95% of Wiltshire children have been given their first preference of secondary school (links for further information); 40 young people from Chippenham have shared their ideas and aspirations to help shape the Future Chippenham Masterplan; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
25 February 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 3,302 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 15 February 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 118,295. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire decreased from 822.7 last week to 655.1 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 456.5 ( data as of 21 February at 4.00 pm).
[Something wrong here? Some stats in this bulletin are identical to those in the bulletin distributed on 22 Feb 2022, but with a different reference date.]
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Continuing to wear face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second, and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Other news items:
After-effects of Storms Eunice and Franklin; Government confirms plan for "Living with COVID"; Household waste service collection day to change; Make a huge difference in your community by helping in the Great British Spring Clean! (25 March to 10 April; Emergency closure of B4069 at Lyneham Banks; International Women's Day 2022: #BreakTheBias, online conference on 8th March; Corsham Library to host three local-author events on 3rd and 4th of March; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
22 February 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 3,302 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 22 February 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 118,295. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire decreased from 822.7 last week to 655.1 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 456.5 ( data as of 21 February at 4.00 pm).
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Continuing to wear face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second, and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Other news items:
Government confirms plan for "Living with COVID"; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphics and info on how to book your booster.
18 February 2022:
[Another] Further Update on Storm Eunice—Red Warning
Although similar in some respects to previous updates distributed earlier this day, this one contains a little more detail and includes news about which Council facilities will be open tomorrow (Saturday 19th February) Also includes links for Council Facebook and Twitter pages, which may contain more up-to-date Storm Eunice information than can be found on these e-bulletins, plus link for reporting highway obstructions.
18 February 2022: Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 4,145 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 15 February 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 115,322. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire decreased from 1,099.5 last week to 822.3 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 665.3 ( data as of 14 February at 4.00 pm).
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Continuing to wear face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second, and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Other news items:
Storm Eunice—Red Warning; Reminder about using MyWilts app; Wiltshire Council’s; 2022/23 budget and 10-year Business Plan has been agreed; Reminder that the general waste collection day is changing, with link to relevant FAQs; Vaccination bus calling at Wiltshire College campuses next week, with links help you find a walk-in vaccination site near you, and for booking COVID-19 appointments; Next monday (14 February) is deadline for nominating a "baton bearer"; Reninder about the MyWilts app for reporting problems to the council, with links for downlading it; The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations; Help Us Help You—Cervical screening campaign; Become a Supported Lodgings carer; Collaborative Innovation Centre at Porton Science Park starting to take shape; Celebrating the 10-year milestone of volunteering at Wiltshire Libraries; Children’s Mental Health Week;
Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
18 February 2022:
Further Update on Storm Eunice—Red Warning
Weather warning for some parts of Southern Wiltshire now upgraded to Red, indicating a significant danger to life as extremely strong winds provide the potential for damage to structures, and flying debris. Only travel if your journey is essential. Link provided for reporting highway obstructions.
17 February 2022:
Update re Storm Eunice
With Eunice expected to reach our area during 17 and 18 February 2022, a list of precautions to take; Also a link where you can report on any new (storm-related) highway obstructions.
11 February 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 5,537 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 8 February 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 111,624. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire decreased from 1,143 to 1,098.5 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 938.6.3 ( data as of 7 February at 4.00 pm).
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Continuing to wear face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second, and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Other news items:
Reminder that the general waste collection day is changing, with link to relevant FAQs; Vaccination bus calling at Wiltshire College campuses next week, with links help you find a walk-in vaccination site near you, and for booking COVID-19 appointments; Next monday (14 February) is deadline for nominating a "baton bearer"; Reninder about the MyWilts app for reporting problems to the council, with links for downlading it; Children’s Mental Health Week; National Apprenticeship Week (7th to 13th February) with links for more information and for online advice;
Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
4 February 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 5,102 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 1 February 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 102,060. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire increased from 809.2 to 1,012.2 per 100,000 people during that time. which is above the current case rate in England of 984.3 ( data as of 30 January at 4.00 pm).
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Wearing face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second, and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Other news items:
Links to view the latest COVID-19 data for Wiltshire on GOV.UK; General waste collection day is changing, look out for a letter from the council with details; Nominate a baton bearer; Last date for views about Trowbridge Future streets plans is 11 February; Archaeological evidence from the Iron Age uncovered in Melksham; Help Lift Someone Out of Loneliness;
Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
28 January 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 4.234 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 25 January 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 97,302. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire increased slightly from 834.8 to 840 per 100,000 people during that time. which is below the current case rate in England of 985.1 ( data as of 24 January at 4.00 pm).
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Continuing to wear face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second, and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-Self-isolating immediately and getting a PCR test when displaying any COVID-19 symptoms.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Other news items:
Links to view (i) the latest COVID-19 data for Wiltshire on GOV.UK (ii) latest GOV.UK guidance and updates on restrictions; Return to Plan A restrictions in England; Beware of criminal activity regarding COVID-19 vaccines; Waste Collection Days to change from 28 February; Public webinar on 31 January baout invigorating Trowbridge town centre; Work starts to prepare the Salisbury River Park site; Looking to keep fit in 2022? Last chance to take advantage of our best ever leisure membership; Changes to the Highway Code; Help towards childcare costs; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
21 January 2022:
Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 4,176 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 18 January 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 92,497. The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire decreased from 1349.2 to 828.9 per 100,000 people during that time. which is below the current case rate in England of 1128.9 ( data as of 17 January at 4.00 pm). Whilst the case rate in Wiltshire has decreased, it is still high so we all need to play our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
-Wearing face coverings in crowded spaces.
-Receiving your first, second, and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day.
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
Other news items:
Link to view the latest COVID-19 data for Wiltshire on GOV.UK; Looking to keep fit in 2022? Best ever leisure centre January membership promotion starts on Monday (link to find the nearest centre to where you live; MyWilts app for reporting problems with facilities etc in the county; Help for people with mental health problems; Hilperton Rd in Trowbridge closed until 29 January; Online information session about being a foster carer on 26th January (Microsoft Teams); "Help to Grow" management course commencing 8 February, in Trowbridge; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
20 January 2022: Prime Minister confirms return to Plan A restrictions; Change to self-isolation guidance; Plenty of availability for COVID-19 vaccinations; Link to COVID-19 and 2022/23 budget update webinar; Applications open for hospitality and leisure business grants.
18 January 2022: Join us live for our latest public update, with link to the Wiltshire Council youtube channel for a replay of the webinar (available on the 19th January) if you can’t watch it live.
14 January 2022: Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 6,799 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 11 January 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 88,515. Case numbers in Wiltshire continue to be among the highest in our local region, The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire increased from 1120.7 to 1,348.8 per 100,000 people during that time. which is below the current case rate in England of 1862.9 ( data as of 10 January at 4.20 pm). Whilst the case rate in Wiltshire is below the national average, it has increased again so we all need to play our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
Ways you can play your part in easing the pressure and reducing the spread of the virus:
-Washing hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap
-Wear face coverings where required
-Receiving a first, second and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day
-Take regular lateral flow tests, particularly if planning to meet groups of people from outside of your household
-Self-isolate immediately and get a PCR test when displaying any COVID-19 symptoms
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating; even opening a window for 10 minutes every day can make a big difference
-COVD-19 brings a greater risk to pregnant women and their babies. If you’re pregnant, please don’t delay. Get vaccinated or boosted now.
Other news items:
Link to latest COVID-19 data for Wilts on GOV.UK; Link to latest GOV.UK guidance and restrictions updates; Beware of fraud relating to COVID-19 pass; More info about the pass and how to apply for one; Wilts Council 2022/23 Budget Proposals; Draft Budget Plan; Microsoft Teams Webinar with WCC leader Richard Clewer and others "Join us live for our latest public update" about the last two items on 18 January; Final reminder for primary school applications; "Discover your history" with the launch of updated Wiltshire Community History website; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; "Get Boosted NOW" reminder graphic.
5 January 2022: Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 case numbersWiltshire has seen 5,627 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 3 January 2022, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 82,390. Case numbers in Wiltshire continue to be among the highest in our local region, The rate of cases per 100,000 people in Wiltshire increased from 837.6 to 1,116.3 per 100,000 people during that time. which is below the current case rate in England of 1508.1 ( data as of 3 January at 5 pm). Whilst the case rate in Wiltshire is below the national average, it is increasing so we all need to play our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. The highest number of cases are being seen in the 20 to 49-year-old age range.
The three major local hospitals in the area, Royal United Hospitals in Bath, Great Western Hospital in Swindon and Salisbury Hospital, have temporarily suspended visiting with some exceptions, due to high local transmission of the virus.
Ways you can play your part in easing the pressure and reducing the spread of the virus:
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating by opening windows
-Washing hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap
-Wear face coverings where required
-Receiving a first, second and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day
-Take regular lateral flow tests, particularly if planning to meet groups of people from outside of your household
-Self-isolate immediately and get a PCR test when displaying any COVID-19 symptoms.
Other news items:
For those with a child aged between 12 to 15-years old; Play your part in helping local hospitals—ways you can help to reduce pressure on hospital services; Garden waste collections (where available) resume on Monday 10 January; Start the New Year the right way with a leisure centre membership; Better Health Adult Obesity campaign; Active travel scheme on Hilperton Road in Trowbridge; The council are looking for foster carers to come forward and make a huge difference to a child's life; Keep up to date with improvement roadworks via our online map; Get Boosted NOW reminder graphic.
[NOTE: some of the weekly summaries for Nov and Dec 2021 are currently under maintenance (for minor tidying)]
30 December 2021: Wiltshire has seen 4,222 confirmed positive cases in the seven days prior to 28 December, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 76,791. Case numbers in Wiltshire continue to be among the highest in our local region, The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has increased from 756.8 last week to 837.6, which is below the current case rate in England of 1207.4 ( data as of 28 December at 5.15pm). Whilst the case rate in Wiltshire is below the national average, it is increasing so we all need to play our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. As we approach the New Year, please continue to take a cautious approach to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
You can help to keep you and your loved ones safe by:
-Washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and soap
-Wearing face coverings where required
-Receiving your first, second and booster COVID-19 vaccine by booking an appointment online, or finding a local walk-in vaccination clinic where you can just turn up on the day
-Taking regular lateral flow tests, particularly if planning to meet groups of people from outside of your household
-Taking a lateral flow test for seven days if you’ve been identified as a close contact of someone with COVID-19 and you’re not displaying any symptoms
-Self-isolating immediately and getting a PCR test when displaying any COVID-19 symptoms
-If meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating, even opening a window for 10 minutes every hour can make a big difference.
We wish you and everyone in our communities a happy, healthy and safe New Year; Lateral Flow Tests at council-run collection sites; Council Offices open times over the New Year; Waste and Recycling Collections at Christmas/New Year; New single number for all housing queriews; Please play your part in supporting our local hospitals; Plenty of availability for COVID-19 vaccinations over the New Year weekend; Domestic Abuse helpline is available over the Christmas and New Year period; The Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub over the New Year; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Get Boosted Now" reminder graphic.
23 December 2021:
"Wiltshire Needs You to Play Your Part" graphic; Wiltshire has seen 3,038 confirmed positive cases in the last seven days, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 71,385. Case numbers in Wiltshire continue to be among the highest in our local region, The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has increased from 522.7 last week to 602.7, which is below the current case rate in England of 736.4 ( data as of 20 December at 4pm). Previously the case rise was mainly driven by school-age children, but the current highest rates are now in the 20 to 49-year-old age range. Please continue to play your part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 during the festive period, and keep you and your loved ones safe by taking the precautions listed under the 17 December heading
And please look after our communities by taking personal responsibility over the Christmas and New Year period.
Changes to self-isolation from Wednesday 22 December; Lateral Flow Tests at council-run collection sites; Council Offices open times over Christmas and the New Year; Waste and Recycling Collections at Christmas/New Year; Domestic Abuse helpline is available over the Christmas and New Year period; The Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub over the Christmas holidays; Could you consider a career in care and join our new Wiltshire Support at Home service?; Pharmaceutical services survey; New support announced for businesses this week; Council announces financial support for hospitality and leisure businesses in January; "Get Boosted Now" reminder graphic; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works.
17 December 2021: Wiltshire has seen 2,625 confirmed positive cases in the last seven days, bringing the total number of positive cases since the start of the pandemic to 68,061. Case numbers in Wiltshire continue to be among the highest in our local region. The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has increased from 512.6 last week to 520.8, which is just below the current case rate in England of 522.2 ( data as of 15 December at 4pm). You can play your part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by doing the following:
-Wash your hands regularly
-Wear face coverings where required
-Receiving your first, second and booster COVID-19 vaccine
-Take regular lateral flow tests, particularly if planning to meet groups of people outside your household
-Take a lateral flow test for seven days if you’ve been identified as a close contact of someone with COVID-19 and you’re not displaying any symptoms
-Self-isolate immediately and get a PCR test when displaying any COVID-19 symptoms.
-If you're meeting others indoors, ensure fresh air is circulating and please behave responsibly over the Christmas and New Year period.
Volunteers needed to support COVID-19 vaccination programme; Wiltshire Council Offices Opening times over Christmas and New Year; Christmas waste and recycling services; StreetLink app helps rough sleepers; Wiltshire Council reacts to Cleveland Bridge decision; Private fostering; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Get Boosted Now" reminder graphic.
15 December 2021: [This is another e-bulletin distributed by Wiltshire Council not as part of the weekly "Wiltshire News" series but as a "one-off" update about Covid-19.] Includes information under the following headings:
Booster vaccinations now available for all adults over 18 years old;
How can I get my booster vaccination?;
Who is eligible for a booster vaccine?;
It's busy - please keep trying, be patient and kind;
Have any questions or are unsure whether to get vaccinated?;
Please keep playing your part.
10 December 2021: Wiltshire has seen 2,581 confirmed positive cases in the last seven days, a slight decrease from last week’s 2,757. Case numbers in Wiltshire continue to be among the highest in our local region. The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has increased from 547.1 last week to 512, which continues to be higher than the current case rate in England of 488.2 ( data as of 8/12/2021 at 4pm). Case numbers continue to be particularly high in the 5-to-14 and 35-to-49 age ranges.
Prime Minister confirms move to Plan B in England; Wiltshire Council’s response to Bath and North East Somerset's (BANES) proposals to restrict heavy good vehicles using Cleveland Bridge in Bath; Deadline for primary school applications approaches; Worried on a night out? Ask for Angela; Platinum Jubilee celebrations 2022; Get that festive feeling in museums in Wiltshire! (link to more info on festive events in county museums this year); Bath Rugby Club and Wiltshire Council free weight loss and fitness programme for men; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
9 December 2021: [This is another e-bulletin distributed by Wiltshire Council not as part of the weekly "Wiltshire News" series but as a "one-off" update about new Covid-19 measures announced on 8 December, the much-forecast "Plan B".] Includes information under the following headings:
Prime Minister confirms move to Plan B in England;
Booster vaccinations;
Face Coverings;
Work from home if you can;
NHS Covid Pass requirements;
Testing and self-isolation;
Changes to international travel arrivals and red list countries.
2 December 2021: [This e-bulletin was distributed by Wiltshire Council not as part of the weekly "Wiltshire News" series but as a "one-off" update about new Covid-19 measures, triggered by the rapidly spreading Omicron variant.] Includes information under the following headings:
Please play your part to mitigate the risk of the new COVID-19 variant;
Booster vaccinations;
Face Coverings;
Self-isolation for contacts of Omicron cases;
Changes to international travel arrivals and red list countries.
26 November 2021: Wiltshire has seen 2,840 confirmed positive cases in the last seven days, an increase from last week’s 2,222. Case numbers in Wiltshire continue to also be among the highest in our local region. The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has increased from 440.8 last week to 563.4, which continues to be higher than the current case rate in England of 414.6 ( data as of 22/11/2021 at 4pm). Case numbers continue to be particularly high in the 5-to-14 and 35-to-49 age ranges.
The Government has advised that you should take a rapid lateral flow test ‘if you will be in a high risk situation that day’, and that includes being in crowded and enclosed spaces or if there is limited fresh air.
With COVID-19 still in circulation in high numbers in the county it's vital that we all keep playing our part to help reduce the cases across the county.
Please keep washing/sanitising hands, and consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when indoors with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when out and about and on public transport, get your first, second, or booster dose of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if you have COVID symptoms; Travel restrictions in place following investigation into new COVID-19 variant; Consider wearing a face covering if you are going Christmas shopping this weekend; Final opportunity to ask health experts about winter and COVID-19; More about MyWilts free app (ahead of a windy weekend); "Time to speak out"—sixteen days of action against domestic violence; Trowbridge Town Hall to benefit from Future High Streets Fund; Pupils help to bury time capsule at Melksham Community Campus site; National Tree Week: Saturday 27 November to Sunday 5 December; Your views needed on possible parish changes [the article mentions just short of twenty specific parishes, but these are all in north Wilts—presumably other areas will be covered in due course?]; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map.
26 November 2021: Wiltshire has seen 2,840 confirmed positive cases in the last seven days, an increase from last week’s 2,222. Case numbers in Wiltshire continue to also be among the highest in our local region. The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has increased from 440.8 last week to 563.4, which continues to be higher than the current case rate in England of 414.6 ( data as of 22/11/2021 at 4pm). Case numbers continue to be particularly high in the 5-to-14 and 35-to-49 age ranges.
The Government has advised that you should take a rapid lateral flow test ‘if you will be in a high risk situation that day’, and that includes being in crowded and enclosed spaces or if there is limited fresh air.
With COVID-19 still in circulation in high numbers in the county it's vital that we all keep playing our part to help reduce the cases across the county.
Please keep washing/sanitising hands, and consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when indoors with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when out and about and on public transport, get your first, second, or booster dose of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if you have COVID symptoms; Travel restrictions in place following investigation into new COVID-19 variant; Consider wearing a face covering if you are going Christmas shopping this weekend; Final opportunity to ask health experts about winter and COVID-19; More about MyWilts free app (ahead of a windy weekend); "Time to speak out"—sixteen days of action against domestic violence; Trowbridge Town Hall to benefit from Future High Streets Fund; Pupils help to bury time capsule at Melksham Community Campus site; National Tree Week: Saturday 27 November to Sunday 5 December; Your views needed on possible parish changes [the article mentions just short of twenty specific parishes, but these are all in north Wilts—presumably other areas will be covered in due course?]; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map.
19 November 2021: Wiltshire has seen 2,222 confirmed positive cases in the last seven days, a slight drop from last week. The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has decreased from 477.9 last week to 440.8, which continues to be higher than the current case rate in England of 252.2 ( data as of 17/11/2021 at 1:10pm).
The number of positive cases continue to go in the right direction but COVID-19 is still in circulation in high numbers in Wiltshire and it's vital that we all play our part to help reduce the case numbers across the county.
Please keep washing/sanitising hands, and consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when indoors with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when out on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if you have COVID symptoms; Winter Health and COVID-19 Q&ersand;A (send in questions via a link); Updated eligibility info for COVID-19 vaccinations; New asymptomatic testing van on the road; Black Friday leisure promotion starting this Monday (22 November); Help the Council to recycle more by only placing stipulated maytertials in your blue-lidded bin, and reducing contamination of recycling loads in other ways; With this winter forecast to be milder and wetter than usual, the council want us to be as prepared as possible for increased flooding risks; Alcohol Awareness Week is 15 to 21 November; New course in February 2022 aims to help managers boost business growth; Free weight loss and fitness programme in Salisbury to run from 12 January to 30 March; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map.
12 November 2021: Wiltshire has seen 2,403 confirmed positive cases in the last seven days, another fall in the number of cases but still a high number. The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has decreased from 626.3 last week to 476.7, which is higher than the current case rate in England (as a whole) of 356.1; The number of positive cases continue to go in the right direction but COVID-19 is still in circulation in high numbers in Wiltshire and it's vital that we all play our part to help reduce the case numbers across the county. Please keep washing/sanitising hands, and consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when indoors with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when out on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if you have COVID symptoms; Remembrance Sunday is on 14 November; The Dept for Work and Pensions Household Support Fund aims to give eligible households the essentials they need this winter, with link to further information; Train track through Salisbury to reopen from Tuesday 16 November (Following the track incident on 31 October); Wiltshire Youth Council Electionstake place between 31 January and 4 February next year; Help to Grow initative (see last week’s description): not long left to sign up: Free weight loss and fitness programme in Salisbury.
5 November 2021: Wiltshire has seen 3,155 confirmed positive cases in the last seven days, a fall in the number of cases but still a high number. The rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has decreased from 928.2 last week to 625.9, which is nevertheless much higher than the current case rate in England (as a whole) of 422.5 The decrease in cases is a step in the right direction but it’s vital that we all play our part to help reduce the case numbers across the county, as the current case rate continues to be concerning; Please keep washing/sanitising hands, and consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when indoors with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if you have COVID symptoms; If you're eligible for a COVID-19 booster vaccine, book your appointment now through the National Booking Service, or by calling 119, link is provided for more information about booster vaccination sites; Be safe on Bonfire Night—link provided to safety advice; Information about how the Council has prepared for winter; How you could benefit from home energy efficiency improvements, and whether you would be eligible for Council help, if eligible; Council to resume annual canvass update; Help to Grow: Management course for businesses, starting later this month (23 November); Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
29 October 2021: The number of new cases in Wiltshire is again high with 4257 recorded for the seven days ending on 29th October, and the rate of cases per 100,000 in Wiltshire has increased from 789.6 last week to 844.5, which is much higher than the current case rate in England (as a whole) of 480.5 The highest age groups that have returned positive cases in the last week, continue to be 10-14 year-olds, and 40-44 year-olds; The council needs us all to play our part in driving down the recent (and concerning) huge increase in case numbers; So residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when indoors with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine, or booster, when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms; Celebrate Halloween safely and be cautious and sensible; Cases are highest among the 10-14 age range, so please encourage children to keep their distance if out trick-or-treating; If cases are particularly high at your child’s school then you may wish to consider limiting social interaction; Dont forget your clocks!; COVID-19 vaccinations for 12 to 15-year-olds now available outside of school, and can be booked online; It’s vital all secondary school and college students take a test before returning; Vaccines our best protection this winter; Two Wiltshire Council environmental projects will appear at the COP26 conference; Welcome Fund will help refugees and asylum seekers build new life in Wiltshire; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
22 October 2021: The number of new cases in Wiltshire has risen steeply in recent days with 4529 recorded for the seven days ending on 22nd October, and the rate of cases per 100,000 up from 379.5 to 789.8, well above the case rate in England of 466.7 for the same period; The highest age groups that have returned positive cases in the last week, are 10-14 year-olds with a seven-day rate per 100k people of 3562.2 on 15 October, compared to 582.7 per 100k for the same age range a month earlier. "It’s vital that we all play our part to help reduce the case numbers across the county as the huge increase in cases is concerning." So residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when inside with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine, or booster, when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms; Celebrate Halloween safely and be cautious and sensible; If cases are particularly high at your child’s school then you may wish to consider limiting social interaction during the half-term break; Also, Help stop the spread of the
FLU virus this winter, with a link for checking if you are elegible for a free vaccination; COVID-19 vaccinations for 12 to 15-year-olds now available outside of school, and can be booked online; Local test and trace service still in operation; Council demonstrates willingness to destroy vehicles used for fly-tipping; Get Online Week; Help to grow your business; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
15 October 2021: Fewer new cases in Wiltshire were recorded this week, with 1709 for the seven days ending on 11th October, and the rate of cases per 100,000 down from 414.4 to 339, slightly less than the case rate in England of 347.8 for the same period; Link also provided for PCR tests. Residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when inside with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or secon—doses of vaccine, or booster, when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms; COVID-19 vaccine now available to 12-15 year-olds; MyWilts app now available for reporting issues to the council "You report it, we sort it" with links for downloading the app; Help the Wiltshire Year of Reading by telling "US" (presumably the council? your favourite book; Last chance to Have Your Say about the Coucil's Climate Strategy; Childcare during October half-term holidays with activity directory; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
8 October 2021: At 2088, the number of new cases in Wilts increased in recent days for the second week running for the seven days ending on 4th October, and the rate of cases per 100,000 up from 296.2 to 414.2, well above the case rate in England of 339.6 for the same period; The highest age groups that have returned positive cases in the last week, are 10-19 and 40-49 year-olds. Residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when inside with others, continue to choose to wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine, or booster, when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms; Stop the spread of the FLU virus this winter, with a link for checking if you are elegible for a free vaccination; New simplified travel system now in place; Is your child starting school next September?; Last chance to sign up for Black History Month online conference on Monday 11 October; World Mental Health Day on 10 October; Consultation on County Climate Change strategy ends on 17 October; Help to grow your business; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
1 October 2021: The number of new cases in Wiltshire has increased in recent days with 1494 recorded for the seven days ending on 27th September, and the rate of cases per 100,000 up from 205.5 to 296.4; Residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when inside with others, wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms; Stop the spread of the FLU virus this winter, with a link for checking if you are elegible for a free vaccination; 12-15 year-olds can now receive the COVID-19 vaccine and 16-17 year-olds can book online; Wiltshire leisure centres back under council management; Wiltshire leisure centres back under council management; Black History Month 2021 includes online conference on Monday 11 October; Wiltahire Year of reading launches on 27 September 2021; Stop smoking this October with "Stoptober"; If your family includes a SEND child, please look at our Preparation for Adult Life guide which has information on the support available as your child grows up; Goals with AFC Bournemouth; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
24 September 2021: The number of new cases in Wiltshire has decreased recently with 1030 recorded for the seven days ending on 20th September, with the rate of cases per 100,000 down from 324 to 204.3; This is really positive news but case numbers are expected to fluctuate over coming weeks—residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when inside with others, wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms; There is further positive news in the high percentages (more than half) of 16-to-29-year-olds who are now fully vaccinated against coronavirus; Council’s 10-year strategy outlined in its "Business Plan Principles 2022 to 2032", to be presented in 27 September Cabinet meeting; Leisure Centres currently managed by Places Leisure to come back under Council control on 1st October; New dedicated out of hours line for domestic abuse; Respiratory illnesses in children on the rise; Could you change the life of a local child?; Let s "Step it up" this Recycle week; Still time to sign up for final Climate Strategy consultation engagement event, either online or at drop-in sessions; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
17 September 2021: [Stats were provided but seem identical to those published in 14 September bulletin, so discounted here.] Residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when inside with others, wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms; More detail on vaccine offer to 12-to-15-year-olds; Help the NHS as it prepares for an extremely busy weekend; Update on Council help for Afghan familes; Black History Month 2021—dree online conference on 11 October; Free home energy efficiency improvements for residents meeting the criteria (with link to check this); Building Bridges programme to support you into education or emplyment; Keep up to date with road improvement works in the county via online map; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
14 September 2021: The number of new cases in Wiltshire has decreased in recent days but with 1630 in the past week continues to be above the national average in England, with the rate of cases per 100,000 down from 331.9 to 323.4; Residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to consider meeting others outside or open doors and windows when inside with others, wear face coverings when on public transport, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms;
Government’s COVID-19 Autumn and Winter Plan; Booster vaccines; Young people aged 12 to 15 to be offered a COVID-19 vaccine; PCR Tests; Asymptomatic testing; Flu vaccination; International travel implications; Vaccine certificates; Things you can do to keep yourselves and others safe; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
10 September 2021: The number of new cases in Wiltshire has increased in recent days and with 1802 in the past week we continue to be above the national average in England, with the rate of cases per 100,000 up from 342.2 to 359.3; Residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate immediately if they experience COVID symptoms;
All Care Home Workers to be vaccinated, with graphic showing key dates; Request that residents help the NHS through a following very busy weekend by not not calling 999 or visiting accident and emergency services for anything less than genuine life-threatening emergancies; Climate change affects us all: Have your say on our Climate Strategy and Natural Environment Plan, webinars for finding out more on 15 and 30 September (two "engagement webinars" each day); Financial reports to be presented to Council Cabinet on 14 September—link to more details; New aids to finding planning applications affecting your area; Heritage Open Days 10—19 September; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
6 September 2021: Don’t miss the Council’s Climate Change engagement events on 9th, 15th, and 30th September! to join an event or to have your say, you need to sign up in advance (links for more information provided).
3 September 2021: The number of new cases in Wiltshire has decreased in recent days but with 1720 in the past week we are above the national average in England, with the rate of cases per 100,000 down from 366.6 to 341.2; Residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate if they experience COVID symptoms;
Back-to-school advice, empasising need for secondary school students take regular rapid COVID-19 tests; Guidance on healthcare options, which may involve self-care and/or visiting a pharmacy; Climate change affects us all—s have your say on Wiltshire Council’s Draft Climate Strategy: Have your say on our Climate Strategy; Call for private landlords to contact the Council if they have empty properties; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
26 August 2021: The number of new cases in Wiltshire has increased again in recent days and with 1846 in the past week we are now above the national average in England, with the rate of cases per 100,000 also up from 282.5 to 366.2; Residents again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, to get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and to book a test and self-isolate if they experience COVID symptoms;
Changes to self-isolation requirements, with link to relevant details on Govt website; Vaccines now available for 16 to 17-year olds, with link to how to find a walk-in vaccination site—no need to prebook; Guidance on healthcare options, which may involve self-care and/or visiting a pharmacy; Philip Wilkinson (Conservative) elected as Police and Crime Commissioner for Wilts and Swindon, with link to full results; Back-to-school tips with link to Govt guidance; Engagement on our Climate Strategy begins next week—don’t miss your chance to have your say; The Council thanks all those who have contacted themm with offers of help re the Afghanistan crisis; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
20 August 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average but has increased this week—from 1327 new cases to 1424 new cases, and the rate of cases per 100,000 also up from 254.3 to 282.5; Residents again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate if they experience COVID symptoms;
How to find a walk-in coronavirus vaccination site; All care-home workers and volunteers must be
fully vaccinated by 11th November, so the latest date for the first dose (of two) is 16 September; Statement by Richard Clewer, Council Leader, in response to the situation in Afghanistan; Parents of 16+ year olds are urged to confirm to HMRC whether the young person in question is staying in full-time education or training beyond that age, in order to continue receiving Child Benefit; Online content created by our libraries during the pandemic reaches 200,000 views! "Fulltone Nusic Festival" coming to Devizes on August 28th and 29th, tickets available online (not sure what this has to do with the Council—maybe they’re subsidising it?); Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
13 August 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average but has increased again this week—from 1303 new cases to 1327 new cases, and the rate of cases per 100,000 steadied from 256.9 to 263.3; Residents are again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate if they experience COVID symptoms; Once again the Council provides a link to measures in place to keep you safe while you vote in the Police and Crime Commissioner Election on 19 August, with a reminder to take your own pen and mask when you vote;
New changes to self-isolation law will apply from Monday 16 August; "Nearly 18s"can now book COVID-19 vaccinations online; Latest advice for those travelling to green, amber, and red countries; Options for students whose exam results are not what they were hoping for; Council again asks us to help them to shape the future of local bus transport by completing a survey; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
6 August 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average and has decreased this week—from 2070 new cases to 1303 new cases, and the rate of cases per 100,000 down from 413.2 to 260; Residents again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate if they experience COVID symptoms; The Council thoughtfully provides a link to measures in place to keep you safe while you vote in the Police and Crime Commissioner Election on 19 August;
Guidance for workers who may be exempt from self-isolation; Suggestion that residents should make voting in the PCC election part of our summer plans, with link to guidance on arranging a postal or proxy vote; Council asks us to help them to shape the future of local bus transport by completing a survey; Sunday 8 August is closing date for residents’ views on Melksham bypass; Coming weekend is last chance to take advantage of Council’s best ever leisure membership offer; Top class health and leisure facilities now in one location in Salisbury; Public Health England launch new Better Health campaign; New Wiltshire Youth Hub can provide face-to-face advice for 16- to 24-year-olds about next steps into emplyment, apprenticeships, or further learning; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with road improvement works; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
30 July 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average but has increased again this week—with 2070 new cases (believed the highest so far this year), and the rate of cases per 100,000 also up from 294 to 414; Residents again encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate if they experience COVID symptoms; Guidance for workers who may be exempt from self-isolation; Suggestion that we should make voting in the PCC election part of our summer plans, with link to guidance on arranging a postal or proxy vote; Council asks that we hellp them to shape the future of local bus transport by completing a survey; Sunday 8 August is closing date for residents’ views on Melksham bypass; Coming weekend is last chance to take advantage of Council’s best ever leisure membership offer; Top class health and leisure facilities now in one location in Salisbury; Public Health England launch new Better Health campaign; New Wiltshire Youth Hub can provide face-tofaceadvice for 16 to 24-year-olds about next steps into emplyment, appreenticeships, or further learning; Reminder about how to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
23 July 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average but has nevertheless increased again this week—with 1465 new cases, and the rate of cases per 100,000 also up from 179 to 293; Residents encouraged to keep washing/sanitising hands, get first or second doses of vaccine when offered, and book a test and self-isolate if they experience COVID symptoms; Guidance on travelling abroad; Parents of children at secondary school or college should encourage them to keep testing and reporting twice a week during the summer holidays, and report results; Candidates confirmed for the re-run of the Police and Crime Commissioner Election, with links to more information about both the election and the Commissioner role; Link to website about "Future Chippenham" scheme, including feedback from recent consultations; warning of heavy rain on 24/25 July; Childcare ideas for the holidays; Information about "Shake Up Your Summer" campaign with the aim of heping children get more active during the holidays; How to keep up-to-date with (road) improvement works; Opprtunity to have your say about proposed improvements to the A350 at Melksham, and the proposed development of Silverwood school into a SEND school campus for 350 students; "Let’s keep life moving" reminder graphic.
Please note that case-number totals and/or rates included in these summaries, and in the line graphs elsewhere in this section, are taken from the full e-bulletins distributed weekly by Wilts Council. These sometimes include small discrepancies between (for example) what was shown as the latest figure for a particular metric in one bulletin, and what is shown in the following week's edition as "last week’s" figure for the same metric. We’re not sure why these differences occur—perhaps when late adjustments have to be made?—but they are too small to be significant in what is only intended here to provide a rough indication of trends.
16 July 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average but has increased again this week, and the rate of cases per 100,000 has gone up from 144.2 to 177; It’s vital that we all keep following the restrictions that are still in place ahead of any changes that may come into force on 19 July; COVID-19 Live Update Webinar took place on 15 July when Council Leader Richard Clewer was joined by Chief Executive Terence Herbert, County Director of Public Health Kate Blackburn, and Gill May from the Bath, Swindon, and Wiltshire CLinical Commissioning Group—a recording of the webinar can be viewed on YouTube by
clicking here; Reminder graphic about playing your part to help ocntrol the spread of COVID-19; some changes that will apply after July 19; Link to update from Caninet mmeting on 13 July, from Cllr Richard Clewer; Polls set to open on 19 August for the Police and Crime Commissioner Election, with link for further informaiton; warning about high temperatures expected this weekend, with reminder to keep vulnerabble children and oldr folk cool and hydrated; New "best ever" promotion for membership of Council leisure centres; Childcare ideas for the holidays; Need to keep up to date with road improvement works; reminder to have your say about various ongoing consultations; "Play your part" reminder graphic.
9 July 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average but has increased again this week, and the rate of cases per 100,000 has gone up from 73 to 143.8; It’s vital that we all keep following the restrictions that are still in place ahead of any changes that may come into force on 19 July; COVID-19 Live Update Webinar scheduled for Thursday 15 July at 6:00 pm when Council Leader Richard Clewer, Chief Executive Terence Herbert, and County Director of Public Health Kate Blackburn will answer questions; Reminder to check in with the NHS COVID-19 app to help stop the spread, with link for downloading the app, and reminder about following COVID-secure rules; Alert about road resurfacing and other works taking place in several towns across Wiltshire during next four months, with links for further info and a map showing all roadworks; Eight-week gym membership deal for students; Request for comments on several proposals and projects: Salisbury junctions, Melksham bypass (including "flypast" of the proposed route); Funding and provision for SEND students; 25 foster carers needed in the Trowbridge area; Reminder graphic about playing your part.
2 July 2021: Yet again the number of Wilts COVID-19 cases is below the national average but continues to increase with the rate of cases per 100,000 up from 45 to 73, making it vital that we continue to follow the restrictions—link included to video by Director of Public Health Kate Blackburn to provide more context; Reminder that all adults in England can now book their COVID-19 jabs; encouragement to check in with the NHS COVID-19 app to help stop the spread, with link for downloading the app, and reminder about following COVID-secure rules; reminder about the Think twice campaign; Also reminder that local test and trace system is still in place, with link to more information; Council’s Cabinet has approved next steps for the Wiltshire Local Plan; 25 foster carers needed in the Trowbridge area; Reminder graphic about playing your part.
25 June 2021: Number of Wilts COVID-19 cases is still below the national average but continues to increase making it vital that we continue to follow the restrictions, link included to video by Director of Public Health Kate Blackburn to provide more context; "Think twice" campaign— to emphasise the need to take both first and second vaccinations and a twice weekly lateral flow test if symptom-free; Reminder to renew or sign up for garden waste collections by 30 June; Reminder about consultation re improvement of road junctions in Salisbury, which runs until 18 July; Have your say about the next stage of the Melksham bypass, also about two proposed cycling schemes; Fostering information session moved from 29th June to 30th June; Vacancies (presumably paid) on the Council’s Health Protection Team for two Project Officers and five Assistants; Reminder graphic about playing your part.
18 June 2021: As forecast, Wilts COVID-19 case numbers have continued to increase but are still below the national average; All over-18s are now eligible to book their COVID-19 vaccinations—no need to wait to be contacted by thei local GP—link provided within Wiltshire News; Annual process of ensuring the county’s electoral register is up to date is under way, with link to further info and FAQs; Webinar for 18 to 24-year-olds about employment opportunities scheduled for 24 June, 4.00 pm; Don’t forget to renew or sign up for garden waste collections; Reminder about consultation re improvement of road junctions in Salisbury, which runs until 18 July; Precautionary COVID-19 measures taken at Calne Community Hub and Library’will be closed until 25 June; Survey about cycle route between Chippenham and Calne, available online until 2 July; Reminder graphic about playing your part.
15 June 2021: As forecast, COVID-19 case numbers have increased again recently—residents are asked to continue with those same basic behaviours that have been in place for over a year and to get vaccinated when offered (including a second dose), and keeping windows open when possible; Public are reminded to keep following the rules following Government roadmap delay—the majority of the current restrictions to remain in place for the time being; more detailed advice is provided for businesses, funerals and weddings, care homes, school residential visits, booking vaccinations, with links to further info online; reminder graphic about playing your part.
11 June 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be well below the national average and numbers were expected to increase as restrictions are lifted—link to comments from Public Health consultant Rachel Kent (no detailed stats with this edition); People aged over 25 can now book their COVID-19 vaccine; Residents asked to be team players and support their communities during the Euros—with link to suggestions how; reminder that garden waste collections need renewing or signing up dor by 30 June; Engagement to start soon on plans to improve three Salisbury-area junctions (Exeter Street roundabout, Harnham Gyratory, and Park Wall junction) for motorists, cyclists and walkers; Reminder that there are fewer than 30 days left for applying to the EU Settlement Scheme.
4 June 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average and remains steady. The rate of cases per 100,000 has gone from 6.8 to 7.0; The Council thanks residents for our continued support, and asks us to keep playing our part to help keep case numbers low; 24% more collected waste is being recycled since introduction of the new kerbside recycling service last year; About 12% of households will have a change in collection day or timing later this year—affected households will be notified by letter; All Wilshire Council leisure centres to be brought under council management from October; Deadline for applying to EU Settlement Scheme is 30 June, so less than 30 days left; More volunteers needed for Independent Visitor Scheme (helping young people in care); Reminder graphic about playing your part.
27 May 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average and has decreased from 74 to 33. The rate of cases per 100,000 has gone from 12.4 to 6.6; The Council thanks residents for our continued support, making "a huge difference", and urges us to keep playing our part to help keep case numbers low; People aged 30 or over can now book their COVID-19 vaccine; Check before you travel this bank holiday weekend; A reminder to stick within the guidance over half-term; Changes to the COVID-19 testing site at Devizes Leisure Centre; Reminders about renewing garden waste collections, waste teams will be collecting as usual this bank holiday, and that we should enjoy the Bank Holiday safely.
21 May 2021: The number of cases in Wiltshire continues to be below the national average but has increased slightly this week. The rate of cases per 100,000 has gone from 13.6 to 14.8; The Council asks residents to keep playing their our part in helping to keep case numbers low; Explanation of the Traffic Light System for International Travel; Reminder about renewing garden waste collections; Museums in Wiltshire are re-opening, with link for finding out which museums are open in your area; Reminder about Foster Care Fortnight—link to an online information session on 25th May; Reminder graphic about playing your part.
14 May 2021: After a mini-spike the previous week of 96 cases, the corresponding cases in the last 7 days" figure of 68 cases in the latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report, as of the 10th of May, shows a return to a steadier reduction in total cases, still below the national average, and the rate of cases per 100,000 also decreased from 19.2 to 13.6; The Council thanks residents for playing our part in helping to keep case numbers low; The Council also asks us to stay safe and keep following the rules until restrictions change on 17 May, with a link to what we can and cannot do after that date; A Mobile Vaccination Bus is currently touring areas of the county where uptake of the coronavirus vaccine is low and/or where it is believed there may be some level of vaccine hesitancy—healthcare professionals will be stationed at the bus to discuss any concerns; Face coverings no longer required in schools and colleges from Monday 17 May; 10th to 16th May is Mental Health Awareness week, and 10 to 23 May are Foster Care Fortnight; Reminders about renewing your garden waste collections and about how Wiltshire needs you to play your part to help control the spread of COVID-19.
6 May 2021: Election day edition. Very similar content to the previous report, but no COVID-19 statistics.
30 April 2021: The latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report, as of the 26th of April, shows the number of cases down compared with the previous report, still below the national average, and the rate of cases per 100,000 slightly decreased from 15.2 to 14.2; As usual, the Council thanks us all for playing our part in helping to keep case numbers low; there are slightly updated (?) versions of the previous report’s information on polling stations, postal votes, and safety measures in polling stations; Wiltshire Council lateral flow collection sites will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday, 3rd May, so will Wiltshire libraries and Leisure Centres, but waste collections will be carried out as usual; Reeminder graphic about playing your part to help control the spread of COVID-19.
29 April 2021: One week to go until election day, with information on postal votes, Keeping safe at polling stations, the candidates, and when the results will be declared; "Wiltshire needs you to play your part" graphic.
23 April 2021: The latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report, as of the 19th of April, shows the number of cases slightly down, but still below the national average, and the rate of cases per 100,000 has decreased from 17.4 to 15.2; As usual, the Council asks us all to play our part in helping to stop the spread of coronavirus; Symptoms of COVID-19, and how to book a free test; How many people are registered to vote in the upcoming May elections, displaying lists of candidates, and more; COVID-19 measures to keep you safe in polling stations; How to help end Child Poverty with the new campaign Full Time Meals launched by Tom Kerridge, Marcuss Rashford, and the Child Food Poverty Taskforce; Parents and carers are asked to share their experiences of health visiting and children’s centre services.
19 April 2021: For those who haven’t already done so, this is a reminder that the deadline for registering to vote in the upcoming elections is today (Monday 19th April), with a summary of the elections taking place and the attributes that make one eligible; Also that the deadline for registering to vote by post (the council's preferred method) is 5.00 pm on 20th April; Finally a slight redesign of the Hands/Face/Space/Fresh Air graphic.
16 April 2021: This issue of Wiltshire News starts with some times and dates about various aspects of the funeral of the late HRH Prince Philip, which takes place tomorrow (Saturday 17 April). The Council mentions that the Union Flag has been lowered to half-mast on all of its buildings as a mark of respect. Other items include a reminder of deadlines associated with forthcoming votes; and the "Wiltshire needs you to play your part" graphic.
13 April 2021: This issue of Wiltshire News starts with a portrait photo of the late HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, with a link to an online book of condolence. These are followed by the latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report, as of the 12th of April—The Council asks us all to play our part in helping to stop the spread of coronavirus; from Friday 9 April, everyone in England are eligible for free rapid COVID-19 tests, twice a week. (Alongside the roll-out of the vaccine, regular testing is an essential part of the easing of restrictions, helping identify variants and stopping individual cases from becoming outbreaks. With one in three people with coronavirus showing no symptoms and potentially spreading it without knowing, rapid lateral flow tests are a vital tool in helping to identify cases of coronavirus we would otherwise not find.); Covid restrictions eased yesterday (Monday 12 April) including table service at outdoor hospitatlity venues, with a link to full guidance on the easing of restrictions; Also on 12 April all 20 leisure centres across the county re-opened, as did the county’s libaries and the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; reminder of new role for Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub; Elections update: Candidates confirmed, apply to vote by post if you can, poll clerks wanted (with link for more information); Deadlines for various aspects of voting; Some reassurances for Moslem residents about aspects of vaccination; "Wiltshire needs you to play your part" graphic.
9 April 2021: This issue of Wiltshire News was entirely devoted to a tribute to the late HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.
1 April 2021: Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report, as of the 29th of March, shows the number of cases slightly up at 146 (from 136), but still below the national average; The Council asks us all to play our part in helping to stop the spread of coronavirus; A caution—not to meet anyone
indoors unless you live with them—added to those about meeting
outdoors in the preceding week’s graphic; More details about the easing of the first stage of lockdown with link to full guidance; Request from the council that residents follow the new guidance to minimise travel and stick to the rules on social distancing and group size; New Wiltshire online digital directory launched which "signposts businesses affected by COVID-19 to local, regional or national support or alternative solutions to help them survive"; Poll cards start to be posted out with elections on the horizon; Council's waste collections to operate as normal over the Easter weekend; Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub to have extra role in supporting those needing to self-isolate due to a positive test, or being a close contact, with no friends or family to help; Census 2021 Guidance for people who own a UK property but for various reasons can’t collect or complete a census form for it; Online fostering information session scheduled for 7.30 pm, 7th April, includes joining link; Hands/Face/Space/Air reminder graphic.
25 March 2021: Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report, as of the 22nd of March, shows the number of cases down again at 136 (from 175), with the rate of cases per 100k down to 27.2 (from 35.2)—; The Council notes that case numbers continue to move in the right direction, and thanks us all for making "a huge difference";From 29 March either two houxeholds or up to six people can gather outdoors, including in private gardens; Some outdoor sports facilities can reopen, there is advice on organised litter picks and a notification that the requirement for and shielding the clinically extremely vulnerable ends on 31 March; Unpaid carers now invited to have COVID-19 vaccination; Volunteers needed for election roles, some of which are paid (links to further information provided); The council requests as many as possible of us vote by post, due to the pandemic; Reminder about completing the Census form, with link to support services; Childcare during the Easter holiday (council recommends parents to consider forming a local childcare bubble), with link to downloadable directory of local providers; Reminder graphic with "Air" (i.e. fresh air) now added to the previous trio of Hands, Face, and Space.
21 March 2021: Unlike most recent issues of "Wiltshire News" this one contains very little about COVID, most of it being taken up by a Q-&-A about Census Day. But it does finish with a Hands/Face/Space reminder graphic, just for old times’ sake.
19 March 2021: Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report, as of the 15th of March, shows that the number of cases here is once again down at 175 (from 207), with the rate of cases per 100k down to 35 (from 41.4)—so the rate of decrease seems to be slowing. The Council thanks us for making a difference, but also asks us to keep playing our part; Businesses of all sizes, now including those with fewer than 50 employees, can register to order free lateral flow tests for their employees; current advice from the British Islamic Medical Association is that having the vaccine does not invalidate fasting, and all practising Muslims invited to be vaccinated in the coming weeks of Ramadan should do so; Key dates concerning the forthcoming elections during April and May; Importance of completing your 2021 Census form on 21st March; Food Standards Agency encourages young people to "Speak Up For Allergies"; Advice on Easter holiday childcare for parents; Reminder about online fostering information evening on Thursday 25 March about overnight short break care; Plus a graphic reminder re Hands, Face, and Space.
12 March 2021: Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report, as of the 8th of March, shows that the number of cases here is once again below the national average and rates have also fallen again, with the rate of cases per 100k down from 78 to 41.4—but as before there’s still a long way to go; So the council asks us to keep playing our part this Mother’s Day, with a pointer to a slight change in the restrictions that came into effect on 8th March; Update on Targeted COVID-19 rapid community testing for asymptomatic people; A warning about not stopping to chat to other parents when dropping off or picking up children from school; Stopping smoking during COVID doesn’t have to be stressful—advice on making today the the day for taking the first step on your journey to quitting; Online fostering information evening on Thursday 25 March to find out more about overnight short break care; Plus a graphic reminder re Hands, Face, and Space.
11 March 2021: All about Census 2021. The information in this Wiltshire Council e-bulletin seems mostly to be at a national "" type level applicable everywhere, but there is some Wiltshire-specific advice, such as links to contact details for the Wiltshire libaries that are providing support for residents needing help with completing the census forms (due to lack of a digital device or lack of confidence). Plus a reminder about Hands, Face, and Space.
5 March 2021: Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 cases report shows that the number of cases here is below the national average and rates have fallen again, with the rate of cases per 100k down from 101.6 to 78.0—but there’s still a long way to go; Reminder that recent public update webinar can still be viewed online; School staff are ready to support secondary schools as pupils go back to school next week—pupils will need to take twice-weekly tests; Wiltshire Library Service is inviting children and young people to take part in a global challenge to read for 200 million minutes, with link to further details; A free holiday activity and food programme, being promoted as "FUEL", to be available during 2021 Easter, Summer, and Christmas school holidays to children receiving free school meals; People with time to spare and/or thinking of a career in social care are invited to find out more about a career opportunity in this area; Reminder graphic: Hands, Face, and Space.
3 March 2021: Notification that if you missed the previous day’s COVID-19 public update webinar, it can be viewed on the Council’s youtube channel; plus a reminder to keep to the rules about masks, washing your hands, and social distancing.
26 February 2021: Another COVID-19 public update webinar will be run from 5.30pm on Tuesday 2 March, to provide the latest update on COVID-19 in Wiltshire and to answer your questions; Reminder that Wilts Local Plan is still open for consultation until 9th March; More about targeted testing for asymptomatic people—which is not to be confused with surge testing—you can now book appointments at Devizes, Salisbury and Chippenham; and finally a reminder to keep to the rules about masks, washing your hands, and social distancing.
18 February 2021: Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 15 February) show continuing good news in the rate of cases per 100k: down again from last week’s 140.8 to 116.2. The compilers of this material again remind us that "there’s still a long way to go" and we should all continue to play our part; Wiltshire Council's Chief Executive, Terence Herbert, and Director of Public Health, Kate Blackburn, have spent an afternoon volunteering at the Salisbury City Hall vaccination centre; Targeted COVID-19 rapid community testing now underway for asymptomatic people; If you’ve received a letter saying you’re at high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable) from COVID-19, you could be eligible for free daily vitamin supplements. However, as the deadline for applying was 21 February you may be too late
. . . On 6 May 2021, all eligible residents in Wiltshire will be invited to vote in a number of elections and referendums, including Wiltshire Unitary, Town, and Parish elections. Prospective candidates and agents were invited to a webinar to be held on 24th February. Again rather short notice but maybe there will be a repeat offering?; Consultation on the Wiltshire Local Plan is open until 9th March; Residents are reminded that "safeguarding is everyone's business" as lockdown has an impact on reporting concerns on child abuse; and finally a reminder to STAY AT HOME during the current lockdown.
11 February 2021: Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 8 February) show continuing good news in the rate of cases per 100k: down again from last week’s 182.4 to 140.8. (At the beginning of January it was 245.2.) But as the compilers of this material quite rightly feel obliged to repeat: "there’s still a long way to go"; More about support bubbles—families urged to keep following the rules and stay safe at the coming half term; Eligible unpaid carers in Wiltshire can now apply for PPE, following government announcement; Local help available during Children's Mental Health Week; Mental health forum members have produced a guide to local support services, available to download via a link; More than 1,300 people attended the Council’s Local Plan review engagement sessions, and the consultation continues; The Council have received a Green Homes Grant of £546,500 which will go towards the cost of delivering their Housing Energy Efficiency programme; And finally a rather sweet little graphic
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4 February 2021: Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 1 February—with the further good news that the rate of cases per 100k has again decreased (from 268 to 182.4)—however "there’s still a long way to go"; Support for people who need transport to get to their vaccination appointment; Half term holiday childcare for parents working to support the COVID-19 response; Local help available during Children's Mental Health Week; Residents are urged to vote by post and have their say in a safe way, with a number of elections and referendums due to take place later this spring; Reminder to have your say about the Wiltshire Local Plan (consultation is open until 9 March); Wiltshire Council supports National Apprenticeship Week; STAY AT HOME reminder graphic.
29 January 2021: Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 25 January—with the good news that the rate of cases per 100k has decreased from 357.6 to 264.2—note that corresponding weekly stats for earlier in the month don’t seem to have been included in some preceding issues of "Wiltshire News"); Repeat of report on the "Wiltshire COVID-19 Public Update—Live!" broadcast that took place on Wednesday 27th Janurary and a reminder that the update is available for watching on the Council’s YouTube channel by
clicking here; Childcare during half-term holidays, and some rules and link to further guidance concerning "childcare bubbles"; Bus pass time restrictions temporarily lifted in Wiltshire from 1 February; To help keep our electoral records up to date, enquiry forms have been sent to every household in Wiltshire; Reminder not to forget to have your say on future developments in Wiltshire—consultation on the Wilts Local Plan is open until 9 March; Wiltshire Citizens Advice drop-in services are still closed, but advice services are still available via phone and email—however there are some
changes to the detail of how these services are accessed; STAY AT HOME reminder graphic.
28 January 2021: A report on the "Wiltshire COVID-19 Public Update—Live!" broadcast that took place on Wednesday 27th Janurary, including an apology to some residents who were apparently unable to join the update due to technical difficulties (the update is available for watching on the Council’s YouTube channel by
clicking here; STAY AT HOME reminder graphic.
25 January 2021: More details about the forthcoming "Wiltshire COVID-19 Public Update—Live!" broadcast scheduled for Wednesday 27th Janurary 2021, at 7pm; STAY AT HOME graphic.
22 January 2021: Wiltshire Council thanks all residents for playing their part during this national lockdown, and asks us to keep it up!; Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 18 January); Announcement of fourth live public Covid-19 update from the council on 27 January, for which questions need to be submitted by 5 pm on 25 January—with link to more details; Ways you can help your local NHS; "Jog on" and think carefully about where you exercise; Tips about visiting shops and supermarkets; Bus pass time restrictions to be temporarily lifted in Wiltshire from 1 February; Salisbury and Bath to host large-scale vaccination centres; Plea for volunteers to help at SDH or City Hall Vaccination Centre; Warning of possible travel disruptions due to snow and ice around 22/23 January; "Every mind matters" campaign to relax more, achieve more, and enjoy our lives more; Vaccine information for older adults; Could you help transport people to get their COVID-19 vaccination?; Reminder about having your say on future developments in Wiltshire, via the Wiltshire Local Plan review; Public webinar about "distributor road options" that are planned for Chippenham (webinar is scheduled for 28th January); STAY AT HOME graphic.
13 January 2021: Notification that the consultation periods for the
Wiltshire Local Plan and for the
Wiltshire Gypsy and Travellers Plan, giving residents the opportunity to have their say about these proposals, both began on 13 January 2021, and will both end on Tuesday 9th March 2021, with links for further information; STAY AT HOME reminder and graphic.
08 January 2021: Graphic reminder to keep playing your part during the lockdown because local Covid-19 cases are still rising, with link to more details on the national restrictions and guidance on shielding; Summary of 6 January public update, with link to YouTube recording; Order and collect service and bookable computers to be available at some libraries in the county, with links to library locations and availability and more details about order & collect; How to wear a face mask; New Year sees arrival of more vaccination sites with link to details; Vaccination progress; Mandatory Covid-19 testing introduced to bolster border measures; Wilts Council spending £1.1m on laptops and digital devices so struggling families can access remote education; Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub still providing support to those who need it; Warning about Covid-19-related scams; Council thanks residents for recycling at Christmas, with info about catch-up collections in early January and Garden Waste collections restarting on 9th January; Department for Education starting "An Hour to Skill" campaign for learning online with the Skills Toolkit; Invitation to residents to sign up for online events to review Wiltshire Council’s Local Plan; Consultation on Wiltshire Cycle Lanes now over but a link provides further information; STAY AT HOME graphic.
06 January 2021: Invitation to Covid-19 Live Public Update to be broadcast that evening—, includes a link to a recording of it on YouTube; "STAY AT HOME" graphic.
05 January 2021: National lockdown announced, effective from 5 January 2021, with link to what restrictions apply; Guidance on shielding the clinically vulnerable; Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 04 January); Announcement of Wiltshire COVID-19 public update to be broadcast on 6 January at 7.00 pm; How the lockdown will affect: Council Services, Schools, Early Years Settings, Library Service, Leisure Services, and Household Recycling Centres; Grants for closed busineses; Scam alerts re government grants fake NHS Covid-19 Vaccine Text Messages; Information about the
real vaccine programme; Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub with support contact numbers; "STAY AT HOME" graphic.
31 December 2020: Wiltshire Council wishes all residents a Happy New Year, with graphic about seeing in the New Year safely at home, and link to detailed guidance about Tier 3 Covid measures/restrictions; Librariea to continue operating as they were during Tier 2; Wiltshire Council leisure and sports facilities remain open but the Council requests you do not visit them if you live in a Tier 4 area; Schools returning in January: latest guidance (as at 31 December), with graphic and link to more information; Graphic about supporting local businesses and shops, and link to "Shop Local" Directory.
30 December 2020: Wiltshire is moving into "Tier 3: Very High Alert" as from 31 December 2020, with link to applicable restrictions; Most primary schools to return on 4 January, for secondary schools, exam years (Year 11 and 13) and vulnerable and critical worker children will return on 11 January, the rest will have remote learning and return on 18 January; Cold weather means Severe Weather Emergency Provisions for rough sleepers are triggered—with telephone numbers and link to more information; Join a leisure centre in January and save £20; Reminder of revised waste and recycling collection days over the Christmas/New Year period; Government awards over £25 million to Future High Streets Fund for Salisbury and Trowbridge; Council Services and Facilities to be closed on New Year bank holiday; Opening times for Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub; Invitation to residents to take part in Wiltshire Local Plan consultation; Graphic on seeing in the New Year safely at home.
23 December 2020: Wiltshire remains in Tier 2: High Alert, with link to list of Tier 2 restrictions, but all surrounding areas to be in Tiers 3 or 4 as from 26 December, so residents warned not to travel to these areas; Latest government advice on Christmas and Christmas bubbles; Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 21 December); Revised waste and recycling collection days over the Christmas/New Year period; Availability of Council Services at Christmas/New Year; Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub remains available Monday to Friday; Government grant to help people stay safe, keep warm, and fed this winter; Merry Christmas from Wiltshire Council; Graphics on High Alert Tier and seeing in the New Year safely at home.
18 December 2020: [NOTE: Some of the content of this (18 December) edition of the Wiltshire News is very similar, possibly identical, to articles in the 17 December edition. In these cases, it may be best to assume that the later edition is authentic.] Wiltshire to remain in Tier 2: High Alert, with reminder of measures still in place; Government confirms Christmas bubbles will remain, but urges residents to plan carefully and be cautious, with link to full announcement; Revised waste and recycling collection days over the Christmas/New Year period; Availability of Council Services at Christmas/New Year; Invitation to take part in the Wiltshire Local Plan review consultation—and sign up for online engagement events; County Council receives extra cold-weather funding to help rough sleepers this Winter, with link to info on how it will be spent; update on the five-year housing land supply in the county; Graphics on High Alert Tier and Christmas/New Year waste and collection day changes.
17 December 2020: Wiltshire to remain in Tier 2: High Alert, with reminder of measures still in place; Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 14 December); Government confirms Christmas bubbles will remain, but urges residents to plan carefully and be cautious, with link to full announcement; Reminder to keep wearing face coverings; Reminder about how you can help control the spread of COVID-19; Graphic about the High Alert Tier.
10 December 2020: NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Programme is Starting, with link to more information about the roll-out; Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 07 December); Reminder to keep wearing face coverings; Council urges eligible residents to apply for the Test and Trace Support Scheme; Shop Local, Support Wiltshire Directory; Explore Salisbury with the new Salisbury Trails App; Lifetime Skills Guarantee, a major expansion of adult education and training—Gain new skills tieh free courses; Christmas arrangements re coronavirus to include "Christmas Bubbles", with link to full announcement; Government’s COVID-19 Winter Plan; Reminder about how you can help control the spread of OVID-19.
04 December 2020: Confirmation that Wiltshire is now placed in "Tier 2: High alert", with list of measures in place and link to full list of restrictions; Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 30 November); Guidance about "support bubbles" and "childcare bubbles"; Details of Wiltshire Council’s live public update on COVID-19, scheduled for Tues 8th December; Reminder about the COVID-19 Test and Trace Support Payment scheme which can help eligible residents who are out of pocket through needing to self-isolate; "Make space for another place" scheme for people who might be interested in training to be a carer as part of the Overnight Short Breaks Scheme; Have your say on proposed cycling schemes; Six museums in Wiltshire, including Salisbury Museum, have re-opened, but check for hours and prebooking requirements—link to further information; Don’t give COVID-19 for Christmas! keep playing your part.
26 November 2020: Wiltshire has been placed in "Tier 2: High alert", with link to full list of restrictions; Update from Wiltshire Council Chief Executive Terence Herbert; Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 23 November); Update from Wiltshire Council Chief Executive Terence Herbert; Impact on Wilts Council Services; Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub still operating for phone or email ocntacts during office hours and between 10am and 4pm at weekends; Council’s Business Support website; Wiltshire COVID-19 second public update to be broadcast on 8 December, with Wiltshire Council Leader, Cllr Philip Whitehead, being joined by Terence Herbert, Chief Executive of Wiltshire Council and Kate Blackburn, Director of Public Health to help guide you through the latest information and regulations; Christmas arrangements re coronavirus to include "Christmas Bubbles", with link to full announcement; Government’s COVID-19 Winter Plan; Reminder about how you can help control the spread of OVID-19.
20 November 2020: Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 16 November); Local COVID-19 test and trace service launched; Could you be a #WiltshireTogether Champion (in a network that shares accurate and factual guidance and advice, which will help counter misleading and inaccurate information being spread through social media and word of mouth)?; Updated COVID-19 Community Packs now available; Three new creative competitions, with prizes for different age categories between 4 and 18 years; "People Friendly Salisbury" scheme to be suspended indefinitely; Drive to encourage more people to consider fostering teenagers; and a link for downloading the NHS COVID-19 App.
13 November 2020: Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 10 November); Video update re COVID-19 from County Director of Public Health Kate Blackburn; COVID-19 testing available seven days a week—More info and how to book a slot; New Local Restrictions Support Grant scheme for businesses opens for applications; Happy Diwali; Tips for improving your mental health and wellbeing/Alcohol Awareness Week; and a link for downloading the NHS COVID-19 App.
06 November 2020: New national restrictions now in place, to be observed until Wed 2nd December, with link to full government guidance; Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 4 November at 4:00pm); link to list [possibly updated?] of services at county level that that are set to continue or stay open, and those that will close temporarily; list of stats re COVID-19 cases in Wiltshire for preceding week; Short report on Wiltshire Council’s 3 November "Covid-19 Public Update" with link to a recording on You-Tube of that "webinar" and a link for providing feedback; Reassurance that the Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub is still accessible; "Affordable" rented and shared ownership houses available this winter—links for brochures; Wiltshire mum gains royal recognition; COVID-19 effects on Remembrance Sunday; and a link for downloading the NHS COVID-19 App.
04 November 2020: Wiltshire Council services—updates and changes in the light of the Government’s new 4-week lockdown starting on the 5th November; this lists services at county level that that are set to continue or stay open, and those that will close temporarily; also provides links to new national restrictions now applying; to a recording on You-Tube of Wiltshire Council’s 3 November "Covid-19 Public Update" webinar; plus guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19 Wiltshire Council; and a link for downloading the NHS COVID-19 App.
30 October 2020: Latest weekly COVID-19 figures in Wiltshire (as at 4:01 pm 28 October), with link to how you can play your part; Wiltshire Council to broadcast a live public COVID-19 update on Tuesday 3 November; Ways to celebrate Halloween safely; Book [a taxi] ahead and stand out from the crowd; Don’t Forget to Make Space This Bonfire Night—for a fun and safe bonfire night; Link for downloading the NHS COVID-19 App.
22 October 2020: Summarises Halloween-themed events and activities around this time of year with a special emphasis on safety, both generally and with respect to COVID-19. Topics covered include: Stay Safe This Halloween; Things to do This Halloween; Dressing Up to Scare, [but] Know What To Wear; And Local Activities—including "Spooky Old Sarum", 24 October to 1 November (tickets for this must be booked in advance, which you can do online).
16 October 2020: Local alert level for Wiltshire is currently "medium" (Tier 1), with brief explanation of the restrictions that apply and link to more detail—also, additional guidance for those deemed clinically extremely vulnerable; Summary of HRH The Duchess of Cornwall’s visit to Wiltshire Council, with video clip and link to further details; Scheme for £500 lump sum payment to financially support eligible people on a low income who have to self-isolate; More Wiltshire libraries reopening— Pewsey (27 October), Wilton (29 October), Mere (30 October, Cricklade (3 November), Downton (6 November), with COVID-19-related details that will apply; Also, Mobile Library Service is back on the road as from 20 October, with list of applicable COVID-related rules; Free permits now available to allow some vehicles (with Blue Badged owners) to enter Salisbury's Low Traffic Zone under the "People-Friendly Salisbury" scheme; Link for information about autumn half-term listings for holiday childcare and activities for 5-12 year olds; Salisbury’s City Hall to remain closed until "the industry is on a surer footing";Over 60 new courses have been added to The Skills Toolkit; Link for downloading the NHS COVID-19 App.
9 October 2020: Self-isolation—you could be entitled to COVID-19 Test and Trace support payment scheme; Tidworth Library providing order and collect service; Five steps to wellbeing – how to improve mental wellbeing on World Mental Health Day; New Wiltshire Health Improvement Hub; Eligibility for a free flu vaccination; Unlock opportunities with free courses from "The Skills Toolkit"; Link for downloading the NHS COVID-19 App.
2 October 2020: More about the NHS COVID-19 App—14 million downloads already, with links to video on how the process works; Financial assistance for people who have to self-isolate; Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme; Eligibility for free flu vaccinations; Black History Month onlineconference (Tuesday 20 October); Have you considered fostering as a career?; "Stoptober" campaign to help people to give up smoking; Reminder about Green Homes Grants.
24 September 2020: NHS COVID-19 App launched, with links to how the process works and detailed guide with FAQs; 10pm curfew for pubs and other hospitality venues; Update on face coverings, with link to other new government measures; Reminder about regional campaign to encourage people to foster with their council (Wiltshire hopes to recruit 100 foster carers over three years); Guide for parents and carers about what to do if you think your child may have COVID-19 symptoms; Reminder, with more details, about the
Hands, Face, and Space campaign.
18 September 2020: NHS COVID-19 App to be launched on 24 September, link to help with downloading it; MyWilts online reporting system to go online on Tuesday 22 September, for reporting issues like abandoned vehicles, weather emergencies, dog mess, etc, includes link to video overview of system features; Reminder about availability of Green Homes Grant Scheme for help with energy-saving costs; Reminder about regional campaign to encourage people to foster with their council (Wiltshire hopes to recruit 100 foster carers over three years); Guide for parents and carers about what to do if you think your child may have COVID-19 symptoms; Reminder: Protect yourself and others during the pandemic by attention to
Hands, Face, and Space.
11 September 2020: New "Rule of 6" law for social gatherings, with link to full details; More Wiltshire libraries to open, providing an order and collect service: Amesbury, Bradford on Avon, Calne and Marlborough from 14 Sept, Royal Wootton Bassett, Westbury and Melksham from 21 Sept, Malmesbury from 28 September (with links to more information on the re-openings, and a video on the libraries order and collect service; Admissions window now open for primary and secondary school places, with link for more information and deadlines; Wiltshire helps launch regional campaign to encourage people to foster with their council (Wiltshire hopes to recruit 100 foster carers over three years); Kickstart Scheme now open for applications; Community Governance Review recommendations for changes to some town and parish boundaries, and governance arrangements, agreed by full county council on 9 September; Protect yourself and others during the pandemic by attention to
Hands, Face, and Space.
4 September 2020: Advice for those travelling abroad to check the list of travel corridors and to check the need for self-isolation on your return (with links) before finalising travel plans; Some warnings about acess to Covid-19 testing; Advice on car sharing (again); As Wilts Council launch a programme to bring more services online, you may need to reset your password for accessing HRC bookings; Validity of driving licences due to expire between 1 Feb and 31 December 2020 will be extended by 11 months; Homeowners and landlords can now apply for the government’s "Green Homes Grant" to cover up to two-thirds of the cost of insulation and double glazing, with link to the detail of what improvements are covered; Government launches consultation on pavement parking; Reminder to take our litter home.
28 August 2020: Advice for families on school transport as back-to-school preparations begin, with links to downloadable booklet and info on school transport; Advice on car sharing to and from school and work; "Normal" time restrictions for concessionary bus passes return from 1 September; More about the redesigned Wilts Council website; Independent retailers, cafes and restaurant and other businesses across Devizes to take part in "indieDAY" on Saturday 5 September to promote and boost the town post-covid; Telephone numbers that between them are available 24/7 if you’re affected by domestic abuse; How working parents could save up to £2,000 per child per year towards after-school clubs and other childcare services, with links to Childcare Choices website and Childcare Calculator; Reminder to follow tough new guidance on social distancing, illegal raves, and illegal gatherings generally; The council reports that despite challenges still ahead, the COVID-19 overspend is now expected to be considerably less than early estimated, with links to further info and a full report; Salisbury District Hospital is working hard to get back to providing its regular services, following the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak; And finally a reminder to take our litter home
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21 August 2020: More libraries (Corsham, Devizes, and Warminster) to re-open in week beginning 24 August; Wilts and Swindon History Centre to re-open on 25 August; Support for students re their GCSE results; Back to School booklet with tips for parents, also info about school transport; Updated design coming for Wiltshire Council website; More about "People-Friendly Salisbury" survey; Child Trust Funds—first teenagers to get access to their money—note that some teenagers may not know they have a fund; Getting help applying for Universal Credit; Respect those who can’t wear a face covering.
13 August 2020: A-level results day; Shop Local Week; VJ Day; Advice on car sharing (basically, avoid if possible, but with guidelines for when you can’t); Reminder about renewing your garden waste collection; New maternity app launched by Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust; Temporary closure of A245 and nearby minor roads in villages between Upavon and Durrington for tree felling; Reminder—if you’re feeling unwell, get [Covid] tested.
5 August 2020: more information about the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, now that it’s been launched; Vital business grants funding closes soon—apply by 24 August 2020; Downloadable "Please give me [social distancing] space" ] badges; Remnder about feedback needed by Thursday 13th August re Salisbury’s "People Friendly" project; Museums in Wiltshire are re-opening; Reminder fromm the Department of Transport that mandatory MOT tests were reintroduced from 1st August 2020; Supporting your recovery after COVID-19; Another heatwave expected; Reminder—if you’re feeling unwell, get [Covid] tested.
30 July 2020: Eat Out to Help Out (eat out at a discount, with participating restaurant finder); Salisbury, Chippenham, and Trowbridge libraries to re-open as from 3 August; Also Leisure Centres, including Salisbury (Five Rivers) and Corsham, to re-open as from 3 August—others scheduled for phased re-opening later; Updated HM Government guidance on using public transport (including compulsory facemasks; Feedback requested on Salisbury’s People Friendly project; Bikeability programme needs vanues and instructors; Better Health campaign from Public Health England, with link to full details; NHS notice reminding us to self-isolate if alerted via Test and Trace system
23 July 2020: (Update to item in previous e-bulletin) Face masks and coverings to be compulsory in England’s shops
AS FROM THE 24th JULY, with links to guidance on making and wearing face coverings; Please contact your local GP if you feel unwell (but first contact should always be made by telephone); Back on the road—advice for those returning to driving, or increasing their driving, following a period off the road; Free interactive "webinars" for job seekers during July and August; Support for people using prepayment gas and electricity meters.
15 July 2020: Face masks and coverings to be compulsory in England's shops, with links to guidance on making and wearing face coverings; Disposing of face coverings and PPE; How to get tested for coronavirus; Young people encouraged to use Early Mental Health and Counselling Support Service; Leisure services update; Update on carbon reduction progress; Melksham Community Campus timeline revised.
9 July 2020: Government plan to help Britain bounce back; Summer holiday activities for five- to 12-year-olds; Annual canvass exercise to check who is eligible to register to vote; Council tax reminder letters; End of consultation period on Community Governance Review; Latest shielding guidance for children; Local hospitals urge patients to attend outpatient appointments; Council still faces financial challenges despite government funding announcement; Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub contact details and further information.
1 July 2020: Dismissal of misleading media reports of new Covid-19 cases in the county; Update on Pillar 2 testing from county Director of Public Health; Your views sought on plans to reopen county library services safely; Terence Herbert appointed Chief Executive of Wiltshire Council; Pubs and other businesses to reopen from Saturday 4 July, with link to further information; Also from 4 July, marriages and civil partnerships of more than 30 people will be permitted but only in certain public places as set out in law; Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub hours have changed; Reminder about renewing or signing up for garden waste collections (existing subscriptions will have expired on 30 June).
24 June 2020: Lockdown changes—what you can and can’t do after 4th of July; Important changes to shielding guidance from 6th July; Public Health England’s guidance on staying safe in the heat, for people shielding and vulnerable groups; Update on grant schemes for local businesses; Link to information about the Countryside Climate Network; Time to renew or sign up for garden waste collections (existing subscriptions expire on 30 June); For EU citizens living in the UK—information about applying to the EU Settlement Scheme to protect your rights (if applicable); Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub contact details and further information.
19 June 2020: Reminder about new Discretionary Grant Scheme, only a few days left now for applications from small and micro businesses, with links to guidance, FAQs, and application form; Stonehenge and Avebury remining closed for summer solstice; Registration service has re-commenced face-to-face appointments for registering births, and can now arrange notices of marriage or civil partnerships again; Council tax payments resume for those who deferred; online fostering Q&A session on 23 June; Domestic abuse out of hours helpline; Child Employment Permits now required again as lockdown eases; Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub contact details and further information.
12 June 2020: "Support bubbles" for single adult households; non-essential shops can re-open as from 15 June; face covering must be worn on public transport from 15 June, including guidance on how to wear and make them; quarantine rules for when you travel to the UK; registering births and notices of marriage; shared lives carers hold virtual tea parties; reminder about online booking for HRC visits.
09 June 2020: Stay alert to keep the "R" metric down; new Discretionary Grant Scheme now open for applications from small and micro businesses, with links to guidance, FAQs, and application form; Young Work Wiltshire for 16- and 17-year-olds; Carer Support Wiltshire gears up for Carers Week; reminders about handwashing and safe-distancing; new £33m investment in special schools.
05 June 2020: More about the online booking system for HRC visits; NHS Test and Trace Service; more about the new rules for meeting up with (now up to six) friends and family outdoors, with link to updated FAQs; "Silly Squad" summer reading challenge; National Volunteers Week; looking after your mental health; how to access NHS services online; support for lonely people.
02 June 2020: New online booking system for HRC visits; booklet to help families prepare for return to school; new rules for meeting up with (now up to six) friends and family outdoors; people shielding can now spend time outdoors, with some restrictions; coronavirus drive-through testing site in Salisbury open from 30 May; revised opening times for Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub from 6 June.
29 May 2020: NHS and key care workers will continue to be exempt from parking charges; warning re extreme risk of wildfires during the coming weekend; WILTS COUNCIL-RUN markets open next week with full range of products (Note: Salisbury may differ); guidance on coping in the heat.
28 May 2020: Staying alert and safe; how NHS test and trace works; reintroduction of parking charges; HRCs update: information and FAQs; Retail stores and shops set to reopen next month; Social distancing guidance for young people; downloadable Active at Home booklet now available for older adults; 3000 hnd sanitisers being donated for local schools; timings to change at pedestrian crossings; First reward paid under "We’re Targeting Flytipping" (WTF) campaign.
22 May 2020: Staying alert and safe; how to wear and make a cloth face covering; safe disposal of your PPE; enjoy what's on your doorstep; HRC information and FAQs; Pick for Britain campaign; SlowDownSaveLives campaign (keep to speed limits); Safe Working webinars; Eid—reminder that distancing rules still apply; domestic abuse—new out-of-hours helpline.
19 May 2020: Latest info about household recycling; take a fresh look at fostering, with details of a webinar; young people share wellbeing tips; Five steps to mental wellbeing (this being Mental Awareness Week); support food banks at your local supermarket; updated advice about coronavirus symptoms, with link to book a test; old CDs and DVDs wanted for art project.
15 May 2020: More about household recycling, warning they will be very busy in initial phase of re-opening (as from 18 May), and more detailed guidance on initially acceptable materials; link to govt guidance on staying safe outside the home; coronavirus FAQs; sharing your lockdown experiences; link for latest COVID-19 Community Pack; grasscutting to resume.
12 May 2020 (first update since the "Stay Alert" change of policy): Government guidance on staying safe outside the home; Coronavirus FAQs; confirmation of HRCs re-opening from 18 May; preparatory guidance from government about wider opening of schools; information about Foster Care Fortnight and fostering in Wiltshire generally; impact of Covid-19 on county council finances.
7 May 2020: Topics that may be of most interest are: Community Group Directory and Volunteer Group Information Pack; online active communities resources; free online volunteer wellbeing training; bereavement advice and support; COVID-19 testing for keyworkers and volunteers; free black and white leaflet printing available for community groups; help for struggling farmers; guidance for supporting people with dementia, during coronavirus.
6 May 2020: Status of Wilts Household Recycling Centres; VE Day message from Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire on behalf of HM The Queen; Changed opening times at Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub on Fri 8 May due to Bank Holiday; Further top-up funding available to support small businesses nationally; "Coronavirus Bounce Back Loan Scheme" for small businesses launched; Self-employment Income Support Scheme to open on Wednesday 13 May.
1 May 2020: Pack available re celebrating VE Day at home, while social distancing still in place; letter of thanks to 400+ volunteer groups supporting communities during COVID-19; Council and Wilts Police campaign against fly-tippers; reminder about appeal for volunteers to serve on the Council’s Independent (education) Appeals Panel; info about how leisure, library, heritage, and arts services continue to support Wilts residents despite the current crisis obliging the associated buildings to be closed; "Create to Connect" campaign providing downloadable activity packs during May.
28 April 2020: Virtual tour of Salisbury Cathedral, on its 800th birthday; "At home party toolkit" with advice on celebrating VE day at home; message from HM Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire; appeal for volunteers to serve on the Council’s Independent (education) Appeals Panel; how Council staff are being redeployed to key roles in response to Covid-19; how Wiltshire Council were able to help Bath’s Royal United Hospital over a shortage of PPE equipment; downloadable posters for self-isolating householders and the #InItTogether campaign already mentioned.
24 April 2020: #InItTogether campaign about respecting key workers; appeal to shope and businesses for donations of bedlinen to help with short supplies; another reminder to businesses not to miss out on business grants; "Ask the athlete" videos launched by the sports development team; advice for Muslim communities about the need to stay and comply with distancing rules during Ramadan; a letter of thanks to unpaid carers; a new helpline for children and young people during the Coronavirus outbreak.
21 April 2020: BBC Bitesize sessions for children; the Take Extra Care initiative to keep roads safe and protect the NHS; info about the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and the COVID-19 Business Grant Scheme (apparently about 3.000 eligible businesses have not applied for the grant yet); links to translated government coronavirus guidance about self-isolation and social distancing in Arabic, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Polish and Welsh; arrangements in supermarkets and other food providers to support the elderly, the vulnerable, and volunteers; RSPCA advice on caring for pets when social distancing or staying at home.
17 April 2020: Reminder about the availability of the Wellbeing hub, with links, support number, and stats; a thank-you letter to care providers; info about "Walkie Talkie", an initiative from the council sports development team to help walking-group members communicate; availability of activity packs aimed at specific audisnces; launch of Public Health England’s "Looking Out for Each Other" campaign; RSPCA posters to help arrange for pets to be looked after in an emergency; NHS "One You" service to help you keep to sensible drinking limits.
16 April 2020: Reminder that despite current difficulties with waste disposal, flytipping will still not be tolerated; an update about the business government grant scheme; encouragement to "Quit (smoking) for COVID"; an update about the Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub; assurance that the county’s domestic abuse services are still available; two items to help with keeping fit while isolated at home, and "rhyme time sessions" for children, being run in our libraries.
12 April 2020: An online Easter card from Wilts Council, this edition of Wiltshire News seems to contain mostly republished items, articles, and links from the previous several issues, though some links may be to new or updated material.
10 April 2020: New Active Communities resources; Easter Egg hunts you can help create; the Young Ambassadors Easter Festival Takeover running between the 6th and 19th April; keeping fit and healthy at home; more tips on taking care of your mental health; and a challenge from the Fire and Rescue Service: Can you be a C19 Superhero?!.
9 April 2020: How Wiltshire’s beauty spots aren’t going anywhere (!); waste collections over Easter; elections and referendums in Wilts postponed by COVID-19; helping our waste and recycling teams by not disposing of items in the wrong bins, and the need to store large items until the recycling centre is back in action; tips on taking care of your mental health; and a poster about staying home this bank holiday weekend.
6 April 2020: contains advice to Wiltshire businesses on applying for grants and business rates payment deferments.
2 April 2020: contains articles on Business Advice; the newly-set-up Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub, with advice to beware of misinformation, and busting myths about coronavirus; availability of a Covid-19 Volunteer Pack; a new GOV UK coronavirus information service on WhatsApp; and some notes about coronavirus and food markets.
25 March 2020: A Coronavirus Community Toolkit; staying home and away from others; face-to-face services at Council hubs; closure of all household recycling centres (HRCs); and notifications about the closure of all Wiltshire play areas and outdoor gyms.
In addition to the "WILTSHIRE NEWS" ebulletins summarised above, Wiltshire Council distribute a similar series of ebulletins aimed specifically at keeping Wiltshire businesses informed about the effects and considerations that must be borne in mind concerning Coronavirus/COVID-19 in the business sphere, and services that the council can offer to help businesses though these difficult times.
If you want to be on the mailing list for these business-oriented e-bulletins, with the latest news and advice for Wiltshire businesses on COVID-19,
click here.
And it seems that the answer is "No", (or not for the time being, at least). According to Councillor Philip Whitehead, Leader of Wiltshire Council, as reported in the Salisbury Journal, the council "don’t see any evidence to suggest that we need them. All the people in Wiltshire have been very good at social distancing, shops and businesses have been excellent so we can’t see the need for Covid marshals."
He went on: "However, I do understand that in Birmingham or Leeds they might well want Covid marshals, given the amount of people they have.”
If marshals became necessary in the future, Cllr Whitehead said, "I would want to know who’s paying for it".
[Currently, marshals have no powers to enforce Covid-19 regulations or issue fines to rulebreakers.]