Will there be a noticeboard or discussion board on the website?

Yes, we do plan to have one eventually. But we'll have to build in some safeguards to try to stop people abusing or sabotaging it.

Why are quite a few pages blank?

Because we didn't want to delay launching the site (and getting feedback on the work so far); so to start with there are some gaps.

I'm secretary of a village organization that isn't on the website. How do we get on it?

Just give us a call on 01794-884689.

Can political parties have space on the site?


Can candidates for political parties have space on the site?

Yes, but only when an election is called, only for district or county council elections, and only if all candidates standing for this ward are prepared to contribute a piece!

You say you don't take advertising. How come there's a line mentioning Keyword Communications on every page?

The site is hosted (installed on the web) on server space owned by Keyword Communications, so it seemed reasonable to acknowledge that.

Is some village organization like the Parish Council responsible for the website?

No. But the Parish Council minutes etc will appear here.

Website designed and hosted by Keyword Communications (tel 01794-884127)