Main Objectives

We hope the website will be useful to people already living in Whiteparish, and to people living elsewhere who want to find out about our village. To that end we will try to ensure that the information in the site is as far as possible accurate and up-to-date (and useful). But this will only be possible with everyone's help. We won't necessarily have time to chase people for input. And if information on the website needs to be updated, we probably won't know it unless people tell us!

We also want the website to run itself, as far as possible. To this end we will eventually be providing facilities for organizations to update their own pages.

Financial Basis

  • No Content Charges. There are no charges for putting any content on the website, as long as the material is relevant to Whiteparish and is acceptable. (We will be putting some acceptability guidelines on the site soon.)
  • Advertising Policy. There will be no paid advertising as such. Local businesses will be able to have a two or three-line entry in a classified listing, but there will be no charge for this. In the future, we might consider adding a free classified advertising section for the use of Whiteparish residents only. We believe that paid advertising sits uncomfortably with the idea of a community website. (Though it might be acceptable if the proceeds benefited the community and "the books" were open to inspection.)
  • Running costs were initially borne by Keyword Communications Ltd. That company has been dormant for several years and running costs are now nominally borne by "Keyword Communications", and in reality borne by David & Jackie Hawker, as a contribution to the village. If this proves burdensome in the future, we may have to reconsider the financial basis for the site, but there is currently no intention or wish to do this.


"Staff" sounds a bit grand for something that's part-time and voluntary, but we couldn't think of a better word. The website has a staff of two: Jackie Hawker has the "customer-facing" role, contacting contributors and wheedling input from them; David Hawker does the technical stuff. We can both be contacted on 01794-884127.

Latest update: 10 December 2015.

Website designed and hosted by Keyword Communications (tel 01794-884127)