Land occupied or used by Coffin Guy Carleton Esq.

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateLandownerOther Occupiers*AcresRoodsPerches
1174 Upper Field Arable Webb Frederic Esq. --- 4 3 37
1178 Lower Field Arable Webb Frederic Esq. --- 3 2 18
1179 Lower Field Arable Webb Frederic Esq. --- 1 1 14
1180 The Piece Pasture Webb Frederic Esq. --- 1 1 17
1184 The Piece Pasture Webb Frederic Esq. --- 2 1 29
1185 The Coppice Wood Webb Frederic Esq. --- 2 3 27
1187 Coppice Wood Webb Frederic Esq. --- 0 3 29
1193 Close Pasture Webb Frederic Esq. --- 0 1 23
1194 Orchard Pasture Webb Frederic Esq. --- 0 0 22
1195 Orchard Pasture Webb Frederic Esq. --- 0 1 30
1198b Carriage Drive And Shrubs --- Foot Samuel Esq. --- 0 1 14
1204 Wicketts Green Pasture Webb Frederic Esq. --- 1 2 14
1205 Wicketts Green Pasture Webb Frederic Esq. --- 1 2 31
1290 Paddock Pasture Webb Frederic Esq. --- 0 2 8

Total individual landholdings = 14.

Total area of land occupied or used = 22.70625 acres.

* "Other Occupiers" means any other occupiers or users of the land who are mentioned in the tithe records. If blank, it does not mean that no-one else was living in a named house, for example.

View other tables:
Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.