Land occupied or used by Bell John

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateLandownerOther Occupiers*AcresRoodsPerches
531 Royal Close Arable Nelson Countess --- 3 3 33
570 Picked Hoe Arable Nelson Countess --- 19 2 6
571 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 3
572 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 2 0 8
573 Pit Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 19
574 Whelpley Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 12 1 6
575 Whelpley Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 19 3 15
576 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 4
577 Pit Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 32
578 Chain Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 15 1 4
579 Adjoining Chain Field Pasture Nelson Countess --- 0 2 25
585 Yards And Buildings --- Nelson Countess --- 1 1 10
586 House And Garden --- Nelson Countess --- 0 1 12
587 Orchard Pasture Nelson Countess --- 1 1 38
589 Orchard Pasture Nelson Countess --- 4 3 5
590 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 25
591 Ash Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 7 1 37
592 Ash Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 8 2 26
593 White Piece Pasture Church Land Feoffees Of --- 3 1 25
595 Home Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 12 2 15
596 Green Drive Pasture Nelson Countess --- 0 3 38
597 Row And Pit Wood Nelson Countess --- 1 0 1
598a Green Drive Pasture Nelson Countess --- 0 1 8
598b Broad Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 27 2 7
599 Picked Hoe Arable Nelson Countess --- 11 1 8
600 Picked Hoe Arable Nelson Countess --- 13 3 19
601 Rows Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 13
602 Bush Piece Arable Nelson Countess --- 4 0 5
604 Bushes Wood Nelson Countess --- 1 0 0
605 Bush Piece Arable Nelson Countess --- 4 1 8
606 Pit Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 21
608 Hilly Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 17 3 28
609 Three Pits Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 38
610 The Eleven Acres Arable Nelson Countess --- 10 3 37
611 Brickworth Down Down Nelson Countess --- 94 0 8
612 Brickworth Down Down Nelson Countess --- 9 3 21
613 Down Piece Arable Nelson Countess --- 12 2 26
614 Down Piece Arable Nelson Countess --- 11 1 28
616 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 2 32
617 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 17 2 6
618 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 16 2 12
619 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 16 1 24
620 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 2 28
621 Furlong In Great Clapgate Arable Nelson Countess --- 7 0 30
622 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 38
623 Cottage And Garden --- Nelson Countess --- 0 0 32
626 Down Piece Arable Nelson Countess --- 10 1 17
627 Old Chalk Pit Pit Nelson Countess --- 0 3 35
628 Furlong In Great Clapgate Arable Nelson Countess --- 5 0 13
630 Furlong In Great Clapgate Arable Nelson Countess --- 8 1 10
631 Furlong In Great Clapgate Arable Nelson Countess --- 12 1 19
633 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 2 21
634 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 10 0 33
635 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 17 2 26
636 Row In Stony Lands Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 39
637 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 8 1 3
638 Wood Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 28
639 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 12 0 26
640 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 13 0 33
641 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 15
649 Great Church Croft Arable Nelson Countess --- 4 1 19
651 Little Church Croft Arable Nelson Countess --- 0 2 30
667 Hilly Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 19 2 1
699 Great Meadow Pasture Nelson Countess --- 15 3 3
700a Wood And Road --- Nelson Countess --- 0 1 24
700b Little Meadow Meadow Nelson Countess --- 10 0 9
705 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 6
706 Hilly Gilberts Pasture Nelson Countess --- 8 1 38
707 Hilly Gilberts And Deniers Close Arable Nelson Countess --- 7 3 5
709 Great Lowdens Arable Nelson Countess --- 12 1 16
710 Cottage And Garden --- Nelson Countess --- 0 1 11
711 Fish Pool Water Nelson Countess --- 0 3 3
712 Adjoining Fish Pool --- Nelson Countess --- 0 1 17
718 Lands Close Pasture Nelson Countess --- 4 1 23
719 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 21
720 The Sling Pasture Nelson Countess --- 2 0 22
721 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 6
722 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 11
723 Harestock Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 3 2 29
724 Harestock Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 0 0 38
725 Rows Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 15
726 The Slings Arable Nelson Countess --- 5 2 32
727 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 26
728 The Sling Arable Nelson Countess --- 1 2 16
729a Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 26
729b The Small Gains Arable Nelson Countess --- 6 3 10
735 South End Of Breeches Arable Nelson Countess --- 3 2 20
736 Rows Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 32
737 Hedges Arable Nelson Countess --- 4 2 22
738 Breeches Arable Nelson Countess --- 4 2 2
739 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 25
740 Part Of Hills Arable Nelson Countess --- 6 1 14
741 Pit And Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 18
742 Green Lane On Sandlands Drove Pasture Nelson Countess --- 3 1 24
744 Rows Wood Nelson Countess --- 9 1 25
745 Sandy Ground Arable Nelson Countess --- 10 2 15
753 Part Of Clapgate Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 7 3 33
755 Rows Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 3 1
756 Pit Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 17
757 Little Clapgate Arable Nelson Countess --- 11 2 0
758 Great Bushy Leaze Arable Nelson Countess --- 12 3 26
759 Hills Arable Nelson Countess --- 8 2 11
760 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 22
761 Little Bushy Leaze Arable Nelson Countess --- 4 0 4
764 Netherways Arable Nelson Countess --- 5 0 0
765 Hoggish Arable Nelson Countess --- 7 1 17
766 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 38
769 Field Piece Arable Nelson Countess --- 5 1 34
770 Water Ditches Arable Nelson Countess --- 5 0 38
771 Tipple Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 13 2 9
772 Pit Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 2 38
774 Tipple Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 10 0 10
775 Pit Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 26
778 Broad Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 5 0 16
779 Broad Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 4 0 22
780 Broad Lands Arable Nelson Countess --- 3 1 6
784 The Hop Ground Arable Nelson Countess --- 2 1 33
788 Briants Arable Nelson Countess --- 3 0 4
855 Ladder Stile Arable Nelson Countess --- 3 1 38
856 Row In Ladder Stile Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 28
916 Little Mead Pasture Nelson Countess --- 0 2 32
917 Little Mead Pasture Nelson Countess --- 1 3 0
930 Home Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 2 1 21
936 House And Court --- Nelson Countess --- 0 0 20
937 Garden --- Nelson Countess --- 0 0 34
938 Yards And Buildings --- Nelson Countess --- 0 1 2
939 Paddock Pasture Nelson Countess --- 0 1 6
940 Orchard --- Nelson Countess --- 1 1 26
941 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 2
942 Pit Close Arable Nelson Countess --- 3 1 34
943 The Nine Acres Arable Nelson Countess --- 9 1 22
944 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 2
945 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 1 32
946 The Fourteen Acres Arable Nelson Countess --- 13 0 10
947 Pond Close Arable Nelson Countess --- 9 1 37
949 Highway Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 1 2 19
950 Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 1 1 19
951 The Eleven Acres Arable Nelson Countess --- 10 3 10
952 The New Mead Meadow Nelson Countess --- 10 1 31
956a Spring Close Arable Nelson Countess --- 3 3 27
956b Row Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 36
958 Great Meadow Pasture Nelson Countess --- 4 3 30
959 Aldermoor Wood Nelson Countess --- 2 3 3
960 Great Meadow Pasture Nelson Countess --- 2 0 26
996 Sunt Meadow Pasture Nelson Countess --- 5 3 1
998 Sunt Meadow Pasture Nelson Countess --- 7 1 1
999 Rows Wood Nelson Countess --- 0 0 37
1000 Rows Wood Nelson Countess --- 3 3 14
1001 Sunt Meadow Pasture Nelson Countess --- 10 2 12

Total individual landholdings = 149.

Total area of land occupied or used = 871.83125 acres.

* "Other Occupiers" means any other occupiers or users of the land who are mentioned in the tithe records. If blank, it does not mean that no-one else was living in a named house, for example.

View other tables:
Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.