Land occupied or used by Webb Richard Esq.

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateLandownerOther Occupiers*AcresRoodsPerches
160 Song Mead Pasture Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 6 0 26
161 Jenkins Hill Row Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 1 2 32
162 Granthims Coppice Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 23
163 Lower Mead Row Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 32
164 Lower Mead Pasture Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 2 3 18
170 Cowesfield Wood Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 2 0 38
175 Jenkins Hill Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 13 0 9
176 Jenkins Hill Pasture Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 1 29
177 Yard And Buildings --- Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 2 21
178 House And Garden --- Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 1 15
179 Paddock Pasture Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 1 20
180 Carrot Close Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 2 2 7
185 Water --- Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 14
186 Belham Close Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 14 0 22
187 Rickhouse Close Pasture Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 1 0 7
189 Cowit (Or Court) Coppice Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 6 0 24
190 Broad Field Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 17 3 11
191 Broad Field Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 12 2 23
192 Long Row Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 3 2 35
193 Row In Old Court Field Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 26
194 Chalk Pit --- Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 1 38
195 Old Court Field And Bramble Croft Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 17 1 33
196 Row Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 16
197 Row Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 37
198 Wood Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 5
199 Chalk Pit --- Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 21
348 Bottle Croft Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 2 3 37
349 Bottle Croft Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 37
397 Part Of Well Close Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 9 3 1
398 Row Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 27
399 Pit Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 35
400 Well Close Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 17 1 30
401 Coneygar Row Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 1 3 7
402 Part Of Lower Leaze Pasture Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 35
403 Coney Coppice Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 4 3 1
404 Lower Leaze Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 2 0 4
405 House And Garden --- Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 1 8
406 Yard And Buildings --- Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 1 18
407 A Pit Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 15
408 Lower Leaze Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 14 2 27
409 Pits Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 2 32
410 Lower Leaze Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 17 0 32
411 Pit Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 36
412 Pit Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 24
413 Great Or Upper Home Field Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 31 0 37
414 Pit Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 16
415 Pit Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 0 0 19
416 Mean Wood Field Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 6 1 13
417 Phillips Hat Field Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 20 1 10
425 Mean Wood Field Arable Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 24 3 21
1318 Frog Moor Meadow Meadow Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 4 0 22
1319 Rough Piece Pasture Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 5 1 10
1321 Cowesfield Wood Wood Ashburton Alexander Lord --- 11 1 29

Total individual landholdings = 53.

Total area of land occupied or used = 282.03125 acres.

* "Other Occupiers" means any other occupiers or users of the land who are mentioned in the tithe records. If blank, it does not mean that no-one else was living in a named house, for example.

View other tables:
Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.