Land owned by Cooper Robert Esq.

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateOccupier(s)AcresRoodsPerches
18 Close Pasture Cooper Robert Esq. 1 0 32
19 House And Pleasure Garden --- Cooper Robert Esq. 0 3 5
20 Yards And Buildings --- Cooper Robert Esq. 0 2 30
21 Garden --- Cooper Robert Esq. 0 0 31
22 Close Pasture Cooper Robert Esq. 1 1 38
432a Linchetts Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 10 0 22
432b Linchetts Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 8 2 17
442 Row Wood Cooper Robert Esq. 0 0 13
443 The Seven Acres Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 5 3 25
495 Bottom Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 12 0 14
496 Pit Wood Cooper Robert Esq. 0 1 18
497 Bottom Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 5 3 29
498 Bottom Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 8 3 39
499 Pits Wood Cooper Robert Esq. 0 1 23
500 Sandy Ground Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 11 3 37
501 Sandy Ground Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 10 2 29
502 Sandy Ground Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 10 2 8
504 Six Acres Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 5 2 32
510 Cart House Ground Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 7 3 32
511 Nut Close Pasture Cooper Robert Esq. 4 2 3
529 Royal Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 16 3 4
532 Red Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 23 3 14
533 Tatemoor Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 11 3 29
534 Tatemoor Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 15 1 6
535 Yards And Buildings --- Cooper Robert Esq. 0 2 0
536 Cottage And Garden Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 0 0 25
537 Whelpley Green Pasture Cooper Robert Esq. 9 0 8
538 Long Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 10 3 26
539 Pings Coppice Wood Cooper Robert Esq. 5 3 4
548 Common Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 11 3 8
549a Picked Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 11 3 11
549b The Sling Pasture Cooper Robert Esq. 0 2 19
550 The Twelve Acres Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 14 3 11
551 Holly Croft Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 11 3 0
554 Coppice Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 27 0 16
555 Coney Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 8 3 21
556 The Upper Field Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 22 3 26
563 The Hill Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 15 3 26
564 The Hill Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 26 0 5
565 The Hill Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 23 2 6
566 Pit Wood Cooper Robert Esq. 0 0 6
567 The Hill Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 14 0 34
568 The Near Hill Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 25 0 26
569 Coppice Field Furlong Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 14 0 29
767 The Chain Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 6 2 19
768 Waste Adjoining Wood Cooper Robert Esq. 0 0 21
823 Doves Arable Cooper Robert Esq. 9 2 32
828 Doves Meadow Pasture Cooper Robert Esq. 1 3 27
829 Part Of Forks Arable Gardner Frances 2 0 24
834 Part Of Forks Arable Gardner Elizabeth 0 3 25
835 Part Of Forks Arable Gardner Elizabeth 1 0 18
836 Part Of Forks Arable Lush John 1 2 25
837a Part Of Forks Arable Hurst David 1 2 2
837b Part Of Forks Arable Hurst David 1 1 14
841 Part Of Forks Arable Luffinan William 1 1 8
857 Whelpley Mead Meadow Cooper Robert Esq. 3 0 10
858 Whelpley Mead Meadow Hayes James 2 0 6
859 Whelpley Mead Meadow Hayes James 1 2 22
860 Whelpley Mead Meadow Hayes James 4 2 18
861 Whelpley Meadow Meadow Pizer Joseph 10 1 24
862 Coppice Wood Cooper Robert Esq. 0 3 35
867a Sheep Croft Pasture Gardner Frances 0 3 2
867b Sheep Croft Arable Gardner Frances 6 2 17
868 Silens Close Arable Elkins James 3 2 19
869 Silens Close Arable Cook Thomas 3 3 12
870 Silens Close Arable Lush John 2 0 26
871 Silens Close Arable Lush John 1 3 4

Total individual landholdings = 67.

Total area of landholdings = 501.04375 acres.

View other tables:
Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.