Land owned by Webb Frederic Esq.

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateOccupier(s)AcresRoodsPerches
1168 New Piece Arable Beauchamp George 2 3 24
1169 Cottage And Garden --- Beauchamp George 0 3 30
1170 North Common --- Webb Frederic Esq. 25 2 20
1171 Little Round Or Chalks Plot Arable Beauchamp George 0 1 24
1174 Upper Field Arable Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 4 3 37
1175 Part Of North Common Arable Beauchamp George 1 2 10
1176 Cottage And Land Arable Beauchamp George 1 0 26
1177 House, Garden, Orchard And Buildings --- Ganges William 0 1 33
1178 Lower Field Arable Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 3 2 18
1179 Lower Field Arable Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 1 1 14
1180 The Piece Pasture Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 1 1 17
1181 Orchard --- Harrington Mary 0 3 2
1182 Paddock Arable Ganges William 0 1 17
1183 House And Garden --- Grayer Alexander 0 1 28
1184 The Piece Pasture Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 2 1 29
1185 The Coppice Wood Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 2 3 27
1187 Coppice Wood Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 0 3 29
1188 Cottage And Garden --- Jukes Mary 0 0 8
1189 Cottage And Garden --- Grayer Margaret 0 0 6
1190a Cottage And Garden --- Jukes George 0 0 4
1190b Blacksmith's Shop --- Jukes George 0 0 1
1191 Wicketts Green Wood Amor Thomas 0 3 28
1192 Wicketts Green Arable Amor Thomas 0 1 14
1193 Close Pasture Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 0 1 23
1194 Orchard Pasture Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 0 0 22
1195 Orchard Pasture Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 0 1 30
1196 Yard And Buildings --- Amor Thomas 0 0 18
1197 House And Garden --- Amor Thomas 0 0 21
1198a Wicketts Green Arable Amor Thomas 2 1 16
1199 The Green Arable King Charles 1 1 6
1201a Garden --- King Charles 0 0 19
1204 Wicketts Green Pasture Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 1 2 14
1205 Wicketts Green Pasture Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 1 2 31
1206 Field Adjoining Meadow Arable King Charles 2 0 10
1207 The Meadow Pasture King Charles 1 2 34
1290 Paddock Pasture Coffin Guy Carleton Esq. 0 2 8

Total individual landholdings = 36.

Total area of landholdings = 66.1125 acres.

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Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
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