Land owned by Lawrence George Esq.

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateOccupier(s)AcresRoodsPerches
113 Part Of Harrisons Pasture Holloway Moses 0 1 38
114 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Hatcher William and Another 0 0 21
115 Cottage And Garden --- Broomfield Thomas 0 0 30
116 Cottage And Garden --- Osgood Arnold and Lea Richard 0 2 34
117 Cottage And Garden --- Russell William 0 1 8
118 Brownjohns Or Coopers Mead Pasture Hurst William 2 1 16
119 Harrisons Pasture Hurst William 1 1 32
120 Carthorse Ground Pasture Hurst William 2 0 6
121 Clover Ground Pasture Hurst William 3 2 7
123d Part Of Park Mead Pasture Lawrence George Esq. 4 3 28
124 Row Wood Lawrence George Esq. 0 1 18
128b The Walk Wood Lawrence George Esq. 11 3 35
129 Orchard And Pit Orchard Lawrence George Esq. 0 1 2
130 Pit Garden Arable Lawrence George Esq. 6 0 21
131a Stony Bottom Field Arable Lawrence George Esq. 12 1 36
132a Hyde Field Arable Lawrence George Esq. 7 0 0
132b Chalk Pit Wood Lawrence George Esq. 0 0 14
134a Ley Piece Arable Fox John 3 0 29
134b Rows Wood Fox John 0 0 31
140 Timber Yard Rows Wood Lawrence George Esq. 3 0 39
141 Timber Yard Ground Arable Lawrence George Esq. 17 2 10
142 The Mount Wood Lawrence George Esq. 0 1 21
143 The Mount Ground Arable Lawrence George Esq. 9 0 39
144b Skin Croft And Chalk Pit Field Arable Lawrence George Esq. 14 0 19
145 Chalkpit Wood Lawrence George Esq. 0 1 6
146b Lower Timber Yard Ground Arable Lawrence George Esq. 5 2 5
147 Wood Wood Lawrence George Esq. 0 2 30
148 Part Of The Park Pasture Lawrence George Esq. 8 0 23
149a Part Of The Farm Yard --- Lawrence George Esq. 0 0 18
150 Part Of The Park Pasture Lawrence George Esq. 5 1 31
151a Garden --- Lawrence George Esq. 0 0 11
151b Garden --- Lawrence George Esq. 1 0 36
152 Pleasure Gardens --- Lawrence George Esq. 0 2 15
153a House And Lawn --- Lawrence George Esq. 2 2 2
153b Part Of The Lawn Pasture Lawrence George Esq. 0 0 16
154 Flower Garden Wood --- Lawrence George Esq. 0 3 9
155a The Park Pasture Lawrence George Esq. 0 3 0
155b The Park Pasture Lawrence George Esq. 2 2 34
156 Ponds Water Lawrence George Esq. 0 1 14
157 Row Wood Lawrence George Esq. 0 0 39
158 Red Hens Arable Lawrence George Esq. 7 1 29
165 Fish Pond Water Lawrence George Esq. 0 0 26
166 Lady Plantation Wood Lawrence George Esq. 0 2 21
167 Cowesfield Field Pasture Bell Benjamin 3 0 36
382 Quadlams Row Wood Lawrence George Esq. 2 1 9
427 Harris Piece Arable Fox John 5 0 27
1279 Row Wood Barters James 0 0 26
1280 Burnt House Ground Pasture Barters James 3 0 25
1281 Burnt House Ground Pasture Barters James 2 1 31
1282 Burnt House Ground Pasture Barters James 1 3 36
1323 House And Land --- Harnett William 1 1 10

Total individual landholdings = 51.

Total area of landholdings = 159.86875 acres.

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Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.