Parish Council Notes

The following matters were amongst those discussed at the Parish Council Meetings in the Village Hall on 26th January and 9th February 2000

A letter from Robert Key MP asked about our audit fees, as many Parish Councils have complained about the inordinately high charges. The letter explained that this was because of a change in Government policy about the need for much more detailed information required for the annual audit. The fees payable by Whiteparish PC last year were £152.32.
A quotation for grasscutting has been received from SDC Direct Services. As it was 10% higher than last year, it was agreed to ask them to reduce it to no more than the rate of inflation in line with government guidelines.
A copy of a letter sent by Sherfield English Protection Society to Rachel Ness at WCC was read out. No information had been given to them about the proposed waste site, despite their parish boundary being less than two miles from the 'search area'. They pointed out toxic fall-out was no respector of county boundaries.

Proposed Waste Disposal Site
Members of the newly formed Whiteparish Preservation Group attended the meeting of 26th January. Although independent, they have requested two members of the PC sit on their committee meetings. The PC are happy to do this, and requested two members of the WPG attend a meeting of the PC after the public meeting with County Council officials on 27th January. At the meeting of the PC on 9th February, a formal response to WCC was discussed at some length. There was much useful input from WPG. A report from the Environmental sub-committee was read out, followed by a proposed submission from our County Councillor. As this covered most of the points made by the WPG and the Environmental sub-committee, It was agreed after some amendments to submit this to WCC as the Parish Council's formal response. Latest information is available at

Best Kept Village Competition
It was decided to enter this year's competition. Villagers are asked to ensure public areas are kept free from litter by throwing their rubbish in the waste bins provided. 

Village Hall
The Chairman outlined the history of possible funding for a new hall as a result of rumours circulating that the Parish Council were in league with Biffa over a proposed waste facility in the area. He made it patently clear this was not the case - any funds donated by a waste operator under the Landfill Tax arrangement is money that would otherwise be paid in tax to the Government. No collusion would be tolerated, he added.
A meeting will be arranged for all interested parties to attend to discuss how the new village hall scheme should progress. 

The warden, Nick Cowen will attend the March meeting of the PC to speak on the history of footpaths in this part of the County.

Police: A request for a liaison officer in the village to assist the Bobby Scheme was fulfilled by our Police Representative.

School Governor: The Governers are not happy with the idea of a 'walking bus' for children because of lack of pavements in Common Road.

Environment: Biffa have asked for two members of the PC to sit on a consultative committee, together with members of other environmental bodies and SDC. They stress they are a responsible organization who wish to work with the community to resolve any problems that may arise at their site on the A36.

Memorial Ground: The fencing has now been erected. Two members of the PC planted trees and hedges. A vote of thanks was proposed for the Chairman and vice chairman for their work on the site.

Planning: a property has had its agricultural tie lifted because SDC had not checked it was conforming with the planning condition. The PC is awaiting a list from SDC of other properties in the village that have agricultural ties.

Safer Roads
Parish Council representatives met with County Council officials in the village to discuss ways of improving safety to pedestrians. Of the options duscussed, the only practical suggestions on offer were white lines running down either side of The Street as there is insufficient width for a pavement, and a pedestrian crossing across Romsey Road at Bunkers Hill. However, whilst a crossing may seem like a good idea, 1200 children a year are killed and injured on them, and the £8,000 cost may not be available from County funds.
WCC are still awaiting plans of the precise location of the horse signs to be sited in Common Road before they can submit an estimate of the cost to install them.

Next Meeting
Villagers are very welcome to attend the meeting on 2nd March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. Alternatively, if you can't attend but wish to raise any village matter, please contact the undersigned or any Parish Councillor whose details are on the website.

Peter Green, Publicity Officer. Tel: 01794 884358; Fax: 01794 884883; email here

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