Land occupied or used by Matcham George

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateLandownerOther Occupiers*AcresRoodsPerches
1027 Double Fence Wood Matcham George --- 0 1 38
1028 Home Ground Arable Matcham George --- 9 3 10
1029 Plantation Arable Matcham George --- 2 0 23
1030 Yards And Buildings --- Matcham George --- 1 1 2
1031 Mansion And Pleasure Ground --- Matcham George --- 0 3 23
1032 The Park Pasture Matcham George --- 8 2 13
1033 The Park Pasture Matcham George --- 0 2 16
1034 Fish Pond Water Matcham George --- 1 2 7
1035 Bushes Wood Matcham George --- 0 1 9
1036 Long Meadow Pasture Matcham George --- 14 0 30
1037 Garden --- Matcham George --- 0 3 23
1038 Orchard --- Matcham George --- 1 0 14
1039 Orchard Pasture Matcham George --- 0 3 17
1040 Garden Ground Arable Matcham George --- 8 3 0
1041 Garden Ground Arable Matcham George --- 11 0 13
1042 Goodfellows Mead Pasture Matcham George --- 11 0 6
1043 The Park Pasture Matcham George --- 13 1 22
1044 Walk Coppice Wood Matcham George --- 18 2 6
1045 Gills Hole Field Arable Matcham George --- 2 3 33
1047 Double Fence Wood Matcham George --- 2 1 2
1048 Gills Hole Field Arable Matcham George --- 6 2 5
1049 Rows Wood Matcham George --- 0 1 20
1050 Willow Bed And Water --- Matcham George --- 0 2 26
1051 Double Fence Wood Matcham George --- 0 0 26
1052 Gills Hole Field Arable Matcham George --- 9 0 18
1061 Long Ground Arable Matcham George --- 8 1 20
1062 Row Wood Matcham George --- 0 1 32
1063 Row And Pit Wood Matcham George --- 0 2 6
1064 Long Ground Arable Matcham George --- 3 3 21
1065 Double Fence Wood Matcham George --- 0 0 14
1066 Sling Pasture Matcham George --- 0 2 3
1067 Sherwood Mead Arable Matcham George --- 5 0 21
1069 Double Hedge --- Matcham George --- 0 0 16

Total individual landholdings = 33.

Total area of land occupied or used = 146.59375 acres.

* "Other Occupiers" means any other occupiers or users of the land who are mentioned in the tithe records. If blank, it does not mean that no-one else was living in a named house, for example.

View other tables:
Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.