Land owned by Nelson Countess

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateOccupier(s)AcresRoodsPerches
6 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Barnes Sarah and Lewis Thomas 0 0 20
27 House And Garden --- Chalk James 0 0 6
29 House And Garden --- Chalk Samuel 0 0 39
35 House, Buildings And Garden --- Gardner Frances 0 0 37
43 8 Cottages And Gardens --- Crook Thomas and Others 0 2 27
518 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Betteridge Frederic and Betteridge Samuel 0 0 17
531 Royal Close Arable Bell John 3 3 33
570 Picked Hoe Arable Bell John 19 2 6
571 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 3
572 Row Wood Bell John 2 0 8
573 Pit Wood Bell John 0 0 19
574 Whelpley Field Arable Bell John 12 1 6
575 Whelpley Field Arable Bell John 19 3 15
576 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 4
577 Pit Wood Bell John 0 0 32
578 Chain Field Arable Bell John 15 1 4
579 Adjoining Chain Field Pasture Bell John 0 2 25
580 The Park Pasture Nelson Countess 25 1 30
581 House And Pleasure Garden --- Nelson Countess 1 3 14
582 Yard And Buildings --- Nelson Countess 0 0 33
583 Garden --- Nelson Countess 0 3 34
584 Orchard Arable Nelson Countess 0 3 28
585 Yards And Buildings --- Bell John 1 1 10
586 House And Garden --- Bell John 0 1 12
587 Orchard Pasture Bell John 1 1 38
588 Lodge And Garden --- Nelson Countess 0 0 14
589 Orchard Pasture Bell John 4 3 5
590 Row Wood Bell John 0 0 25
591 Ash Field Arable Bell John 7 1 37
592 Ash Field Arable Bell John 8 2 26
594 Road And Plantation --- Nelson Countess 2 2 39
595 Home Field Arable Bell John 12 2 15
596 Green Drive Pasture Bell John 0 3 38
597 Row And Pit Wood Bell John 1 0 1
598a Green Drive Pasture Bell John 0 1 8
598b Broad Field Arable Bell John 27 2 7
599 Picked Hoe Arable Bell John 11 1 8
600 Picked Hoe Arable Bell John 13 3 19
601 Rows Wood Bell John 0 0 13
602 Bush Piece Arable Bell John 4 0 5
603 The Upper Bushes Wood Nelson Countess 7 0 22
604 Bushes Wood Bell John 1 0 0
605 Bush Piece Arable Bell John 4 1 8
606 Pit Wood Bell John 0 0 21
608 Hilly Field Arable Bell John 17 3 28
609 Three Pits Wood Bell John 0 0 38
610 The Eleven Acres Arable Bell John 10 3 37
611 Brickworth Down Down Bell John 94 0 8
612 Brickworth Down Down Bell John 9 3 21
613 Down Piece Arable Bell John 12 2 26
614 Down Piece Arable Bell John 11 1 28
615 Lower Bushes Wood Nelson Countess 2 2 30
616 Row Wood Bell John 0 2 32
617 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Bell John 17 2 6
618 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Bell John 16 2 12
619 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Bell John 16 1 24
620 Row Wood Bell John 0 2 28
621 Furlong In Great Clapgate Arable Bell John 7 0 30
622 Row Wood Bell John 0 0 38
623 Cottage And Garden --- Bell John 0 0 32
624 Part Of Shepherds Bushes Wood Nelson Countess 1 0 11
625 Lower Bushes Wood Nelson Countess 2 1 11
626 Down Piece Arable Bell John 10 1 17
627 Old Chalk Pit Pit Bell John 0 3 35
628 Furlong In Great Clapgate Arable Bell John 5 0 13
629 Shepherds Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 3 2 7
630 Furlong In Great Clapgate Arable Bell John 8 1 10
631 Furlong In Great Clapgate Arable Bell John 12 1 19
632 Clapgate Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 5 1 6
633 Row Wood Bell John 0 2 21
634 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Bell John 10 0 33
635 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Bell John 17 2 26
636 Row In Stony Lands Wood Bell John 0 0 39
637 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Bell John 8 1 3
638 Wood Wood Bell John 0 0 28
639 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Bell John 12 0 26
640 Furlong In Stony Lands Arable Bell John 13 0 33
641 Row Wood Bell John 0 0 15
642 Long Row Wood Nelson Countess 10 3 38
649 Great Church Croft Arable Bell John 4 1 19
650 Church Crofts Wood Nelson Countess 7 3 6
651 Little Church Croft Arable Bell John 0 2 30
667 Hilly Field Arable Bell John 19 2 1
699 Great Meadow Pasture Bell John 15 3 3
700a Wood And Road --- Bell John 0 1 24
700b Little Meadow Meadow Bell John 10 0 9
705 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 6
706 Hilly Gilberts Pasture Bell John 8 1 38
707 Hilly Gilberts And Deniers Close Arable Bell John 7 3 5
708 Round Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 3 3 38
709 Great Lowdens Arable Bell John 12 1 16
710 Cottage And Garden --- Bell John 0 1 11
711 Fish Pool Water Bell John 0 3 3
712 Adjoining Fish Pool --- Bell John 0 1 17
714 Lowdens Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 46 0 26
718 Lands Close Pasture Bell John 4 1 23
719 Row Wood Bell John 0 0 21
720 The Sling Pasture Bell John 2 0 22
721 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 6
722 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 11
723 Harestock Field Arable Bell John 3 2 29
724 Harestock Field Arable Bell John 0 0 38
725 Rows Wood Bell John 0 1 15
726 The Slings Arable Bell John 5 2 32
727 Row Wood Bell John 0 0 26
728 The Sling Arable Bell John 1 2 16
729a Row Wood Bell John 0 0 26
729b The Small Gains Arable Bell John 6 3 10
735 South End Of Breeches Arable Bell John 3 2 20
736 Rows Wood Bell John 0 1 32
737 Hedges Arable Bell John 4 2 22
738 Breeches Arable Bell John 4 2 2
739 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 25
740 Part Of Hills Arable Bell John 6 1 14
741 Pit And Row Wood Bell John 0 1 18
742 Green Lane On Sandlands Drove Pasture Bell John 3 1 24
743 Lime Kiln Row Wood Nelson Countess 1 0 25
744 Rows Wood Bell John 9 1 25
745 Sandy Ground Arable Bell John 10 2 15
747 Sand Land Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 16 1 30
751 Hundred Acres Row Wood Nelson Countess 3 0 2
752 Hundred Acres Wood Nelson Countess 1 1 22
753 Part Of Clapgate Field Arable Bell John 7 3 33
754 Little Clapgate Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 5 1 36
755 Rows Wood Bell John 0 3 1
756 Pit Wood Bell John 0 1 17
757 Little Clapgate Arable Bell John 11 2 0
758 Great Bushy Leaze Arable Bell John 12 3 26
759 Hills Arable Bell John 8 2 11
760 Row Wood Bell John 0 0 22
761 Little Bushy Leaze Arable Bell John 4 0 4
762 Pond Garden Plantation Nelson Countess 0 3 17
763 White Pond Water Nelson Countess 0 0 39
764 Netherways Arable Bell John 5 0 0
765 Hoggish Arable Bell John 7 1 17
766 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 38
769 Field Piece Arable Bell John 5 1 34
770 Water Ditches Arable Bell John 5 0 38
771 Tipple Field Arable Bell John 13 2 9
772 Pit Wood Bell John 0 2 38
774 Tipple Field Arable Bell John 10 0 10
775 Pit Wood Bell John 0 0 26
778 Broad Lands Arable Bell John 5 0 16
779 Broad Lands Arable Bell John 4 0 22
780 Broad Lands Arable Bell John 3 1 6
783 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Phillips William and Another 0 1 30
784 The Hop Ground Arable Bell John 2 1 33
786 Orchard --- Snelgar John 0 3 22
787 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Gange James and Another 0 1 9
788 Briants Arable Bell John 3 0 4
796 Part Of Tipple Field Arable Nunn George 2 2 25
804 Orchard Pasture Nunn George 1 2 9
805 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Drake William and Ford William 0 1 1
816 Little Southern Field Arable Welstead Moses 0 3 26
820b Costers Field Arable Gardner Charles 1 1 32
820d Costers Field Arable Gardner Charles 1 0 1
821 House And Garden --- Gardner Charles 0 0 39
822 Barn Ground Arable Gardner Charles 2 0 35
824 Orchard Pasture Hinwood Christopher 0 3 2
838 Crooks Orchard Pasture Crook Thomas 0 0 25
839 Cottage And Garden --- Luffman William 0 0 32
842 Cooks Arable Gardner Charles 5 1 9
843 Cooks Arable Gardner Charles 5 3 2
844 Trunks Plot Pasture Gardner Charles 1 2 39
849 Southern Close Pasture Gardner Charles 0 3 19
850 Southern Close Arable Gardner Charles 2 0 12
853 Little Ladder Hill Pasture Emery James 1 3 26
855 Ladder Stile Arable Bell John 3 1 38
856 Row In Ladder Stile Wood Bell John 0 0 28
873 Row Wood Ellis Joseph 0 1 26
875 Ivorys Meadow Pasture Gardner Charles 4 3 35
876 Part Of The Common Pasture Nelson Countess 0 1 16
877 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Giles William and Others 0 2 7
881 Rowells Pasture Ellis Joseph 1 2 29
882 Great Rowells Arable Ellis Joseph 2 3 10
883a Great Rowells Arable Ellis Joseph 4 2 32
883b Part Of Love Lane Wood Ellis Joseph 0 2 14
884 Part Of Love Lane Wood Ellis Joseph 0 0 21
885 Adjoining Love Lane Pasture Ellis Joseph 4 1 30
886 Row Wood Ellis Joseph 0 0 30
887 Five Acres Pasture Ellis Joseph 3 3 29
892 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Smith John (The Elder) and Smith John (The Younger) 0 0 17
893 Garden --- Nelson Countess 0 1 21
897 Bankes Wood Wood Nelson Countess 12 0 0
898 The Kiln Ground Pasture Ellis Joseph 6 3 24
899 Row Wood Ellis Joseph 0 0 23
900 Part Of Love Lane Wood Ellis Joseph 0 1 6
901 Adjoining Rowells Pasture Ellis Joseph 5 3 12
902a Rowells Pasture Ellis Joseph 6 3 28
902b Row In Love Lane Wood Ellis Joseph 0 1 37
916 Little Mead Pasture Bell John 0 2 32
917 Little Mead Pasture Bell John 1 3 0
930 Home Field Arable Bell John 2 1 21
931 Garden --- Snelgar John 0 0 22
932 Orchard --- Snelgar John 0 2 35
933 House, Yard And Buildings --- Snelgar John 0 0 31
934 Garden --- Emery James 0 0 37
935 House And Garden --- Emery James 0 0 28
936 House And Court --- Bell John 0 0 20
937 Garden --- Bell John 0 0 34
938 Yards And Buildings --- Bell John 0 1 2
939 Paddock Pasture Bell John 0 1 6
940 Orchard --- Bell John 1 1 26
941 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 2
942 Pit Close Arable Bell John 3 1 34
943 The Nine Acres Arable Bell John 9 1 22
944 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 2
945 Row Wood Bell John 0 1 32
946 The Fourteen Acres Arable Bell John 13 0 10
947 Pond Close Arable Bell John 9 1 37
949 Highway Field Arable Bell John 1 2 19
950 Row Wood Bell John 1 1 19
951 The Eleven Acres Arable Bell John 10 3 10
952 The New Mead Meadow Bell John 10 1 31
955 House And Garden --- Curtis Samuel 0 1 5
956a Spring Close Arable Bell John 3 3 27
956b Row Wood Bell John 0 0 36
958 Great Meadow Pasture Bell John 4 3 30
959 Aldermoor Wood Bell John 2 3 3
960 Great Meadow Pasture Bell John 2 0 26
961 Elcucks Pasture Ellis Joseph 0 1 38
962 The Common Pasture Nelson Countess 36 1 39
963 Princes Mead Pasture Ellis Joseph 1 2 19
964 Whites Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 9 2 23
971 Ivorys Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 11 2 1
987 Painters Coppice Wood Nelson Countess 6 2 20
996 Sunt Meadow Pasture Bell John 5 3 1
998 Sunt Meadow Pasture Bell John 7 1 1
999 Rows Wood Bell John 0 0 37
1000 Rows Wood Bell John 3 3 14
1001 Sunt Meadow Pasture Bell John 10 2 12
1026 Common Pasture Nelson Countess 0 3 18
1203 Close Pasture Allen James 0 0 30
1208 Whiteparish Common Pasture Nelson Countess 90 2 35
1209 House And Garden --- Ellis Joseph 0 1 26
1210 Orchard Pasture Ellis Joseph 1 1 13
1212 Row Wood Ellis Joseph 0 1 23
1213 The Four Acres Pasture Ellis Joseph 4 1 28
1215 Home Mead Pasture Ellis Joseph 3 1 1
1216 Yard And Buildings --- Ellis Joseph 0 0 34
1217 House And Garden --- Ellis Joseph 0 1 12
1218 Great Home Mead Pasture Ellis Joseph 4 3 4
1219 Hanging Ground Pasture Ellis Joseph 6 0 0
1227a Row Wood Ellis Joseph 0 0 5
1227b Row Wood Ellis Joseph 0 0 21
1231 Frenches Meadow Arable Crook Thomas 2 3 2
1232 Sling In Frenches Meadow Pasture Crook Thomas 2 3 26
1234 The Five Acres Pasture Stone Elizabeth 3 3 30
1236 Cowleaze Pasture Stone Elizabeth 6 2 28
1237a The Moat Wood Stone Elizabeth 0 1 6
1237b Cow Plot Pasture Stone Elizabeth 0 2 24
1238 House, Garden, Buildings And Water --- Stone Elizabeth 0 2 38
1239 Sling Pasture Stone Elizabeth 0 0 35
1240 Orchard Close Arable Stone Elizabeth 3 0 37
1241a Drove --- Stone Elizabeth 0 1 8
1241b Little Fisherton Pasture Stone Elizabeth 5 3 22
1242 Great Fisherton Pasture Stone Elizabeth 14 1 20
1246 House And Garden --- Crook Thomas 0 1 12
1248 Cottage And Garden --- Batten Mary 0 0 15
1249 Cottage And Garden --- Roles Thomas 0 0 22
1254 The Brickkiln --- Stone Elizabeth 1 0 20
1255 House And Garden --- Stone Elizabeth 0 0 30
1256 Garden --- Stone Elizabeth 0 0 9
1257 Hareways Pasture Stone Elizabeth 1 0 7
1258 Church Croft Arable Stone Elizabeth 6 0 18
1263 House, Yard And Garden --- Stone Elizabeth 0 1 7
1266 Little Suttons Arable Stone Elizabeth 4 1 15
1267 Barn Ground Arable Stone Elizabeth 7 1 5
1269 House And Orchard --- Smith Thomas 1 0 22
1273 Orchard --- Stone Elizabeth 0 1 4

Total individual landholdings = 270.

Total area of landholdings = 1355.65 acres.

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Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.