In 2015, the National Federation of Women’s Institutes celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the first WI (in Anglesey). The Whiteparish branch hasn’t been around for quite that long but except for one short break there has been a WI here since 1946.

We are a lively group of ladies from Whiteparish Village and the surrounding areas. Visitors and new members are welcomed! Why not pay us a visit? We meet on the 1st Thursday of the month, at 7.30pm in the Whiteparish Memorial Centre.


Date Title/Subject Speaker/organisation
6th February Venice Lagoon Carl Amos
5th March Who do you think you are? (Plus AGM) Gordon Lewis
2nd April Put your best foot forward Elizabeth Jones
7th May Reaching the South Pole (Open meeting- visitors, partners, friends and family welcome) Wendy Searle
4th June Salisbury Mystery Trail  
2nd July Tremendous Terrarium Workshop  
6th August Summer Garden Party (TBC)  
3rd September My Life behind the Veil  
1st October Astrology Graham Birchmore
5th November Craft workshop using scrap Wiltshire scrap store
3rd December Christmas Beading Party/workshop  

Visitors will be asked for a donation of £4, this includes refreshments.

If you would like to contact us or find out more about the WI:
WI Secretary:
National WI website:

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