Held on Thursday 12 July 2007 at 8pm in the Village Hall.
PRESENT: Dave Boakes (Chair) Colin Bray Darryl Parsons
Sarah Hornby Geoff Dear David Crombie
Phil Brown Angela Davey Judy Nunn
Stuart McWilliam
2. MEMBERSHIP: Bob Twiddy has withdrawn from the project team. The representative of the Parish Council is now Stuart McWilliam.
a) Building Design: (DB, DC, AD/DB, DC, DP) Floor plans of the proposed building were presented for inspection and DC believed user groups would approve. No internal storage facilities have been allowed for mower and other large equipment as it was advised that combustibles should be stored in a separate shed. DP suggested removing the toilets in the changing rooms (JN not too sure what DP said about this - please clarify). Elevations drawings are in progress and Salisbury District Council Planning Dept need complete requirements prior to the planning application.
b) Charities Commission issues: (DB, TK) The creation of a new charity combining the Memorial Ground Trust and the Village Hall Management Committee will be required which would widen the outside sources of funding, avoiding the need to repay any capital spent from MGT resources over a period, but repaid annually. The VHMC will need to sell the lease of the village hall back to the Parish Council in order for the land to be sold.
c) Planning permission(s): (CB) SDC planners have said we should show what our users will be expected to do to continue operating while the pavilion and hall are out of commission, if this occurs. Some form of legal agreement to build a new hall will be required before planning permission can be granted for the old hall site or the proposed project.
d) Temporary use plans: (VHMC, MGT) Need to investigate availability and commitments needed to book alternative facilities for user groups, e.g. school, church, Methodist Hall, King’s Head? It was stated that in some instances, developers acquiring (village hall) sites have been prepared to delay development until new facilities have been completed. Another suggestion was to provide a container building for temporary use and build around it later for more permanent security.
e) Funding: (PB, VHMC, MGT) As well as knowing plans for self-funding, we need a comprehensive list of outside sources and criteria involved, e.g. sport, cultural or general type (landfill, SWAG etc). Janette Munro is willing to compile a list of funding sources. We have registered for 2008 grants from Wiltshire County Council. We need to find Sports funding, - ? R2 money. Opportunities for sponsorship might be considered but may involve including the name of the sponsor(s). PB will contact the Charities Information Bureau.
f. Business plan: (DB, PB) Sell plans to Charities Commission, village and planners. Cover capital plans, expected use income, future operating and other costs, other potential sources of income etc. Include role and commitment of voluntary involvement in management, administration and fund-raising efforts. Propose Trust structure for new charity and any other management or operating organisations after delivery of new building.
Note: Appoint a Project Manager as soon as work is underway on building.
g. Communication: (SH) Include report of each meeting in Steeple and Street and village website, but not make each meeting open.
4. FUTURE MEETINGS: It is hoped to arrange a village meeting before the end of the year to approve the development. It was agreed that the team should now meet regularly each month.
6. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 9th August at 8pm in the Village Hall.
Held on 6th December 2006 at 7.45 pm in the King’s Head
1. Apologies: none. All members present plus Darryl Parsons.
2. Minutes of meeting of 30th. August, 2006: accepted.
3. Matters arising: none other than covered by later agenda items.
4. Project team composition: to make up for the loss of Margaret Tarrant, Colin Bray would switch to being a PC member & Darryl Parsons would join as MGT representative, subject to the approval of their host bodies. ( PC subsequently approved for Colin). The group has no secretary & no member wished to volunteer for the job. The suggestion to rotate the job was not enthusiastically received. Left in abeyance. ( Subsequently, following an initiative by Colin Bray, Judy Nunn has been invited & has accepted to have a go).
5. Work in progress:
i. Old village hall site planning permission: still awaiting advice from Janet Wallace as to how many houses she is likely to accept.
ii. Funding developments: Phil Browne gave out some recent information which says we would need to apply to the ‘big lottery’ by April next to be considered for the next tranche of funding. We would not be able to make any practical start on construction until a request for funding was determined. Depending on the amount we are seeking we would need to enter into a legal agreement for varying periods up to 20 years to use the facilities only for the agreed purposes. We would need to have approved plans, an estimate based on competitive tendering & evidence of a proper management structure for the project & its subsequent operation. Other sources of funding we should look at include the Sports Council (pavilion), the Arts Council (stage equipment), the Landfill Tax regime, various local WCC/SDC funds, an appeal to the village, individual sports bodies where appropriate & Council Tax.
iii. Communications: Sarah hopes to get information on our activities into Steeple & Street & the village website in the near future.
iv. Architects’ drawings & design queries: two sets of drawings from HBS, with a meeting & feedback in between had not resolved all our queries. The ‘pavilion’ facilities were OK, but there remained the question of how to handle the stage & its surroundings, & a more recent area, the feeling that we should try to include a second largish space for use as a ‘youth hall’. There was also concern that costs seemed to rise every time we looked at the size & layout of the design. Several roughly prepared footprint areas & cost estimates were reviewed. Eventually it was agreed to go back to HBS with comments & specific requirements as to spaces needed, with specific reference to a permanent end stage, or at least a building long enough to accommodate one & a second smaller hall on the side of the main hall, capable of being totally opened up as an extension to the main hall. It is probable that any such design will push us to a need for outside funding to quite a significant extent but this was not felt to be a reason for not trying to progress in this way.
6. Any other business: none.
7. Next meeting : to be decided at a later date.
Held on Wednesday 30th August 2006 at Whiteparish Village Hall at 7.45 p.m.
Dave Boakes, David Crombie, Phil Brown, Angie Davey, Bob Twiddy, Margaret Tarrant
Geoff Dear, Sarah Hornby
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Architect Selection
Bob and Dave have spent a lot of time talking to and communicating with these companies. Dave has responses which were compared to come up with a decision to recommend HBS.
Their proposals were circulated to the Group for comment.
The next meeting with the architects should involve one person from each Committee plus Dave Boakes. These will be David Crombie, Colin Bray and Bob Twiddy.
It was agreed that Angie should also attend as her Company are donating the Building Control service.
The Parish Council will pay for the initial work which will take us to step D of the RIBA work plan.
Phil said that he would run a finance check on HBS.
A formal vote was taken to ‘accept the proposal to accept the recommendation that HBS should be appointed as Architects to take us through to Step D of the RIBA Work Plan’.
All agreed.
Funding – Phil has still to organise this. He is also making an application to the Big Lottery.
It was agreed that a notice should be put in Steeple and Street asking for volunteers to assist with the project.
Green Issues - Janette Munro has collected a lot of data, some of this may be included in the plans. Question, ‘ should we consider investing beyond what is economic or leave it to the Architects to sort out green issues. It was agreed that we should use their knowledge to decide what we use in the building.
A discussion followed on what the new building should be called. Dave had had several Villagers requesting that the word Memorial should be included. Dave proposed that we should keep it fairly short and recommended Whiteparish Memorial Centre.
Planning permission for Village Hall Site – the Plans had been returned to Colin as the rules have now changed for Outline Permission and more detailed planes are required. The cost of this will be £3000.
The Meeting closed at 9.15
Date of next meeting will be Wednesday 4th October at 7.45 p.m..