Our AGM was held on November 22nd, when the minutes of the last AGM were adopted. Colin Iles, our Chairman welcomed members and he was pleased to report a good year overall and thanked the Committee for their support throughout. He was delighted that Stella Gardener has agreed to take over from Dave Boakes as Treasurer, however a vacancy still remains for Club Secretary, as Ilona Hocking has “retired” from that post. He thanked them both for their hard work and input over the years. Dave Boakes reported that financially, the Club is in good shape and we have a net surplus of £384 compared to a loss of £122 last year. The May plant sale and the stall at the fete helped to boost our finances considerably. The Treasurer gave special thanks to John Butcher for kindly auditing the accounts. Membership fees are to remain at £10.00, and at present we have 45 paid up members. Kate Roberts gave a résumé of our 2008 programme and asked members to let her know if they had any suggestions for future visits or subjects they would like covered by guest speakers. The club’s 2008 programme of events is listed below.
After the AGM closed we were very lucky to have Pat Woodruffe share her slides and experiences of a recent trip to the Algarve, Portugal. We were “whisked away” to warm sunshine and the most exquisite plants and flowers that live around the coastline. The amazing thing was that most of them could easily be grown in this country! We all appreciated her vast knowledge and enthusiasm, so thank you Pat for entertaining us. The evening concluded with a sociable gathering around a table laden with tasty bites and a glass of wine.
Our first meeting of the year is on January 24th when Douglas Patterson will give us a talk on Rosemoor RHS Garden. It is a beautiful garden and much to look forward to.
The Club Committee send Season's Greetings to all members and friends.