Whiteparish Education Foundation
(For contact information, see below)
The Whiteparish Education Foundation was officially created in 1908 through the amalgamation of three Trusts, one of which was around in 1724 that had the objective to provide drying facilities for the clothes of the children who had walked to school.

This was brought up to date in 1967 to allow grants to be made to young residents of Whiteparish who, in the opinion of the Trustees, are in need of financial assistance. The grants are to enable the furtherance of education, from nursery through to University, and also towards the purchase of equipment and books to enable beneficiaries leaving school or University to enter a profession, trade or calling. In addition the Trustees can make grants to Whiteparish Church of England School towards alterations and repairs.

Examples of the items towards which the Foundation has made discretionary grants to individuals are:

  • The purchase of a new musical instrument
  • An Arts and Design course
  • An intensive drama course
  • Music lessons
  • A laptop computer
  • Books and equipment for a University course
  • The cost of participating in a tour with the Swindon and Wilts Youth Orchestra.

Applications are invited by the Trustees from young residents of Whiteparish for grants that are essential for the furtherance of their education. (Only applications from current Whiteparish residents will be considered.)

Please write to Linda Palmer, Chairman, Whiteparish Education Foundation, at palmerlinda@hotmail.co.uk

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