by Malcolm Adams
Following the two public meetings in the Village Hall, and subsequent lengthy telephone conversations with The County Council Officers responsible for the consultation document, I have prepared a briefing note for those busy souls who will be making the decisions on the future progress of the proposals.
The aim is to help our cause by making life a little easier for them by providing an argument that is not based on emotion, but is founded on the principles of planning regulations and policies already adopted or required to be observed.
These are the essential parameters by which the issues will be assessed.
The cornerstone of this approach is that WCC disposes of just over 1 million tonnes of waste a year (or in the year for which the latest available figures exist).
Around 300,000 tonnes of this - a third - is IMPORTED FROM OUTSIDE THE COUNTY.
These statistics (probably worse if more up to date figures were available) put Wiltshire into a shamefully embarrassing position.
It is blindingly obvious that the creation of any additional waste facility south of Salisbury would only serve to add to these embarrassing, indefensible and totally unacceptable figures.
Any County Councillor who fails to support a motion for the total dropping of the present "Area of Search" will be voting for further substantial increases of imported waste into the County.
The following document has therefore been circulated to ALL Wiltshire District Councillors, regardless of political affiliation or committee membership.
Author: Malcolm.Adams, Whiteparish.
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Briefing Note for Wiltshire County Councillors
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