In late autumn 1994, John Morris and Peter Green were rehearsing for the Pepperbox Players annual pantomime, Sleeping Beauty. Whilst waiting to go on the stage, discussions were wide and varied, and the subject of investment clubs arose; both had seen mention of such clubs in the papers, particularly the success of the Beardsdown Ladies in the USA; both had dabbled in shares, primarily the privatisations. If a club was to be started, the accent had to be on the social side, preferably involving eating and drinking. If a profit could be made, then so much the better. Thus was born the Whiteparish Share Club. John sent to ProShare, the organization devoted to promoting wider share ownership, for a manual and video on how to run such a club. An inaugral meeting was held after advertising in the Parish Magazine attracted sufficient people, and we opened for business in January 1995 with 14 members. Within a month three more had joined, and we remained at 17 for the first year.
Subsequently, two members left and four new people joined.
The obvious venue was one of the four pubs in the village, and as The White Hart had a private room it seemed the most suitable for holding our meetings on the first Wednesday of every month, where members used to enjoy a meal and a few drinks before getting down to business.
Unfortunately, the pub was sold in mid-1999 and the new owner has decided to convert the property into private accommodation. Our new home is The Kings Head, where Peter and Thelma, the incumbent licensees, provides us with food and drink and a space in which to hold our meetings.
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