Parish Council Notes
The following matters were amongst those discussed at the
Parish Council Meeting in the
Matters Arising
There is still only one horse sign erected. WCC will be chased again. The existing deer sign has been stolen, and it seems this is what is delaying the issue.... Pains Fireworks will be asked to confirm their transport of fireworks is in accordance with HSE guidelines..... A Councillor attended two meetings on waste disposal. Conclusions will be published in a report next year..... the grit bin in Highlands Way has been refilled..... hedges have been trimmed as requested... Applications for grants for a skateboard park have been completed... Planners have refused a concrete crusher at the Biffa site.
Hop Gardens/Clay Street
A firm of contractors have provide an estimate on the cost of resurfacing Hop Gardens/Clay Street. From the School to the sharp bend would cost £16,705, and for the remainder £8,056, both + VAT. Residents of the 38 dwellings are asked to contact Malcolm Simmons with their views by post or email please at: High View, Clay Street, Whiteparish, SP5 2ST. (
Road Noise
Responding to a letter from a parishoner about the noisy new surface in The Street, WCC stated it was 'a different kind of noise'.
The accounts were adopted. Before a decision is made on a precept for 2001/2, a meeting of the finance sub-committee will take place to discuss a budget.
Parish Solicitors
We now represented by Bonallack & Bishop. They have agreed to deal with legal matters on behalf of the Parish Council. Various documentation is in the process of being distributed from the previous solicitors, Paris, Smith & Randall.
New Forest National Park
A meeting to discuss the boundary of this land was attended by a PC representative. A lengthy report was presented, and will be debated at the next PC meeting. It was suggested by a member of the public that the boundary be extended to include Whiteparish. The full text of the document is available on line at and can be downloaded in PDF.
Speed Limits
A response from WCC has been received regarding the enquiry as to why the proposed limit of 40mph east of the village cannot be extended to the county boundary. A leaflet explaining the criteria was read out and it appears there must be significant pedestrian activity and at least partially built up with more than 35% of total frontages on both sides developed. This limit is also dependant upon a complex calculation of the speed of existing traffic. After some discussion, it was decided to opt for a 50MPH limit from Meadow Court to the county boundary.
It was reported that fallen trees had blocked Footpath 39. The landowner is to be contacted to clear them.
A new stile has been erected on Footpath 6/7, and stiles are to be repaired at the junction of Footpath 4 and 8
A discussion took place as to whether Parish Council notes should appear on the privately owned Whiteparish website, or be transferred to an independent site, owned and run by the Parish Council. It was agreed they should remain in situ.
New Village Facilities
The Chairman of the Parish Council stated that overall control of buildings on the Memorial Ground are the responsibility of the Memorial Ground Trust. He is to contact their Chairman to request a meeting is held in the very near future.
Notice Board
Following adverse comments, the Notice Board has been tidied up. Villagers postings notices are asked to pin them up neatly; time sensitive documents will be removed immediately after the event.
Police Consultative Meeting
At a meeting held on 19th September, the PC representative reported that the Police are actively recruiting Special Constables. It was also suggested that the answerphone at Alderbury Police Substation should have a message giving the mobile phone number of the officer on duty.
Village Hall
The residents responsible for the breakage of a chair and fencing at a party in the hall earlier this year have agreed to pay for the damage. Further quotations are awaited for the interior decoration. A proposal that the playgroup be allowed to stick pictures on the wall at the rear of the stage was passed. Planning permission for a new hall is about to be submitted to SDC.
A report that raw sewage was being dumped on land next to the A36 is being investigated.
Flooding on Brickworth Road outside Richmond Farm is being reported to WCC Highways.
Next Meeting
Villagers are very welcome to attend the next meeting on 14th December at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. Alternatively, if you can't attend but wish to raise any village matter, please contact any Parish Councillor whose details are