Parish Council Notes
Parish Council Notes
The following matters were amongst those discussed at the Annual Parish and Parish Council Meeting
held in the Village Hall on 1st March 2001
Annual Parish Meeting
A question was asked about the land in Common Road that BKG is presently using to store trailers. It was stated that the trailers would be withdrawn from this area within a month.
An enquirer who asked who owns the piece of land recently purchased adjacent to the Memorial Ground was informed it is the Parish Council. It will be managed by the MGMC.
Matters Arising
Hop Gardens - Following seventeen responses to the questionnaire distributed to all dwellings about having the road repaired, a meeting of residents will be held on 4th March.
A site visit to the school by WCC Safety Officers will take place on 8th March to advise on possible solutions of the safety of children walking along Common Road.
Temporary repairs to the road surface have been made along the lane leading to Testwood Cottages.
Planning permission for a swimming pool cover at Wisteria House was refused.
SDC thanked us for our letter and confirmed they will continue to maintain the copse in Highlands Way. Our District Councillor will ensure the bins there are emptied regularly.
Memorial Ground
A copy of the constitution of the MGT will be sent to a parishioner who rents part of the land. The AGM will be held on the 19th March. The Trust hopes to appoint a new Secretary shortly.
The Chairman of the MGMC displayed drawings and artist's impressions of a new Pavilion to replace the existing building and the Youth Club Portakabin. It is hoped to be sited next to the tennis court. Parish Councillors were all in favour of the design, plans of which will now be submitted to SDC for permission to build.
Village Hall
Decoration of the interior using funds from SWAG was again discussed; a letter will be sent to the Chairman of the VHMC requesting this is completed by 30th April.
Skateboard Park
The finance for this is now in place, thanks to a grant of £5000 from SWAG. The balance of the total cost, approximately £13,000, will be met by R2 money and a grant from the PC. Work will commence as soon as weather permits.
The owner of the White Hart will appeal against the decision by SDC to refuse permission to build four new houses.
Parish Lengthsman
WCC are employing flying lengthsmen who will visit an area for two to three days, 3-4 times a year to carry out highway maintenance - filling of potholes, cutting of grass and hedges, clearing ditches, cleaning signs etc. They will liaise with the Parish Clerk who will keep a log of all matters needing attention and prioritise them.
The BIFFA liaison committee met recently. They were told there was not much hope of controlling the odour until the site is capped in about three years time. It could be November before the installation of the new flare.
Police Matters
It was decided not to send a representative to the Consultative Group to discuss Stop and Search activities.
PC Alan Day has been allocated a place on a course to be trained on speed detection equipment, which he can operate independently. He aims to carry out 3-4 checks a month in the village.
He has also been allocated a slot on a Schools Liaison Course in order to forge stronger links with the school.
Rights of Way/Transport
The walking of footpaths to check their condition has been abandoned until the end of the outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease. Parishioners are requested not to use footpaths for any purpose. Signs will be erected.
Next Meeting
Villagers are very welcome to attend the meeting on 12th April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. If you can't attend but wish to raise any village matter, please contact the undersigned or any Parish Councillor whose details are here.
CLARENCE For reporting road and lighting defects and hazards: 0800 23 23 23
SDC For free collection of bulky household refuse: 01722 434319 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Police Alderbury 01722 710208; Salisbury 01722 411444; email:
Peter Green Publicity Officer
Tel: 884358; Fax: 884883;