Matters Arising
The 50MPH speed limit requested has been turned down; instead a 40MPH limit will apply from the end of the 30MPH limit to the lodge approx 1km along the A27. A 50MPH limit will then be considered from that point to the County boundary at next year’s review.
A majority of the residents in the Hop Gardens who have expressed a view are against the road being resurfaced.
Memorial Ground Trust
They will hold a meeting in January, following receipt of legal documents. The PC will write to the MGT and the Charities Commission to ensure the land next to the surgery can be sold, before a planning application is submitted.
Plans for a new pavilion have been drawn up and shown to members.
The previous flare had temporary planning permission only, which is why we now have obnoxious smells along the A36 at Pepperbox Hill. The only objection to a more sophisticated flare came from the National Trust, who believes the residue from the burnt gases may have a detrimental effect on flora and fauna. No mention was made of humans suffering.
Biffa have applied for permission to erect an 8m fence round the boundary of their site to prevent the escape of litter. The PC will ask if mature trees can be planted to screen this structure.
The financial requirements for the year 2001-2 were discussed at a sub-committee meeting. Allowing for increases in administration costs, extra grass cutting, a skateboard park and special and long term projects, a precept (the amount the PC request from SDC) of £12,000 was set.
A request from Richard Parsons, who holds computer awareness days in West Dean for a grant of £30, was agreed if such days were held in this village.
SDC New Structure
Our District Councillor outlined the options available, as reported in the Salisbury Journal some weeks ago. The common consensus of opinion was, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. However, Government has decreed that all towns must acquiesce, and after some discussion, the view of the PC was for a Cabinet and selected leader.
Telecoms Mast
A member of the public told of a planning application for an 18m telecoms mast on the Hampshire/Wiltshire border, and suggested the PC request adjacent planning authorities to notify them should they consider future applications to be of relevance to Whiteparish.
Electoral Roll
The new Electoral Roll has just been published. There are 1159 registered electors in Whiteparish
This is an organisation that provides facilities for children during the holidays. They are given vouchers to take part in a number of activities. The PC agreed to donate £10 for each of the five Whiteparish children eligible..
Village Hall
The archery club who had shown interest in hiring the hall will now not do so as it is 2m too short for club competitions.
Electrical wiring and appliances have been tested. A number of faults were discovered, and the repair of them has been put in hand.
The Playgroup will again be spoken to about keeping doors locked and leaving apparatus out on the stage.
New tables will be purchased to replace those falling apart.
New Forest National Park
Pat Thorne, erstwhile Parish Councillor and now a commoner, has been following the proposal to turn the New Forest into a National Park. She summarized meetings she had attended and answered questions from a disappointingly small number of villagers and Councillors. Most people she had spoken with were against the plan as it was based on the ‘standard’ park as laid down in the 1949 Act; most felt the New Forest was so different from other National Parks, it needed alternative treatment. The head of the Countryside Agency, Marion Spain, would, if she thought that was the best option, recommend to the Government they did not go ahead with the scheme.
No chalk downland will be included in any circumstances. This therefore precludes the inclusion of the whole of Whiteparish. Whether or not the rest of the Parish should be included was discussed at some length. Inclusion would mean that part would be predominantly under the control of Hampshire; a gateway off the A36 could provide jobs (visitor centre, for example).
Councillors eventually decided the response from the PC would be that the boundary should follow the A36 and Moor Lane. Leaflets describing the proposals and asking for comments are available in the shop and surgery.
Since Jewsons have taken over Grahams, it has been noted several lorries have been seen ‘lost’ in the middle of the village. A Councillor will ask Jewsons to provide drivers with a map or directions to their depot.
School Quiz
The team representing the Parish Council won the School Quiz. The prize, a magnum of sparkling wine, was auctioned for the benefit of the school.
Only Sgt Munday has a mobile phone. However, forces are to be issued with radios next year that will accept direct communication from the public. PC Bennett retires shortly, to be replaced by PC Alan Day. He will attend the next meeting of the PC on 25th January to introduce himself.
A number of potholes around the village have been noticed. They are to be reported to the HA.
The flooding along Brickworth Road has been blamed by the Highways Authority on the contractors, who recently installed cable trunking for Energis. It was thought this fairly unlikely, as the flooding has been happening for years. It was decided to write to the HA to ask them to resolve the problem.
The railings round the pond on the A27 are to be repaired by the Highways Authority, either by January 2001, or within 12 months.
Damage to several concrete roadside markers has been noted.
Next Meeting
Villagers are very welcome to attend the next meeting on 18th January 2001 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. Alternatively, if you can't attend but wish to raise any village matter, please contact the undersigned or any Parish Councillor whose details are here.