Parish Council Notes
The following matters were amongst those discussed at the
Parish Council Meeting in the
Matters Arising
There is still only one horse sign erected.... Parking at the entrance of BKG is legal at present.... Footpath 16 has now been cleared.... The loose cable in Common Road is to be connected to an illuminated School sign..... It was suggested a firm of contractors should be approached for a rough estimate on the cost of resurfacing Hop Gardens/Clay Street..... The bottle bank will be emptied more frequently.... The amendment to Pains Fireworks licence was approved.... To divert the overhead power cables traversing the new part of the Memorial Ground to underground would cost £5845 and need various landowners consent.... The cost of cutting the grass on this piece of land will cost £411 pa.Best Kept Village
We came bottom. The judges thought there was too much litter (despite one councillor's valiant effort going round the village with black sacks picking it up a week before judging took place); too many weeds; untidy play area and untidy notice board.Planning
It was proposed by a member of the planning sub-committee that relevant parts of the Local Plan be copied and given to Councillors to aid their decisions when viewing planning applications.A new application for a new road to join the A36 at Brickworth traffic lights appears to be no different from the previous application. After the plans have been studied by the planning sub-committee of the PC and no major differences are found, the response will be the same as the first application.
A letter will be sent to SDC about breaches of planning permission regarding a site adjacent to Brickworth Road
A landowner who owns land next to the school playing field has asked for the PC view on the request from the School to lease his field for addional playing area. The PC will debate this issue at the next meeting.
The Planning Officer would prefer to see four rather than five houses on the present Village Hall site. He was not happy with the plan for a single dwelling on the site behind the surgery, and it was agreed to withdraw the application.
Speed Limits
A number of parishioners attended the meeting following last month's report about the proposed speed limit from Meadow Court to the County boundary. WCC are unwilling to allow a 40MPH limit to the county boundary, only to Cowesfield Lodge; they would, however, permit a 50MPH limit from the end of the existing 30MPH limit and the County boundary. They were not prepared to allow a split limit. The PC will write to ask why, as this is what residents want.School Governor
Due to pressure of work, the current Parish Councillor sitting on the Board of Governors has resigned. A replacement has been suggested and will be confirmed at the next meeting.Skateboard Park
A Parish Councillor met with members of the Memorial Ground Management Committee. It was agreed to site the area of 200 sq. m. near the new entrance. The proposers of the scheme have been asked to raise £1000 towards the cost of the equipment. A grant from SWAG and donations from local businesses would finance the balance.Environment
WCC have withdrawn Whiteparish from the area of search for a proposed Waste Development site; it does not preclude, however, the possibility of a private contractor seeking permission for such a facility.Our District Councillor informed us the Biffa site is to close by 2006 at the latest. To alleviate the smell emanating from the site, a three week trial has been approved to see if the gas causing the noxious odour can be burnt off. If successful, a permanent facility will be installed for the next 30 years. Since filters have been installed no complaints from householders within range of the odour have been received. Should they wish to complain, the contacts are Bill Davidson at SDC on 01722 434340; or Mr Cantello or Ms Theker at the Environment Agency on 01962 713267. It is not known how many complaints have been received by walkers in the vicinity or motorists driving past, as these are not recorded.
A report that Footpath 22 has a diversion is being investigated.
New Village Facilities
At a meeting between some members of the Village Hall Committee and MGMC, it was agreed in principle to erect two buildings on the Memorial Ground: a new Village Hall and a Sports Pavilion of a similar size to the present Youth Club building which would also house that group. The cost of providing the necessary infrastrucure would be shared between the two organizations.Information Availability
A communication from a resident expressed dissatisfaction with the availability of planning applications and minutes of PC meetings in the village. It was stated they were always available by appointment at the Chairman's house, but there was no publicly funded building within the community at which they could be viewed. A Parish Councillor from the planning sub-committee would be more than willing to take information requested to any parishioner physically incapacitated.Village Hall
Planning Permission for a new hall on the Memorial Ground runs out in October; the architect will apply to renew OPP in its present form.The residue of the SWAG money will be used to repaint the interior of the hall yellow with a magnolia roof. Quotes have been sought.
Letters have been written to the residents responsible for the breakage of a chair and fencing at a party in the hall earlier this year.
The 100+ Club has now sold 214 shares - a new record. Thanks to all those who contribute to the upkeep of the hall in this way.
Next Meeting
Villagers are very welcome to attend the next meeting on 14th September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. Alternatively, if you can't attend but wish to raise any village matter, please contact any Parish Councillor whose details are here. Back to PC Index