Parish Council Notes

The following matters were amongst those discussed at the
Parish Council Meeting in the
Church on 12th April 2001

Matters Arising
Hop Gardens - Following the meeting on 4th March, it was decided to tackle the issue by treating the Hop Gardens and Clay Street as separate areas. Although it is believed each resident is the legal owner of the road fronting their property up to the centre line, confirmation of this is being sought.

A site visit to the school by a WCC Road Engineer will take place on 24th April at around 3pm to assess the traffic problem along Common Road when the children finish school.

Temporary repairs to the road surface have been made along the lane leading to Testwood Cottages.

The swimming pool cover at Wisteria House has been removed.

Biffa Grant
Biffaward is the division of the Company that returns wastefill tax in the form of grants for environmental projects. An award of £100,000 has already been made available to go towards the construction of a new village hall. It has now been suggested the PC re-applies for a larger amount to incorporate the existing grant for the construction of a new pavilion instead. Despite opposition to this proposal, it was carried by a small majority.

Planning Permission has been granted for a new flare and higher fence at the Biffa site.

Residents of Highlands Way have received a letter from SDC asking for their co-operation in keeping the recreation area known as The Copse litter free.

The number of flower tubs to be provided this year may be scaled back because of demand.

The village caretaker requested that the rubbish bins in the Memorial Ground be fixed to prevent vandals from emptying them and using them to climb on the roof of the Portakabin. He also noted that one of the seats in the children's play area has a broken wooden slat.

Rights of Way/Transport
A letter from WCC sent out on 12th April gave details of further footpaths to be opened; none are in this Parish.

It was agreed by a majority vote that the National Trust could re-open the car park and part of the byway at Pepperbox Hill.

Village Hall
Decoration of the interior is taking place between 7th and 22nd April.

It was agreed a maintenance book will be provided on the premises for all hall users to note faults.

The Pepperbox Pre-School want a lock on the store in which they keep their goods. They also complained about children getting splinters from the floor; a villager has volunteered his equipment to scrub the floor which is hoped will remedy this.

On the advice of the SDC Planning Officer, the application for a new hall has been suspended in order to assess what needs to be done to obtain Planning Permission. Objections were received from two villagers and the Conservation Officer. Before any building takes place on the MG, an archeological valuation is required by the Education and Library Department of WCC.

Skateboard Park
This has been delayed by the MGMC requiring it to be constructed in a different material. The PC is also checking whether planning permission is required.

A group of youths using Highlands Way for their activities have been requested by the police and householders to desist, in the interests of safety and well-being of residents.

The problems with BKG Transport continue. A warehouse was built without PP after a fire. Plans were then submitted for a further warehouse. Although this was refused, SDC will allow the transfer of permission to the existing building. The new Section 106 order redefines the site so trailers are off the common.

Despite promising to move trailers from the old dairy site, they are still in situ.

Enforcement Officers are looking at the Harestock Cottage sandpit site, known as Harestock Farm where a caravan is to be used as an office to sell agricultural machinery.

The enforcement action of visibility splays at Cowesfield Nursery will result in a contractor carrying out the necessary work by the end of April, and SDC invoicing the owner.

The MGT has given permission for the land adjacent to the Surgery to be sold for housing. However, permission is still required from the Charities Commission. Given the criteria, it is unlikely they will refuse, so it was decided to resubmit the planning application for a single dwelling.

Computer Awareness Day
This free session will take place in the Village Hall from 2pm until early evening on Thursday 24th May, where experienced helpers will assist villagers on all aspects of computing and using the internet.

Police Matters
PC Alan Day reported via email three crimes had been committed in the village over the past eight weeks. A van was broken into and parts stolen; a statue and letterbox were stolen, as were six items of garden machinery. The last theft was carried out in daylight; any sightings of suspicious vehicles, or persons calling at homes for gardening or building work should be reported. A man was arrested for drink/driving after crashing into a wall in The Street.

Memorial Ground
At the AGM, a new Chairman and secretary were appointed.

Next Meeting
Villagers are very welcome to attend the AGM on 17th May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. Anyone who can't attend but wishes to raise any village matter should contact the undersigned or any Parish Councillor whose details are

CLARENCE For reporting road and lighting defects and hazards: 0800 23 23 23
SDC For free collection of bulky household refuse: 01722 434319 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Police Alderbury 01722 710208; Salisbury 01722 411444; email: