Parish Council Notes

The following matters were amongst those discussed at the
Parish Council Meeting in the
Village Hall on 13th April 2000

Sports Facilities A large number of villagers, representing a wide cross section of activities attended this meeting to discuss the way forward for sporting facilities in the community.

The concensus of opinion favoured a separate building from a new village hall, which could possibly also be utilized as a meeting place for the Youth Club. The benefits of two buildings are that funding would be less difficult; there would be no 'culture clash' if, for example, a football match and a wedding reception are held at the same time; and the pavilion could be built at a more convenient location for players on the Memorial Ground.

Each sporting group was asked to put forward a 'wish list' to the Memorial Ground Management Committee, who would be responsible for coming up with a draft plan for further discussion. There was also a request for an area within the Memorial Ground to be developed for skateboarding, blading and BMX biking. A Parish Councillor had been in touch with a number of organizations about the construction of skate parks; he will liaise with the skateboarders to carry this forward.

The PC will apply to SDC for Outline Planning Permission to build residential property on the site of the existing Village Hall and the piece of land between the surgery and the Memorial Ground at present being used as a paddock. Once this is granted the PC will be in a better position regarding their sale value and hence the amount available for new buildings.

Pedestrian Safety Following meetings with the Highways Authority about pedestrian safety in the village, they have informed us there is no need for a pedestrian crossing across Romsey Road at the junction of The Green. This is based on traffic flow and the number of people counted in a recent survey.

On a more positive note, the Authority have agreed to remove the studs and centre white line in The Street, colour the surface buff and paint broad white lines either side of a 5.5m width of the road to give a walkway between 0.5 and 1.5m wide.

Best Kept Village An article giving more details of this will be found elsewhere in the magazine. It was decided to order six tubs of flowers under SDC's scheme to enhance villages. These will be placed around the triangle opposite the Post Office. A resident has kindly offered to keep them watered.

Biffa Site A meeting of the liaison committe, attended by the Chairman and vice-Chairman was held recently. The smell emanating from the area was discussed; this arises from much earlier operations at the site, and the solution seems to be to 'flare off' the noxious gases. This could take up to 25 years.

A planning application to install more advanced concrete crushing machinery is being considered. It was felt this was in the best interests of the village, as it will mean an earlier end to their operations at Pepperbox Hill.

BKG Trailers The Chief Enforcement Officer is investigating breaches in planning permissions and Section 106 requirements, which specifies the number of daily vehicle movements permitted.

There are at present three planning applications outstanding. Parking of trailers on the old milk depot site can continue until it can be determined what the precise use of that site was for under planning law.

Speed Limits A concerned resident brought up the subject once again of a speed limit on the A27 between the County boundary and the existing speed limit. It appears Hampshire County Council are to impose a 50mph limit between the border and Sherfield English, so it was agreed to ask WCC if they could provide a similar or lower limit from the boundary to Meadow Court.

Transport: Following a completed questionnaire returned to SDC, a Deposit Draft Transport Plan 2001-6 has been received from them. Points of particular relevance to Whiteparish include improvements to the A27 between 2003-6.

Environment The copse in Highlands Way is still neglected, overgrown and strewn with rubbish; the bins still haven't been emptied. It was agreed to write again to SDC who are responsible for the upkeep of this area.

Following last month's visit by the Rights of Way Warden, all the village footpaths are being walked by the PC's Rights of Way Officer

Two Councillors attended the Southern Area Committee meeting to hear a presentation by the chairman of the New Forest Committee on the proposed National Park status and its effects. The change to National Park status would have no effect on highways but planning would transfer to a new body, who would aim to continue existing planning policies. The new body would have representation from affected areas and groups, including parish councils.

Memorial Ground WCC have said they will not reduce the price they tendered for cutting the grass, despite it being well in excess of inflation.

Next Meeting Villagers are very welcome to attend the next meeting on 18th May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. Alternatively, if you can't attend but wish to raise any village matter, please contact any Parish Councillor whose details are here.


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