ProShare Competition
The first ProShare competition was held in 1995; there were three categories in which one could enter - Best New Share Club, Most Successful and Best Overall. We entered the first two categories, as our portfolio had performed quite well. In fact it had gained 49% in nine months, so we won a cup (displayed proudly at The White Hart), a 'parcel of goodies' and most importantly a cheque for £1500 from Barclay Stockbrokers, the sponsors of the competition. All this generated a great deal of publicity - The Times was first off the mark with a telephone interview (featured on the front page of the business section), followed by the Western Daily Press, Salisbury Journal, Southampton Daily Echo, London Evening Standard and a full page article with colour photo in the Daily Express. Reader's Digest did an 'in-depth' article, We've even made News of the World (Not sure that's such a good thing...) The Sun sent down a photographer to take a snap of us holding a 'lucky' lottery ticket, but it never made it into print.
We appeared on four TV programmes (Meridian, BBC South, Nick & Anne's morning show and a BBC2 investment program with the irrepressable Alvin Hall. We also featured in a promotional video for ShareLink (before they became Charles Schwab) the Birmingham based stockbroker. Finally, BBC Radio Solent interviewed Peter G and Christine in the studio, with another interview at Peter G's home. Our somewhat protracted 'fifteen minutes of fame'!
Since that initial surge of publicity, Annette has been featured in Woman's Realm, and Bloomberg, the monthly investment magazine came to see us at one of our meetings resulting in a very impressive three page colour spread in the October 1998 edition. What it lacked in accuracy it made up for in artistic interpretation. 'Never let the facts get in the way of a good story' would seem an appropriate truism. There was also a small mention of our activities in Saga Magazine.
In association with ProShare and Sharelink, The Mail on Sunday started a competition for share clubs to pick the best performing share over one month. Our winner, netting us another £1000, was Creos International which rose 79% in a month.
We also enter the most recent competition started by the Daily Mirror but have yet to win any prizes there.
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