Village Hall Management Committee
Annual General Meeting 20th March 2001
Chairman's Report
Minor repairs to equipment and fittings were made including the hot water boiler and hand wash basin. The main expenditure was for the five year electrical survey and necessary repairs in order to obtain the SDC Licence for Public Entertainment.
The painting of the inside of the hall will begin on 9th April and last for about two weeks. Great difficulty had been experienced in obtaining quotes within the available budget.
Seven new lightweight tables have been purchased to supplement the three already in use, much to the delight of hall users.
These have been fluctuating but are broadly similar to last year. A disappointment was the possible booking by an archery club, but the hall was 2m too short for them to participate in competitions.
New Hall
There is great disappointment that the plans have been rejected by the Parish Council by five votes to four. Those Councillors in favour were P Green, M Simmons, C Bray and I O'Neill. Those against were J LeQuesne, L Morrish, H Beauchamp, R Billett and R Chalk. On the advice of the SDC Planning Officer, the application has been suspended in order to assess what needs to be done to obtain Planning Permission. It has been established that the Memorial Ground Trust has full responsibility for approving in principle the erection of a Village Hall on the Memorial Ground. Permission was given in 1992, but confirmation is awaited of this permission before any further progress can be made.
The Chairman of the Parish Council attended the AGM and was very forthcoming about the various pertinent matters concerning the project and he was thanked for addressing the Committee.
Village Hall Management Committee for 2001-2
Chairman: Sid Roberts; Secretary: Judy Nunn; Treasurer: Ian O'Neill; Caretaker: Fred Kemish; Booking Secretary: Joan Morris.
Badminton: J Nunn; Pepperbox Players: M Sirs; Pre School Playgroup: W Bishop; WI and Gardening Club: J Munro; Parish Council: P Green and L Morrish.
Elected Members
S Roberts, D Crombie and I O'Neill.
Sid Roberts, Chairman - Tel: 884462 email: