The 100+ Club was formed some 20 years ago as a means of providing income for the maintenance of the Village Hall.
Originally, 100 members each contributed £10 a year, raising a total of £1000. Half of this was given back to members in prizes at a monthly draw, and the other half was given to the Village Hall Management Committee to use for the upkeep of the building.
The same principle exists today, now with nearly 200 members and a modest increase in the subscription to £12 pa, providing about 25% of the total income of the hall.
It's a very passive club; once you have paid your subscription, you are allocated a share number. Draws take place every month at one of the pubs in the village, and the winners have their cheques delivered to them shortly afterwards. So you don't have to check your number, phone a friend or claim your prize - and you have a better than one in three chance of winning something during the year.
You can, of course, have as many shares as you wish at £12 each to increase your chances of winning. Every month, there are prizes of £25, £15, £10 and four of £5. In addition the Christmas Draw has prizes of £100, £50 and £25.
It would be helpful if you would return this letter with your payment, either to Julie in the Post Office or any of the Club Organizers shown below.
The 100+ Club will also have a stall at the Village Fete on 7th June where renewals will be gratefully received. Thank you for your support.
Best wishes from The 100+ Club Committee
Ian O'Neill, 1 Newton Cottages, Newton Lane, Whiteparish. Tel: 884018
Peter Green, Thornhill, Romsey Road, Whiteparish. Tel: 884358
Daryl Stiles, Channon, Hop Gardens, Whiteparish. Tel: 884402
Cindy Clissold, Cape Cottage, Hop Gardens, Whiteparish. Tel: 884454
I wish to subscribe to ____shares in the 100+ Club, and enclose £_____ in payment, at £12 per share.
Shares should be in the following names:
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
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____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Tel: Email: