VICAR: Revd Jane Dunlop, 01794 884793
TREASURER: Simon White 01794 885703


Whiteparish’s All Saints’ Church is part of the Clarendon Team, which also comprises the parish churches in nearby Alderbury, Farley; Winterslow; Whaddon; West Dean; West Grimstead; East Grimstead; and Pitton.

In addition to local services, there are some combined services within the team (usually on the fifth Sunday of the month).

TEAM RECTOR: Rev Dr Simon Chambers 01980 862231
TEAM VICAR: Revd Jane Dunlop, 01794 884793
TEAM PRIEST: Revd Cynthia Buttimer 01980 862017
TEAM CURATES: Revd David Perry and Lisa Rodrigues
TEAM LICENSED LAY MINISTERS: Debbie McIsaac, Michael Barratt

Services at Whiteparish and other Clarendon Team Churches since March 2021

Covid-19 Regulations currently allow Churches to open for public worship. However because of serious concern about new variants of Covid in the winter of 2020/2021, initially just two of the larger Clarendon Team churches (those in Whiteparish and Winterslow) opted to have services. Some of our churches are also open for quiet reflection and for Private Prayer and the Clarendon Team Website has details of opening times and places, including online services. Church Notice Boards will also have up-to-date details. As can be seen on that website, a fairly comprehensive schedule of services has happily now been restored in Whiteparish and other Team churches (with some restrictions).

An update on the same website, dated 27th April 2021, summarised the current situation as follows: "All our churches are open as normal and Sunday worship pattern has resumed. We still need to follow Covid-Safe guidelines so please bring a mask to wear and follow all directions."
Date Time Description Service Officiant
01-Nov-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
06-Nov-22 08:00 3 Before Advent BCP Eucharist Simon Chambers
06-Nov-22 09:30 3 Before Advent Morning Worship Zoe Clewer
06-Nov-22 18:00 3 Before Advent All Souls Service Lisa Rodrigues
08-Nov-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
13-Nov-22 10:45 Remembrance Sunday Remembrance Service Jane Dunlop
15-Nov-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
17-Nov-22 15:15 Midweek BCP Communion Lisa Rodrigues
20-Nov-22 08:00 Christ the King BCP Eucharist Alec Knight
20-Nov-22 11:00 Christ the King Family Service Jane Dunlop
22-Nov-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
27-Nov-22 09:30 Advent Sunday Parish Eucharist Jane Dunlop
29-Nov-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
04-Dec-22 08:00 Advent 2 BCP Eucharist Alec Knight
04=Dec-22 09:30 Advent 2 Morning Worship Michael Barratt
06-Dec-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
11-Dec-22 09:30 Advent 3 All Age Eucharist with Breakfast Jane Dunlop
11-Dec-22 18:00 Advent 3 Evensong or Compline Zoe Clewer
13-Dec-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
15-Dec-22 15:15 Midweek BCP Communion Jane Dunlop
18-Dec-22 08:00 Advent 4 BCP Eucharist Alec Knight
18-Dec-22 11:00 Advent 4 All Age Service Jane Dunlop
18-Dec-22 18:00 Advent 4 Carol Service Jane Dunlop
20-Dec-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
20-Dec-22 19:00 Midweek Carols in the churchyard  
24-Dec-22 17:00 Christmas Eve Christingle Jane Dunlop
24-Dec-22 23:15 Christmas Eve Midnight Mass Jane Dunlop
25-Dec-22 09:15 Christmas Day Christmas Communion Jane Dunlop
27-Dec-22 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
03-Jan-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
08-Jan-23 09:30 Epiphany All Age Eucharist with Breakfast Jane Dunlop
08-Jan-23 18:00 Epiphany Evensong or Compline Jane Dunlop
10-Jan-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
15-Jan-23 08:00 2nd Sunday of Epiphany BCP Eucharist Alec Knight
15-Jan-23 11:00 2nd Sunday of Epiphany All Age Service Jane Dunlop
17-Jan-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
22-Jan-23 09:30 Epiphany 3 Parish Eucharist Ruth Schofield
24-Jan-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
31-Jan-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Su 05-Feb-23 08:00 3 Before Lent BCP Eucharist Alec Knight
Su 05-Feb-23 09:30 3 Before Lent Morning Worship Debbie McIsaac
Su 12-Feb-23 09:30 2 Before Lent All Age Eucharist with Breakfast Jane Dunlop
Su 12-Feb-23 18:00 2 Before Lent Sung Evensong TBA
Su 19-Feb-23 08:00 Sunday Before Lent BCP Eucharist Alec Knight
Su 19-Feb-23 11:00 Sunday Before Lent All Age Service Jane Dunlop
We 22-Feb-23 15:15 Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday Service Jane Dunlop
Su 26-Feb-23 09:30 Lent 1 Parish Eucharist Lisa Rodrigues
Tu 28-Feb-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Su 5-Mar-23 08:00 Lent 2 BCP Eucharist Ruth Schofield
Su 5-Mar-23 09:30 Lent 2 Morning Worship Zoe Clewer
Tu 7-Mar-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Su 12-Mar-23 09:30 Lent 3 All Age Eucharist with Breakfast Jane Dunlop
Su 12-Mar-23 18:00 Lent 3 Evensong or Compline Jane Dunlop/Lisa Rodrigues
Tu 14-Mar-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Th 16-Mar-23 15:15 Midweek BCP Holy Communion Jane Dunlop
Su 19-Mar-23 08:00 Mothering Sunday BCP Eucharist Jane Dunlop
Su 19-Mar-23 11:00 Midweek All Age Service Jane Dunlop
Tu 21-Mar-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Su 26-Mar-23 09:30 Lent 5 Morning Prayer Jane Dunlop
Tu 28-Mar-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Su 02-Apr-23 09:30 Palm Sunday Palm Sunday Service Jane Dunlop
Tu 04-Apr-23 09:00 Holy Tuesday Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Fr 07-Apr-23 10:00 Good Friday The Way of the Cross Lisa Rodrigues
Fr 07-Apr-23 14:00 Good Friday An hour at the Cross Lisa Rodrigues
Su 09-Apr-23 09:30 Easter Day Easter Eucharist Jane Dunlop
Tu 11-Apr-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Su 16-Apr-23 08:00 Easter 2 BCP Eucharist Jane Dunlop
Su 16-Apr-23 11:00 Easter 2 All Age Service Jane Dunlop
Tu 18-Apr-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
Th 20-Apr-23 15:15 Midweek BCP Holy Communionr Jane Dunlop
Su 23-Apr-23 09:30 Easter 3 Parish Eucharist Jane Dunlop
Tu 25-Apr-23 09:00 Midweek Morning Prayer Lisa Rodrigues
All are welcome at all services. Booking is not necessary.
Please Note:The current service pattern may change due to Covid restrictions or similar and the practicalities of holding services. For latest information please check the Clarendon Team’s website.
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The running of the Church and the enjoyment of the Services depend upon the help of its members. If you would like to become involved you would be most welcome.

For example, the following tasks are all done by volunteer members on rotas:
reading the lesson; leading intercessions; sides person duties; coffee/squash/ biscuits; church cleaning; and church flowers.

Other activities associated with the church are: choir; music group; PCC; Children's Work; Youth Group; Village Fete group; and welcome group.

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Children from 7 years old are encouraged to join the choir and do their ribbon work for the RSCM. Anyone who enjoys singing is welcome to come along.

Choir Practice is in the Church on Friday evening, from 6.30pm - 7.30pm

There is a regular Choir most Sundays, but numbers are boosted at Festivals, when a large four-part choir is assembled. There are occasional team services when the choirs combine, also occasional concerts. If you are interested please contact:
Adult Choir: Richard Tulloch (Choir Master) 01725 511 486
Junior Choir:
Mary Odurny 884 592


We have a lively music group, which plays every month at the Family Service. Anyone who plays an instrument is welcome; there are a variety of instruments from drums to flute. To find out more please contact: Michael Foster 884 498

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We take our children’s safety seriously. All our workers with children and young people are DBS checked. A copy of our child protection policy is pinned up at the back of the Church.


Children are very welcome to all services at All Saints' and we hope they will join in and participate in worship with us, although some services are more appropriate for younger children.

You are welcome to bring quiet toys for younger children to play with during worship. There are toy bags provided in a basket near at the back of the church. You will find additional books underneath the hymn book stand. Please don't worry if your children make a little noise.

Once they are older children are encouraged to help with reading and leading prayers, singing in the choir and playing in the music group.

Once a month (usually the third Sunday) we have All Age Worship This is a 'child friendly' service to which children are encouraged to come, but it is specifically designed to enable the whole Church to worship together. There is a children's corner with activities.


Children aged 7 upward, who worship with us regularly, may be prepared to receive Holy Communion if parents and children both wish it. Young people are encouraged to prepare for Confirmation. You should contact the Team Rector about either of these.


On Monday mornings from 10-11.30 am the Lay Pastoral Assistants welcome parents with babies and toddlers under school age to come to the Church for coffee, fun and fellowship.

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COFFEE MORNING in the Cowesfield Room, the Memorial Centre, third (3rd) Friday each month, 10 to 12 o'clock.


Home Group meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7.30pm. This group meets to study and discuss topics related to our faith.

All are welcome.

For further information please contact- Paul Gooderham. 01794 884 528


The Church Lunch Club meets on the first Thursday of each month in the Memorial Hall for a simple lunch between 12.30 and 2.00 pm. Transport can be arranged.

For further information please contact- Patricia Boyle. 01722 710570


Run within All Saints Church every third Monday afternoon during term time. Bible stories, songs, and activities.

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Whiteparish is fortunate to have a thriving little primary school, which caters for around 140 children. This draws young families to move into the village to benefit all.

The School has a very active PTA which organises many social functions throughout the year, which are open to everyone in the village. These include plays, quiz evenings, dances, and a huge firework display.

The Church and School combine forces one weekend in the summer to organise a Bands Night with Hog Roast on the Friday, Fete on the Saturday, and Songs of Praise on the Sunday; all on the Memorial Ground. This is a major fundraiser for both, and brings the whole village together.

The school welcomes help and involvement from people in the village and there are opportunities to become Foundation Governors.

School Secretary: Kay Witcher 884 420


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For all major services, such as marriages, baptisms and funerals, your first point of contact should be the Revd Jane Dunlop, who will be pleased to help you contact the right person.

However there may be other times when you feel the need of some help you may like to contact one of the Lay Pastoral Assistants who are attached to All Saints’ Church, or one of the Clergy.

A Lay Pastoral Assistant is a person who engages in pastoral ministry on behalf of the local church. They are trained volunteers who are licensed by the Diocese to carry out many pastoral needs like visiting the housebound or sick, supporting the bereaved or visiting families with special needs. Home Communion can also be distributed.

The lay Pastoral Assistants in Whiteparish are trusted members of All Saints' Church who believe in the power of prayer, are able to listen and care for others and, most importantly, are able to keep confidences.

Should you need their help, please contact one of them:

Patricia Boyle (01722 710570), Zoe Clewer (884550), Paul Gooderham (884528), Belinda Knapman (884468), Jane Lax (884434), Jane Legat (884600), Shirley Near (884386), Lynn Walworth (01725 513738)

For information about the Church of England’s safeguarding policies, click here

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