Land occupied or used by Gay Alfred

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateLandownerOther Occupiers*AcresRoodsPerches
643 Row Wood Nelson --- 0 3 22
644 Waste Arable Nelson --- 10 1 37
645 Waste Arable Nelson --- 11 0 37
646 Row Wood Nelson --- 0 0 19
647a Old Road Wood Nelson --- 0 1 18
647b Eighteen Acres Arable Nelson --- 20 0 26
648 Row Wood Nelson --- 0 1 27
661 Bottom Field Arable Nelson --- 13 2 36
662 Row Wood Nelson --- 0 0 38
663 Bottom Field Arable Nelson --- 7 3 22
664 Pit And Row Wood Nelson --- 0 3 37
665 Bottom Field Arable Nelson --- 6 1 4
666 Old Chalk Pit Wood Nelson --- 0 0 34
668 The Hundred Acres Arable Nelson --- 1 0 2
669 Part Of Whips Hill Wood Nelson --- 0 1 16
670 Whips Hill Arable Nelson --- 12 3 10
672 Part Of Whips Hill Arable Nelson --- 2 3 26
674 Conertgre Arable Nelson --- 13 0 37
675 Double Fence --- Nelson --- 0 0 28
676 Titchborne Drove Pasture Nelson --- 4 3 14
677 Row Wood Nelson --- 0 1 5
678 BattsHill Arable Nelson --- 18 3 30
679 The Little Meadow Pasture Nelson --- 1 1 26
680 Double Fence --- Nelson --- 0 0 20
681 Great Mead Pasture Nelson --- 5 1 20
682 Great Mead Pasture Nelson --- 4 0 16
683 Titchborne Mead Plot Pasture Queen Elizabeth Charity --- 0 1 20
684 Yards And Buildings --- Nelson --- 0 2 17
685 House And Garden --- Nelson --- 0 2 14
686 Home Field Pasture Nelson --- 2 1 10
687 Orchard Pasture Nelson --- 0 3 34
688 Clay Croft Arable Nelson --- 9 2 1
689 Clay Croft Row Wood Nelson --- 1 3 10
698 Cottage And Garden --- Nelson --- 0 1 22
1023 Row Wood Nelson --- 1 0 39
1024 Merrydons Arable Nelson --- 3 0 0
1025 Merrydons Arable Nelson --- 3 0 30

Total individual landholdings = 37.

Total area of land occupied or used = 162.525 acres.

* "Other Occupiers" means any other occupiers or users of the land who are mentioned in the tithe records. If blank, it does not mean that no-one else was living in a named house, for example.

View other tables:
Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.