Land occupied or used by Gardner Charles

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateLandownerOther Occupiers*AcresRoodsPerches
11 Cottage And Garden --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 10
13 Yard And Build --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 5
25 Orchard Pasture Gardner Charles --- 0 0 18
26 House And Garden --- Gardner Charles --- 0 0 29
820a Costers Field Arable Giles Richard --- 0 1 29
820b Costers Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 1 1 32
820c Costers Field Arable Nunn George --- 0 1 5
820d Costers Field Arable Nelson Countess --- 1 0 1
821 House And Garden --- Nelson Countess --- 0 0 39
822 Barn Ground Arable Nelson Countess --- 2 0 35
842 Cooks Arable Nelson Countess --- 5 1 9
843 Cooks Arable Nelson Countess --- 5 3 2
844 Trunks Plot Pasture Nelson Countess --- 1 2 39
849 Southern Close Pasture Nelson Countess --- 0 3 19
850 Southern Close Arable Nelson Countess --- 2 0 12
875 Ivorys Meadow Pasture Nelson Countess --- 4 3 35

Total individual landholdings = 16.

Total area of land occupied or used = 26.74375 acres.

* "Other Occupiers" means any other occupiers or users of the land who are mentioned in the tithe records. If blank, it does not mean that no-one else was living in a named house, for example.

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Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.