Land occupied or used by Bristow Robert Esq.

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateLandownerOther Occupiers*AcresRoodsPerches
206 Chalk Pit Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 38
207 Reeves Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 5 0 19
208 Testwood Coppice Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 0 2
210 Row In The Park Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 1
211 Chalk Pit Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 8
212 Pleasure Gardens --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 2 34
213 House And Kitchen Garden --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 0 4
214 Flower Garden --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 38
215 Fir Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 14
216 The Park Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 30 3 28
217 Cottage And Garden --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 6
218 Farm Yard And Buildings --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 18
219 A Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 8
220 Ride And Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 0 38
221a Great Dean Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 10 2 13
221b Little Bidnells Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 7 2 29
222 Row In Great Bidnells Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 20
223 Great Bidnells Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 7 3 25
224 Ride And Row --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 18
229 Little Furze Ground Furze Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 2 11
230a South Croft Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 6 2 36
230b Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 16
232 Poplar Hill Coppice Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 4 3 34
233 Part Of The Park Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 4 1 3
234 Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 5 1 4
235 Two Lodge Houses --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 3
236 Adjoining Keepers House Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 11
237 Keepers House And Garden --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 38
238 Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 28
239 Foxes Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 10 0 38
240 Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 35
241 Ash Hill Common Common Bristow Robert Esq. --- 20 0 37
242 Ash Hill Common Common Bristow Robert Esq. --- 14 2 34
245 The Pasture Pasture Lockhart James --- 2 1 9
246 2 Cottages And Gardens --- Lockhart James --- 0 0 28
247 The Pasture Arable Lockhart James --- 2 3 3
248 Good Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 1 37
249 Row In Good Field Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 35
250 Row In Three Corner Field Wood Lockhart James --- 0 1 0
251 Three Cornered Field Arable Lockhart James --- 3 2 37
252 Rough Field Pasture Lockhart James --- 2 2 38
253 Row Wood Lockhart James --- 3 0 13
254 Good Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 3 11
255 Part Of Food Field Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 26
256 Fire Bladders Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 4 1 30
257 Orchard --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 0 28
258 Drive Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 13
259a Drive In Ash Hill Field --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 27
259b Garden --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 38
260 Part Of Ash Hill Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 3 22
261 Orchard Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 2 18
262 Paddock Orchard Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 34
263 Warren Coppice Wood Lockhart James --- 8 0 29
264 Farm House And Garden --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 32
265 Paddock Orchard Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 35
266 Part Of Ash Hill Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 3 3 18
267 Row In Ash Hill Field Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 26
268 Coopers Hill Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 7
269 Ride Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 0 1
270 Coopers Hill Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 5 3 37
271 Pit In Park Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 33
272 Lodge --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 3
273 Pit In Park Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 22
274 Pit In Park Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 3 34
275 Part Of The Park Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 1 4
276 Part Of The Park Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 24 0 4
277 Row In The Park Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 18
278 Plantation In Park --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 11
279 Arnolds Coppice Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 17 3 29
280 New Slade Wood Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 12 1 3
281 Row And Ride --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 22
282 Allotment In Great Common Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 0 6
283 Allotment In Great Common Field Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 12
284 Allotment In Great Common Field Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 16
285 Allotment In Great Common Field Arable Fremantle Lady --- 1 2 28
286 Allotment In Great Common Field Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 11
287 Allotment In Great Common Field Wood And Pasture Fremantle Lady --- 1 3 16
288 Allotment In Great Common Field Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 12
289 Allotment In Great Common Field Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 32
290 Allotment In Great Common Field 2ood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 26
291 Allotment In Great Common Field Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 0
292 Allotment In Great Common Field Arable Fremantle Lady --- 3 0 19
293 Allotment In Great Common Field Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 3 8
294 Paddock Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 20
295/6 Mansion House Buildings And Pleasure Gardens --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 8 0 16
297 Shrubbery Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 3 1 21
298 Pits Wood Fremantle Lady --- 1 3 34
299 Ride --- Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 18
300 Bell Croft Arable Fremantle Lady --- 3 1 14
301 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 35
302 Green Grove Arable Fremantle Lady --- 5 0 24
303 Paddock Pasture Fremantle Lady --- 1 1 11
304 Row And Ride Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 11
305 Home Field Arable Fremantle Lady --- 13 0 23
306 jGarden --- Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 10
307 House And Buildings --- Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 23
308 Rickyard --- Fremantle Lady --- 1 0 26
309 Row And Ride Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 2 30
310 Great Common Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 11 1 35
311 Pit Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 22
312 Allotment As Above Arable Fremantle Lady --- 5 0 25
313a Allotment In Great Common Field Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 0
313b Allotment In Great Common Field Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 37
314 Allotment In Great Common Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 1 12
315 Common Field Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 25
316 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 2 10
317 Row And Ride Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 2 34
318a Long Field Arable Fremantle Lady --- 17 2 25
318b Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 2 10
319 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 34
321 Pit Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 8
322 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 3
323 Pond Close Arable Fremantle Lady --- 19 0 23
324 Pin In Parsonage Close Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 11
325 Parsonage Close Arable Fremantle Lady --- 15 1 27
331 Buckleberry Arable Fremantle Lady --- 10 3 9
332 Mulberry Arable Fremantle Lady --- 16 21 1
333 Enoch's Arable Fremantle Lady --- 19 3 5
334 Pit Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 29
335 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 20
336 Pit In Enoch's Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 9
337 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 2 26
338 Little Common Field Arable Fremantle Lady --- 13 3 31
339 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 0
340 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 12
341 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 17
342 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 2 10
343 Little Pilmer Arable Fremantle Lady --- 2 1 23
344 Chapel Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 2 26
350 Pit In Little Pilmere Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 34
351 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 34
352 Pit In Little Pilmer Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 29
353 Little Pilmer Arable Fremantle Lady --- 4 0 12
354 Upper Barn Croft Arable Fremantle Lady --- 11 1 7
355 Barn Croft Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 2 0 29
356 Lower Barn Croft Arable Fremantle Lady --- 6 0 26
357 Row In Lower Barn Croft Wood Fremantle Lady --- 2 0 3
362 Upper Barn Croft Arable Fremantle Lady --- 9 0 23
363 Pit In Upper Barn Croft LWood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 1
364 Great Stony Dean Arable Fremantle Lady --- 9 2 15
365 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 27
366 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 14
367 Little Stony Dean Arable Fremantle Lady --- 6 0 30
368 Pit --- Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 12
369 Row Wood Fremantle Lady --- 0 0 26
370 Row JVood Fremantle Lady --- 0 1 5
372b Little Stony Dean Coppice Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 1 38
659 Chapel Coppice Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 2 6
660a Chapel Coppice Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 36
1322c Common --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 11 3 17
1327 Pit And Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 3 26
1328 Great Bantoms Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 11 1 30
1329 Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 1 9
1330a Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 5
1330b Great Bantoms Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 7 2 14
1331 The Acre Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 0 17
1333 Water And Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 30
1334 Brutons Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 13 1 26
1335 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 31
1336 Brutons Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 7 1 8
1337 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 22
1338 Withy Bed Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 12
1339 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 12
1340 Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 0 18
1341 Barn Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 9 3 9
1342 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 16
1344 Barn Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 7 3 35
1345 Yards And Buildings --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 37
1346 Yards And Buildings --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 2 13
1347 House And Garden --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 4
1348 Paddock Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 36
1349 Pit And Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 0 30
1350 Home Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 15 3 33
1351 The First Pasture Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 4 3 4
1352 Round Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 11 3 19
1353 The Great Mead Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 13 1 5
1354 The Hundred Acres Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 9
1355 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 1 14
1356 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 0 9
1357 Middle Mead Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 5 2 4
1358 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 1 6
1359 Purlieu Field Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 10 0 11
1360 Middle Pasture Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 5 3 19
1361 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 34
1362 Withy Bed Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 1 3 14
1363 The Six Acre Mead Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 6 1 10
1364 The Nine Acres Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 0 1
1365 Near Nine Acres Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 7 3 4
1366 Row Wood Bristow Robert Esq. --- 0 3 32
1367 Ozier Bed --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 0 39
1368 The Seven Far Acres Arable Bristow Robert Esq. --- 7 2 16
1369 The Six Acres Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 6 1 25
1370 Plantation --- Bristow Robert Esq. --- 2 2 28
1371 Plaitford Pasture Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 5 3 9
1372 Plaitford Pasture Pasture Bristow Robert Esq. --- 5 0 22

Total individual landholdings = 195.

Total area of land occupied or used = 716.475 acres.

* "Other Occupiers" means any other occupiers or users of the land who are mentioned in the tithe records. If blank, it does not mean that no-one else was living in a named house, for example.

View other tables:
Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.