Land occupied or used by Parsons Stephen

MapKeyName/Description of LandCultivation stateLandownerOther Occupiers*AcresRoodsPerches
479 Pit --- Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 0 10
480 Yewish Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 9 0 12
481 Yewish Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 5 1 34
482 Yewish Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 10 1 23
483 Pit Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 0 16
512 Old Road Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 0 11
513 The Pasture Pasture Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 2 0 12
521 Bartons Ham Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 8 0 4
522 Pitt Hill Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 11 1 21
523 Pitt Hill Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 9 2 38
524 Royal Field Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 7 1 33
524b School Ground Arable Lynches School --- 5 3 10
525 Two Pits ^Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 2 3
526 Royal Field Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 17 1 23
527 Royal Field Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 2 0 27
528 Royal Field Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 10 3 19
540 Grays Eye Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 3 2 36
541 School Ground Arable Lynches School --- 10 1 18
542 Row Wood Lynches School --- 0 1 13
543 Row Wood Lynches School --- 1 2 6
544 School Ground Arable Lynches School --- 12 1 19
713 Saint Marys Ham Wood Queen Elizabeth Charity Welstead Moses 0 3 12
715 Little Lowdens Arable White Henry --- 1 2 22
746 Church Coppice Wood Queen Elizabeth Charity Welstead Moses 2 3 3
785 Knowles Arable White Henry --- 5 2 12
789 Yard And Buildings --- White Henry --- 0 2 6
790 House And Garden --- White Henry --- 0 0 35
791 Orchard Pasture White Henry --- 0 1 27
792 The Close Arable White Henry --- 1 0 37
793 Home Piece Arable White Henry --- 3 3 37
794 Rubbly Field Arable White Henry --- 5 0 12
797 The Long Flood Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 7 3 5
798 The Ten Acres Arable White Henry --- 10 0 16
799 The Ten Acres Arable White Henry --- 11 1 29
801 Garden --- Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 0 21
810 Orchard Pasture Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 1 0 1
811 House And Garden --- Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 1 12
812 Yard And Buildings --- Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 3 16
813 Little Meadow Pasture Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 2 0 6
814 Ash Close Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 5 3 22
818 Little Southern Field Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 6 0 26
851 Great Southern Field Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 7 0 10
852 Long Field Arable White Henry --- 3 0 3
879a Home Field Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 4 1 21
879b Home Field Pasture Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 0 22
880 Suttons Meadow Pasture Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 3 2 3
919 Pressys Field Meadow White Henry --- 2 0 29
920 Two Rows Wood White Henry --- 0 1 4
921 Lower Pressys LWood White Henry --- 1 0 39
922 Part Of The Common Pasture White Henry --- 5 0 2
923 Pressys Field Arable White Henry --- 3 2 28
924 Pressys Mead Pasture White Henry --- 2 3 34
925 Row Wood Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 3 18
926 Row Wood Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 0 3 7
927 Broom Close Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 6 3 23
928 Ladder Stile Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 12 2 27
929 Frickers Mead Arable Fort George Yalden Esq. --- 8 1 14
948 Fosters Arable White Henry --- 3 2 18
954 Marsh Mead Pasture White Henry --- 3 1 35
957 The Sling Pasture White Henry --- 0 2 23

Total individual landholdings = 60.

Total area of land occupied or used = 267.65625 acres.

* "Other Occupiers" means any other occupiers or users of the land who are mentioned in the tithe records. If blank, it does not mean that no-one else was living in a named house, for example.

View other tables:
Alphabetical list of landowners
Alphabetical list of land occupiers/users
List of landowners in order of total land area in village
List of land occupiers/users in order of total land area in village
List of individual land areas with tithe map reference keys
Or go to the "Whiteparish Landowners and Land Users in 1842" page in the main website.